2024-10-17 汤沐之邑 1368
Do you regret leaving the USA?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Liz Lew
Yes, I absolutely regret leaving the USA.
Because now I have learned the grass is greener elsewhere.
When I was younger I thought everyone wanted to move to America. Once you get to traveling and living elsewhere, you learn many people like where they are, and that the US isn't a dream for them.
People without guns don't live in fear.


Another misconception I had, is that people who didn't have guns in other countries weren't properly protecting themselves or their families.
Sadly, I felt safer living elsewhere. One time I asked my Korean friend “When was the last time you heard of someone getting shot in Korea?” He was quiet, lifted his head up, as if staring into a dreamy sky, and thinking deeply. “About 5 years ago.” I asked that question many years ago. I really was astonished. It takes a lot to make me quiet, but that answer sure shut me up, I really couldn't imagine my America like that.
Anyway, by now, you realize my regret is tongue in cheek.


Thank you so much for the 3K upvotes, that's a lot of upvotes for me and I am very humbled. ??
Since the time I wrote this, till now, there has been 30 mass shootings in America (in not even 30 days). 145 victims. 21 of them died.


I would like to address some comments here. I'm all for responsible gun ownership, I'm an expert shot, and have enjoyed the range myself. Yet, my weapon doesn't make my personality. I believe gun ownership should require classes and certain responsibilities. I definitely don't agree with Governor Abbott of Texas, that one should be free to carry a handgun without proper training.


I never said I hated the U.S. lol, some of y'all are amusing while you're assuming… There's some wonderful things about the USA, but I have always been one to call a spade a spade, I don't blindly love my country, I am grateful I was born in the U.S., instead of a less fortunate place, but I also see my country's inequality for many and short comings and disparities, and I strive to make it better for all.


I firmly believe there are 2 kinds of travelers, those that practice enthocentrism and those that view new countries with wonder, be the latter.??
Thank you for the dialog, especially those with complex, but thoughtful, civil responses. Quora is a better place with you.
Anyway, none of this changes my original answer, I fully stand by it.
Lastly, Happy New Year, wherever you may be on earth


Erika Jensen
I am always mortified when politicians wax on and on about American exceptionalism and how there is no country as good, beautiful, etc., etc., etc. As a military kid I traveled all over the world. Anyone who has ever left our shores knows there are wondrous places to live all over the planet. Beautiful people, natural wonders, interesting sights, delicious food, wonderful traditions. Every country, even those we perceive as “poor” has things to offer.
America is wonderful, we have many things to be proud of and rejoice in, but so do most other places!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Alex Mat
you are so right. many in the US havent travelled outside their state, let alone the country. Thus they grow up ignorant. Thats why many immigrants into US have a far richer view of the world than homogenous americans.


Jim Sterrett
It hurts my brain when I go to whichever country, tell my friends that its awesome and they should check it out some time and they respond with something like “why would I even go THERE? I’m already in the best country in the world!” yet they have no frx of reference for comparison. They just believed it after being told that so often.


Henry Lawley
Every country should have the same attitude about their country. If it is not, then the lacking areas need to be corrected. Each country should have national pride, not to be used to trounce others but to encourage tourism.


Amber Flokstra
There is a big difference between having national pride (which most countries do have) and what the US does. The way many people in the US approach “patriotism” and national pride is the same way cults do it. The moment you look outside or mention something that isn’t actually good about the US, you’re treated like a paria or told to just “leave if you don’t like it.” Any criticism, how ever valid, is at the very least frowned upon, or most of the time almost equated with traitorous behavior. I am very proud of my country. There is a lot we do right, I’m proud to call myself Dutch. But, I also know there are things not so great about The Netherlands. And I’ll always be the first to point those out too. In the US, pointing out the flaws is seen at being “unpatriotic.” But what can be more patriotic than not accepting the status quo and wanting to make your country a better place than it already is?


Christiane Hwang
I agree, most if not all countries have some beautiful things about it and not so wonderful things about it, unless it has been turned into a complete hellish place by wars.


