2024-10-08 龟兔赛跑 2664
Was Abraham Lincoln a good president?


Richard Lobb
Why is Abraham Lincoln always regarded (as I read almost everywhere) as one of the best presidents (one of the best three in the most surveys) in the United States history?
I agree with a ranking that places Lincoln among our very best presidents. I have always felt Lincoln is in a group of three at the tippy-top of the presidents — consisting of Washington, Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Washington because he did more than any other single person to create the nation and set it on its extraordinary course; Lincoln because he preserved the nation from dissolution; and FDR because he projected the nation onto the world stage. Feel free to argue, but that’s my view.


He did what was needed during the most brutal war American has ever been a part of as it happened on our own soil by our own countrymen. He led the country to victory for a noble cause which means he’s viewed favorably by the public today, especially because he was assassinated and people always hold great sympathy for those great people who died before their time….that being said if he had been president today he would have been torn to shreds for his crimes.


so Abraham Lincoln was a great president to achieve victory in war but he did actually commit offenses that would have seen him impeached after the war. He violated the constitution numerous times.
Lincolns most controversial action was that he suspended the writ of habeas corpus. This allowed him to imprison anyone and everyone that was viewed as a southern sympathizer without them having committed a crime or being told what specific crime they committed. If a modern president did this there would be outrage no matter the circumstances. It let Lincoln imprison any southern sympathizers indefinitely without fair trial.


He also used government suppression on the press to threaten any articles that painted the north unfavorably when that was the only way to get information back then.
He ordered the unx army into the south without the approval of congress which is needed under any circumstances at the time.
He ordered the arrest warrant of a Supreme Court justice who said Lincoln was breaking the constitution


and for immoral actions that are understood but frowned upon during war, he ordered a general to burn southern food and supplies that were meant for civilian use during the winter, and his non consented first attack killed 50,000 southern civilians.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

He was a GREAT military commander and president like George Washington. At the same time he broke several laws that would leave any president today impeached. So was he a good president? He was great for the COUNTRY in the long term. But he was very Machiavellian and believed that he could use whatever means necessary to win the war. That’s why I think it’s important we remember him as a great leader who shouldn’t be deified as this friendly and wise old man. He was very vicious when it came to winning even towards the unx and at certain points when the war was hard was closer to a dictator than a president.


William Murphy
What made Abraham Lincoln a great leader?
Lincoln was a very gifted politician. He could be very charming and persuasive in person, and even his political oponnents often found themselves liking him in spite of themselves. He was not a great public speaker, though he was capable of writing a brilliant speech; his Gettysburg Address was a brilliant summary both of the stakes of the civil war and his vision of the kind of country the U.S. should be, and it took only two minutes to deliver. His second inaugural address is, in my opinion, one of the two or three most important and best speeches ever delivered by an American president.


Lincoln was brilliant but lacked an ego. He was willing to work with members of Congress even if they were publicly very critical of him, and refused to take such criticism personally. In 1860, he was barely even a consideration for the Republican presidential nomination, as there were a half dozen more prominent candidates, but he outmaneuvered them for the nomination and then asked nearly all the men he defeated to serve in his cabinet, even though all of them thought they deserved to be president more than he did, because they were the best minds and leaders in his party and he knew he'd need their help.


Lincoln was a rare leader whose personal and poltical gifts were exactly what was needed at the.moment of greatest crisis in U.S. history, and without him there would be no single, unified nation calling itself the United States of America today; there'd be at least two smaller, weaker nations (and probably more than two) where there is one U.S. today.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nate Anderson
Why is Abraham Lincoln considered the best president?
For most people, Lincoln = (ending slavery) + (keeping the unx together)
Both events are viewed highly favorably and he's therefore considered one of the best.
What history has mostly forgotten is that in order to achieve those two key aspects of his legacy he also crippled state rights and strengthened the central government considerably.
For those who believe Democracy works best when power is decentralized (myself included), I have mixed feelings about Lincoln: On one hand, ending slavery and extending individual rights is unequivocally good and is a truly Democratic act. On the other hand, the byproduct of his approach was the long-term weakening of a different core aspect of our Republic.


