2024-10-13 冲动的小李 3701
Tensions between Greece and Turkey have escalated into a modern arms race, with both nations rapidly building up their military capabilities. In this video, we explore the geopolitical factors driving this rivalry and examine how both countries are preparing for a potential conflict. From naval expansions to advanced weaponry, discover the key developments in this high-stakes standoff that could reshape the Eastern Mediterranean.


War? As a Turk i condemn those things. Fuck war. Enough troubles and problems on earth.


Between 1954 and 1958, he was unsuccessful in his various applications to the UN for "self-determination". In the meantime, Colonel Grivas, who came from Greece, founded the EOKA terrorist organization in 1955 and the acts of violence on the island gradually increased. In the period of 1955 and 1958, Turkish Cypriots were forced to leave 33 mixed villages. In this case, in 1956, England announced that not only Greeks but also Turkish Cypriots had the right to "self-determination" and that the demand for partition was a valid option within this frxwork. Greece's failure to obtain a unilateral decision in favor of "self-determination" and Enosis from the UN, the resistance of Turkish Cypriots against Enosis and Turkey's determination to support them enabled negotiations to be initiated between Turkey and Greece.


Turkey and Greece reached an agreement in Zurich on February 11, 1959 and received the approval of England and the leaders of the two communities in Cyprus in London. The Zurich and London Agreements that emerged in this way were based on the principles of independence, partnership of the two communities, autonomy in the social sphere and effective guarantee of the solution by Turkey, Greece and England.


The “Republic of Cyprus” was established in 1960 in accordance with international agreements based on the partnership between the two peoples of the island. Its Constitution, guaranteed by the said agreements, was based on the equal political rights and status of the Turkish and Greek Cypriot peoples on the island. The Greek Cypriot side did not give the 1960 Republic a chance to survive as it was established, and initiated attempts to change the structure of the “Republic of Cyprus” that came into being with the said agreements system, in order to exclude and isolate the Turkish Cypriots from state institutions, to end their presence on the island and finally to pave the way for unification with Greece (ENOSIS).


The Greek Cypriot side launched comprehensive and systematic attacks against the Turkish Cypriot community on December 21, 1963. The Turkish Cypriots were removed from state institutions. This campaign, known in Turkish Cypriot history as “Bloody Christmas”, was based on the previously prepared “Akritas Plan”. The Akritas Plan, which envisaged the annihilation or expulsion of the Turks from the island, was not the action plan of a simple organization, but an attempt at ethnic cleansing prepared by Greek authorities. As a result of the implementation of the Akritas plan, 30,000 Turkish Cypriots were forced to leave 103 villages. The Turkish Cypriot population was forced to leave their places and took refuge in small areas on the island, corresponding to 3% of the island’s surface area, which had no access to the sea and were constantly under siege.


Therefore, the “Republic of Cyprus” ceased to exist after the Greek Cypriots unilaterally abolished the constitution by force in 1963.


In 1967, the Junta, which seized power in Greece through a military coup, attempted to negotiate with Turkey in the Keşan and Dedeağaç meetings to achieve Enosis, but when this failed, attacks were launched against the villages of Boğaziçi and Geçitkale in Cyprus, and Greek troops also participated in these attacks. This crisis ended upon Turkey’s warning that it would exercise its right to intervene under the agreements, and Greece was forced to withdraw its forces from the island under UN supervision. On July 15, 1974, with the support of the Greek Junta, EOKA leader Nikos Sampson staged a coup against Makarios in order to annex the island to Greece, and seized power for a short time.


In the face of this action, which threatened the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Cyprus, Turkey first proposed a joint intervention to England within the frxwork of the 1960 Treaty of Guarantee. Upon England’s negative response, Turkey, taking into account the security of the Turks on the island, launched the Peace Operation on July 20, 1974. Thus, the annexation of Cyprus to Greece was prevented and the existence of the Turkish Cypriot people was secured. The Turkish Peace Operation also ended the Junta rule in Greece and brought democracy to the country. As can be understood from here, Turkey was not an occupier but rather a savior, bringing peace to the island.


