2024-10-11 ◣靜♂候輪回 5135

S-70 had family you know.


The S-70 refuses to provide wi-fi password to SU-57


Thats accurate tho


the S-70 took too long to grab the beer for the SU-57


S-70 wanted the “Boeing employee” experience


That sums up the Russo Ukrainian conflict....just kidding


'The Bluetooth device is ready to pair'


Funny but possibly accurate.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It quiet likely is something as stupid as that


Paired to the Patriot system instead


Correction: this was not an UMPK but an UMPB glide bomb. It is a more refined glide bomb that can be launched both from the air or from the ground by a Smerch, similar to how GBU-93 can be either dropped from a plane or launched by a HIMARS as GLSDB. UMPK, for those who aren't familiar, is a more rag-tag glide kit made to upgrade Russia's stocks of old FAB series of aircraft bombs into glide bombs.


Yes, my mistake


S-70 is a new weapon system undergoing combat tests, it failing and being shot down by the Su-57 from being found intact is actually a decent outcome for the Russians. I'd say it is much better outcome than having your brand new stealth drone captured by Iran fully intact like the RQ-170 for US

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This unfortunate event for Russia disapproved some myths around the Su-57 and the S-70.
1. They both aren't mockups, in active production and being used in the combat zone;
2. They both are stealth enough to be unchallenged right over the frontline even at high altitude.

1. 它们都不是模型,正在积极生产并在战区使用;
2. 它们的隐形性能足够好,即使在高空飞越前线也不受挑战。

The S-70 isn't in active production though. There are thought to be two models that have been built so far.


There are less than 10 production design Su-57 built and in service. There is no particular reason to think Israel is currently doing anything but track Russian aircraft based in Syria. They are not combatants in Lebanon.


When did Russia perfect their advanced stealth rivet tech? Cause there are a lot of rivets on the S-70. Those, and the naked nozzle - not so much stealth.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

"There are thought to be two models that have been built so far."
This is definitely incorrect. There's reports that the day this one was lost, Russia was flying THREE of them. There's also multiple sources stating that at least 4 serial production S70s have been produced, along with at least 2 or 3 prototypes.

“目前估计只有两个型号。” 这肯定是不正确的。有报道称,在这架飞机失踪的当天,俄罗斯正在飞行三架。此外,还有多个消息来源称至少有4架量产型S-70和至少2到3个原型机已经生产出来。

small details such as rivets don't really matter at range as long as the surface features are smaller than the radar wavelength they won't have any effect on stealth. Also there are multiple pictures of the second airfrx with a flat nozzle and fewer fuselage protrusions.


"There are less than 10 production design Su-57 built and in service."
There were 21 of them last year....

“生产型的Su-57不到10架并已服役。” 去年有21架……
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

i think you're including the 9 (or more) pre-production models, Which are unlikely to reflect the capabilities or be fully equipment of the final production design.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

No I'm not. If we count those it'll be 31


The S-70 has only been in serial production for a few months, and since they haven't published any information for a new batch of S-70s like they did for the Su-57s, it is unlikely they have more than the two prototypes.


If you would have the capability to track a Russian stealth plane you would not want to tell others. Let Russia think they have an advantage.


Russia have 4 S-70 prototypes and they're not in serial production just yet but based on information they're in final stage before entering serial production.


I haven't found anything about 2 more S-70 prototypes. I thought they entered serial production in July? They said that they would begin serial production in the latter half of 2024.


nozzle don't matter unless you want to waste a missile on a plane that is already going Cold. F-22 fly around Full of rivet tech.. And even cracked fuselage.. What the point on always copium on some bs?


I hate that childish copium statement that sounds like some teenage stoner.
First, if they could be tracked no one is likely to say.
Second, they were just over the frontline, most Ukrainian air defenses have been moved back from there for obvious reasons.
Third, you can see the interceptor that may not be the SU57 as it's all guesswork, turned and ran pretty quickly.
Fourth, it was obviously video'd, a video we most likely would not have seen if not for this incident.
Fifth, you see no other contrails so it wasn't operated in a group.
And finally, we know there are no Russian jets flying in Ukrainian airspace with impunity otherwise they would not be using glide bombs from beyond the front lines and missiles, they would have used strategic bomb strikes by now if they could.


