2024-10-12 侧对飞雪 3915
The last operating coal power plant in Britain closed this week, ending more than 140 years of coal-fired electricity and proving that major economies can wean themselves off the dirtiest fossil fuel.


“It’s a massive movement,” said Dave Jones, an electricity analyst at Ember, a London-based think tank. “The fact that the first country in the world to have a coal power plant, to lean so heavily into coal starting the industrial revolution, is now out of coal is extremely symbolic.”


Long before global warming emerged as an issue, experts had proved that burning coal posed environmental and health threats. Coal plants pollute the air, cause acid rain and contaminate the soil and water with mercury. In Britain, the London Great Smog of 1952 probably killed as many as 12,000 people and prompted a government crackdown on the widespread use of coal for household heating.


In the 20th century, as trains, ships, stoves and other machines switched to oil and gas, coal retained its central role in running the turbines that power plants use to generate electricity. In recent decades, efforts to turn off coal-fired power plants have accelerated given their outsize contribution to global warming.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Although Britain still uses coal for steel manufacturing, which accounts for 2 percent of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions, experts say the country’s transition from coal-fueled electricity offers lessons to other countries seeking to phase it out.


Joel Jaeger, a climate and energy research at the World Resources Institute, said Britain’s transition from coal is “truly historic” and “proves that other countries can also achieve rapid speeds of coal reduction.”

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Few economically developed countries have completely phased out coal. Most that have, such as Iceland, Switzerland, Sweden and Norway, have little need for coal because they generate plenty of power with an older generation of carbon-free technologies: hydroelectric dams, nuclear power plants and geothermal reservoirs.


Britain is one of the first countries, and the largest, to phase out coal by relying heavily on wind and solar. Portugal also did so, but it is smaller and less heavily industrialized. Germany has tried, but it still produces about a quarter of its power with coal and does not plan to complete its phaseout until 2038.


Germany’s clean-energy transition has been slower because it has few hydroelectric dams, and it shut down all of its nuclear plants, which together generated 30 percent of the country’s electricity in 2000. Britain gets about 15 percent of its electricity from nuclear plants, while Portugal makes about a quarter of its power with hydroelectricity.


Although market forces — first competition from cheap natural gas and later from cheaper renewables — helped Britain phase out coal, experts say government policy played a major part.


“The United Kingdom demonstrated that with the right policies, it’s possible to transition away from coal power while maintaining the reliability of the electricity system,” said Jennifer Morris, a principal research scientist at the MIT Energy Initiative.


The European unx created a cap-and-trade regime in 2005, when Britain was still a member, but that policy was not very effective because the price of carbon was too low, Morris said. But in 2013, the country set a higher carbon price, forcing many coal plants to close.


Even as political power shifted between the Labour and Conservative parties, Britain pressed ahead with policies to promote clean energy. It set legally binding greenhouse gas emissions targets, regulated air pollution, and encouraged the expansion of renewable energy by introducing a system to ensure wind and solar developers could sell power at a stable, profitable price.


The transition away from coal has been slower in the United States than in Britain. Although the United States has adopted some similar policies, including pollution controls and incentives for renewable developers, U.S. policy has fluctuated more dramatically as party control of Congress and the White House has alternated between Republicans and Democrats.


For instance, an Environmental Protection Agency rule finalized in April requires coal plants expected to operate past 2039 to reduce their emissions by 90 percent by 2032. But it faces legal challenges, and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has vowed to overturn it if elected.


Although a quarter of U.S. coal capacity is set to retire by 2029, “it will take dedicated policies to phase out the remaining coal plants,” Morris said. She recommended a carbon tax, which lawmakers have consistently rejected, or an emissions cap such as the EPA rule.


Among the world’s advanced economies, South Korea and Japan have made the slowest progress on replacing coal. These countries have less land available for wind and solar farms, and have fewer natural-gas reserves.


Japan’s clean-energy transition was also hampered in 2011 by the Fukushima meltdown, after which the country scaled back nuclear generation.


Developing countries such as China and India have no prospect of abandoning coal anytime soon. China is installing renewable power faster than any other country in the world, but coal generation is also necessary to fuel the country’s rapid development.


Last year’s United Nations climate change negotiations in Dubai stalled over resistance from China and India to committing to phasing out fossil fuels. The conference finally adopted a plan to phase “down” fossil fuels.


Even after coal is gone from the electricity mix, countries will be confronted with the next phase of the clean-energy transition: completely decarbonizing the power sector.


“The environmental community has been pretty focused on coal because it is the most polluting fossil fuel and because it is low-hanging fruit,” Jaeger said. “I think it’s going to be harder than the coal transition.”


Renewables are fueled by blowing wind and shining sun, which are not always available. Beyond some share of power generation — 80 percent or so, Jaeger said — renewables must be backed up by dependable supplies that don’t emit greenhouse gases, which rules out natural gas.