Very well explained, thank you. I wish the moderator would take the bother and read this very informative writing. You've summed the Cyprus issue up perfectly. May I add few more points to your writing to explain the other issues ?


1. F35 issue : Türkiye was the partner of F35 project right from the start. many of the planes parts were being manufactured in Türkiye. Our pilots were training in the States until Türkiye bought S400 from the Russia. Why Türkiye bought it from Russia insted of the allies is the question that should be asked here. At the time PKK terrorists being supported by the USA were sending missiles to the southern parts of our country and killing our people. That showed us that we do need an air defence systems. American politicians who sold their soul to the Jewish zionists strongly opposed and blocked the sales of Patriot systems to Türkiye. Because Israel has plans to expand their land and they do not want a strong Türkiye who is probably the only country to stop that. This is madness. A Nato country not selling to another Nato country. Turkey, which joined the North Atlantic Alliance on February 18, 1952, has been a strong and reliable member of NATO for more than half a century. NATO and the trans-Atlantic bond are important in ensuring peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic region and in protecting democracy, prosperity and freedoms." played a decisive role. The same USA government did not find any excuse to Greeks buying S300 purchase of Greece and S400 purchase of India. Is this not a double standard ?

1. F35问题:土耳其从一开始就是F35项目的合作伙伴。许多飞机零部件在土耳其制造。我们的飞行员在美国接受训练,直到土耳其从俄罗斯购买了S400。为什么土耳其要从俄罗斯而不是盟友那里购买,这是一个值得提出的问题。当时,美国支持的PKK恐怖分子向我国南部地区发射导弹,杀害我们的人民。这显示我们确实需要防空系统。那些将灵魂卖给犹太锡安主义者的美国政客强烈反对并阻止向土耳其销售爱国者系统。因为以色列计划扩展他们的土地,他们不想要一个强大的土耳其,而土耳其可能是唯一能阻止他们的国家。这太疯狂了。一个北约国家不向另一个北约国家出售。土耳其自1952年2月18日加入北大西洋联盟以来,已经成为北约一个强大而可靠的成员,超过半个世纪。北约和跨大西洋联盟在确保欧大西洋地区的和平与稳定,保护民主、繁荣和自由方面发挥了决定性作用。同一美国政府在希腊购买S300和印度购买S400时,却没有给任何借口。这难道不是双重标准吗?

2. As for the Cyprus issue, the west did dirty on Türkiye again. Just see how Makarios and Grivas butchered the Turkish people before the Turkish intervension. See how Greek side continiously refused for the talks for peace.If you don't believe me, then I suggest you do your own search for the reality. Then EU as not accepted Türkiye to join as a member for many many years. But happily accepted Southern Cyprus immidately. Just read about the Greeks Megali Idea. The islands in the aegean sea was wrongly handed over to the Greeks after the 2nd world war which most of them a stone throw away from our shores. The condition attached to this was that they would never militarise these islands and the sea distance could be ony 6 miles. What did the Greeks do ? They have heavily militarised these islands and now they are pushing these sea limits to 12 miles. If they can achieve their goal our fishermen should ask permission from Greeks even if they want to fish on our shores. No Turkish ships can sail in the Aegean Sea. And what business can Greeks have in the East Mediteranian ? Those are Turkish seas.

2. 至于塞浦路斯问题,西方再次对土耳其不利。看看Makarios和Grivas在土耳其干预前如何屠杀土耳其人。看看希腊方面如何不断拒绝和平谈判。如果你不相信我,我建议你自己搜索事实真相。然后欧盟多年不接受土耳其成为成员,但却立即接受了南塞浦路斯。看看希腊的大马士革理念。第二次世界大战后,爱琴海的岛屿被错误地交给了希腊,大部分离我们的海岸仅一步之遥。附加的条件是他们永远不会军事化这些岛屿,海域距离只能是6英里。希腊人做了什么?他们重度军事化了这些岛屿,现在他们将海域限制推到了12英里。如果他们能实现他们的目标,我们的渔民即使想在我们的海岸捕鱼也要向希腊人申请许可。没有土耳其船只可以在爱琴海航行。希腊人在东地中海有什么事?那些是土耳其的海域。

One can go on and on about these issues. I hope Türkiye would join BRICS and come out of NATO who proved to be run by a bunch of idiots who have no idea about the history. But I bet NATO will collapse in the end and thats what they deserve


@SerhatAlbayoğlu Türkiye için vatandaşlık görevimizdir gerçeklerin öğrenilmesi


@ruzgar_adam ???? Ne diyorsun anlamadım dostum.


