2024-10-15 侧对飞雪 5043

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A Welsh county has included the mythical ruler in a local educational base, citing a tale in which he wore women’s clothing


A Welsh council has included King Arthur in a timeline of ‘LGBTQ history’, citing a legend that the fabled ruler once wore women’s clothing, local media have reported.


The legendary monarch – who is said to have ascended the throne by pulling his sword, Excalibur, out of a stone and then ruling Britain with the help of knights of the round table and the wizard Merlin – was included in a local educational resource in Denbighshire that documents ‘key moments’ in LGBTQ history.


The timeline, which tells “stories of sexual orientation and gender identity,” is based on the work of LGBT-focused historian Norena Shopland, whose research is backed by Swansea University. The initiative forms part of the training in ‘LGBTQ+ Language and History’ for local libraries, museums, and archives, and was commissioned by the Welsh government.


LGBTQ is an acronym used to describe lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning people. Russia outlawed ‘LGBT propaganda’ to minors in 2022, and later extended the measure to a complete ban. Lawmakers said that the legislation is intended to protect Russia’s traditional values. The LGBT movement was recently added to blacklist of extremist and terrorist organizations.


There is no indication in the legends surrounding King Arthur that he was homosexual, bisexual, or transgender. One of the most popular medi stories about the ruler focuses on his marriage to Guinevere, including the story of her affair with Sir Lancelot, one of Arthur’s knights and his close companion.


Explaining its reasoning for including the ruler in the timeline, Denbighshire council cited a Welsh legend that “on a subsequent occasion Arthur dressed himself in woman’s clothes in order to visit a girl at Rhuthun.”

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Legend has it that Rhuthun, or Ruthin, in Denbighshire was where Arthur executed a rival called Hueil mab Caw. According to the tale, Hueil had seen the king using women’s attire to sneak into a dance to get closer to a woman he was interested in. Arthur killed Hueil for mocking his injured knee.


@D R
And the Greek army hiding in the Trojan horse were zoophiles, by this logic...


@Jay Nygard
Talk about a stretch, they will do anything to justify their agnda

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

oh please what utter tosh when will this idiocy end


They finally admit King Arthur was gay? Why not simplify things & just say most current world leaders & those in power are gay, queer, trans & all other goodies that have yet to be appreciated like pedophile, necrophiliac, child murderer “for good cause naturally” etc


The Scottish wear kilts and so did Romans soldiers along with long garments in the senate similar to the women? From Abrahams time they are all depicted wearing long garments which are still worn in the Middle East? These benders are clearly mad and pushing their agenda. Who is paying for this?




Now they're going after mythical characters?! These people have far too much time on their hands to come up with such ridiculous drivel.


It has indeed gone way too far. This is utter rubbish ofcourse. Irrespective if King Arthur wore "women's clothes" on an occasion or two, he as stated did so to..."sneak into a dance to get closer to a woman he was interested in". Not because he liked dressing up and not to be with a guy, or felt he was actually a girl, but because he had to, to get closer to a WOMAN he was interested in. Ridiculous claims by this British Council to make any connections with the LGBTQ community. Prison time would do them well, if nothing else helps I feel pity for the generation growing up under these woke and LGBTQ movements.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Tsar Bomba
What a load of b*llocks. Never entertain this type of mental illness. The insane rule the asylum. Ordinary people do not have the time for this crapola.


The man wears a disguise and they claim it is him being a transgender now? WTF


These people have mental health problems.


@steve drake
So Arthur disguises himself as a girl so he could meet a girl and this proves that Arthur was Trans ? please don't get me wrong but the whole point of a disguise is so that you are not recognised and has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Without offending my Scottish friends will these so called experts class the Scots as trans because they wear Kilts or the Irish and other countries that wear similar attire. Also there are other Kings in British history that have disguised themselves as women to escape capture, but wait did not Joan of Arc dress as a man as was executed for doing so even though she was probably the French's greatest hero.


He wore woman's clothing in order to sneak in to be with women but those LGBTQ freaks just made him a trans. I guess I must be trans now since I wore a woman's underwear once.


@steve drake
I did aswell when i went to a Rocky Horror show. so i must be trans.


Signs of a sick society! Who wants to bring up their children in such a country?!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Even Arthur is not safe

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Very ugly and dirty stuff.


@Wink Dinkerson
Scottish men have been wearing dresses for ever.Even today these fellows proudly wear dresses and it seems that if there is anything associated with Scotland it'll have these dress wearing men playing a highly annoying instrument too.


@steve drake
Not just the Scottish but the Irish and other cultures aswell. The Kilts the Scottish wear today are not the original kilts it was the English that redesigned the Scottish kilt.


completely rewriting history so that eventually, every single great European of note will be openly discussed as a degenerate. Funny, but you'll never, ever hear such lies about any renowned Rabbis, Jewish kings or usurers like the Rothschilds...


am I the only one who would prefer to have these deranged people simply removed from the cycle of life and end this ridicules crusade of theirs. They're simply destroying to many innocent lives by confusing vulnerable children into believing this crap. Like seriously, if the world was at war which by all accounts it soon may be, truly normal people wouldn't give these idiots the time of day let alone entertain their delusion.


