2024-10-10 侧对飞雪 7684



SHOCK VIDEO: Masked Men In Ghost Helicopter Terrorize Hurricane Helene Volunteers In Western North Carolina, Damaging Emergency Supplies ... WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON??


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Some mercenaries no doubt. Paid to be fucking bastards. Some super fucking equipped mercenaries that can pretty much do what they want.


Yea, they did the same thing at the million man march'nn

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Fly a drone into it


They want to run the poor land owners off so the rich people can buy it for cheaper, it’s the most beautiful part of the United States That was settled the most rebellious people in the planet.


Shine a laser pointer at them. If they want to press charges, they’d need to “out” who they are, or who their handler is.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'd be curious if those things have a RWR and if theres a way to trick it into activating. They'll dip out in a hurry, and their boys on the ground will respond quick.


What’s a rwr?


Radar Warning Receiver


After how much heat some folks were catching lately the whole thing reeks of "See, we told you this would happen"


The government wants to help


After the train derailment in Ohio, Maui, now this, you have to be a real dummy to believe that the government actually gives a fuck about it citizens.


We're from the government, and we're here to help


Yeah more like “we are paid Mercs contracted and paid for by the government”, the difference is they don’t even pretend to help lol.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Be anxious for the fray


Had some low flying Blackhawks over my place after a decent cat 2 years ago. We were flooded to the east completely, and I heard rumors that it was the governor or some reps getting a firsthand account of the damages.


They were your own gov. They don't want you to depend on anyone but them.


damn is this the beginning of the climate lockdowns


I loathe the United States government. So sad.


Strange. This story should be followed to see what actually comes of the "investigation". They'll say "hey it was an accident", but that helicopter, it's behavior, and the unmarked cars that came beforehand, all reek of an Intel agency.


We are here to help!


When it lands at an air field or air strip I’m sure someone will notice it. Then you’ll find out who would do something like this to these poor people trying to help


Our government doesn’t like us being able to rely on and help each other out, they want to be the ones to come in and help so they can say “see you need us”. They also just want control of everything


Do some research on lithium mines and NC. Some of the largest deposits in the US are right there under those mountains. I'm sure Black Rock would love to get their hands on that land at a much cheaper price....


This is why the government and the military need to be removed because the government has never been for the people they do anything to keep us in control like paying military people to harass Just look out what’s going on in California but they can send so much fucking money.to the Stupid terrorist Israel Nazis


It's like our own government is anti-American...


What a scumbag. I'll bet the sh!t-stain pilot wouldn't have the balls to fly low like that around Somalis. He's only got big balls fcuking with Americans.


they're doing this for 2 reasons. first reason is the obvious one to just be assholes. second reason is to make it easier to say "this is why we didn't want random people coming in offering to help." they'll claim it was some amateur pilot that nearly killed everyone there.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That is a Sikorsky MH60. There are very few that are privately owned or licensed. It is certainly government associated. Local air national guard has them. No idea who it is.


Likely an Intel agency. The unmarked cars referenced in the video point to that as well. Any theories as to the purpose of the entire thing?


Hey I seen quite a few of those choppers in Vegas in 2017

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

First, it’s not an MH-60, it’s a UH-60, and there are plenty of them. Second, the so-called ‘masked men’ are wearing standard-issue face covers, which help us hear communications better inside the helicopter. Third, this helicopter is not ‘unmarked.’ Most people wouldn’t even recognize a ‘marked’ helicopter if they saw one. Fourth, for those calling this a ‘ghost helicopter’ while also claiming it’s from FEMA in the same breath, you’re either idiot or a Russian troll. Lastly, the final frx in the video clearly shows a crew chief looking out of the side door, wearing a National Guard uniform. I understand it’s tempting to believe conspiracy theories, but in this case, they’re causing real harm by leading people to distrust what officials are telling them in favor of what they read on the internet.


looks like its likely this UH-60, according to the tracking there is a 15-20min gap in the flight path it was on, in the area of Burnsville, and it took off from an air national guard base/hanger in Salisbury NC.


