2024-10-14 汤沐之邑 4618

What do foreigners think about India?


What do the foreigners think about India as a whole?
I fulfilled my lifetime dream of visiting India in 2015. (I’m returning again this year!) I’ve been enchanted by India all of my life and still experienced many positive culture shocks.


I met some of the most warm-hearted people on the planet.
We arrived in Kolkata on the day of Holi. We had so much fun celebrating Holi with strangers in the streets! Even people who did not speak English smeared us with colors and gestured for us to do the same to them. I wrote in my travelogue, “We met the people of India at their best and they met us at our best.”
Curried jackfruit and sweet lassis. I loved them so much I make them myself now.


Before planning our trip, I read reviews of different places to visit on websites like TripAdvisor. People from England often warned of negative experiences visiting places that we loved. For example: Monkey Temple in Jaipur. Many British reviewers described it as filthy and stinky and described the monkeys as aggressive and vicious. That was not our experience at all! I look forward to returning!
So many people wanted to have their pictures taken with us! Children, teens, adults, entire families asked to pose with us while we took photos that they would never see. We met some really awesome people, as a result!
Shopping in the street bazaars was FUN! Vendors would offer us chai while we haggled good-naturedly for lower prices.


Car drivers and autorickshaw drivers: We had some really good ones… really nice people… who made great recommendations for places to eat, shop, or visit.
Seeing women dressed in beautiful saris… even in the poorest neighborhoods.
India is a feast for the senses! As tourists, we were bombarded (in a good way) with the bright colors and the smell of flowers and spices. The USA looked so dull and drab in comparison when we returned home.


Strangers looked after our well-being all the time. An elderly Bengali man who didn’t speak English prevented me from stepping into traffic. Several people in Delhi warned us against walking in one particular neighborhood. One of them even insisted on arranging a autorickshaw to get us back to our hotel and negotiated a fair (very low) price with the driver. At the train station in Jaipur, a total stranger picked up our heavy luggage and put it on our train without staying around for any sort of payment or thanks.
There were many more positive surprises such as these. I’ll stop at these. At the request of a few Indian friends on Quora, I wrote a travelogue of our experience two days after our return from India, for any who may wish more detail.


Ramnik Duggal
Yes Indians are warm - hearted in general! I have heard that so are people from Pakistan! In the US too I (generally) had good experiences while interacting with people! I did not find much warmth interacting with people in Middle East and other places!
Just felt like sharing this after reading yr post.


Aneeta Babu N
If by any chance you happen to be in Mumbai, I would love to meet.you. :)


Awww… Thanks. The furthest south we’ll be is in Amravati (same state). :-)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Aneeta Babu N
Aww. If dates match, and you not freaked out, I could work it to Amravati too. :)


Thank You for your kind words please come again.


Aman Godara
thanks sir ,, ,, it is our duty to respect any foreigner who came to our country as our motto ‘guest is god for us’
and this is true that we are facing problems like pollution,curruption,women safety, illetracy,poverty but still we are happy and proud to be an indian


You have PLENTY of reasons to be proud.


Aman Godara
thanks sir for your gratitude


Shubham Pandey
Thank you sir i m feeling proud today to be an indian


You have lots to be proud of. :-)


RudR. Singh
Thnx a lot for sharing your Experience in our beautiful country. It's actually a beautiful place to visit.


Arshi T.
India is unsfae for women.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It depends , people have different opinions and views about India and everything else in life but since you are asking I would say , that maybe because of some TV shows or documentaries most of people who have never visited India before - have kind of a bad impression of the country and might consider it unhygienic and poor !


As I have mentioned in my previous answers , I was in love with India since childhood and loved reading about it’s culture , history , traditions .People back in my country never really understood or took it serious , they used to tell me with an attitude : ‘’ You’ll grow up and realize it’s stupid ’’ or ‘’Once you visit India , you’ll see how poor it is and rush back home ’’ ! When I first time visited India , while landing I saw Delhi lights and - I CRIED ! I do not know what it was , but my heart has never felt so much excitement and happiness at the same time , never before ! I have no idea how but it was just what i had pictured in my head ! Of course I felt bad for people who live in the streets , I saw some places which freaked me out and I could not stand the strong , terrible smell but I once more fell in love with India ! We should always concentrate on positive points and India is so much of that !


