2024-10-14 遐怪 5442

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

事件详情: 日军第16师团步兵19旅团第9联队第3大队的两个少尉军官——野田毅、向井敏明,直到南京紫金山下相遇,野田毅杀了105人,向井敏明杀了106人。又因不确定是谁先达到杀100人之数,决定这次比赛不分胜负,重新比赛谁杀满150名中国人。)

Since the Hamas attack triggered the devastating IDF reprisal, the entire region has been sliding ever closer to the abyss


A year ago, at around 6:30am local time on October 7, 2023, Palestinian groups launched Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, during which an estimated 2,500 to over 5,000 rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel.


Following this barrage, more than 2,000 armed fighters infiltrated Israeli territory by land, sea, and air, targeting kibbutzim and the city of Sderot. Around 1,200 Israelis were killed, including hundreds of people at a music festival, and 242 people were taken hostage.

随后,超过 2000 名武装人员通过陆、海、空等渠道侵入以色列领土,袭击基布兹和斯德洛特市。约 1200 名以色列人被杀,其中包括数百名参加音乐节的人,242 人被劫持为人质。

In response, the Israeli government, for the first time since 1973, declared martial law and launched Operation Iron Swords in Gaza. This day marked the beginning of a new phase of escalation in the long-standing Middle Eastern conflict, which has since spread beyond Israel and Palestine, dividing the global community into supporters and critics of Israeli policies.

作为回应,以色列政府自 1973 年以来首次宣布戒严,并在加沙发起“铁剑行动”。这一天标志着中东长期冲突进入新阶段,冲突已蔓延至以色列和巴勒斯坦之外,将国际社会分为以色列政策的支持者和批评者。

Divided Israel
By October 7, 2024, on the anniversary of the tragic events, the streets of Tel Aviv, Israel’s financial and cultural center, were adorned with Israeli flags bearing the Hebrew words ‘Beyachad Nenatze’ach’ (together we will win).

到 2024 年 10 月 7 日,即这场悲剧事件发生周年纪念日,以色列金融和文化中心特拉维夫的街道上挂满了以色列国旗,上面写着希伯来语“Beyachad Nenatze'ach”(团结起来我们将取得胜利)。

Yet, the reality on the ground told a more complex story. Families of hostages held in Gaza called for negotiations to secure their release, even if it meant ending the war with Hamas, while posters of fallen soldiers demanded the continuation of the war until “complete victory.”
This split in Israeli society reflects a profound dilemma. Should the release of hostages come at the cost of ending the war?


Even before October 7, Israeli society was deeply divided, with months of protests against the government’s proposed judicial reforms. Major cities were gripped by mass demonstrations against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right government. His opponents accused him of attempting to dismantle Israel’s democratic political structure and turn the country into his personal stronghold, with himself as a de facto monarch.

早在 10 月 7 日之前,以色列社会就已严重分裂,政府提出的司法改革抗议活动已持续数月。各大城市爆发大规模示威活动,反对总理本杰明·内塔尼亚胡的极右翼政府。他的反对者指责他试图破坏以色列的民主政治结构,把这个国家变成他的私人堡垒,他自己则是事实上的君主。

After the October 7 tragedy, Israeli society fell into deep shock, and many felt that the government was failing to manage the crisis. In response, emergency civil centers were set up to handle everything from raising funds for the army to providing shelter for thousands of people who had been displaced from their homes. These efforts even extended to replacing immigrant laborers on farms who had left due to the war.

10 月 7 日的悲剧发生后,以色列社会陷入深深的震惊,许多人认为政府未能妥善处理危机。为了应对这一情况,以色列政府设立了紧急民事中心,负责处理从为军队筹集资金到为数千名流离失所者提供住所等一切事务。这些努力甚至延伸到取代那些因战争而离开农场的移民劳工。

In many ways, civil society and private initiatives took on roles that the government could not fulfill, believing that only they could truly support the country. At first, it seemed as though Israeli society was united in its grief.