Deborah Joy
I have always thought it was intentional in the US that not everyone has a passport. When I was a young adult a US citizen could be rejected a passport fort no reason, even if the need was for business travel. Pretty much half of everyone I knew was rejected the first time they applied. The us has always discouraged people leaving. Knowing other languages isn't valued, why learn another language? We speak English here. International travel is discouraged. The US is the best place in the world, why go anywhere else?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Pinky Hampton
I have lived in the US 54 years and have never heard of anyone if turned down for a passport. Everyone I know has one and it’s super easy to get. You can get them at most post offices these days.


Ronald Shannon
No one on this site or any other site is saying that there isn't good in other countries around the world. All countries have beauty and positive things that you can experience in them! I too have traveled around the world while in the military spent several months in many different countries and I enjoyed almost all of my visits with very few exceptions! But I also learned quickly that middle class and most of those countries would be considered poor in this country!


People are proud of the countries they're born and raised in for the most part as they should be and there's no reason not to be proud of this country! And before any European or Canadian lovers write me and tell me how wonderful Europe is I will respond to you with I'm aware of the tax brackets and those countries and I'm aware of what incomes are like in most of those countries and they don't add up to what you're capable of doing or earning in the United States for the most part!


I don't believe in socialism and I don't want to live in a country where socialism is the norm! People should not have to pay the medical bills of people who haven't earned their place in society! People should also not have to pay tuition for other people who have not earned their place in that society! You keep what you earn and those who do not wish to work hard and better themselves live with what they've earned. And no I am not rich by any stretch of the imagination I live on a fixed income in a very tight budget and I do not resent people that make more money than I!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My brother makes low seven-figure income every year and no he does not give any of it to me but he's worked many many hours day and night to get to where he is he's honest and pays his taxes and he deserves to keep his money!


Blake Bohannon
I feel like you took a question asking about people that left the US and turned it into your own anti-socialism rant. Your opinions are valid, and shared by most Americans, but if people want to hear about that they can just turn on FOX news and bask in the self-affirmations.


Ronald Shannon
Well anyone with common sense realizes there is beauty all over this planet not just in the United States! But the United States has always been exceptional very few people would disagree with that unless they have an agenda.


2020 showed that America really is the only truly free country as most countries enabled tyrannical Nazi-like policies. The people of the US were able to fight that and no one was jailed for Facebook posts or talking negatively about government policies like they were in countries previously thought to be free such as Australia and Canada. The reason why is the first amendment of our constitution which no other country has.


When you have a certain set of beliefs you live in an invisible cage and do not care, as long as your cage is “pretty” like you mention here.
Nothing you said is false, the problem is what you did not say. Words as invisible as the prisons so many are comfortable in.


Erika Jensen
Freedom of Speech is indeed a swell thing. So is the ability to vote. So is the ability to have bodily autonomy. So is the ability to get treated from life threatening diseases outside an emergency room setting. So is the ability to live free of fear of the next in-cel who crawls out of his cocoon to say “Hi” to the world on July 4th. Yes, no one got jailed for their Facebook posts against the government in 2020, but plenty of people got jailed for holding a joint.


And plenty of people during 2020 used their Freedom of Speech not necessarily to speak out against their government, but to go after anyone who didn’t agree with the perspectives they exercised in their freedom of speech. Including death threats, threats of rape, threats against children in a family, threats against homes and businesses.


No Name
In the meantime the entire world relies on us for their protection and financial support. Period.


Naveed Shaukat
Sweet. I like what You wrote, and expressed so well. You good, you see good. Every Country has its charms.


Frankie Siy
The so called main stream media ( MSM) controlled by the oligarchy ? the military industrial complex ( MIC) might be one of the reasons for most of the misinformation. Nowadays they are creating enemies to continue their cover up business. Hopefully we can get everyone to understand the chaos created by the MSN and the MIC.


Art Russell
Living overseas for 2 years, I found you could easily pick an American out of a crowd. I loved it there but had to come home to the US for family reasons.


Jessica Langston
Before my father passed away I was also military kid and he would also get transferred to certain he’ll we went to Japan I don’t remember a lot of it because I was little but I do know there is way more better countries than the US. I do not like the HS right now because it is fucking hell


Laurence Olivier
People who do not appreciate the USA are welcome to leave.


Erika Jensen
Are they? There are many Americans who can’t afford to move a few hundred miles to a better town let alone out of the country.


Kevin Barry
Please move to the more perfect country, while us Real AMERICANS try save America.



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