2024-10-18 汤沐之邑 2924
Do you regret leaving the USA?


Not for a second.
I’m in my late 30’s now. I first left the US at 22, when I went to live in Europe with my girlfriend. Things didn’t work out, but during that time, I realized that life outside the US was actually preferable to me in many ways.
I later left for Asia, and lived for more than a decade there. I had a great life, full of travel, adventure, and great experiences with great people.
Meanwhile, my old friends were back home sitting in cubicles whiling their lives away. Over time, we sort of lost the ability relate to one another.
I’ll be an expat at heart for the rest of my life and have no desire to relocate back to the US. I may be forced to at some point (for instance, to take care of aging parents), but in that case I will return solely out of duty.


Live And Let Live
Enjoy your current status but don't overly knock your native country. You don't have to hate your native country to love your adopted nation: you can love both!! This is what I have to say to people in your current situation.
Regardless of how much better your newfound nation or state or city is, your heart is big enough to love both your current and native areas.
There is no heaven on earth: everywhere has things going for it and things to improve upon. Don’t completely write any culture or people or place off, especially because you have found somewhere you think is better.
Do you!!


And the Igbo people of Nigeria say, “Whenever someone wakes up, is the person’s morning”. And “life is like going to the supermarket, when you fill up your cart as much as you want/need/ can afford, you head to the checkout counter where you pay for your decisions”. Live your life as you see fit.
The above paragraph is my English translation of Igbo language adages.
Good luck with your travels! No need to implied those left in America are ignorant or “whiling away”.


It is honorable of you to think about returning to take care of your aging parents “out of duty”. Since you did not mention any about your own family, who is going to take care of you when you get old if you don't settle down and establish your own family either abroad or in the States? Unless you are independently wealthy, how are you going to fund your own retirement and medical care?
Finally, America is a wonderful country, granted no place is perfect.
I both my native country and the United States of America


Within 24 hours of my original post, this American couple published the following BusinessInsider article:
I moved from the US to Germany and the UK. I love Europe, but it's not the utopia Americans think it is.
Helene Sula shared how monetizing her blog enabled her to move to Europe, offering insights on the realities of living abroad.


Lucas Alexander
It’s always the immigrants that step to the plate to defend America.
Coming to America to take part in the opportunities of America is not the same as being an American who was born there.
Going to other cultures, as an American, and seeing the difference between cultures, makes you see what America is lacking and how Americans are propagandised.
You can get similar high standard, and safer places to live in for cheaper prices than in America. With less superficiality, egotistical mindset, and more culture and people who aren’t as selfish.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jay Dell
I’m in the opposite place as you describe. Born in California but have now travelled something like 300,000 miles and lived outside of the USA for 8 years. In the last 4–5 years I would say my appreciation of the USA has gone up enormously. I appreciate how things more or less work in the USA. I appreciate that there are systems in place for upward mobility. I appreciate the freedom to fail and the encouraging attitude to try new things. The level of individualism that we have in the USA is incredible. There are seriously advanced Countries out there right now that would ostracize you from society for having an individual thought. Forget about thinking differently in a conformist mindset Country.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If you want that then move to the USA. I even appreciate all the political fighting going on in the USA right now compared to several Countries I was in this year where everyone looks the same, talks the same, and has no idea how socially behind they are. I’ve also been privileged to see that the rest of the world is just as stupid as the USA. I used to think other Countries were smarter and more sophisticated than we were, especially European Nations. That idea is long in the rear view mirror now because I have actually travelled multiple times to about 30 Countries on that Continent often spending 3+ months at a time and I can tell you that not one Country on earth has more advanced people.


There are dumb, racist, sexist, ignorant, close minded, low IQ, low EQ people in every Country on the planet. Guaranteed you would see that more if they had the population size that the USA does. The USA is not the furthest behind on every issue. There are EU Countries that are way further behind socially. I was in a few Countries this year that felt like California in the 90’s with the things that were socially acceptable to say at the dinner table. I know that if I was a woman, black, any other sexuality other than boring old hetero, or identified as any other gender other than boring old cisgender I would have a much better life in California over many other 1st world Countries on every Continent including some of the EU Countries.