A year later, that sense of unity has largely dissipated. Old divisions have resurfaced, now centered on the war with Hamas and the fate of the hostages held in Gaza. Support for deals to release the hostages has become synonymous with opposition to Netanyahu’s handling of the war.


Families of the hostages are increasingly attacked, both on social media and in real life, subjected to insults and even physical assaults. They are labeled ‘smolanim’ (leftists), a term that has long carried derogatory connotations in certain parts of Israeli society. For many supporters of Israel’s far-right government, the campaign for the hostages’ release is viewed as a tool used by the opposition to undermine Netanyahu’s administration.


Amid the deadliest terrorist attack in Israel’s history and the ensuing war with Hamas, the ongoing conflict with Hezbollah in the north, and tens of thousands of displaced Israelis, a crucial question arises: Do Israelis feel any safer?


According to a survey conducted by the Institute for National Security Studies in September 2024, 31% of Israelis reported feeling ‘low’ or ‘very low’ levels of security, while only 21% felt ‘high’ or ‘very high’ levels of safety.

根据国家安全研究所 2024 年 9 月进行的一项调查,31% 的以色列人表示感觉安全水平“低”或“非常低”,而只有 21% 的人感觉安全水平“高”或“非常高”。

Even before the events of October 7, the emigration rate from Israel had been rising. According to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, more citizens left the country in 2023 than in the previous year, and preliminary data for 2024 indicates a further increase in emigration.

早在 10 月 7 日事件发生之前,以色列的移民率就一直在上升。根据以色列中央统计局的数据,2023 年离开该国的公民数量比上一年更多,而 2024 年的初步数据显示移民人数将进一步增加。

Despite the societal rift, Tel Aviv’s streets remain covered with stickers bearing the faces, names, and stories of those who perished on October 7 or during the ongoing war in Gaza. Perhaps these stories are the last thread holding together an increasingly divided Israeli society in these challenging times.

尽管社会分裂,特拉维夫的街道上仍然贴满了贴纸,上面写着 10 月 7 日或加沙持续战争中遇难者的面孔、姓名和故事。也许这些故事是在这个充满挑战的时代将日益分裂的以色列社会凝聚在一起的最后一根纽带。

Division abroad: How has international support for Israel changed?
A year after the events of October 7, 2023, international support for Israel has significantly shifted, creating divisions among key global players. While many countries initially expressed solidarity with Israel in its fight against Hamas, as the conflict escalated and civilian casualties rose, the situation became increasingly tense in Europe, Africa, and other parts of the world.

2023 年 10 月 7 日事件发生一年后,国际社会对以色列的支持发生了重大转变,导致全球主要参与者之间出现分歧。尽管许多国家最初都声援以色列打击哈马斯,但随着冲突升级和平民伤亡增加,欧洲、非洲和世界其他地区的局势愈发紧张。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The US remains Israel’s main ally, with President Joe Biden repeatedly emphasizing Israel’s right to self-defense. However, even within the US, protests against the Israeli military operations began to emerge, particularly on university campuses and among left-wing activists, weakening public support somewhat.


In Europe, attitudes toward the conflict also evolved. While countries such as Germany, France, and the UK supported Israel at the outset, the escalating violence drew criticism from European leaders. Several EU countries, including Norway, Ireland, Spain, and Slovenia, recognized Palestine as an independent state, intensifying pressure on Israel. Mass protests in support of the Palestinians also took place in London, Berlin, Paris, and other cities across Europe.


One of the most notable international reactions was a lawsuit filed by South Africa against Israel in the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
On December 29, 2023, South Africa lodged a complaint accusing Israel of GENOCIDE in Gaza, based on the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of GENOCIDE.

2023 年 12 月 29 日,南非根据《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》提出申诉,指控以色列在加沙实施种族灭绝。

This lawsuit also called for an end to military action in Gaza and demanded access to humanitarian aid. It is important to note that South Africa acted under the principle of ‘erga omnes partes’, allowing it to file the complaint even though it was not directly affected by the conflict – but as a signatory to the GENOCIDE Convention, it has an obligation to prevent GENOCIDE.