Hiw did you manage to make that conclusion number 2???


the whole front is infested with Western AA. Since last year Ukraine has moved a lot of its AA system from city to the front. That’s why this year Russia lost a lot of Su-34. And you have videos like the last month of a Su-34 evading a lot of Patriot missiles.
And if that wasn't enough proof just yesterday a whole Patriot battery was destroyed near the incident by Iskandar missile.


To my knowledge there are 20 serial SU-57 built + or - some


From what I recall airfrxs 1 to 9 were preproduction, 10 (first production) crashed leaving airfrx 11 onwards as (early) production models. I think 7 to 9 (plus 11) were the three deployed to Syria first time round a couple of years ago now.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In reality there is no such thing as a stealth aircraft. You just need the right technology / gear to detect it.


Another myth pushed by Russia and China that "stealth is useless because we can detect stealth" was also busted. Russia and China continue to pursue stealth while trying to play down its advantages.


that is incorrect. They matter more when they are smaller than the wavelength.


lol no. At least their fasteners are flush


It just showed their drones are bugged and aren't stealthy


True, and who would be able to test their own detection systems against state of the art stealth for the last 40+ years?


Su-57 engines aren't even available yet. There are zero production Su-57s so far. My understanding is the govt instructed the govt-owned manufacturer to not bother even making any more airfrxs as the engines aren't available and I guess won't be soon.


Su-57 engines aren't even available yet. There are zero ACTUAL production Su-57s so far. My understanding is the govt instructed the manufacturer not to even bother making any more for that reason. I'm also curious how we could determine that the electronics and comms and software in them is finished yet? The Russian govt announced that stuff was finished and working and we believe that? Or has there been some independent confirmation?




The 4th prototype is the agreed on production variant it's fully weapons capable, has aerodynamic refinements and a flat nozzle exhaust, the one downed over Ukraine was the first prototype that was tested in Syria.


The Russian S400s in Syria have been signature mapping Israeli F35s for years, now Iran has S400s and likely that database as well.


those are the production models they typically have double digit markings or none at all except for the red star

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

How do you know? Russia said so and you believe that? Or do we have some independent confirmation, even such as them flying a successful mission?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Because it's not meant to be full stealth? Try to keep up with the basic facts, at least.


They're NOT stealth planes. I know you're obsessed with stealth since it's literally the last straw you can grasp at, but the soviet unx literally invented and perfected stealth technologies, and immediately abandoned them because they realized even back then it was a road that lead nowhere against advanced radar technology.
And indeed stealth limitation was proven when a '60s radar was able to successfully lock a '70s anti air missile on what at the time was the non plus ultra of stealth technology, the F17, over Serbia's skies in the 90s and destroy it.
And that was radar tech 2 decades older than the plane. No plane is stealth today, not against modern radars.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

i believe they fly low within the valleys when they don't have the radar return booster on.


Maybe this is indeed a pre-production series of combat approval tests?


I love the fantasy that Soviet fanboys come up with to try and make up the gap in their mind. Taking the fact that an early paper on the concept of stealth was published by a Soviet scientist somehow proves that Soviets perfected stealth technologies is a complete fabrication and if you didn’t already know that then I’ll be the one to tell you.


Entered Europe and got overwhelmed by GDPR notifications..


Ukraine is no more Europe than European Russia, but still... LMao.


Good place to get a fair assessment. Quality level-headed information as always


I think it's pretty simple really, ground control lost control of the drone and the SU57 wasn't able to hook up to it. and to make sure it does not end up in the wrong hands intact they chose to destroy it leaving little left to salvage and study. It would make sense if the buffer is full that no further commands could be queued/controlled and would not be able to return to point of destination to land either. So most likely a software bug, must be using Windows 11
Look at the F35 that is riddled with bugs in the software grounding the planes a number of times for months at a time. Software is becoming more and more complex and tightening security against exploits that could be used but in turn making it harder to bypass if you encounter a bug.

所以很可能是软件漏洞,肯定是在用Windows 11。看看F35,它的软件漏洞使飞机数月内多次停飞。软件变得越来越复杂,并加强了对可能被利用的漏洞的安全防护,但这反而使得在遇到漏洞时更难以绕过。

Oh there was plenty left to salvage/study. Ukrainians had a huge laugh at Russian stealth coatings.


Every Windows OS since 8 has been utter pish even worse than Vista.

