2024-10-14 jiangye111 2338
Deaths outstrip births in UK for first time in nearly 50 years
-Excluding the Covid pandemic, ONS figures show 16,300 fewer births than deaths, not seen since 1970s ‘baby bust’


(The total fertility rate in England and Wales fell to 1.49 children per woman in 2022, from 1.55 in 2021.)


Deaths have outstripped births in the UK for the first time in nearly half a century, excluding the start of the pandemic, official figures showed on Tuesday.


Declining fertility and the demise of baby boomers mean there are now more funerals than baby celebrations, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics.


There were an estimated 16,300 fewer births than deaths in the UK in the year to mid-2023, the first time this has happened since the 1970s’ “baby bust”, if excess deaths during Covid are stripped out.


But the figures continue to show a growing population, up 1% in the year to 68,265,209 people, due to net international migration of 677,300.


The dominance of deaths over births was described by economists as “a stark reminder of Britain’s demographic challenges”.


With student- and migrant-friendly cities ageing more slowly or even getting younger, and rural villages ageing faster, policymakers will face divergent demands to provide more social care in some areas and more school places in others, said Charlie McCurdy, an economist at the Resolution Foundation thinktank.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The total fertility rate across England and Wales fell to 1.49 children per woman in 2022, from 1.55 in 2021, according to the ONS. The “replacement rate” to maintain a population needs to be at least 2.1 children per woman, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) says.


However, demographers said births could again trump deaths in the near future, as the UK appears to be going through a transition whereby people will routinely have babies later, facilitated by advances in medical technology.


“Younger generations are postponing their childbearing, and so while fertility rates might be declining, there’s a chance that this could rebound,” said Dr Andrea Tilstra, a research fellow at Oxford University’s Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science.


“That could happen as these cohorts enter into their 30s, maybe even early 40s, and the ability to have children later in one’s life becomes the norm, supported by technology like IVF.”


Deaths outnumbering births was driven by Scotland, where the deficit was the largest on record and it was the ninth year in a row that more people died than were born. The overall population of Scotland grew, although only by 43,100 people, and this was down to immigration, figures from the National Records of Scotland showed.


Wales also recorded more deaths than births, while England and Northern Ireland recorded slightly more births than deaths, the mid-2023 population figures showed.


The baby deficit comes after several years of mothers leaving it later to have children, one of the common reasons given being financial pressures, including housing costs. Women born in the 1940s gave birth on average to almost two children before turning 30. That fell steadily to one child for women born in the mid-1970s, and plateaued before starting to fall again in recent years. Women born in 1993 – who turned 30 last year – had 0.8 children, on average.


At the other end of life, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease have been the most common causes of death in England and Wales since 2015, when they overtook heart disease (apart from two years at the start of the Covid pandemic).


On_The_BlindsideBest Midlands
It's because no one wants to have kids, why would they?
It's obscenely expensive, childcare provision is SO oversubscribed that you're having to sign up to nursery places even before you've had a 12 weeks scan around here for them to go at 1 year old, that's a full 18 months early.
Minumum maternity and paternity pay is utterly abysmal so you can't even bond with your child once they're born.
Schools are falling apart due to RAAC, teachers are quitting in droves, the economy fucking sucks and no one can buy a fucking house.
This is no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention, and without some BIG changes in wealth redistribution we're going to be entirely fucked as a country.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Its an ideological problem - not an economic one. Many european nations like Finnland offer supreme support for families, yet birthrates are falling there as well...
People simply cant be bothered with kids anymore, prefering to spend their limited time and money on hobbies and other passions...


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

atheistiumUnited Kingdom
Don't fully agree. Most people earn 30k or less and after rent, food, travel costs, bills... there's not much left for baby. These people aren't living in luxury with avacado toast, iphones and netflix. These are people on the bus to work, trying to make ends meet for their family the best they can, with what little is left at the end of the month.
A bunch of guys I work with just don't know how they'd cope and one guy who does have kids is constantly struggling and living on the breadline. Outside of his love for being a dad, he says it's really depressing around xmas time when he knows there's only so much he can get for the kids.
So while I agree that it's an ideological problem in regards to most people don't wanna have kids if it means they and their chilld will be living in poverty or quite poor, but let's be honest.
But for majority of potential parents, it's our system and economics that have fucked people hard.
I don't get how, in a cost of living crisis, when we're paying the highest rents, food prices, electricity, people constantly getting made redundant etc people can say it's only an ideological issue.