South Africa also withdrew its diplomats from Tel Aviv and organized protests at home, where anti-apartheid sentiments historically run strong. The government drew parallels between the fight against apartheid and the Palestinian struggle, which further fueled anti-Israel sentiments.


Several countries, including Turkey, Spain, Mexico, and Libya, have indicated their intent to join South Africa’s lawsuit, underscoring the growing global support for this legal process.


Russia has taken a cautious and balanced stance since the events of October 7, 2023. President Vladimir Putin condemned terrorism and expressed condolences over the Israeli victims, but emphasized the need for a peaceful resolution. Moscow, which traditionally supports the Palestinians’ right to self-determination, reiterated the importance of a two-state solution under international law and called for an end to the violence and the start of negotiations.


Protests against Israel’s actions took place globally, from Europe and North America to the Middle East and Asia. In countries with large Muslim populations, such as Indonesia, Pakistan, and Turkey, protests were particularly widespread. These demonstrations called for sanctions against Israel and demanded stronger international action to protect Palestinians.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

On the brink of total war
A year after the events of October 7, 2023, the conflict between Israel and Palestinian factions has not only failed to subside but has also significantly expanded, engulfing the entire Middle East region. The ongoing military operations in Gaza, Israel’s reluctance to engage in negotiations with Hamas, and the recent assassinations of senior Hezbollah leaders and other radical figures have escalated tensions, bringing the region closer to a full-scale war.


Despite numerous international calls for a ceasefire and hostage exchange, Israel continues its war with Hamas, showing little interest in diplomatic negotiations. Lengthy and complex negotiations over hostages, in which Hamas proposed various exchange options while Israel delayed decisions or imposed additional conditions, serve as an example.


US officials have frequently criticized Israel for dragging out negotiations, and members of the Biden administration have expressed frustration, stating that Netanyahu’s hardline stance complicates diplomatic efforts for a truce and increases the risk of conflict escalation.


In 2024, Israel intensified its military operations beyond Gaza. One of the most significant events was the elimination of Ismail Haniyeh, one of the leaders of Hamas, along with Hezbollah’s secretary-general, Hassan Nasrallah. These assassinations provoked immediate retaliation from Lebanon and Iran. Israel has already been targeted by direct missile strikes from Iran twice, heightening fears of an imminent direct military confrontation between the two nations.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Alongside operations against Hamas, Israel launched an invasion of Lebanon, encountering fierce resistance from Hezbollah. The fighting has resulted in substantial losses on both sides, including civilian casualties. In this context, the international community is increasingly concerned about the possibility of Israeli strikes on Iran, which could trigger a full-scale regional war involving the US.


The world watches with bated breath as analysts warn that an Israeli strike on Iran could drag the US into a Middle Eastern conflict. Washington is unprepared for such a scenario, but its alliance with Israel complicates its diplomatic maneuvering. US officials have repeatedly called on Israel to exercise restraint, understanding that escalation could have catastrophic consequences for the entire region.


Netanyahu faces a daunting challenge – consolidating power at home while diminishing the influence of the opposition, which criticizes him for failing to protect citizens from terrorist attacks. Israel’s internal instability, driven by political divisions, is compounded by external threats from Iran and its proxy groups across the ‘Axis of Resistance’.


Netanyahu’s strategy aims to address two key issues. On the one hand, he seeks to weaken Iranian influence in the region, viewing Iran as the primary threat to Israel’s security. On the other hand, he strives to maintain control over the domestic political situation, using military operations as a way to strengthen his hold on power and counter opposition criticism.


A year after the start of the conflict, the situation in the Middle East has only deteriorated. The military operations in Gaza, the invasion of Lebanon, and the growing tensions with Iran pose the threat of a full-scale regional conflict that could extend beyond the Middle East, potentially involving major global powers, including the US.


