2024-10-10 翻译加工厂 9929
-------------译者 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

China has the most expansive rail systems in the world, so I was super excited to get to try it out for the first time with a trip from Guangzhou to Zhangjiajie. On a map it may look fairly close, but in reality it is over 1,000km away so it was quite a journey to get there. I would recommend booking all your train travel on as a foreigner even with the extra service charge because trying to do it on the official Chinese Rail website is a bit confusing and a lot of people report having their card be declined. I also loved the hotel I booked at in Zhangjiajie so I will put those two lixs down below:


-------------译者:huanlj--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Many western food brands are welcome to operate inside China .Not banned for "security risk".


China trains are clean, hygienic, punctual and cheap.


I don't think the railway station in any other country can compare with China.
China's government has built the best infrastructure for its people (instead of investing in war), and everyone can enjoy it.

我认为任何其他国家的火车站都无法与中国相比。 中国政府为人民建设了最好的基础设施(而不是投资战争),每个人都能享受到。

Alina, just for your information. Zhangjiajie is located in xiangxi region, a historical minority majority region. The region was incorporated into China during the Three-Kindom Era (ca. 220 to 280). After 1800 years, the minority languages are still being spoken, the various minority groups account for nearly 90% of the population. This is in stark contrast to the fate of Native Americans in North America and the Aboriginals in Australia.

@阿丽娜,告诉你个事情。张家界地处历史上少数民族聚居的湘西地区。该地区在三国时代(约220年至280年)并入中国。 1800年后,少数民族语言仍在使用,各少数民族占人口的近90%。这与北美原住民和澳大利亚原住民的命运形成鲜明对比。
-------------译者:huanlj--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

I'm in Amsterdam now , next week China China here I come !


I love my motherland, China!
I am in Toronto


The Chinese word for spicy is "Laah" with the 4th tone (which is like if you've just tripped over a rock and yell Shoot!).
Just point to something on the menu and ask "Laah? Yes, no? (in English)" and most people should be able to understand you. They may not know the word for spicy in English, but they will know "yes" or "no".
A lot of Chinese also don't eat spicy food, so this is a common question.

只要你指着菜单问的的某个菜用英语问“la ,yes or no”,大部分人都能明白你要问什么。他们可能不知道的“辣”的英文,但是他们会”yes“和 ”no“。

You may place orders of foods on the train, they will be delivered to your carriage at comming stations, and the conductor will bring them to your seat.


China has such amazing natural beauty.

-------------译者:huanlj--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

The world's most famous scenic spot, Guilin, is a must-see. The mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the peaks look like paintings.


This is the type of content that I love - places where no other youtubers go.

这是我喜欢的内容类型——其他 YouTube 用户不会去的地方。

I live in Hangzhou, so happy to see in china



You are doing amazingly well. A foreigner who has never been to China and who doesn’t know the language gets around freely, eats well and uses Alipay like a local. I admire your enthusiasm, curiosity, fearlessness and determination. 张家界 is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Enjoy

Enjoy your journry in China , Zhang Jia Jie is really a good place to visit !

-------------译者:huanlj--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

If you have free time during your trip to Chengdu, you can go to Jiuzhaigou, which is absolutely world-class scenery.


look forward your next video...Zhanggiajie is amazing


You are giving me an idea how I should travel to 'Avatar' on my next trip. Thank you. Enjoy what China has to offer with a big .


Amazing High Speed Railway system. Thanks for sharing the video.


It's fascinating to see China unvarnished ! Thanks Alina & Happy Easter

-------------译者:huanlj--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

I have just returned from a trip to China. I took the high speed rail from Zhangjiajie to Guangzhou. The first class has 4 passengers in a row vs. 5 in the 2nd class. The train ride was very smooth and It was on time for both departure and arrival.


I don't know if you noticed, In Guangzhou's metro, some of the train carriages are Bombardiers that came to Canada. I'm in your home country, Canada, greeting you, and you're in my home country, Guangzhou.


Alipay- Simplify your life

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

You are a super well organized foreigner knew zero Mandarin but can handle your journey so smoothly. Impressive

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Watching from Mirpur Dhaka Bangladesh

-------------译者:huanlj--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

So thoughtful that they wrote your note on your iced coffee drink in English! The Chinese people are often so thoughtful in their actions.


I am in France now, I love China


That’s so amazing!


I came back to Canada from a fantastic trip to China. Zhangjiajie was the highlight of my trip. It was a magical place.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Love your VLOG, you provide guide lines to other foreigners who will come to China.


Hey Alina, enjoy your travels in China, thanks for sharing your experience greetings from Switzerland

嘿, Alina,祝您在中国旅行愉快,感谢您分享的经验,来自瑞士的问候。
-------------译者 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Beautifully narrated vlog.missing your dad in the video.


The roads are so wide and spacious


Hi,Alina. Been following you for few years. Finally come to my hometown. This is the ethnic minority region. We are the Tujia and Miao(Hmong) people. Hope you have a great visit!


Alina, Your are incredibly organized and able to navigate your way through this large country without knowing much about its language. It's not a easy thing to do but you did it and with such grace. I hope people substitute their hostile attitude towards China with your embracing approach.


Glad to see you enjoying the high speed rail in China, Alina. I didn't even know there's a direct train from Guangzhou to Zhang Jia Jie. "ie" in Jie is pronounced like "Ye", so Jie is like J-Ye. Looking forward to your video from Zhang Jia Jie!

-------------译者 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

That train station really feels like an airport! I'm enjoying your China trip content!


Enjoy your time in China. I recently visited Shanghai and it was great. (Took the high speed train from Hong Kong to Shanghai ). If you have time, visit Shanghai as well.


I am so happy that you get to experience China! It's on my bucket list of countries to see too. Continue to have an awesome time and thank you for sharing the journey. You look gorgeous as always.


The Chinese know how to run a train system . When we were in a China we had a lovely experience. Unlike in the US, where we were originally from (Boston) . Constant breakdowns with
shuttle buses. They run the system like children playing with Lionel Trains. Hope you're having fun in China. Looking forward to your next livestream. As always, you have set the standard
for what travel videos should be. Sending you much love from Harriet, Jim and Yuki Richmond, Va.

-------------译者 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Have a good time in China.


Nice vlog! I stayed in Wulingyuan, "Jhang- jea-je" and it was all amazing!


Really great tips throughout about how to avoid common mistakes! Love that.


Some people claimed these are buikt to impress..,Not so. They're built to accommodate the huge population.
During holidays, they're just right for the massive crowds.

-------------译者 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

The name of that inn means 'butterfly fall in love with flowers'. It's the name of a 'Chinese classic tune'. You can simply regard it as 'a name of Chinese classic poem'. Enjoy your journey !


You will love Zhangjajie. You need to ask the waitor or shop keeper whether the food is spicy. In China, people are mostly friendly.


Thanks for the sharing, Alina Despite of the huge high speed rail system in the entire China with such big fleet, it is unbelievable that they are punctual all the time Zhang Jia Jie is an amazing nature reserve / famous scenic spot. If you have time, you may consider to also visit the Jiuzhai Valley National Park at Sichuan Province. The colourful ponds are very beautiful.


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