2024-10-15 辽阔天空 1166
What do you think about Indians/ Indian culture?


Michael Safyan
Overall: very positive
India is one of the few places where Jews were not persecuted by the government and were given equal rights with other citizens. India has also been a victim of terrorism, much like Israel, has been a good friend and ally to Israel, and — like Israel — was a victim of British imperialism; consequently, I feel a great deal of kinship and camaraderie towards India. I am also a fan of the cuisine. ;)
In terms of Indians, themselves, I try to shy away from generalizing about people. With a population of over 1 billion in India, any generalization is going to have plenty of counter-examples and fail. To me, they’re people like anyone else.


Hunter McCord
I personally feel very positive about Indians. Based on my experience with Indians, they are well-mannered and generally well educated. I also generally feel they are inquisitive in nature so they ask good questions and understand what's going on in the world.
I would also say that in generally Indian people I have interacted with have been in hi-tech related fields or medical so engineering, IT, software development, or Doctors. In other words they work in fields that have high demand here in the US. That being said it seems to me that Indian culture permeates choosing a safer field to go into if one is educated rather than take a chance and go into the arts. It's a double-edged sword of course but it's rare that I meet an Indian person who works in the Arts for example at least here in the US. Obviously that is not the case in India with Bollywood.


Anil Saldanha
A small subset of Indians do work in non-IT and medical fields in the US. There are teachers, artists, graphic designers, lawyers etc. The numbers are not as high as IT or medical field though.
Kids of Indian origin parents of course choose the field of their choice.
Thanks for the kind words about Indians.


Missy K
I am an Indian Woman & I have thought about this a lot before this question even came up.
I think as Indians, most Indian abuse Indian culture. We say we follow Indian culture but that's utter bullshit. Most of the time we follow Western Culture or the Culture Of Money only.
I as an Indian wonder why Indians drink so much alcohol. Also always go to foreign countries & embarrass themselves or other Indians (example the Singapore Riots in 2014, caused by a stupid drunkard).


Also the obsession with going to USA, UK, etc is so disgusting. Most Indians hate foreign Indians but always want a foreign groom.
As an Indian it's just that, I think most Indians are stupid, hypocritical & too backward. We abuse culture, we use religion, caste, etc too much but don't use our brains for good & this needs to change.
I love my Race & People but it's getting too much, too embarrassing & too screwed up in our culture. Just saying.


-This answer is probably disturbing to some people, warnings ahead—
I’m from Indonesia, so my answer will be influenced by the streotype of Indian in Indonesia.


Indians are genius.
I’m med student, so take look at the percentage of Indians in Harvad Medical School from the rest of the Asians. They are almost as many as Chinese.
If ‘made in china’ stuff is everywhere, I predict a curent of ‘made in india’ stuff in the future.


2. Looks
Most of Indians that I know is from the Southern part and they are all dark-skinned (almost black). The fair-skinned Indians that I know are biracial actors and actress .
All of my Indian friends in Indonesia have never been fair-skinned, except the biracial child of Indonesian-Indian.
They don’t care much about their looks or body like the rest of Asians do. (I rarely see a muscular Indian guy! Not to expect abs lol)


3. Buddhist or Hindu
Based on history of Buddhism and Hinduism spread in Indonesia which is brought by Indians. We have stereotype that most of Indians are Buddhist and Hindu. -I don’t know if its actually true or not
4. Likes dancing, singing, and wearing traditional Indian clothes
Based on Bollywood.


5. Wide socioeconomic gap
Based on the depiction of Mumbai slums by many International newspapers. In contrast to many successful Indians that I know abroad.


6. Thick culture
The bollywood movie in our TV somehow depicts Indian as conservative and patriarchal. You have arranged marriage, husband domination, the mother-in-law influences, and the typical housewife women. It looks like feminism hasn’t touched native Indians who reside in India .


You even have this ‘good day’ as a big influence in determining wedding day.
It is based on Bollywood anyway


Wow what an perfect question, I think they are super cool and speasially super nice. I didn't know much about India before but I'm doing some research now and I'm learning more about it, and I think it's is super cool and fun as a place and I want to visit it one day since it have very fun and nice peaple and have gorgeous views.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I LOVE Indians and their culture. They are hardworking and loving. Two of my best friends are Indian.
Edit: One of my Indian best friends is the Bali astrologer Ashish Dadhich. I plan to someday go to India and study Astrology there and HE OFFERED HIS HOUSE AS MY BOARDING PLACE if I ever go there.

编辑:我的一个印度好朋友是巴厘占星家Ashish Dadhich。我计划有一天去印度学习占星术,他甚至提出我可以住在他家里。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Prachi Samant
In India, we as a nation are culturally inclined towards religion and rituals. Finding god, worshipping god, pleasing him, offering sacrifices to him, are practices that are embedded in our customs and traditions.
Although they are divided by various factors but still they are united by love. Indian culture is very rich consisting numerous languages, cuisines, festivals. India is blessed by natural endowments. We have wide history. So many sultunats and empires came and got destroyed as well. We have achieved a lot from the ashes that other empires left for us.
Here people are emotional and family oriented. They think about others before thinking about themselves. Too much too describe.
At the end, I am a proud Indian...!!!