Renee Osborne McClean
Lincoln was an exceptional American leader because of his ability to use his perceived weaknesses as strengths and because his character was intrinsically decent and good. As historian Doris Kearns Goodwin points out in her book, “Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln”, Lincoln was a brilliant political strategist and positioned himself not as an extremist but as a consistent voice on moral policy as seen in the Republican Convention of 1859. He recognized the weaknesses in his opponents and sought to avoid those qualities in his character, “Finally, Lincoln’s profound and elevated sense of ambition — “an ambition”, Fehrenbacher observes, “notably free of pettiness, malice and overindulgence,” shared little common ground with Chase’s blatant obsession with office, Seward’s tendency towards opportunism, or the ambivalent ambition that led Bates to withdraw from public office. Though Lincoln desired success as fiercely as any of his rivals, he did not allow his quest for office to consume the kindness and openheartedness with which he treated supporters and rivals alike, and did not alter his steady commitment to the antislavery cause.” (Kearns Goodwin, p. 256).

林肯之所以成为一位非凡的美国领袖,是因为他能够将自己的弱点转化为优势,并且他本性善良、品格高尚。历史学家多丽丝·基恩斯·古德温(Doris Kearns Goodwin )在她的书《对手团队:亚伯拉罕·林肯的政治天才》中指出,林肯是一位卓越的政治策略家,他没有把自己定位为极端分子,而是在1859年的共和党大会上,展现出了在道德政策上的坚定立场。他识别出对手的弱点,并努力避免自己出现同样的问题。“最终,林肯深刻而高尚的抱负——费伦巴赫评论说,这种抱负“显著地没有小气、恶意和过度放纵”——与蔡斯对职位的明显迷恋、西沃德的投机倾向,或贝茨因矛盾的抱负而退出公职的情况几乎没有共同点。尽管林肯像他的对手一样渴望成功,但他没有让自己对职位的追求吞噬了他对支持者和对手一视同仁的善意和慷慨,也没有改变自己对废奴事业的坚定承诺。”(古德温,第256页)。

Another example of profiting from his rival’s character flaws was when he accepted the speaking engagement at Cooper unx which placed him on the national stage and whereas Salmon Chase declined because he saw it as too unimportant for him to attend. Eventually, Lincoln reached out to Salmon Chase, William Seward, and Edward Bates to join his political “family”, the Cabinet. He also recognized that his own perceived weaknesses could be used as strengths. For example, given the fact that Lincoln had two failed attempts to win Illinois’ Senate seat and served only one term in the House meant that he had not the time to accumulate political enemies. When it came to dismissing the incompetent General Fremont, who was the darling of the Mexican American War, Lincoln skillfully leaked a Congressional report about him to the press to prepare public sentiment against him before the axe fell.


Suffering losses in his own personal life before and during the War i.e. the loss of his son, Edward before he ran for president and the death of his third son, Willie in 1862, made Lincoln incredibly and obviously empathetic. A war correspondent on a visit to General McClellan’s encampment in July of 1862, noted how the troops demonstrated a profound sense of endearment for their Commander in Chief, “ His benignant smile as he passed on was a real reflection of his honest, kindly heart; but deeper, under the surface of that marked and not all uncomely face, were the unmistakable signs of care and anxiety…”.


Lastly, Lincoln had a profound sense of posterity and the ripples of his actions throughout the annals of time. This was seen when he signed the Emancipation Proclamation. As the paper was unrolled before him, he stayed his hand as the gravity of his action weighed upon him, “I never, in my life, felt more certain that I was doing right, than I do in signing this paper,” he said. “If my name ever goes into history it will be for this act, and my whole soul is in it.” The Senator-elect from Ohio and future president, James Garfield prophetically said, “Strange phenomenon in the world’s history when a second-rate Illinois lawyer is the instrument to utter words which shall form an epoch memorable in all future ages.”

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yes, Lincoln was a remarkable person and leader because that simple, humble man, who literally came from the wilderness, fought for every ounce of self-education, not only fulfilled his true purpose signing the Emancipation Proclamation; he ended one age of United States social and economic history and unleashed the birth of a new nation.


Matthew Sutton
Is Abraham Lincoln the greatest President that the US has ever had?
Many do consider him the greatest, and just about any credible, mainstream ranking of Presidents will place him in the top three.