That doesn’t mean all places are bad over there and doesn’t mean all places are great in the USA. There are some horrible places in the USA. I used to be extremely negative on the UsA. I really didn’t see much good. Then I got out there and saw reality. There isn’t some magical place that is X amount of times better. It’s actually pretty dang good in the USA even with the problems which by the way every Country has. We don’t all have the same problems but we all have problems. I’m thankful for the USA after traveling. When I travel now I get bored very easily listening to people from around the world talk smack about the UsA. It’s not for having negative things to say either which are often motivated by jealousy or schadenfreude.


If you are informed and intelligent enough to have a credible critique of the USA I will be very impressed with you no matter where you are from. It’s because of how misinformed everyone is. Of how unaware even intelligent people sound when they rattle off propaganda. Or how they don’t really have a grasp of the size of the USA and make direct comparisons to a Nation 1/10 the size in population with 1/500th of the GDP that could all fit in the State of Ohio.


In many ways, you’re so right. I do tend to knock the US probably more than is warranted or healthy. I readily admit some of that is due to my own bitterness at things I experienced there growing up.
This may be too on the nose, but reading your post I was able to tell you were not an American, despite your perfect English. I think it’s because your response sounded so humane, level-handed and well-adjusted ??.
Anyway, thank you for your comment. I will take what you said to heart and show a little more love for the US. There are many great things about it.


Nick Brown
Well since 1776 they’ve advanced technically….not so sure they have grappled with moving past the ideals of the 18th century on any other level though.


Well said. But I think this fellow is not really happy. He is only putting down the US because he is not really happy.


Gene Mayeda
Thanks, I better understand my Japanese born grandparents. After December 7, 1941 the countries of their birth and adopted land made my grandparents feel like the children of divorce. Do you choose one parent over the other? Even today American born and raised people of Japanese ancestry do not display the Japanese flag out side their homes, churches, and businesses. Many of my neighbors are Polish immigrants but they display the Polish flag proudly when appropriate. I feel envious.


Alex Connolly
The US is a great place to make money. Once you’ve made some money, there are so many better places to enjoy it. Problem is that many Americans struggle to live below their means. I’ve been outside of the US for over a year on the current trip and the only thing I miss are the paychecks.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Josef Zwanziger
No I don't. I enjoy visiting the USA from time to time but I prefer living in Canada.


I hear good things about Canada. I can see why you like it there so much. Are you American?


Yea the U S. Sucks that's why we got people flooding the borders clamoring to get in. We got a long line of applications to process where the average review time is over a year. We got the largest number of non native born population. We have the largest number of foreign students that work their butts off to come here to study and hope to get a work visa to stay. Look the U.S is not perfect. We got some problems. But so does everywhere. Compared to 90% of this world, America is the closest thing to the promise land.


Lucas Alexander
that’s because of decades of trying to undermine any socialism in central and South America; that’s why the gates are being flooded. Destabilising all of Latin America has has its effects on the region, and America is the main culprit in doing so with its contra wars and CIA operations. Now those people want what America has been exporting for decades; a chance at the American dream, I mean anomaly.
Any EU nations, Australia, New Zealand and many Asian nations offer better or similar policies and opportunities to work and live under.


Mike Gault
Socialism and democracy has worked so well in Cuba and Venezuela. Why aren’t the masses trying to get into these countries?


How did u finance your trips ??

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sounds like some adventure


Eddie McGee
There are now 24 million AR-15 rifles in circulation in the U.S. 18 year olds, who cannot legally buy cigarettes or alcohol, can get an AR-15 on credit. Real estate companies use algorithms to enter private info of renters so that landlords know what competitors are charging for rent and adjust rents skyward. In 2024 in Wash., D.C. a group of 11 year old girls brutally beat a disabled elderly man to death and posted a video of the beating on Instagram. One child in her trial physically attacked a U. S. Marshall. This is America.


Some people actually have to work for a living. The average American is unable to just constantly have adventures in their life and travel here, there and everywhere. Costs money to do that…a lot of it.


Philippa Crompton
Why do you assume that Americans living outside the USA are not working? What a weird notion, that one can only work in one's country of birth !


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