2024-10-22 汤沐之邑 3519
Do you regret leaving the USA?


Absolutely NOT.
I wasted over 10 years of my precious life in that country and I’ve had enough with it. Now I’m very happy to be back to my native East Asia to be around my own people, without the fear of falling victim to violent crimes or racism. Or getting bankrupted by America’s corrupt healthcare system. The level of civilisation of the population there is enough to put me off already. And on top of that, people in the US legally get treated like pariahs while the illegal immigrants get everything for free.
The only ones who find the US a desirable destination to immigrate to are those from SH*THOLE COUNTRIES.


Robert Hutton
I grew up in the Midwest worked and retired got divorced paid my Child support and did the best for my 2 kids. A couple of years ago i moved to Mexico and retired. I really enjoy it here. The weather the people its wonderful. The US at least the midwest is fine for me when working but México is a nice plat to retire.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kari Olson
I’m planning on moving to Panama in the near future! So happy to hear that you are enjoying your move to Mexico. Gives me the courage to go ahead with my plan.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Selim Al Rashid
I had left in 1980. I worked in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Now I am retired and living in Tangier, Morocco.


Amelia Williams
Absolutely . Viva Mexico


Selim Al Rashid
Viva Morocco!!

摩洛哥万岁! !
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think you just have your own personal problem and trying to blame it on the country USA, first of all no one asked you to leave your country, you chooses to . American is the best place to be, with lots of opportunities and freedom, love and peaceful


Benito Gonzalez Jr.
Sir, I would love to know about your very first trip to México? I'm only interested in your very first trip of México.
Was your first trip to México your idea or by invitation or for business?
In other words did you choose México as a destination for the first time or was your first trip to México someone else's idea? Or by invitation? I'm just wondering thank you.


Robert Hutton
Well Benito it was my idea. I rode a bus across Laredo to Nuevo Laredo then on to Monterrey and San Luis Potosí. I took a spanish class in San Luis Potosí. I like that área but wound up in México City i enjoy as well. Some people have varying degrees of culture shock. To me México is very similar to the US. I like the people, the weather, the food. The cultures seem to mix more and more every day


Shahid Faruqui
Social Security/401k/pension income goes deeper there - medical facilities may be an issue - people are nicer


Tony Palmero
I need to do more research, but I've found a few places on the Pacific side that has a few expats. My goal is to walk across the border on my 55th bday, 2025. Working on it


FAISAL AlDarweesh
Am from kuwait, I spent 10 years of my youth in the USA going school, they never discriminate against me, and never felt my life in danger, American people were extremely nice and helpful, I live in kuwait now and we keep in touch with each other. You should be Grateful that you spent 10 years and you went back home after you reach your target.


Zoran Jovic
I got discriminated. it depends from case to case.


Consider yourself VERY lucky!


He is lucky….that he wasn’t raised like a cuck who believes their entire lives they’re a victim of some invisible power that holds over them.


Bill Curry
US healthcare is absolutely the worst. You pay and pay and pay and get less and less and less.


Jen Ross
yep Only country inthe world where medicine is FOR profit DISGUSTING


To be honest, it’s not the only country in the world where medicine is for profit. China has the same thing. You should say it’s the only DEVELOPED country to do so instead.


Rebecca F
as of recently, canada took that award, with people dying in the waiting rooms, underpaid and shortstaffed bcuz healthcare is so cheap there, nobody wants to work in healthcare. look it up O.o its crazy. “The country's acclaimed public health system is at breaking point, partly due to staffing shortages caused by low salaries and long working hours. Canadians have a labor problem. There are 848,000 job vacancies, according to a recent government report.”


Sam Adam
Canadian here. You are wrong. You can walk into any hospital if you are not well and have pretty much any scan, test etc same day. You might be there for 4–8 hours though. I would take that over the state’s nonsense. my brother needed immediate surgery for a blown appendix and was on the table in minutes. The bill was free here. my other brother had stomach pains while in the us and went to the hospital. Ultrasound performed, given pills and was handed a bill for 9k.


Aggie Saw
Stop paying you mostly support the ceo manager paper pushers and small part really does to healthcare . This is discussing I agree . I it seem unfixable . I guess the best is to care for yourself well being and health .


Damien Jackson
And it takes forever to get a appointment. You have to schedule AT LEAST 7–8 months in advance!!


Bob Troxell
I am fine with my healthcare in US. No complaints.


Raul Rivas
Your one of the lucky ones, to have good health care. Health care in the US will bankrupt you if you get sick. Don't wish that upon anyone


Jim Hane
Healthcare and the whole welfare system is much better in the Nordic countries.