Despite diplomatic efforts, the conflict continues to expand, and its consequences could be devastating for the entire region. Many believe that no one truly wants war – Iran shows restraint, the US and other players seek diplomatic solutions, and it seems that only Netanyahu and his circle are willing to go to any lengths to achieve their goals.


Blowing in the Wind
I told my neighbor last week that I had converted to Judaism.. and that, God told me that all of my neighbors possessions are mine. We're still coming to terms with everything.. but, I've already taken his lawnmower. It's mine by divine right.


Circle Swallows Square
Blowing in the Wind, And just remember if your neighbor refuses just call him anti-Semitic and then bomb his wife and kids.


Circle Swallows Square
Mossad planned the nova festival blood sacrifice months in advance Israel then executed the vast majority of the festival goers and hostages via the Hannibal directive all according to their demonic warfare tactics.


"bleeding support" ~ very well put by the writer, Murad Sadygzade. Israel has brought such world rebuke to themselves that it's practically just USA now funding Israel's GENOCIDE. Every time they turn a civilian apartment building into rubble, killing children and civilians, they engage in self-defeat even more. Israel's rationale for targeting civilians is that there may be a Hamas member among them. But, under that rationale they could shoot down a commercial passenger jet.

“血腥支持”~ 作家 Murad Sadygzade 的表述非常到位。以色列给自己带来了如此多的谴责,以至于现在实际上只有美国在资助以色列的种族灭绝。每当他们将一栋民用公寓楼夷为平地,杀害儿童和平民时,他们就会更加自取灭亡。以色列针对平民的理由是,其中可能包括哈马斯成员。但根据这一理由,他们可以击落一架商用客机。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

John J
Israel does not want a 2 State Solution. Israel does not want a 1 State Solution. Israel wants a Final Solution. A Greater Israel Project to drive all Natives out or kill them all. The World Leaders should all be telling the truth. Zionazis are real.


Circle Swallows Square
John J, Israel wishes for a ONE world solution....


I suggest studying Jewish history....You'll find out that no one has ever been able to get along with Jews. They are and were the source of constant trouble and turmoil even in antiquity. They cannot get along with anyone and it is no wonder they have been expelled from one country after another over the centuries. Read Cicero, Tacitus, Philo and Josephus......Jews need to be corralled into one place and then left alone without any contact with anyone else....BUT Palestine is not the right place for this.


nawfan611, The Rothschilds set up the Illuminati in 1776 to subvert the Christian basis of Western Civilization. They took over much of freemasonary and used it to infiltrate all social institutions.
“Through our national bank, the Federal Reserve,we extend book credit which we create from nothing to all local banks Thus we bring industry, management and labour into debt and ply management against labour so they will never unite and attack us and usher in a debt free industrial utopia”
Harold Rosenthal, The protocols of Zion

罗斯柴尔德家族于 1776 年成立了光明会,旨在颠覆西方文明的基督教基础。他们控制了大部分共济会组织,并利用其渗透到所有社会机构。

Junk Camel
Israel let oct 7 happen on purpose, to justify their ethnic cleansing campaign.

以色列故意让 10 月 7 日的袭击发生,以证明其种族清洗运动的合理性。

Interesting how academics whitewash GENOCIDE. "As the conflict escalated and civilian casualties rose" -- as though these things were happening on their own. Why not say: "as Israel disproportionately responded to Oct 7 and initiated a campaign of GENOCIDE and ethnic cleansing, then attacked Lebanon, Syria and Iraq..." See what a difference that makes?

学者们粉饰种族灭绝的行为真有趣。“随着冲突升级,平民伤亡增加”——好像这些事情是自然发生的。为什么不说:“由于以色列对 10 月 7 日的袭击做出了不成比例的反应并发起了种族灭绝和民族清洗运动,然后袭击了黎巴嫩、叙利亚和伊拉克...”看到有什么不同了吗?

The war will end only when the jews have been driven out of Palestine.


很赞 15