2024-10-12 龟兔赛跑 2660

How do you spot bad neighbors when buying a house?


Lnn Nishi
20 years ago, newly married, we wanted to buy a home. When we found a promising house I called the local police department and asked about the crime rate. The officer was very helpful, told me nothing was guaranteed, but the major crime in that neighborhood was break-ins for cars parked on the street. We also visited the neighborhood at different times to get its vibe. It has turned out to be a good neighborhood and great neighbors, but be aware of changing times. For example, this year my catalytic converter was stolen from my car parked in my driveway. Good idea doing your homework early. Good luck!


And watch out for the Nosey Neighbors,I bought my current house in 2005 as we closed on it the person I bought it from (after the deal was over) says “by the way your neighbor Mr.Williams is a 1st class Prick! Boy was he right this guy called the city on us for any and everything,if I put my trash out to early he called about everything,I finally had my attorney send him A letter that seemed to help for awhile but it has never ended and I love my house to much to move,this guy is like 95 years old nothing else to do.SUCCESS HAS ENEMIES!! Good luck folks!


Jennifer Meyer
Oh, he was one of those! Lol
I had one of those neighbors like that. It was a couple that used to fight all the time and everybody in the neighborhood hear them, but they would call on everybody about every little thing.. they finally ended up moving. I sold my house today and closed on it and tomorrow. I am moving to a new neighborhood on a corner lot so I only have a neighbor beside me and nobody on the other side.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tom Kessler
I live on a corner lot also. Has it’s advantages and disadvantages. My one neighbor works afternoons and is single. Nice guy. No drugs, alcoholic drinks or shady types. Hardly know he is there. But you have two streets and in my case lots of sidewalk to shovel and bvld. to mow. But then I have lived in houses with bad neighbors and it is hell. Actually moved from one house because of it.


Jeffrey Worth
We must live in the same neighborhood, I have a neighbor about that age and does the same thing. He even told me where to put my mail box after it was taken out by a snow plow,he wanted it put in front of another neighbors house said it would look better, then it being by my driveway,guess where I put it he hasn't liked me since.


George Umeh
A goat really.


Rita Zulu
At age 95, he will not live forever!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

He also blows he’s leaves in everybody else’s yards,and extremely Nosey.I had to get my attorney to send him a letter which he said he never received which is total BS,Success has Enemies!


Velo Mitrovich
As far as I know, in the UK if you’re having problems with a neighbour and you don’t disclose it to the buyer, the deal is off.


Gavin Fuller
That’s not entirely accurate. As a seller you have no obligation to tell your buyer anything. You could know awful things about the house/neighbourhood but you’re allowed to keep them to yourself. However what a seller can’t do is lie. It’s ultimately considered the buyer’s responsibility to ask such questions and this is what generally occurs. Theres a form the seller completes which generally includes standard questions such as “Do you have a dispute with your neighbours” but the buyer is free to add questions or take them away. If the seller answers “no” to the neighbour dispute question and it’s later proved there was a dispute then the buyer can seek compensation from the seller, which will generally be the perceived loss in value of the house or the cost to put the issue right.


If the seller doesn’t answer the question or puts “not known” the buyer has no case. It’s also often difficult to prove and sellers will often go all out to defend it (and probably continue to lie) due to the costs involved. Probably the reason they lie in the first place too as a house with a neighbour dispute could be worth a lot less than one without. Most people will say they wouldn’t do it but when you’re looking at tens of thousands of loss I expect a lot of peoples morals fall away. It could also be extremely expensive for the buyer too if they lost the case. As the buyer you’re best doing your research as much as possible and not taking the sellers word for it. If you’re buying a house speak to the neighbours before doing so. The way they react could tell you a lot more than the sellers ever will.


Try not to let it bother you just ignore them.never let em see you sweat,then their winning!


Sarah Klein
Sucess has no Enemies.. these little Boulders are there your Lifetime wether you have a sucessfull Time or not. These Boulders will constantly be there we just have to get overly creative dealing with them ;—)


John Edward
Some neighbors are very bad. We just had to move. A few miles down the road a man killed his two neighbors in a dispute over some dogs. Yep, some neighbors are very, very bad.???♂????♂?


Fiona Sherlock
“….nothing else to do.” This statement says it all: though he complains he’s probably very lonely and complaining brings him into contact with other people. Maybe you could offer to include him in something simple-he may become more friendly.


Nothing works w/this old man I’ve tried talking to him several times his mind is made up to be a jerk to everyone,I’ve never seen such a miserable person in my life,he will actually keep kids play balls if they go in his yard! What a Jerk!