从Windows 8开始的每个Windows操作系统都糟透了,甚至比Vista还差。

Bro, 10 was leagues better than 8. It's 11 that's actively trying to claim the title of Microsoft's biggest P(OS).


Yet it was just a few km from Chasiv Yar which has heavy air defence and from the video they are clearly at high altitude too... Much like cope cages, you know everyone mocked them, and you see them all over Ukrainian vehicles and tanks, heck even Israel has them on their Merkava 4 tanks that also have APS installed...

但它距离有重防空的Chasiv Yar只有几公里,而且从视频中看,它们显然也在高空……就像防护笼一样,你知道大家都嘲笑它们,你可以在乌克兰的车辆和坦克上看到它们,甚至以色列的梅卡瓦4型坦克上也有防护笼,而且还安装了APS系统……

I jumped to Linux after Windows 7 as a tech I still have to know how to use Windows OS of course, they're all basically malware masquerading as an OS at this point.

在Windows 7之后我转向了Linux,作为技术人员,我当然还是需要了解如何使用Windows操作系统,但它们现在基本上都是伪装成操作系统的恶意软件。

It was XP that gave us UPNP you should look up that particular exploit.


The S-70 told the Su-57 that it’s “not stealth”, and for that it got shot down


Most stupid comment of the year

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A lot of people commenting how Russia only has two S70 drones, the one that was downed over Ukraine is the first prototype that was tested in Syria, the 4th prototype is the production variant, the fact this and a SU57 were over the frontlines undetected is very telling.


The russians also expended a valuable iskander ballistic missile to bomb the crash site , so make of that what you want


definitely didnt want anyone picking it up.


i cant find any actual source for this one, can you share some?
the only i can see are proofless / says its unconfirmed


i have read of it and someone post a pic of the impact but i don't feel like its real.


Iskander has too big a warhead to do that little damage, even if it was off. Even if it did miss, there would be a massive crater somewhere in the vacinity of the crash site.


Not really. The Iskander doesn't really leave craters all that big. If it hit near the crash it wouldn't be all that visbile as the ground was burned.


Probably it was at least partially recovered and sent to NATO.


there are different warheads for iskander it can even carry a nuclear charge


500 kilos of explosives leaves pretty large hole, but there we see partially intact light building right on the spot. Doesn't add up.


maybe they used a cluster warhead


Отличный ролик по очень сжатой информации. Мы не можем знать, что произошло, ведь даже ВКС скорее всего еще разбирается


actually not the UMPK, but the remnants of the UMPB D-30SN, a longer range glide bomb using FAB-250 as the warhead iirc, can also be launched by Tornado-S MLRS and it’s been seen being used by the 34 in the war from time to time. Great video as always.

实际上不是UMPK,而是UMPB D-30SN的残骸,这是一种使用FAB-250作为弹头的远程滑翔炸弹,据我所知,也可以由“龙卷风-S”多管火箭系统发射,并且在战争中偶尔被34部队使用。视频一如既往地精彩。

also wanted to add on something interesting, S-70 has been seen flying with some kind of flanker last year (maybe Su-30?). I’d post a lix here, but the comment would be nuked. It’s on the YouTube channel ‘лампа знаний’

还想补充一些有趣的事情,去年看到S-70与某种伴随机一起飞行(可能是Su-30?)。我想在这里发布链接,但评论会被删除。它在YouTube频道‘лампа знаний’上。

They lost control of it , and had to shoot it down .



原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Just like the movie STEALTH (2005) with Jamie Foxx


The crash locations suggest that the Su-57 and Su-70 were operating in Ukraine.But nobody talks about it.This is proof that the Sukhoi 57 is a true stealth aircraft.


It's quite amazing that the and SU57 seems to not care about Ukranian AA.


Dont question the narrative please. The su 57 has no stealth!


definitely more than previous non-stealth aircraft of Russia, but surely not as much as the f22


nah its not stealthy at all


thats just being ignorant lol


please dont challenge the narrative...


There is no narrative that the Su-57 isn't stealthy. No one who is serious about aircraft would believe that.


So you are trying to say that a plane that entered ukranian airspace wich has dozens of anti aircraft sistems wasn't shot down and was able to fly several kilometers into ukranian territory isn't stealthy?


If only. Though your doubt shows me that something is starting to change in the western mindset. A year back, you would likely have agreed with me.