He probably had the single most difficult Presidency and managed to pull off what in retrospect seems implausible for any mortal. He saw many of his officers resign to join the Confederacy which he still defeated and occupied in the bloodiest war in US history (to date the CSA is largest country ever 'annexed', and the unx had to extemporize a massive army, navy and industrial war machine in months in order to achieve victory).


Lincoln settled both the slavery and states right's issues which had been political crises for decades, essentially recreating the political landscape and recreating the role of the federal government, and he did so under withering opposition from every side, and a common belief that he was an inept, easily manipulated stooge (only after his death did many grudgingly realize that he was a man of tremendous intellect and moral courage). His five years in office was essentially a non-stop emergency only ended by his death. The fractured country he inherited he left to following generations as a transformed nation capable of growing into a world superpower.


Still, there are other Presidents that have set precedents of exemplary leadership and conscientious government (Washington, Eisenhower), decisiveness in critical moments (Jackson, Truman), consistent effectiveness (Polk, FDR, LBJ), or redefining the possibilities of the office (Teddy Roosevelt, Wilson) or have had such a monumental influence on American political thought (Adams, Jefferson, Madison) that Lincoln is not without competition.


Washington created the entire concept of "President". He determined how the Chief Executive balanced civilian interests to military ones (was he a general in charge of executing Congress's laws or a civilian in nominal charge of the military? does he sit on a throne or at a desk? how much does he defer to Congress?), how he interacted with the other two branches of government, how he was disinterested in using the office for personal gain or the establishment of a political dynasty.


He decided to simply govern as a citizen and strongly rejected the trappings of authority, ceremony, pomp, circumstance and courtly aloofness that distinguish many ruling regimes around the world. At the time he was President there were few examples (since Republican Rome) of how a democratic republic without even a ceremonial monarchy could or would function. He himself stepped down after serving only two terms, while he certainly could've been continuously elected as President for the rest of his life (he was one of the few politicians embraced by both the Democrats and Federalists), and he also could have groomed a potential successor. However had Washington set such an unhealthy precedent it probably would've been disastrous to the future stability of the United States.


Jefferson as a young man wrote the Declaration of Independence, a profound Enlightenment statement of fundamental, inalienable human rights that served as inspiration for revolutionaries around the world. His importance as stalwart champion of individual, personal dignity and his wariness of government power have proven influential in American political life. As President, he nevertheless shrewdly acted outside strict Constitutional bounds to purchase the territory of Louisiana: more than doubling the geographic extent of the new United States. He sent two peaceful expeditions to survey the new territories and to become acquainted with native peoples who lived there. The Lewis and Clark expedition conclusively showed that the Mississippi-Missouri river system had no outlet to the Pacific (an idea fancied for centuries). He also kept the United States from being drawn into the Napoleonic Wars.


Madison somehow managed to the keep the United States from disintegrating during the War of 1812 and even managed to see it through on relatively favorable terms. He also was one of the primary architects of the US Constitution and is usually credited with writing the Bill of Rights.


Polk acquired Texas, and (depending on the version of history you subscribe to engineered a war) with Mexico that netted the United States colossal amounts of territory bringing it all the way to the Pacific ocean...he also created the Dept of Interior to manage federal lands and deal with native American issues in a coherent fashion, and he created the treasury system that wasn't replaced until the Federal Reserve and income taxes came into being in 1913.


Ted Roosevelt had the foresight to create the national parks system. Wilson pushed for the creation of an international organization of governments that could peacefully resolve misunderstandings and provide a platform for transnational cooperation--the League of Nations failed but it was reborn as the United Nations.


FDR expanded the federal government's role in American life with ambitious stimulus and public works projects that brought electricity, water, communications and highways to much of America, programs like social security aimed to reduce the blight of destitute elderly, and he saw the US enter and play a major role in defeating Fascism--all the time hiding the fact that he was paralyzed.


Truman acted to prevented a possible nuclear war with China over Korea, kept W Berlin fed, made the decision to use nuclear weapons on Japan, and found himself President of the most powerful version of the USA the world had yet seen. His Presidency oversaw the massive subsidies that would largely rebuild postwar Western Europe and Japan, and redefine America's role in the world as an active opponent of Communism.
Depending on who you talk to and what their values are any one of these Presidents might be considered if not the greatest, great.


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