Surya Tej
bullshit !! India is number 1 in many sports !!! lol ! lMao !!! moreover whatever you said is utterly useless to the society. Why aren’t there any famous scientists in India or Nobel winners in science field ? lets see how your number 1 actor, miss and mr world, sports people will help fight corona virus.. first come out of your dreamland that India is the greatest, atleast then India might progress


Jasmir Bagawida
Indian culture is highly misogynistic and personal freedom at almost all times is trampled by what society thinks about it.There is rampant caste-discrimination,honor of the family is above individual freedom and happiness,dowry is so openly accepted and hardly protested etc.,still majority of the indians think that its the best culture in the world.


Ashok Singh
At least you have brought up the negatives which is important. Of course one cannot generalize as East India is as different from North India and from South India and from West India. The diversity is an advantage as well as a weakness.


Jasmir Bagawida
Thank you for not being one of those people who get their ego hurt and get easily offended by any form of criticism.
Accepting these criticisms is the first step to change.


I have answered a similar question and talked about culture elements but didn't write one thing I learned thanks to Quora, I guess I thought it was not that important but okay, I will not keep it inside anymore.
I'm so glad a lot of you guys love the TV show Friends an obsessive amount. So do I! The number of times I re-watched the entire series is embarrassing, seeing a lot of you on Quora mention so have you, and that you talk about it just as passionate makes me want to go to India, play the theme song at a public place to seek other fans.
So, if you see a ghostly pale woman holding a Turkish passport in India, just standing up and playing Friends theme song, come say hi.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sam Koxikosis
I’m not too familiar with their culture, or how my country views India. But the region where I live has seen a massive influx of people from countries such as India and it’s neighbors. As a result you’ll find many shops dedicated to Indian food, clothing and various items.
The culture is rather dominated here as well, other cultures such as Chinese food places now advertise Indian food alongside their own.


The majority of places, be them stores, libraries or workplaces try to cater to this huge demographic by offering Indian items, or services in punjabi. It’s also now an asset in many jobs to have that language, although it may be limited to Indian owned businesses or perhaps also those with many Indian workers.


Now, I don’t want to offend anyone, but I’ve only been in one Indian owned store before, and this was a dollar store quite a ways from where I live. I wanted to look around for anything of interest while I was in the area, but nothing in the store seemed ideal. It was all Indian styled stuff, nothing wrong with that, but everything was old and very very low quality. I would never buy any of it for my heath. The closest thing to this would probably be that one store in the video game Postal 2, although not quite that bad. It may have just been that I happened to stumble upon one of the worse stores around, rather then it being a typical example of an Indian run business.

现在,我不想冒犯任何人,但我之前只去过一家印度人开的商店,那是一家远离我居住地的一元店。我想在附近看看有没有什么有趣的东西,但店里的东西似乎都不理想。它们都是印度风格的,这没什么不好,但一切都很陈旧,质量非常差,为了健康我绝不会去买这些东西的。这种情况最相似的可能是电子游戏《喋血街头2》(Postal 2)里的那家店,不过没那么夸张而已。 可能只是我碰巧发现了附近一家较差的商店,而不是印度人经营企业的典型例子。

I don’t have any hatred for Indians, although I’m rather apathetic. I think it’s a bad idea for a massive influx of immigrants to move to a single area in a short time-span, this can nearly completely change the way of life for the locals, often overriding their own culture. When too many people come from the same place, they aren’t encouraged to assimilate, and so they often actively spread their culture without consideration of others. People should feel proud of where they came from and to feel free to express their culture, but they should also embrace local cultures and customs.


Now, all that aside, I enjoy Indian food, some of their clothing and dance styles and the people who come from there. I mean, I have no reason to out right hate them, nor do I have the opinion that immigrants of any kind lead to an increase in crime. Although I’m open to the possibility that some countries may have a higher rate of potential criminals due to the quality of life there and the way people view each other and the world.


People here often view India as a cramped country with barely any modern technology, that’s filled with sweat shops, who produce clothing sold over seas. And many of those people move out of their country to come here for a better life, which isn’t a bad thing, but since India has such a high population, many feel there’s no point in letting them come here since it’ll never end.


I don’t know if any of that is true, but I feel people should be allowed to move to western countries simply if they feel like it, and can abide by local laws as well as aid the economy, but there should be a limit in how many come over each year.
I can’t say I’ve personally met any Indians who weren’t nice, hard working people, but I’ve heard many stories that I can’t confirm about ones who were rude, caused damage and scammed people.
Over all, no matter where you come from it shouldn’t dictate how others treat you, nor should it affect your chances of moving somewhere else, but rather what kind of person you are and what you can offer others.


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