2024-10-20 辽阔天空 1791
Why do you want to leave India, if you do?


Dania Faruqui
Why do you want to leave India?
Long before I was an adult, I always thought I would stay in India till my last breath. However, growing up has made me encounter problems which I don't want to face at all.


1. Education woes.
I am a student of an NIT. The entrance exam was a lot tougher than what is taught here. The quality of education is abysmal. There are hardly any permanent professors in my department. We are taught by some contract faculty who are least interested in teaching.
Once, in the third semester, a thermodynamics teacher said this:
"Now, since we all know that when pressure is constant, work done by the gas is zero, so the answer here is zero."
For a few minutes , we were too bamboozled to believe that she had said this. To our utter amazement, this followed:
"In adiabatic process, the change in internal energy is always zero."


That class led to a huge disappointment. Most of the major things are taught in a pathetic way, with all the prestigious students losing interest in studies.
All we care about are MARKS. And SGPA. It disheartens me so much. It's so depressing to be present in a system where you are judged by your grades and grades come by remembering a few facts in the subjects. No logics.


2. Corruption
It's everywhere. Not just in politics or government sectors.
I know a few people around me who completely support the cause of corruption.
The reasons given by them are so selfish and amoral that they might make you weep there and then.
I get to see it in so many forms and at so many places and there's nothing I can do but feel helpless about it absolutely.
In college fests, when you go for a driving license, in order to get your name first in a waiting list at a doctor's, railways, food checking, the infrastructure of the college.Everywhere. It's fucking everywhere.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

3. Let's say no to PDA.
Even if you are found with a person of an opposite gender at a secluded area, the chances of you getting caught by the police for "unethical actions" is pretty high.
Forget holding hands or kissing (that's a serious offence) - you can't even walk close.
People charge you at the cost of your privacy.
Sick and disgusting.


4.Security issues
If a woman wants to be safe (doesn't want to be sexually harassed in any manner) she should :


1. Dress "decently" and "properly". Preferably, cover everything possible except the eyes. Oh no, wait! Eyes too. Put on sunglasses.
We don't want our menfolk to be aroused.
2. Come back home before sunset.
3.Shouldn't date. And shouldn't have any male friends.
4. Never travel alone


5. Remain silent to all the lewd remarks and make no big issue of the ogling. You're a woman. Deal with it.
6. Don't let her pursue higher education because that might make her want to work. What's the need ? Stay at home.
If she still gets raped, she has got to be truly characterless. You see, it's never the rapist's fault. Never.
Note: If you didn't get it, that's sarcasm above.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

5. Politics and government.
No matter which party you vote for, there would be some amount of electricity cuts, extremely bad roads at certain places, less water supply, poor administration, disorganization, empty promises.
No matter what amount of taxes we pay, we won't see their true utilization.


6. Overlapping social differences.
We have started the Mars mission. But we are still not sorted with the issues on the Earth.
Even in the present modern world, we greatly take into account religion, caste, creed, regionalism. Forget inter-religion marriages, the society doesn't even approve of inter-caste marriages !
Before falling in love, make sure that your lover is of the same religion.
And the same caste, and the same sub-caste and the same sub-sub -caste ! :D


7. Pressurized living.
With the ever increasing population, increases the competition.
Competition so high that it makes you cry. It's worse because it's not even fair.
A and B are equally rich and have similar social backgrounds. B is a bit more blessed in terms of resources.
A scores 100 marks more than B in IIT JEE.
A doesn't get even the least preferred course in any IIT.
B makes it to biotechnology of IIT-D.

在印度理工学院联合入学考试(IIT JEE)中,A比B多得了100分。

They are from different castes, silly!


Jasmita Lamba
The black hole- Reservation Policy!

黑洞 - 预留政策!

Dania Faruqui
It sucks -_-

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jasmita Lamba
It really does!


Nirmesh Mehta
I think the question is meant to come up with rants but my sense is that some of your points are not very relevant.
I agree with the 1st and to some extent with the 2nd (not completely because I have seen it go down significantly - ever tried to get a phone connection in 90s or a scooter in 80s?)

我同意第一点,第二点在一定程度上也认同(但不是完全认同,因为我看到情况已经有了显著的改善 - 你试过在90年代接听电话或者在80年代买摩托车吗?)

3 - yes PDA is not as acceptable as in Italy (giving the example since I have been there). But I do see everal couples walking holding hands and there are places where you can see ppl kissing / making out as well. Policemen typically shoe you out at certain times (late night - for instance 2:00 a.m. in Mumbai) but haven't really heard anyone booked for the same.
4. Again, depends on the place. Most of Gujarat and Mumbai is pretty safe - seems more so than the worse places in Italy Chicago. However, I admit that India is, in general, more unsafe than USA / Euro region.

第三点 - 是的,公开示爱在印度不像意大利那样被接受(举这个例子是因为我去过那里)。但我确实看到好几对情侣手牵手散步,有些地方你也可以看到人们亲吻/亲热。警察通常会在某些时间(深夜 - 比如孟买凌晨2:00)把你赶走,但我真没听说过有人因此被起诉。
第四点。这又取决于地方。古吉拉特邦和孟买大部分地区相当安全 - 看起来比意大利芝加哥的糟糕地方更安全。但我承认,总体上印度比美国/欧洲地区更不安全。

5. Again, dont agree here. During my schooldays we used to learn about "12 lane roads in western countries" and joke that even Indian highways dont have ONE good lane. Today, the major highways are all good 6 lane roads. Again not world class, but the progress in 20 years is remarkable. Similarly Gujarat no longer ha power cuts - I had a server running for 30 days continuously in Ahmedabad (2010 summer).
6. Agree in general, but I have seen enough inter religion marriages to again be hopeful. Remember that just over a half century ago, racial discrimination was legal in the USA and Europe was highly polarized on religions lines. A lag of 50 years does not seem VERY bad.