My guess would be it is as you said, they tried to land and could not, so they left the area,


While probably not intentional... not really the most responsible thing to do or area to land with so many people, loose obxts and tents etc...


I identified a second UH-60 in the area around the same time: This one appears to have been grounded, or has not provided any flight data since October 6.


I also agree that this was likely unintentional, but I feel like people deserve an explanation to squash the conspiracy theories floating around.


exactly! that one left out of an air national guard base as well. they should acknowledge the mistake and take ownership!


Are you trying to imply that is an appropriate place to land or come in low? Just throwing easy-ups and debris in the air with people all around? At the very least, they were being extremely irresponsible. Lucky nobody got hurt.


The pilot is attempting to land in a parking lot, when landing in an undesignated zone, usually only in emergency or dire situation we can’t be certain of the terrain—it could be gravel, heavy sand, trash, or even IEDs and mines. That’s why we perform a rotor wash ‘dip’ to test for these hazards. If we landed without testing or no prior knowledge to the terrain, we could destroy the helicopter and jeopardize the entire mission. This pilot executed the ‘dip’ test, fully coordinated and communicated by radio with a ground controller. If the test ‘fails,’ it means there’s no safe landing spot, and the crew will circle above, scanning for another location while staying in contact with the controller.


This is a local law enforcement’s failure to secure the area from civilians who just wanted to stand by and film. We will—and have—used rotor wash to blow debris out of the way if the mission demands a landing. In this case, the pilot clearly pulled off because there were too many bystanders and too much debris. The pilot then circled above ‘remaining on station,’ the crew is waiting for new orders and a safe place to land FOR EVERYONE. The helicopter is standard Army green, nothing “unmarked” about it. The crew chief visible is wearing a national guard uniform and our standard issue face shield. Don’t let a two-minute clip with some text distort your view of reality and squander the effort and manpower behind these rescue missions.


I didn't see anyone spouting conspiracies or lixing the helo to FEMA. The person in the video clearly stated it was not there to help them and they had already coordinated helo supply drops, I'm guessing with the Air National Guard and FEMA as they are about the only two that would be bringing in supplies via helicopter. Oh, and perhaps the red cross too.


This clip was crossposted from this community to several others, all promoting conspiracy theories. There are real lives at stake, yet all I see is hatred directed at rescuers and half-baked ideas claiming they’re here to harm people. The number of comments suggesting government-controlled weather or the ‘FEMA boogeyman’ is really discouraging. I’m not trying to be an asshole I’m just tired. I’m tired and I’m shocked at how many people seem to lack any reasoning or understanding of the world around them. It feels like we’re not far off from Idiocracy.


This is concerning. Who would authorize this and why???


Fema gave all their money to immigrants. What happened to the folks at Maui? This aint russian propaganda, these are our people in america.


Its said that was a government plot it wouldn't surprise me if it's the big money men making sure people get off their discounted land so they can get that lithium


Can't/Couldn't it be BOTH?



原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Our government slaughtered people during Katrina. This is just the start of it all again.


Our govt also went around and disarmed people during katrina, including in areas that weren't flooded or damaged. That means the few people who still had power, water, and food were made to be completely defenseless sitting ducks.


Biden administration attacking Red states to try and lower voter participation

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It’s time we arm ourselves equally and shoot them out of the sky. To protect the US from enemies both foreign and domestic. This is clearly an enemy.


This post is brought to you by the kremlin and the Russian ministry of lies and propaganda


The American government has been infiltrated by Israel. That’s why all the money is going overseas.


Fix the money, fix the world. Buy BTC.


Buy gold and arms.


Look what happened when Nixon left the gold standard in 1971. Aid to Israel drastically increased at this time. What a coincidence.


Thank your current administration for this, and y’all want four more years of this shit!!?!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

很赞 7