2024-10-14 汤沐之邑 2707
What do foreigners think about India?


Rebecca Orton
What do the foreigners think about India as a whole?
I’ve had the extraordinary privilege to live in India twice, something that I will always be grateful for. I can honestly say that I have a sort of love-hate relationship with India. It’s a complicated thing to articulate such diametrically opposed feelings. But I’ll give it a shot.


Littering & garbage is a problem and difficult to overlook - As a westerner from a metropolitan city that has very advanced recycling, composting, and overall waste infrastructures, I was initially shocked at the amount of waste pretty much everywhere in India. There is very little infrastructure in the way of waste management and for any westerner that will always be a hangup. I can't tell you how many conversations among westerners I overheard, puzzling out why Indians throw their garbage everywhere.

乱丢垃圾是个不容忽视的问题 - 作为一个来自西方大都市、习惯了先进回收、堆肥和废物处理设施的人,我对印度随处可见的垃圾数量感到震惊。非常缺乏废物管理设施,这对任何西方人来说都是一个难以接受的问题。我无数次听到西方人在讨论,为什么印度人会到处乱扔垃圾。

Here’s the thing though, I remember a time when I was a little girl here in the states when people used to throw their garbage everywhere too. Driving down the highway folks would regularly roll down the windows and toss out fast food bags, cups, gum, cigarettes etc. Then came the environmental awareness push in the late 60’s & early 70’s. Littering became illegal, teary-eyed native American Indians were seen regularly in commercials bemoaning our lack of respect for the environment, and Americans for the first time ever were made aware that polluting was irresponsible and would no longer be tolerated. So we changed, gradually over time we stopped throwing our trash all over the place and for the most part, our waste management systems are pretty top notch now, so there’s no excuse to litter. Environmental awareness is just starting in India, the infrastructure is not there yet, but over time I believe it will change - let’s see what the next decade brings.

然而,我记得在我小时候,在美国,人们也曾到处乱扔垃圾。在高速公路上,人们会习惯性地摇下车窗,扔出快餐袋、杯子、口香糖、烟蒂等。直到60年代末和70年代初,环保意识的兴起,乱扔垃圾开始被视为违法行为。电视广告中常常出现流泪的美国原住民印第安人,他们对我们对环境的不尊重表示哀叹。美国人第一次意识到污染是不负责任的行为,不再被容忍。因此,我们逐渐改变了,不再到处乱扔垃圾,现在我们的废物管理系统相当高效,几乎没有乱扔垃圾的借口。印度的环保意识才刚刚起步,废物处理设施尚未完善,但我相信随着时间的推移,情况会有所改善 - 让我们期待未来十年的变化。

Ques or waiting in line - Here in the states when one waits in line we are very careful to allow space between ourselves - too much actually - in India that’s not the case. I’ve had people actually looking over my shoulder while I was at the ATM machine! I’ve had people step in front of me as I was waiting for my turn - I’ve also had people interrupt my conversation with a clerk at a phone place or market just push their way in front of me so they can talk to the clerk. Now, I’m not a shrinking violet and in every case let the person know they were overstepping their bounds - but overall it’s super annoying. But it kind of makes me scratch my head and think…why? It’s one of those things that I’ve never quite figured out.

排队或等候时的秩序 - 在美国,我们排队时会非常注意保持彼此之间的距离 - 有时甚至过于疏远 - 而在印度,情况并非如此。我曾在自动取款机前被人从肩膀上窥视!有人在我面前插队,还有人在我与店员交谈时打断我,直接挤到我前面去和店员说话。我不是一个会默默忍受的人,在每一种情况下我都明确告诉那些人他们越界了 - 但总的来说,这确实非常烦人。这让我不禁思考……为什么会这样?这是我一直没能完全理解的事情之一。

Bureaucracy - Getting anything done takes a long time whether it’s buying a cell phone, and waiting the required time to actually have it turned on because I’m a foreigner, or getting a visa extended, or even something as simple as buying a bus or train ticket; and forget getting through TSA at the airport. In India, things move at a very different pace and some of the steps taken make no sense whatsoever, none! I find myself getting frustrated at all the things that make no sense and once again scratching my head trying to figure it out.


Stimulus - Wow! India is one big technicolor, busy, loud, in your face, no excuses, no holds barred, pop your head off throw it around and screw it on backward kind of place. I love that! It’s absolutely exhausting, but I’ve never felt so alive as I did while visiting India. There is just so much!!

刺激 - 哇!印度是一个充满活力的五彩缤纷、繁忙、喧闹、直接、毫不掩饰、让人兴奋至极的地方。我喜欢这种感觉!虽然非常疲惫,但我在访问印度期间从未感到如此充满活力。这里有太多的东西可以体验!