Robin Gronovius
Fifteen years ago, I bought the neighborhood prick’s house.
I’m on a corner lot at the entrance to a cul-de-sac but I face the main avenue and not the cul-de-sac court. A very nice older retired couple is directly next door to me. We share a fence line.
Another very nice, retired couple is across the street. The house across the street from the cul-de-sac court was empty when we moved in (we had toured that house when looking). It’s had several residents in the past 15 years. Sadly, I’ve never really interacted with any of them.


My backyard shares a fence line with the first house on the cul-de-sac. That man had his wife, his two daughters, his mother-in-law and his oldest daughter’s baby girl living with him. His name was “Howard.”
Howard had a bit of an adversarial relationship with the previous owner of my house, “Tim.”
I actually knew Tim’s wife from work, she was the sister of my boss’ secretary. I didn’t know I was buying her house.


Whenever I was mowing or doing yard work, Howard would come out and lean against his truck and wait patiently for me to finish and he would talk.
He didn’t like Tim. He would often ask if it was okay to do something, and I’d say, “I don’t care.”


He’d often say, “Tim would have no liked this” or “Tim would have complained to the city”, and I’d say, “I’m not Tim.”
I know Howard just wanted to talk to someone since he was outnumbered by women five to one in his house. He spent most of our chats complaining about Tim who was long gone.
Howard and his family moved and there have been three other homeowners after him. The latest is a young couple in their mid-twenties. I’ve had no issues with any of them. I even gave the new couple my kids’ old wooden play place for their new child.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

John Keyes
We have them, The “original villagers” some mean well, Some have “standards” that nobody bothers with today and some are arseholes pretty much clueless how the village has changed from 50 years ago when it was a garrison town, That's all gone and dregs and the rich have moved in, The garrison for the elite and the rest of the village for the whinos who have a flat, But allergic to work becoming breathless and sweating, So a park bench and a alcoholic beverage to while away the hour's while everyone else is busting the balls


We went through this when we sold my parents’ home. We’d put up a privacy fence and the nosey Nelly neighbor called the county because she thought we’d put up a fence which restricted access to the telephone/electric pole. Uhhh, that’s what ladders are for. She was also dismayed that she could no longer “see” the main road. ?? I warned the new homeowner who was absolutely lovely and was making improvements even past what we had completed*. I finally texted Nosy Nelly and asked her to appreciate her new neighbor who was doing nothing more than increasing HER property value.
* we renovated for two years and she was constantly trying to get in to see the house and what we were doing. ?????♀?


Trudy Eley
He’s probably really lonely! Maybe a few dinners on a disposable plate when you have left overs or some cookies sometimes will soften him xx

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Meet the neighbors next to the house you’re considering.
I had some neighbors and I’m pretty pretty pretty sure I made them move out suddenly a few months into their stay.


they were a Mexican family who loved to host big parties, cars eveywhere, loud music. No problem, glad they were enjoying themselves. Well in February 2021 my cat was a week away from dying and she had the instinct to run off and die alone, so as soon as I realized she was missing I went on a frantic search all night long till the noon of next day, at which point I crashed and had to sleep a bit before continuing, while searching on that night though I had been crying and calling her name desperately while endlessly wandering around my house property and neighbors’.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

well one day soon after she died, they had a party, I was coming home from the store on my bicycle and I heard the woman laughing telling her guests all about how I lost my stupid kitty and was crying like a baby because the cat didn’t come home right away or something like that. I heard it clearly and then her cackling with laughter with them laughing too. I get it, she had no idea my cat was sick and ran off to die and it was extremely urgent that I find her to take care of her in her last days etc, she had no idea my cat died and I was devastated, but still, just the fact she would mock me at all anyway was so insulting. Like I seriously don’t give a single shit if someone thinks it’s unmanly of me to be upset in that situation, it would be wrong not to care about my cat. So I was mad at her and them in general for this but didn’t say or do anything but I probably gave off bad vibes whenever I passed them because I was dealing with both intense grief and then the memory of being mocked for it.


afew days later, the same woman is at our door SOBBING, her little chow dog that ran around unleashed had gone missing, they wanted us to help look. She had the whole neighborhood out wandering around lookin for this yap machine. I stayed home, not surprisingly. Anyways it turns out the dog had gone off with some other dog and was one mile away in a graveyard when they found him. This spooked my neighbors and immediately after this they began packing up and were gone within a week. I know some Mexicans are superstitious etc,I think they think I put some curse on them. But I didn’t do anything


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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