Western propaganda channels


Greece never seems to get sick of getting smacked around by the Turks but they keep coming back for more since way before the Ottomon Empire!


No invation, ıt was a Turks land inherited from ottoman and Turks were living in there over 500 with Greeks. Whole Cyprus belongs to Ottoman not to Greeks. Turks soldiers were entered to Cyprus because Greeks were killing civilian Turks with no gun. Maybe doesn't make a sense to you but it literally means to Turks.


Of course problem described through biased one sided


Agree there ...


Long live Türkiye


Admin is grreek


Greece has a great allie French who does not sell advanced weapons to authoritarian expansionist ragiems.


Rubish content! Simply incitement!!!


Stop spreading your lies


All bla bla erdogan has no defend palestinians


He is the only leader.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Check how many palestinians treated in our hospitals. Check how many Syrian people Turkiye host. Check Erdogan's BM talk. So what did your country do?


You are supporting Greece always, Islands territorial waters are 6 miles but Greece claims air 10 miles unilaterally, that's why 10000 air incursion claims of Greece against Turkish aeroplanes. Also Greece claims territorial waters of the islands must be 12 miles than Turkish ships cannot navigate at Egean sea, Further more Greece claims 10 km2 islands economic zone must be 140000 km2 , Greece wants US and France should fight with Türkiye and give them half of Turkey as always like Israel . Historically Greece by believing and getting supports and guarantees of big countries always was aggressive against Türkiye and Turkish people. They must change mentality and should be friend and partner with Türkiye. We Turkish people don't like anybody threat us and treat us like Barbars and we don't afraid of war if necessary to save our rights, that's all.


U.S. propaganda


It is still called and not this other wird!


Понятно , что повязанная долговыми обяательствами и галопирующей , стремительно растущей инфляционной дороговизной . . . еще и продуктов питания , что при неизменности заработной платы широких народных масс буквально сокрушает уровень жизни граждан ... вплоть до недоедания ..., выход из создавшегося тупика руководство Турции ошибочно усматривает в развязывании войны ...


Если Турция вздумает продолжить свои атаки в Ираке и Сирии , то это означает ее прямое столкновение с США и с Россией , а вмешательство в Газе и в Ливане для поддержки суннитов Хамаза и шиитов Хезболы означает прямое столкновение с объединенными силами США , Израиля и всего Западного мира ...


Продолжение своей весьма агрессивной военной компании в Ливии означает столкновение с Египтом - крупнейшей арабскй страной , что также нецелесообразно ...
Слабейшими в этой связи .... Анкара рассматривает - Республику Кипр , Болгарию и Грецию ...


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Предлог для дальнейшего вмешательства на Кипре Анкара найдет без проблем ...
В этой связи следует особо отметить наличие в Болгарии в качестве граждан этой страны огромной турецкой общины , аналогично и в греческой Фракии проживают более чем стотысячная масса мусульман ...
Не исключено , что Анкара попытается поднять в этих регионах восстание
""""для священной битвы за национальную свободу с целью воссоединения этнических братьев с общетурецкой материной родиной """" .....
од знаменем этого псевдо фетиша будет сделана попытка отвлечь внимание народных масс от борьбы за свои экономические права под псевдо лозунгом объединения турецкого народа во имя "решения священных обшенациональных задач "....
.. Таким образом .. если Эрдоган решится атаковать Грецию , Кипр и Болгарию , то это безрассудство закончится полным распадом Турции .... , что с высочайшей тревогой воспринимается всей греческой нацией , поскольку подавляющее большинство турецкого народа являются генетическими братьями греков !