Whilst many people do earn £30k and it is true, a lot of people who still have a lot of children are in the lower pay bracket.
It is a wider issue. Those with professional background are having children later in life, having less and don’t want to reduce their lifestyle due to high costs of upbringing and child.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We'll see a stratification.
Wealthy people will have children because they can afford a nanny/childcare/luxuries, meaning they can continue their career as normal or choose to be a stay at home parent with no financial worries.
Those at the lowest rung of society will have kids because fuck it, why not? I guess the state will pay me (X) per child, the government can't let my kids starve? Right?
The middle/working classes won't have kids, because they'll actually give a shit about raising them properly, and will wait until both parents are in a stable financial position. This will take until their 40's for most young people due to the housing crisis, when once they do inherit mummy's 1m quid house, they'll realise that there are better ways to enjoy your final 30 years than nursing a baby.
The solution will be to import more people, as it already is across basically the whole world (aside from Japan. They're just... suffering).
This will of course be less than ideal.


I agree with all of that and on a personal level I don’t want kids for some of the reasons you stated (as well as major fears over the climate crisis), but I believe that the science suggests that declining birth rates are due to women, at least in western countries, achieving greater education levels and having better career opportunities than ever before.
That’s why it’s predominantly poorer and more religiously fundamentalist countries that still see a high birth rate, where most women fulfill the traditional mother and housewife role and don’t have as much independence and autonomy.


I'm a dad. I can tell you it's a nightmare for childcare. You can't get it and with both me and my partner having to work full time to keep the house afloat. It's desperately needed. It's a fortune for literally anything child related now as well. Honestly even a little bit of help would go long way for most people. I am the only one of my friend group with kids. No one else wants them. Why would they. All of the struggle one way or another with work life balance as it is. Kids just add to that.
Just to be clear. I love my kids and would do anything for them. But it doesn't stop it from being the single hardest and financially draining thing I've ever done.


It's almost like being asked to abandon community and family for the persuit of independent wealth, as has been the trend for half a century, has been to our collective detriment.
Back in the day kids were raised by a family. The elderly looked after the young while the parents worked or looked after the house. It was mutually beneficial.
Now the elderly are alone in homes. The kids are being looked after by hired childcare and the parents are working themselves to the bone to get by.


Also retirement age is pushing 70, my mum and her friends would love to spend time with their grandkids (they’re all around 60 years old), but they can’t because they themselves still have to work full-time.


Around me the nurseries in a very cheap part of the country, for 5 full days a week, cost around £15k a year. It's about the same for private schooling.
Every working parent without free childcare through family or whatever is practically expected to afford the equivalent of private school. It's ridiculous.


This won’t change until working families get free full-time childcare and houses are affordable again. It’s crazy that most young couples in London can’t even afford a second bedroom. Young people can’t find stability until they’re in their 30s or mid-30s, and by then, when they try to have kids, they face fertility issues that they wouldn’t have had at 28.
I know loads of people who’d love to have 2 or 3 kids but stick with one because they can’t afford more or struggle to conceive in their 40s, and that’s probably cutting the number of babies in half.


I don't think even free full time childcare is a good incentive. Why have children and then never see them other than breakfast and bedtime, then spend your weekend doing homework and chores?
I feel "compensation" and reduced working hours for parents would go down better.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Industrial Revolution oversaw the biggest population boom ever, and like every boom there’s a bust. This is it. Humanity has reached a peak. What goes up must come down.
I feel like if we start to force people to have babies just for the economy then let’s face it Capitalism is just a Ponzi scheme and we should not expect a never ending cycle of profit and growth and maybe change our ways to a more circular economy instead.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Everyone here blaming economic and financial reasons for many of us not wanting kids. I mean sure, but let's be honest the main reason is they're fucking exhausting and annoying.


I’m not sure if it’s fair to bring a kid into this shit storm


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