Grid-scale batteries have become cheaper but can still provide only about eight hours of backup power. The U.S. and British governments have shown revived interest in nuclear power, but both countries have struggled in recent decades to build plants quickly and cheaply.


Meanwhile, as electric vehicles and heat pumps become more common and power-hungry technologies such as artificial intelligence grow, Britain, the United States and others will be trying to make this daunting energy transition just as electricity demand is rising.


@Dignity and Truth
Great graphics. Super lead, with Britain down to zero coal. We can do it, too. Scary graphs for China, India, and Indonesia. Would have liked to see nuclear clearly shown for each country.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And where will the United States be in five years? Ten years? Only Democrats and Greens show vigorous awareness of global warming, our role in it, and urgency about the future.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

For now, a Blue vote for Democrats is the greenest thing any of us can do. Blue gets the job done -- from infrastructure to jobs to environment. Vote Blue. It's the greenest thing you can do.


So Brexit wasn’t such a disaster, eh?


Yes, vote Blue, and then buy your winter holiday gifts from UK instead of from China!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Had nothing to do with the reduction in coal fired electricity plants. Brexit was a disaster.


The UK is such a tiny piece of worldwide emissions. And now they punish their people with ever increasing home energy rates as a sacrifice for the Church of Climatology.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Swapping Coal with Natural Gas reduces particulates but does not reduce CO2 aka "greenhouse gas" much


High electricity prices here are a consequence of how the electricity market is structured. Our electricity prices are, for historical reasons, tied to the price of gas, rather than the cost of generation. UK government energy policy is effectively being used to artificially create tax revenue, so they have no interest in changing that structure.


Problem is, natural gas is not really less of a greenhouse gas producer than coal. It burns cleaner, i.e. produces no fine particle pollution and less CO2 per amount of energy produced. But natural gas is really just methane. And unburned methane is up to 80x worse for the climate than CO2, its greenhouse effect is that much worse than that of CO2.


When you factor in the methane released during the whole process of using "natural gas" -- during drilling and pumping, after a well is exhausted and "capped", en route to the end users, and at the end users -- it turns out it is at least as bad for the climate as burning coal.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Humanity can only beat this by massively expanding nuclear power, combined with keeping coal but implementing CO2 sequestration directly at coal fired plants and use of wind and solar wherever possible. But the core is nuclear.


China understood this, they are currently building 23 new nuclear plants and will build 150 new ones until 2035. I don't often praise China but on this they are exactly right.


To add, methane escaping previously frozen permafrost due to warming climate is off the charts.


Yes, we should absolutely ditch coal. Next up is natural gas. Let solar, wind and geothermal reign over the energy market. Get the fossil fuel lobbyists out of Congress!!


Won't work, the math is clear, only massive expansion of nuclear combined with coal but CO2 sequestration right where it's burned, and then solar and wind to fill out gaps, will be enough to beat the climate catastrophe.


@Concerned Northern Neighbour
As great as it is to read an opion from someone whose screen name encourages the inference that she or he is German advocating for a role for nuclear power, if you want to make a technical or mathematical argument, then in order to be convincing, you need lixs to credible sources to back you up.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As it is, I don't think there's much point to laypeople making engineering arguments. The role of citizens in a democracy is to specify required outcomes -- economic cost, environmental cost, availability, etc. -- and then let the professionals and the market do what they have to do meet those requirements, while noting that what is possible will almost always be more than proponents of the status quo will insist.


My personal bet is that for the next 30 years we will need some kind of fission -- maybe uranium, maybe thorium -- but such opinions are widely and freely available and generally worth what you paid for them. I do hope to live to see at least the demonstration of net energy gain from controlled nuclear fusion, but I'm unwilling to bet human civilization on the prospect.


5 years ago, we switched to solar plus battery; it covers our family and car all year round. I was surprised to find out that we can be completely energy independent and only export excess to the grid.


Sure your panel size has to be a bit extra large and you can’t run the dishwasher and charge the car willy nilly. It takes a bit of planning but really doable. I am a lot less sceptical now that I experienced it myself.


New large scale batteries are developed and could be used for businesses as well. Solar and wind are great.


Yes. Better battery capacity, and being able to use EVs themselves as batteries, is the best way to smooth out energy production and consumption. Decentralizing energy production with solar panels also makes for a much more resilient power grid. This is the real energy independence of the future - independent down to the local community and household level.


@Bran Allen
The vertical chart is fantastic. Great article with excellent visuals.


If there weren't so many black lung MAGA voters in Appalachia, we, too, might be further along the road to sensible, sustainable energy generation.


Democrats can be so tasteless. USA isn't half the country it is today if not for the sacrifices made by coal mining families.


I understand that they are racists and stupid. Maybe equally so.


Also so shouldn’t corporations pay to train their own workers? If all taxpayers fund training programs will companies pass on those savings?