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Когда США и России и Египет и Исраел и Греция и Ирак и ТД сделали союуз против Турции? в вашем сне по моему или мечтаете так. Хот был бы так думаете Турков будет испуганный, ошибаетесь.


The weather is weird and countries also seem to want to create violence for unknown reasons except for land and resources


Another ignition news.


Acting like Turkish Rambo, aah...enough of talking.. talking....Gaza already flattened, now Lebanon...yet still quack...quack...
You need EU ,
EU don't need you,
Join BRICS out of anger for face saving


You're not wrong! Erdogan loves to make himself look, sound and seem "magnanimous!" Lol
Unfortunately, he's a paper tiger for the most part!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

mongol turks




@mickeymouse1697 we have cheese on the table..


All the ilands belong to türkiye


And your mama to Greeks


Asia Minor belongs to Greece

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@theotsirakidis6844 NOPE OTTOMAN RULE YOU.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This old man talks, threathens and shouts alot but does very less in z case of Israel


Tired of waiting on that EU membership yet?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You can treat Erdogan as a comedian. His rhetoric is amusing rather than threatening.


They said samething about Iran ,,but tel aviv burning in Israel,you are not laughing anymore


peace always

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Türkiye should join any block as it feels, it’s no one’s business to tell the republic who to build relationships or not.


talk talk and talk and no character


The defence pact between India and Greece may also check Turkey.


Israel better help greese


Israel cant handled hamas how their fight with Turkiye




Greece dont needs Help from Israel for turkey


Baskenti atina olan büyük makedonyayi büyük Arnavutlugu destekliyoruz

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Šajze hahahaha


@ruzgar_adam why are you laughing lion.... Look how Desperate you try to buy Euro-Fighter because of greece. You litteraly begging for F16 and now for EF2000.. Hahahahahahah for you ..

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And the U S ,Making loads a money selling to both sides ..


Urdogan is mad


on the contrary ..you are mad what you said


we are not preparing for war


How xan greek be match for Türkiye????


It wouldn't be a soccer match mister ' plenty of other teams would be obliged to join


Better airforce better soldiers a marine nation. turks only talk a lot of bla bla but when you show the stick you run


when did u se them run ?
As i know they ruled u more than 500 years


so u counting help as bagger from other nations? By saying that u are agreed that greece is not match


ofcourse you only know turkish news and turkish history but here is the truth for you. Greece was never fully occupied by the ottoman empire. And never 500 years. Crete was never fully occupied only the shores. Mani was never occupied. The ionian islands where never occupied. It was always 10 against 1. Greeks where never united but when they did your numerical advantage was nothing against the Greeks. Now imagine millions of Greeks and fully equipped and ready. Turkey has no chance against Greece. But to be honest because thats the truth Greece can’t attack turkey they would lose. turks want more and more and Greeks don’t care about turkey


what million of greeks ? There is barely 10 million in Greece and 3 million is from balkans and 3 million Turks living in greek that's mean u just 3 million barely as greek boy be nice or else this time we will rule u like 1000 years


Rattling is just for social media


Turkey dismissed Greece


Don't provocate, greece is relaing on western countrys and provocating Türkiye. Iff greece wans to increes border by his own to 6 miles than Türkiye will declair ware to greece. Whene Türkiye inwolve in this war there will be no greece.


These two old nation have to come to come sciences ,the world is in turmoil enough

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Do you want us to fight?


Greeks must abonden the islands




bcuz it's jot theirs..
No point having a island that is 500 mener to Turkish ground and ist like 1000 km from athena ??
Does that make sence to u ?????
Beside u only 5 million ppl ..
We are 100 million
U don't need that much island and lands..Just give freely the Turkish lands and island back


of course it makes sense to me. It is Greek territory


you should give Smyrna, Ephesus or Halicarnassus back to Greece. The are only 500 m away from the Greek islands after all




Take your armies and leave my land
I like your land I think I'll stay..


Show respect it's turkieye


H a h a ..


France, England, Germany will protect Greece like protecting their own eyes!