Geography - A very diverse geography takes one from the Himalayas of the north to the jungles and beaches of the south. Desserts, plains, rich crop growing land in between. There’s so much to see and experience.
Monkeys - I love that monkeys roam freely all over India. They even walk into your house and steal your food if you're not careful!
Cows - Same for cows, pretty much see them everywhere. I love cows.

地理 - 印度的地理环境非常多样化,从北部的喜马拉雅山脉到南部的丛林和海滩、沙漠、平原、以及中间肥沃的农田。有太多的风景和体验等待探索。
猴子 - 我喜欢猴子在印度各地自由漫游的场景。它们甚至会走进你的房子,如果你不小心的话,会偷走你的食物!
牛 - 牛也是几乎随处可见,我非常喜欢牛。

Birds - The diversity of birds at least in Dharamsala was amazing…I loved waking up to the songs of so many different birds.
Food - I love Indian food of all kinds, from north to south.
Chai Wallahs on Trains - Chaieee, Chaieee, endearing…

鸟类 - 至少在达兰萨拉,鸟类的多样性令人惊叹……我喜欢在许多不同鸟类的歌声中醒来。
食物 - 我喜欢各种印度从北到南的食物。
火车上的茶水小贩 - “茶!茶!”这样的叫卖声,让人感到亲切…

People - I found Indians to be a bit of a mix - most were really kind, friendly, helpful and happy to have a foreigner in their midst. Others were a little dicey, and a lot of men stared far too much in a very unnerving sort of way.
Color - Even in drab and polluted Delhi color pops everywhere. Women in their bright and beautiful sari’s, bright yellow rickshaws honking down the road, elaborately decorated lorries are a sight to see, Holi is unbelievably fabulous and just a riot of color! From fabrics to food, color is an essential part of Indian culture.
Haggling - Price haggling is a fine art form that I started to learn in Mexico but perfected in India. Although after a while it does become wearisome.

讨价还价 - 讨价还价是一种艺术,我在墨西哥开始学习,并在印度进一步完善,不过时间长了也会感到疲惫。

Humility - I am forced to adopt humility. When I walk through the streets nearly tripping over garbage, beggars, street vendors etc., when the lights fail and the internet goes out on an almost daily basis, longer if there’s even a little storm, and the water is undrinkable and even prepared food is iffy, I know without a doubt exactly how privileged I am to come from a country where for the majority of the population we never worry about any of these kinds of concerns. With rare exception, I have lights, internet, heat, and clean drinking water 99.99% of the time. In this realization, I feel humble, I let go of judgment and move toward a sense of wonder.

谦卑 - 我被迫学会谦卑。当我走在街道上,几乎被垃圾、乞丐、街头小贩等绊倒时,当电力和互联网几乎每天中断,水也不能饮用,甚至准备好的食物也不确定时,我毫无疑问地意识到,我来自一个大多数人不必担心这些问题的国家,我是多么的幸运。在这种认识中,我感到谦卑,放下了评判,反而有一种惊奇的感觉。

Death - The preponderance of the Hindu religion is very much present throughout the country. I deeply appreciate its attitudes toward death. Unlike our modern American and western fear-ridden death denying attitudes, Hindus throughout India face death squarely in the face. Death seems to be embraced as wholely as is life. No creepy undertakers prettying up corpses with makeup and embalming fluids, taking up land burying empty shells in elaborate and expensive coffins, no not amongst the Hindus. Most all bodies are cremated, the entire family is involved, rituals ensue, the fire is tended carefully by the dom and it seems to me the entire process allows the mourners to fully realize the death of their loved one. There is no denial involved.

死亡 - 印度教在全国各地都非常盛行。我非常欣赏它对死亡的态度。与我们现代美国和西方充满恐惧的否认死亡的态度不同,印度的印度教徒直面死亡。死亡似乎被完全接受,就像生活一样。没有阴森的殡仪业者用化妆品和防腐液美化尸体,占用土地,将空壳埋葬在复杂和昂贵的棺材中,印度教徒中没有这样的做法。大多数尸体都被火化,整个家庭都参与其中,仪式随之而来,整个过程使哀悼者能够充分意识到他们所爱的人的死亡。没有人会否认。

In so many ways India is in its modern infancy - this ancient culture is adapting, growing, modernizing, and even better, seems to be straddling its ancient roots and modernity. I hope that so much of what I love about India remains very much intact as it makes its way toward economic solvency.

在很多方面,印度还处于现代初期 - 这个古老的文化正在适应、成长、现代化,甚至更好,似乎正在跨越其古老的根基和现代性。我希望,随着印度走向经济自给自足,我所爱的印度的很多东西仍然保持完好无损。

I appreciate you view of India, For my job I visited three countries 2 western and 1 Arab in single month.
I've never seen, such a Lively place like India anywhere, Everyone is going like a Keyed-doll, in Western countries. I just said “Hello” to an young Boy in metro, who looked at me like an alien.
But here we can Chat and analyze entire Harrappan History in train.