When I go back to my country , some silly people still ask if I have a washroom or not ,got a bed or i sleep on the floor - yes it’s so annoying and disrespectful but I do not wanna argue with someone , who has no idea about what’s actually going on here and is still so confident just because she/he has seen a scene over TV how poor India is !
I try to use my social media handles to show India from my point of view - which is incredible ! Textiles , architecture , festivals , food - I love all about the country ! I am just getting good vibes !


I could go and live anywhere I wanted to but India has a power i guess which attracts you and there is no between - either you love it passionately or not at all!
As I also work with students , who want to go abroad for studies , I really like to talk to them and prepare as people from India travelling abroad represent their country too and this time it’s a big responsibility ! You should try to look polished and groomed , clean your place - no matter it’s hostel or flat , not to disturb neighbors - be friendly - maybe you offer them to try Indian dishes (less spicy) ! Talk about how rich India’s culture is and what achievements it has - but do not be pushy , keep it short !


I try my best to spread good message , India is not poor - if we look at the population of some countries it’s 3 million - they still have beggars , people who are uneducated , sleep in the streets , starving and here Delhi (just one city) population is 18 million - how is the world expecting it to be perfectly normal and super clean over here ?! If country with small population can not be taken care of and well maintained how are we expecting one of the most populated country to fulfill those requirements ?!
P.S Do not argue much with people who are stubborn - say it once and walk away !


Rejoy Thadathil
What do the foreigners think about India as a whole?
I was in Scotland working to bring a project down to India. I had two wonderful Scottish women who were preparing to come down to India for the project sake.
They were apparently given a book to be read written by an Indian douchebag for foreigners visiting India. In it, he mentioned how Indians pooped anywhere and everywhere. They ride on camels and elephants (not kidding) to work. How they are ridden by poverty and diseases and so on and on.


Obviously they were petrified and to ice their cake, this was officially given by the company for all travelers (again not kidding) visiting India. They had to have over a dozen injections to prevent harmful diseases and what not (understandably).
I was bemused by the writers lack of knowledge and by the company’s portrayal on India. I had to console myself and them on how India is.
They came to the company and one girl almost fainted when they saw the enormous structure that we worked in. All their fears collapsed in a matter of time. They then wanted to extend their stay for want of more pleasure. Talk about irony.


Manish Patel
What does foreigners think about India?
Some Facts!
1. What foreigners think: Indian streets are filled with snake charmers and elephants.
What it really is: The streets of India are filled with anything but snake charmers and we hid the elephants inside wildlife sanctuaries.


2. What foreigners think: It’s hot and humid everywhere in India.
What it really is: The second coldest place in the world is in India – Drass in Jammu and Kashmir


3. What foreigners think: Indian food is all about spices and curry.
What it really is: There’s more variety to Indian food than half the whole world. And our desserts can give your chocolate lava cakes a run for its money any day.


4. What foreigners think: All of India is filthy, unhygienic and crowded.
What it really is: There are still numerous places that are untouched and unexplored in India


5. What foreigners think: Indians speak Indian.
What it really is: We have 23 recognised official languages and English and Hindi are the most commonly chosen languages for communication.


6. What foreigners think: Brown is the colour of Indian people.
What it really is: Not even remotely true. Indian features vary and the diversity is mind boggling.


7. What foreigners think: Indian men can’t speak to women.
What it really is: Indian men are as confident, flirtatious and suave as any other guys in other countries, a bit nerdy at time but that’s cool!


8. What foreigners think: India is just another 3rd world country with 3rd world problems.
What it really is: India is a rapidly developing nation and we have problems like any other nation which we’ve been striving to overcome.


9. What foreigners think: Indian people are inhospitable and unfriendly.
What it really is: Visit an Indian household and they won’t allow you to leave without having something, no matter how poor they are. Also, if you smile at them, they always smile back.


10. What foreigners think: Indian toilets habits are funny and unhygienic.
What it really is: Indian toilet habits are scientifically proven to be healthy.


11. What foreigners think: All Indians are Cow worshippers
What it really is: Cows are considered holy by the Hindus but considering it’s a diverse nation there are various other communities that consume beef.


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