No one protects another, history is full of examples of this, how will NATO and the US soon give up on defending Ukraine and leave them alone with their fate because they always do this?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They are blinds.






Akkuyu changes the rules ... most especially as China and Russia are involved, rather than the EU and its sanctions.


There’s no rational reason for Greece to go to court to negotiate what it already is entitled to under International Law.


What you describe as "Cyprus crisis" was a military invasion and still illegal occupation.


India supports Greece.


As a Turk, why make war instead of peace? I hope our governments don't do anything stupid and we live in peace for years!


Exactly! Selam, my friend!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Well said, komşu




Because we have Petroleum under the sea


Very simplistic view Turkey is the aggressor here Greece is no threat to Turkey we are defending our internationally recognised borders on land sea and air. Why would we arm if we were not threatened?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kurdistan supports Greece


Kurdistan will be a whole land again third part of nowadays turkey


Where is Kurdistan


Greece supports Kurdistan


that place doesn’t even exist, how do you think you can support them?


If You smoke enough cannabiz, Kurds transform into mountain Turks and Turks into Coast-Arnenians!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

sounds like you smoked a little too much of something


Says the fascist cannaboy!!!


We Turks dont want war! Everybody can live in his/her territories in peace. No need to lose our sons, husbands, brothers for ambitions of presidents. I say this to Greeks too!


Well since Erdi gets elected on the wheel, there's not much peaceful Turks can do.


we dont want that too. so why this is going on ?


then don't ask for something that doesn't belong to you! You Turks as a people are fine but you have a big problem of Islamic power and expansion! You have to say that being in Europe was a great joy for us, we don't have to divide anything, we have a lot to win together!


love your message


People in the comments really act like half of Turkey didn't vote against Erdo?


No, they’re acting like half did vote for him. That’s the one we can’t and shouldn’t ignore.


You somehow present Greece and Turkey on equal terms, as if they were two equivalent powers that have been neighbors for thousands of years. In reality, Turkey is the unilateral aggressor here! It has always been an aggressive, expansionist, militarized country, ever since the Turks came in this area from Mongolia (!) and started invading Anatolia (modern Turkey), pillaging and usurping the Greek-Byzantine lands (Anatolia, Constantinople etc.—which were Greek-Byzantine back then)!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Today Turkey is a Goliath in respect to Greece, in every sense (their population is 8 times higher, their military is one of the strongest in the world, and they are one of the biggest sellers of military weapons!). So, Greece is the absolutely weak part in this case! Not to mention that Greece is a totally peaceful country while Turkey is behaving super-aggressively - even to the point of publicly announcing that Turkey is entitled to invade and usurp half of the Aegean sea and all the millennia old Greek islands comprised in it!
P.S. What you call "the 1974 Cyprus conflict" wasn't a simple "conflict" but a single sided, barbaric, military invasion of Turkey in Cyprus, an invasion condemned by the UN and the international community!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Türkiye's ancestors were defeated by the Chinese, fled here, and have been trying to seize new lands, this is history


maybe in your single-sided mind you would like it to be like that! The UN though and the entire world (even the Turkic countries who unconditionally support Turkey), all the countries of the world have condemned the barbaric Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974!


so you think it is normal what happened to the Turkish citizens of Cyprus, before the invasion? The invasion which Turkey had the right to do according to the Cypriot constitution, because of the coup in Greece?


those skirmishes was nothing compare to the extermination of the Greek population of Constantinople in the same period of time


you are all a bunch of hypocrites. Believe whatever fits your narrative


Turkish people lived in the Scythians in Eastern Europe. They didnt come from Mongolia.. mr ignorant


Greece was Ottoman territory for 400 years and you are still free to speak your language. And throughout history, the Turkish war the Mongols many times. You should be grateful for that because if it not for the Turkish people, your blood would most likely carry the DNA of a Mongol soldier.


did you go to school when you were younger?!?!


If Israel can have back Palastine, why can't Greece have back Turkey? It's their religious homeland, the Sophia Church was there for 400 years before the Turks stole it


900 years!


Because GEYREEKS are not israHELL and TURKIYE is not Palestine


come and take it back then


很赞 6