But sadly now everyone here is also becoming ROBOT With wired headphones.
The only thing that worries me, the way India is attracted and going toward Western culture.
While am being child, I remember, whole street celebrating any Celebration. Be it Hindu or Muslim or Christian, death or birth, every one sharing Greetings, Sweets etc.
But now, no one knows, what is the name of neighbors.


Food is totally being changed, which results in lot of Health complications.
We almost forgot our Staples like raggi, Kambu etc..Now we are eating Rice, Rice and rice, and Pizza, McDonald's burgers etc..
In the way Diabetes is becoming a common one.
Yes India is being modernized with own complications.


Jagan Natarajan
Rebecca Orton, I absolutely loved what you wrote here… Long write-up with honesty n conviction, that I absolutely adore. Problems problems problems everywhere in the world, yeah. Let’s all work towards “letting everything be” & over a period of time things even out or find its equilibrium state across cultures, across countries, across ideologies (Left/Right), across generations, across gender… that’s called natural evolution! Wonderful write-up, indeed.
Regarding men staring and people throwing garbage everywhere… that has to be stopped ASAP!:(

Rebecca Orton,我非常喜欢你在这里写的内容……长篇大论,诚实而坚定,我非常钦佩。世界上到处都是问题,这没错。让我们共同努力去“让一切顺其自然”,经过一段时间,各种文化、国家、意识形态(左/右)、代际、性别之间的事物会逐渐平衡,这就是所谓的自然进化!真是一篇精彩的文章。

Rebecca Orton
Thank you Jagan I appreciate your feedback and attitude.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“I know without a doubt exactly how privileged I am to come from a country where for the majority of the population we never worry about any of these kinds of concerns” REALITY of your country USA: Flint Water Crisis Fast Facts Appalachia; America's poorest white town: swallowed by drugs All thanks to Western Media for this mindset.


Abhishek Pal
Life in itself wouldn't be beautiful without death.


Rebecca Orton
So True!!


Farbe Glauben
I like the thing you said about death….. Western people seem to deny death. And the funeral in the west seem so formal n cold…


It's slowly changing now. Our prime minister talks of swacchBharat or clean India in many of his speeches .
Huge population , queues r not followed. Same as in China or even rush hour trains in Japan.
Train and flight bookings …..most of us do it online now. Have never gone to a railway station to book tickets in atleast 5 years now.
Corrupt beaurocracy………cannot be undone in a few years. We had the world's most corrupt government run by a single family for 70 years. Now they are in the opposition and hate the present government like hell .


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Rebecca Orton
I appreciate all of the kind words and upvotes for my posting. I’ve been missing India a lot lately but it will likely be quite a while before I can return again. :-(


We believe that after death, life start.After death you will going to heart of god(Moksha) or you will get a new birth, birth after birth till you understand your true nature.
sorry for errors.


Deepti Gupta
Thanks for your feedback about india …we really appreciate it..and yes their are problems like this..we are working on it.. hopefully with increasing literacy rate people will change too.????????


John Fine
hello, I have something very important to discuss with you, I will be expecting your reply thanks…


Laura Smile
Hello Rebecca, hope my comment didn’t sound like a form of privacy invasion your profile tells of a wonderful woman with a beautiful heart which led me to comment but we’re not friends on Quora., I do like to be friends with you, I was looking at your profile and noticed how interesting and amazing you are. You are the kind of woman every man must appreciate and welcome. kindly please follow me back I wanna be your friend if you don't mind thanks more blessings to your household


Ray Lancaster
What do the foreigners think about India as a whole?
I’ve visited India twice, once on business (to give talks on influence techniques), once as a tourist. A few impressions:


Stimulus overload. India is an exhausting place to experience, but in the best sense. Sounds, sights, tastes, smells and sensations of all kinds come at you from all sides, relentlessly. This barrage is how India gets under your skin and makes itself unforgettable. At the end of my first visit I became obsessed with returning.
Buzz in the air. You can’t help feeling that despite the poverty on display (beside stunning riches in some cases), this country is rearing to go.


Work in progress. Much of what you see in India seems to be poorly finished, abandoned, badly maintained (this is especially shocking and sad in museums) or falling apart. Dirty too. You need to be careful as a pedestrian not to twist your ankle on uneven sidewalks or be injured by bits of metal or wood sticking out of walls.
Smiles. A delight, especially from curious children. People in India are generally warm and welcoming.
Trash. Locals in Bangalore explained to me that countless people make a living from picking up trash and recycling what they can. They even insisted that changing littering habits in India would cause more poverty.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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