Selim Al Rashid
I used to work in US Hospitals. The Hospital Corporation are just for profit. I use to collect the debts of the patients. They pay and pay, and never get their debts paid!


Bernard Zsikla
Move to NYC, everything is free, especially Healthcare.


Martin MacDonald
Im pretty sure you’ve never used healthcare in any European country. You often pay monthly fees higher than any insurance in the US which are obligatory and wait years (literal years) for some appointments or surgeries. US system provides the best healthcare in the world, the difference is that you ought to choose your insurance company & type of insurance. In the EU you often end up paying twice - once for obligatory national system that you never use and second fee for private healthcare which is far more efficient.


The reasons why Americans complain so much about their healthcare is simply because they can choose to pay less or not at all for their healthcare - in the EU you’re forced to do so and insurance is automatically deducted from your salary by your employer at all times and most people are totally unaware how much is their health insurance, how much is their retirement fee, etc.
The system is built in a way where people are usually totally unaware how much is deducted from their salaries and for what.


Harikrishnan Seshadri
Amazing how people earn in USD for years, invest them all in their home country and finally go back and settle there and then complain that usa is unsafe and other issues. No country is perfect. Be grateful for what you had and still have.


Bath Olith
So……? We are not to call out the ugly sides because we earned in USD? Did we not work for it? It was a give and take


K?rl Schilv Scholl
That's what the USA is used for.
Make money.
Realizing what the country really is.
Leave with your money earned.
Be happy in you home country.


Hannelore West
It is true,that it is unsafe,over 300 mass shootings this year…

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

What are you people talking about? I have never seen an actual shooting.


This person probably had immigration problems.


El Bambogui
Why assume that people aren’t grateful? No country is perfect, but some are more savage and violent than others.
To risk our children’s lives to gun violence is not worth the money
To risk becoming the victim of a mass shooting at school, work, place of worship, mall, or cultural event is not worth the money
To risk losing every cent you’ve ever earned because you or a family member gets sick is not worth the money
To risk being battered or murdered because of the color of your skin is not worth the money
To risk abuse or death by a criminal police force is not worth the money
To stay in a country that hates you but profits off your work and taxes? Thanks but no thanks. It’s just not worth the risk or the money


Rahul Sing
Try being a black guy in China. 40 percent of Americans are not even white, it is 100 times more tolerant than most countries and more than what the news would like you to believe


Jayesh Parekh
Exactly the point. For 10 years, he earned in US Dollars and now he considers those 10 years as a waste? Did it take him 10 years to realize what he is complainig about? There is no substitute for US Dollars. Those US dollars he saved must have been put to use in his native East Asia. Hope he is happy now.


Nika Rita
Amerikkka sucks


Kyle Attkinson
Right on. These are your typical hypocrites and i wish there will be a mechanism in the future to weed them out.


No country deserves more gratitude from me than Japan does!


Dennis Hollen
Hopefully you live there.


Raj Ailawadhi
One works hard and earn.. it’s his wish where ever he can invest his money , not necessary if you earn money in USA you have to invest in USA .
if currency has better value in India or any Asian country , why not to invest and live better life .
I am not against USA ???? but life is becoming diff day by day with medical expenses , laws related to guns and mis using of govt policies by homeless


Patrick Munneke
He was a parasite. Hopefully we can bar others like him.


I bought 5 houses paid full for everyone worked 2 jobs most my life not chicken shit jobs ethier . Donate money to churches . Public parks. Did volunteer work also. So yes I worked my ass off 70 to 113 hours a week you ever work 17 hours a day 7 days a week at Nordstrom they thought I only be able to do it for couple weeks I did it for 6 years 1900 week in 1985 lot money. Then I worked for myself as a bodyguard for very wealthy people in 1987 my own security company 1000 dollars a day high risk . I went back to college for 5 years and only took double schedule classes the dean has to okay that by the way 24 credits a semester 38 hours class room time 40 hours studing. Only got 4.0 GPA . Then I Got my RN certification. Took care of my Father before he died the hospital trained me in 5 days with all those stupid science class I took in college. Past the RN certification with a 95 self thought studying for that. By the way forgot to mention the other 3 years of college I went to after high school. Only 8 years of college. And Graduated high school in 3 years instead of 4 with a 4.0 GPA .


V Dogg
Yea ok with all the mass shootings, domestic violence and gang activities


Rahul Sing
Gang activity is in UK too. Canada as well. Japan has yakuza , a gang bigger than their own police force. China has the triads. South America is 10 times more dangerous


Joel Sushil Joseph
Agreed. I'm very happy and grateful to be here.


Remo Guadagnini
U r so right. I live in south africa where crime, corruption and racism are rife but i got so much from this country. The world is one and same


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