No I wouldn't. The only people who claim the Su-57 isn't stealthy are trolls who clearly don't know what the term stealthy means.


Yet you did not managed to understand that you were trolled...

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Some people are just genuinely ignorant. Today in this very comment section, a saw a guy that thought that a stealth'd plane will not be visible to the eye ;)


i saw that in American mowie zziiiip and the plane desapired

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

that must have been a joke along the lines of "su 57 is so stealthy that we can't even see it"


Because there was none.


it proved it is


atleast su57 used only one misille to shoot down a moving drone, f22 needed more than Missile to take down a still balloon




how can you not see it.? Big as how it is, stealth does not mean you can't see it, it means hard to detect it with anti aircraft

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

that's why I specifically said "joke"


Because its low observable... it likepy has an RCS similar to that of the F117 and likely a little better


As far as I know, according with this channel, among others, the s57 is stealthy but in another scale of the western aircraft. I don't remember numbers but it's like, at the same distance, to the same radar, a s57 looks like a bird while a f35 looks like a fly.


It uses engines from SU27 same as the S70, those have massive reflection, its a huge round blob of steel not covered by anything.


It doesn't use the same engines, it uses a derivative of those engines. That also doesn't mean it isn't stealthy.


It does mean that it is not stealthy. It's still and engine from 45 years ago


Its engines were made in the 2000s, don't make things up. And additionally, that is not what being stealthy means. It is VLO from the front, and it, like the F-35 doesn't have all aspects stealth.


Those two are not comparable. The ancient engine is in the open that means that pretty much from every angle it reflects back to radar and the engine is from 1980.
This is really not a matter of opinion, the nozzle does not even have any form of cooling or heat shielding.
It's typical russia BS shaped to look like something american but it is really not anything comparable.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It is shaped like an engine. At this point you're just yapping. Not to mention the fact that the Su-57 can super cruise, so it doesn't need to activate the after under like the F-35.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You may want to google why modern engines dont look like old soviet ones. You cannot large metal pipe sticking out of your place on all sides and pretend that it wont generate return on Radar or IR seekers.
F35 does super cruise. It's a single engine jet. It needs to speed up on afterburner but then in glides in the envelope without it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yes but these are birds and flies travelling at Mach that's why the B-2 is subsonic to improve it's overall stealth capabilities.


That isn't exactly how they show up on radar. Radars automatically filter out some signals, as such there is an average target tracking range that they can fire at a stealth aircraft from.


No, It was sarcasm...


Granted F-35 is primarily a single engine strike aircraft, as opposed to F-22. It was derived from the Joint Strike Fighter program.
What's surprising is how low is the Su-57's claimed supercruise speed at Mach 1.4. While the F-22 from over 20 years ago achieved Mach 1.8. Not to mention Su-57 lacks significant numbers, due to budgetary and powerplant issues.


ad essere onesti, molti esperti ritengono che il SU-57 sia l'aereo di quinta generazione più collaudato e testato in una situazione di combattimento reale rispetto agli altri attualmente esistenti.E sì, non è la prima volta che viene utilizzato in Ucraina e in Siria. E di conseguenza, dopo ogni missione di combattimento in Ucraina, viene ulteriormente migliorato e alla fine il SU-57 diventerà senza dubbio il miglior aereo di quinta generazione al mondo e il più capace di combattere.


Forget it mate. These trolls clearly don't know what low RCS mean. If they think it shows up on radar like a 747 than so be it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Being as visible as a normal jet from the back doesn't change the fact that it still has 1/10th or lower RCS of modern 4.5 gen aircraft.
You are proving once again you don't understand what stealthy means.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Me, in the first seconds... interesting shades you got there, Igor.


M7 being stalked by his fans. Let the man do his shopping!


One thing about these kinds of drones, is that they are supposed to be expendable.
In other words, this incident is exactly what you expect to happen. Drone gets shot down over hostile territory, the enemy gets to analyze what it's made of.
So it would be in the interest of the operator to not include super secret stuff, but to make sure it doesn't contain something the enemy doesn't already know.
Because if it does have something that you don't want the enemy to know about, you wouldn't be able to operate it in the way it is meant to be operated.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The S-70 is designed to be a full capability UCAS, not a low capability, low cost, attritable system. So you know you will lose them, like anything you put in harms way, but it's supposed to come home every time like its piloted wingman.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It was quite an early S-70 judging by the nozzle and wing type.