Poor Wales. Myths are now weaponized tools for the LGBTQ lobby. Do some Welsh people feel freer under British rule this way? Knights of the Gay Table?!?


@Johnny B
Knights in Rainbow Armor. Great. What a disgusting country.


Do these people have a one track mind? To them everything is LGBTQ and LGBTQ is everything.


@D R
It's a distraction while they are plundering nations with their mandatory vaccines and "aid" for Ukraine and Israel! a trick to divide the masses by creating controversies from thin air! Hundreds of billion into the pockets of the cabal, Pfizer's Bourla, Zelensky and the regime in Kiev all Jewish!!!


@Shovels N' Shrubs
As a non-traditional student currently attending classes, I can say that DEI/LGBTQ indoctrination is rife in many of the humanities/social science classes I have taken thus far. Nearly impossible to escape, since they are all required. So it is not all that surprising that LGBTQ has infiltrated the legend of King Arthur. From my observations, this infiltration is already established within the English canon as well as Classics (Ancient Greek and Latin) departments.


And he was black, just like Santa Claus and Jeanne D'Arc.


And Beethoven.


@Salvatore Vitale
seems some one has a Real needto normalize perversion..I'm still wondering if this is some kind of sick social engineering or just plain perversion


Wasn’t King Arthur black too? There weren’t that many “whitees” there at the time, right?


@1 Infinity
Was he a queen???


It is seriously difficult to believe that the current generation of UK idiots are descendants of the guys who created The British Empire. Talk about a downward spiral......


Now myths and fables are being used to create a basis of facts - The wizard Merlin was real - FFS what next ?


lol 'Queen' Arthur. I think I've heard it all now.


lunacy at its best!


Orwellian re-write of history, regardless if just a fable.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They're getting a little desperate .


@David Collishaw
sweet jeebus, they need to burn these people at the stake.


Since Jesus is black, probably LGBTQ+ combined too.,Santa black & probably, Superman getting onboard too if he isn’t already, why wonder?


The west seem to be re-writting history to muddle the people and make it easier for Americanised states, to erase ethnicity, gender and culture.


You’re wrong, he was black & gay, US said so, like Jesus, Santa & the rest!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

More British nonsense!


There was time when neither Romans nor Greeks wore pants :)))) Doe sit mean they are were LBRGQ? Neither did Persians or anyone else but northern barbarians.


Oh, good grief. When will this insanity stop?


There are clearly some people who should not be allowed to procreate.


Yes, and he waved rainbow flag on the horse.


@Colin D
At least their constant string of nonsense is making everyone bored of it..


@Scipione Antonio Rino Tagliaferro
Dear White Christians, YOU ARE TOO MANY. So, please, consider to become LGBT. We, the Rothschilds, need less of you.


It seems the British Council is full of Jesters, by making the claim that Merlin existed they're also confirming that Magic was real and Dragons roamed the Earth.


Just because the Welsh council is gay, doesn't mean King Arthur was. It was rumored that Arthur killed 900 gay men at the Battle of Baddenhill. And that still doesn't mean he was gay.


How is secretly dressing as a woman to get close to women gay? More like predatory.


Next the University Social Scientwits will tell us Santa Claus, Jesus and Muhammed were gay...


@The Spectre of Peace
Seems I can't find "King Arthur" in any history books. I can however find him in mythological books and fables, making this statement just a story. Make him of Moorish descent, make him gay, make him transgender. At the end of the day it's no different to netflix making Lara Croft a butch lesbian with no tits; just yet another video games (adaptation) I won't watch.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@0ld Richard
The alphabet freaks are on a mission to ruin absolutely everything. They must be stopped.


What is wrong with these people?


@Alex B
Once country turns leftist and liberal next evolution is to become gay homosexuals because the entire leftist movement is to destroy the old society and replace it with secularism


King Arthur would ahve beheaded these retards on the spot, had he been given a chance.


William Wallace also wore a skirt.. (a kilt). Is he on their list as well?


“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past”


Methinks all of British elites are LGTBQ etc. And they are working hard to recruit as many followers as possible. It's a big club which includes WEF and Hollywood.


@Junk Camel
'British council could be retarded'


Looks like Excalibur and the stone were gay similes for human body parts.


Even Jesus wore a dress but that doesn't make him LBGTQWERTY+. King Arthur would cut of the head of this woke-monster with his rusty sword.


This story, again, proving how mentally impaired our world has become. All indications our civilization is about to collapse.


Well done people will hate them even more!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Rush 5
People are so silly the entire story is a fable there was no King Arthur and the entire thing is a metaphor. Where Arthur stands for 'art', 'sword' stands for 'word' and 'stone' stands for Rosetta Stone from which the languages were spun akin to the Tower of Babel.


Or, it's the magician pulling iron out of ore


British council want to justify an 'alternative' western 'cvilisation' thank goodness for Russia.


This doesn't surprise me after all King Charles also seem to be into cross-dressing


@Jacques Noiret
He was made king by pulling his “sword” into the “stone “…. He was gay all along

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Сергей Викторов
This is why Putin will never be a legal king. He assaults gay clubs in Moscow.


Another Jewish LIE to destroy STRONG White Males. There were many Lesser Kings named Arthur, but in that time NO ONE would follow an open Homosexual.


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