第五点,我不赞同的。在我上学的时候,我们了解到了“西方国家的12车道公路”,并开玩笑说即使是印度的高速公路也没有一条好车道。今天,主要的高速公路都是不错的6车道公路。虽然不是世界级的,但20年来的进步是显著的。同样,古吉拉特邦不再有停电 - 我在艾哈迈达巴德(2010年夏天)连续运行了30天的服务器。

7. Sure. I hate it too. But life isn't fair anywhere. Since you got into NIT, it was not _that_ bad for you - missing IIT sure sucks.
To sum up, all your points are valid and a good reason for moving to some other country. However, in the larger scheme of things, India is not destined to remain the way it is. My sense i that progress is pretty rapid and in a generation, these may no longer be strong enough reasons to migrate.

第七点。当然,我也讨厌它。但生活在哪里都不公平。既然你进入了印度国家技术学院,对你来说情况没有那么糟 - 错过印度理工学院确实糟糕。

Thor Odinson
Lets just assume I am an American - I can quote these reasons for leaving my home:
1. Sick people every where - I see people who are pedophiles, have consensual incest with their family members, practice bestiality and then they say I will do it as long as it is not harming anybody
2. My jobs are going to Chinese and Indians
3. I don't see a stuff Made in USA... Everything from electronics to clothes and furniture is Made iN China, Vietnam or Bangladesh. My country is doomed

假设我是个美国人 - 我可以列举这些理由离开我的家乡:

4. Legal and Illegal Immigrants are coming to my country in counts of thousands every week and taking away our jobs. Heck they don't even speak English
5. There are drugs in middle school and kids of the age of 10 - 11 bringing guns to schools
6. Every other month, there is some sociopath killing innocent children in some high school shooting
7. Some other sociopath kills Sikh people because they are "Arabs"


Would I leave my country? NO. HELL NO.
The problem with Indians is that we don't take pride in what we have. We don't want to change - We want to take the shortcut and immigrate to White nations.
People who immigrate and settle in US from India- Are you ready to have all your progenitors in US? Has India become that bad? If British did one thing to us - it was that they made us believe that anything White/Western is good and anything Indian is uncouth.
I am an Int'l Student studying in USA - I will never ever want to abandon my Home - Never Ever! India needs its best and brightest to stay!

印度人的问题是我们不为我们所拥有的感到骄傲,我们不想改变 - 我们想要走捷径,移民到白人国家。
从印度移民到美国的人 - 你准备好让你的所有后代都在美国吗?印度变得那么糟糕了吗?如果英国人对我们做了一件事的话,那就是他们让我们相信何白人/西方的东西都是好的,任何印度的东西都是粗俗的。
我是在美国学习的国际学生 - 我永远不会想要放弃我的家 - 永远不会!印度需要它最优秀和最聪明的人留下来!

Arpan Das
Nice attempt at sensationalizing.
1) If something is not harming anyone, then why would that thing be wrong? Pedophiles are harming minors, bestiality is wrong because there's no way to ascertain whether an animal has given consent. Consensual incest? Sure, it's against societal norms, but if it is consensual and there's no adultery involved, then it is not really harming anyone, is it?
2) The shitty jobs in the US are being outsourced, yes. It inconveniences a lot of people, but those people are not the most financially mobile. There is no dearth of entrepreneurship opportunities in the US and their system backs those willing to do anything constructive.
3) I don't see any of the vegetables I eat in Bangalore grown in Bangalore. Should I feel doomed and migrate to a village where beans, bitter gourd and tomatoes are grown?


4) Again, lower end jobs get displaced. Higher end jobs are more stable. Are you seriously comparing with India where there are a thousand candidates for 1 job opening?
5) I finished school in 2008. There were lots of gang fights and children pulling weapons was not unheard of. True, guns were a rare sight, but don't tell me that schools aren't a cesspool of violence in India.
6) Welcome to India. Your kid can get raped even if she's 3 years old.


7) Communal violence is of course unheard of in India. Never had Muslims killing hindus and vice versa.
I love many aspects of India. I detest many aspects of India. Please don't pitch the worst of a country against the best of another country and learn to take a neutral viewpoint to actually compare two countries. It's good to know that you wish to return to India but that doesn't give you the moral high ground to shame people looking to move out and make progress professionally.


Thor Odinson
I agree with your viewpoints India is not what is used to be


Siddharth Pathak
Being patriotic is a choice and it should be treated like one. Every one has one life to live and it is their right to lead it the way they wish to. You lead yours as you wish to but stop at that. The biggest problem with us Indians is that we never realize that it isn't our business to interfere with others lives.


Niranjan Manjunath
You are SO right that very few people will get it. We are not a pragmatic country. A ‘Country’ is not a natural entity. It is a political entity. Some of us love this planet more than we love this country. We have no emotional obligation to be bound to these political boundaries that we don’t believe in. We have a choice.


Turban Legend
Sir, there are other countries too other than India and USA. :-)


Shailesh Arya
Pedophiles do not exist in India? Incest is a facet of Caucasian humans alone? Looks like the 'India' you belong to only exists in your imagination. Because law is more fair in the west, such things immediately gain popularity. In India many girls who are sodomized by their father hide this throughout their lives becausr of the stigma and repercussions.


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