Plus don’t forget, companies aren’t going to eagerly hire older workers who as established members of the workforce, often with families and mortgages, thus want to earn more than their younger, single counterparts. Plus companies are going to think it’s difficult to “learn’em” new skills, especially when they live in a region high on Beeble memorization but weak on reading’ writing’, rithmetic and . . . science.


And by the way, unlike the racist myth that they “cling” to, before the Obama administration, coal mining jobs were in decline since the 1920s. The reason, surprise, surprise, technology.


Increased mechanization increased production and reduced the need for the same number of workers, and that’s before cheaper computing fuel sources such a natural gas and hydroelectric power—brought to you by the free market and the government subsidization that corporations want (for dam construction, etc) are figured into the mix.


That’s the same reason the U.S. Armed Forces doesn’t need the same number of aircraft that they fielded had during WW2. (The U.S. Navy also eliminated battleships as a class.)


We have bigger, faster, more energy efficient aircraft with precision weapons, Advsnces in technology are the reason why beginning with the introduction of the helicopter during the Korean War—and advance in medicine—more U.S. military battlefield casualties survived their injuries.


I’ve read that global Crypto “mining” consumes more power than many countries. Perhaps these businesses, as well as AI server farms, should be expected to generate their own clean power independent of the national grid. Put them out in the desert with dedicated solar and grid-scale batteries.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@AJL Aussie
Another bit of good news. 20 years ago renewables were around 1.0% of Australia's grid power. And we have enough easily mineable coal to toast the whole world!


Yet now wind and solar make up close to 50% of our power..... and that doesn't count private rooftop solar substituting for grid power on a sunny day.


We hit a record last week... for a few hours we had 74% of the power suplied to the grid via renewables.


@AJL Aussie
There is an extra dimension that maybe got ignored here. Use LESS energy! Look at the UK graph. In 2000 there were 59 million in the UK. In 2023 there are 67 million - over a 10% increase. Yet the graph shows UK energy use peaking around 2000, and maybe 25% LOWER today!


A focus on using LESS energy / person pays a huge dividend in speeding up the transition away from coal.... and later gas.


How much of that is efficiency and conservation versus how much is the movement of high energy use industries to less developed countries

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Name Displayed1066
Yep, just like many developed countries, the UK de-industrialized a huge amount in the last 30 years. But looking at the graph, that reduction was mostly accounted for by less gas usage. Coal was entirely replaced by renewables.


In the Netherlands we closed our coal mines in 1966 and used gas since then.


Because gas extraction led to small earthquakes, resulting in damage to homes, we also closed gas extraction since 2023.


Because of the boycott of Russia, there is also no more Russian natural gas in our country.


We have a lot of solar and wind.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Since the boycott of Russia, we have been buying LNG in the US.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Cat Pawrent
Great greenwashing, WaPo. Natural gas isn't actually cleaner than coal--it is worse for global warming, a lot worse. Yes it burns cleaner--but natural gas is a greenhouse gas when unburnt, and just leaked into the atmosphere--and it is leaks EVERYWHERE. The well head, the pipes, the pressure vessels, the fittings, you name it. We've known it leaks for so long, and that the leaks are almost impossible to detect, that commercial natural gas in the USA is legally required to have rotten-eggs smell added to it--after a school and everyone in it was outright blown up by a gas leak from a leak in Texas.


And while that fact about leaks and how bad they were has been known for decades...it is something the entire natural gas industry completely ignored when it got the Obama Administration to authorize the mass-buildout of the fracking industry under the farcical guise of being a "bridge fuel" for "energy security". And the head of Obama's Department of Energy knew it, because he was literally a researcher for the fracking industry.


This is a point of essential importance. When it comes to natural gas everyone is really just fooling themselves, the British, the Germans, and those advocating it as "clean" here in the US. Natural gas is really worse than coal. Because coal offers the option to install massive carbon capture at the plants burning it.


But while you could do that also at gas burning plants, it wouldn't do any good regarding the greenhouse effect as with gas the main problem is the leaking methane, which carbon capture... can't capture.


So instead of building out gas plants and shutting down coal what should be done is building out carbon capture at existing coal plants. But I guess the gas lobby is stronger than the coal lobby?


Only when China and India actually start substantially reducing fossil fuel emissions will carbon spewed into the atmosphere be reduced. But corporate America could not care less about LOCAL effects from local emissions. Were high level corporate executives required to live with their families downwind of one of their company's major fossil fuel emission sources, perhaps they would care a bit more about those emissions.


Enough of the propaganda. The US spews twice as much CO2, per capita, as China.


@Aaron Midland
For those who haven't seen, Trump has a "Make America Healthy Again" arm of his campaign. I'm not kidding. And there is no device that can measure the irony (or hypocrisy) of that when you consider he promises to work to eliminate the newest EPA regulations on coal.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One interesting, at least me me, takeaway from the UK stats was generation capacity peaked around 2005 and over the past 20 years has decreased to what it was back in 1990 -- 35 years ago. Greater efficiencies means the UK has created a larger economy that uses significantly less electricity.


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