Its not really expendable considering S-70 is still in its prototype phase.


Surely the S70 is programmed to return to base on loss of comms. Maybe highjacking (by NAT0, not Ukr) isn’t so far fetched.


My guy you're off the rocker if you believe Ukr has the capabilities to do it. Lets just remember NATO is flying AWACS planes along the western Ukrainian border 24/7, and they have multiple satellites covering the frontlines.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

software glitch could still prevent it from executing go-home algorithm


Not your guy, but its way to far for any NATO plane to jam such a thing. Power density ;-) And I truly believe your underestimating what the Ukraimians are capable of vs. Chinese/bit of Russian tech.


yes, but jamming a "state of the art" russian drone meant to heavily augment the VKS & act as a force multiplier would be far beyond an act of escelation, and to russia could be a declaration of war.


You would never get any usable power for jamming transmittet that far. Simple as that.


It's possible if Russia is using satellite relys. Especially considering the West has numeric and technological dominance over Russian space borne assets.
Russia simply doesn't have the budget or domestic industry to compete.


Due to a minor programming error the S-70 decided to exterminate all human life, so the Su-57 pilot had to step in before the machine uprising got out of hand.


Thanks you for your thoughts and analysis on this incident. it's good to get unbiased and open source appraisal of these types of things


not on first try. we dont know but we can assume that americans were flying over iran A LOT before iran was able to get one of those drones. besides russians dont actually enter airspace. they launch attacks from their own territory


The sound of a jet could give a clear understanding if it was 57 or not.


Thank you. That the drone had technical issues and had to be shot down didn't occur to me after the usual western media stance "lololol russians stupid, they targeted their own aircraft again lol".
Additionally, if the drone has been used before and only now has been recognized, when it was shot down and not even by Ukrainian forces no less, is very concerning.


S 70 have been used in Ukraine for quite some time now. And probably Su 57 as well.


I heard it was a friendly fire shot, is it possible that the drone was hacked and they needed to shoot it down?


you dont need to be hacked for a Drone to lost control
in 2017, 2 US Predator lost control and crashed for random malfunction in span of 2 week


Hacking into a this kind of machine is almost impossible with currant military grade encryption technologies , but loss of signals due to Jamming is realistic possibility. most likely some communication device failed on the drone and lost control as M7 explained here.


Well tg publics instantly said drone was shot down cuz they lose controle on it(some milfuction)


My vote also goes to some form of software or hardware failure being the most likely culprit. If that is the case there is probably some issue with their redundancy. Could be a lack of it or a poor implementation.


I didn't necessary mean someone else than Russian military took control of the drone, jamming could be a possibility. If you jamm and glonass spoof or other technical wizardry, you could make it fly over Ukraine to pick it up for study. This kind of drone is the future of warfare, getting one specimen early means a lot.


The drone was not hacked, its signal receiver broke and it stopped executing commands and was flying towards Ukraine, so the Russians decided to destroy it. There is a video of an escort plane launching a missile at an S-70


I dont think it being "stealth" matters as their was a non stealth russiam plane directly behind it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Unlikely. Because Russia and Ukraine uses a lot of drones and signal jamming equipment. And now drones are very resistant to jamming. The second reason is that if the C70 is controlled from a fighter, then a very strong signal is needed for this


Hacked? No. Out of control? Maybe.


I really wonder where the wreck of that S-70 is now. Langley, Virginia ? Skunkworks ? Area 51 ?


At garbage collecting plant.


Considering the fact that it's a prototype which is still far from being a serial production I doubt there's anything worth studying


Don't underestimate how thorough the inteligence agencies are.
Every bit of info can be a hint to someting.
Feed it into a powerful AI and who knows what estimations you can gather.


it MIGHT be a prototype. Although, it is very unlikely, mainly because it raises the questions: who the hell would bring a PROTOTYPE with a LIVE MUNITION into ENEMY TERRITORY???


It was a prototype. The intact wing was clearly super early S-70. And bringing a prototype into live warzone brings many useful things...mainly data.


cuz it's the best way to accelerate the development


My guess is the drone malfunctioned and was shot down to make sure it didn't fall into enemy hands.


很赞 4