
Is it a good idea to avoid Indian bosses in countries like USA or Canada?

Is it a good idea to avoid Indian bosses in countries like USA or Canada?
Kurian Binu
Avoid indians at all costs. I would much rather work with anyone other than indians. Overall toxic culture. They reply to you really rudely when asking questions as they think that people who ask questions are stupid. I am not saying all indians are bad (plus I am Indian myself) but I just hate working with other Indians.
Avoid indians at all costs. I would much rather work with anyone other than indians. Overall toxic culture. They reply to you really rudely when asking questions as they think that people who ask questions are stupid. I am not saying all indians are bad (plus I am Indian myself) but I just hate working with other Indians.
Aloo Denish
True. Indian bosses are a whole f*king shit
True. Indian bosses are a whole f*king shit
Kay Malhotra
In many ways, I agree with you fully. I being an indian see Indians being used against Indians to back stab in the corporate world. Chinese will stick with each other. Their equation is force builds power vs Indians who always like advantages to themselves, and go into a survival mode when faced with competition. I also see people that perform poorly always survive by doing dirty work in corporates.
In many ways, I agree with you fully. I being an indian see Indians being used against Indians to back stab in the corporate world. Chinese will stick with each other. Their equation is force builds power vs Indians who always like advantages to themselves, and go into a survival mode when faced with competition. I also see people that perform poorly always survive by doing dirty work in corporates.
Shayne Farah
I'm going through the same just looking for another job first before I can quit
I'm going through the same just looking for another job first before I can quit
Magical Thinker
That's saying a lot!!!
That's saying a lot!!!
The worst.
The worst.
In IT yes, avoid if possible. Up to the 90s Indians in IT were smart, funny, loyal, and tried to immerse in American culture. Then a new breed came in at some point. These wave is not smart, racist, sexist, and are dominant in IT. IT used to be fun, but its now stressful because these poor programmers have now become overbearing bullies. Indian bosses only work with other Indians, they will work against you and you won’t even know it. They will undermine you, withhold information, bully you, and do whatever to keep you from moving up.
In IT yes, avoid if possible. Up to the 90s Indians in IT were smart, funny, loyal, and tried to immerse in American culture. Then a new breed came in at some point. These wave is not smart, racist, sexist, and are dominant in IT. IT used to be fun, but its now stressful because these poor programmers have now become overbearing bullies. Indian bosses only work with other Indians, they will work against you and you won’t even know it. They will undermine you, withhold information, bully you, and do whatever to keep you from moving up.
MJ Cortez
How? they are everywhere now, what is happening, it’s the end of world coming?
How? they are everywhere now, what is happening, it’s the end of world coming?
Mary Platt
So true! Lived it! Retired from a profession I loved, because I am a highly skilled professional woman who couldn’t stand to be abused anymore!
So true! Lived it! Retired from a profession I loved, because I am a highly skilled professional woman who couldn’t stand to be abused anymore!
James Heffernan
They don’t belong here…they don’t fit
They don’t belong here…they don’t fit
They are slavery everyone other than their own kinds.
They are slavery everyone other than their own kinds.
They pay horrible for anyone to work for them
They pay horrible for anyone to work for them
Mukund Upadhyaya
As an Indian reading this from India, I truly feel bad for you guys. I had not imagined this was actually possible. I thought Americans were like this.
As an Indian reading this from India, I truly feel bad for you guys. I had not imagined this was actually possible. I thought Americans were like this.
It is more appropiate to say that WILL AVOID YOU. India is a communal society, so once an Indian is in a position of “power” (at least to hire), they will Hire ONLY Indian (maybe A few whites). If you don’t believe me see the areas where an Indian was promoted and see the shift in the workforce.
It is more appropiate to say that WILL AVOID YOU. India is a communal society, so once an Indian is in a position of “power” (at least to hire), they will Hire ONLY Indian (maybe A few whites). If you don’t believe me see the areas where an Indian was promoted and see the shift in the workforce.
Now assume that you get hired by the indian boss, they are coming from a CAST societies and they expect you to follow their lead WITHOUT ANY QUESTIONING. I have noticed their egos are inflated (I have even read their “secret” forums where they help each other to pass interviews, get visas etc), they mention they are the smartest in the world over whites, blacks etc, but this is not true, they have some smart people like any other ethnicity, in fact the smartest developer/technical person I have ever worked with was a Brazilian, a Russian and a white american.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I would avoid them. But because somebody gave them a chance in tech now it’s hard to avoid them.
L.E. Willis-Smith
I’ve also found the best programmers are white US people and Russians (I’m not from either of these places, but that’s what I’ve seen).
I’ve also found the best programmers are white US people and Russians (I’m not from either of these places, but that’s what I’ve seen).
Raisa Agafonovna
I experienced this on myself. They promote their own people and avoid hiring other groups. This slowly turned into a survival mode for me so I moved on and they hired another person with a funky name from the same origin. This is in a publicly traded software company.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I experienced this on myself. They promote their own people and avoid hiring other groups. This slowly turned into a survival mode for me so I moved on and they hired another person with a funky name from the same origin. This is in a publicly traded software company.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Katelynn Simmons
This is so true!
This is so true!
Ron Suverkrop
I worked at a mostly Indian architecture office in Santa Clara - they had very condescending attitudes toward us. Before that I worked for another Indian architecture office and had to work as a 1099 for 3 years - same condescending attitudes and yet another firm, same thing with a condescending micromanager - now I study all the time to think the way they think to also be at the top of my game too
I worked at a mostly Indian architecture office in Santa Clara - they had very condescending attitudes toward us. Before that I worked for another Indian architecture office and had to work as a 1099 for 3 years - same condescending attitudes and yet another firm, same thing with a condescending micromanager - now I study all the time to think the way they think to also be at the top of my game too
Javier Quintana
I’m working with an Indian Boss, is absolutely true. I’m the exception of the rule because some accidental situation and my multidisciplinary experience in the field. Indian Bosses hire most Indian people, even if they are not very well qualified. Once in the company, Bosses protect them, even if they made terrible mistakes, that cost considerable money and problems to the company.
I’m working with an Indian Boss, is absolutely true. I’m the exception of the rule because some accidental situation and my multidisciplinary experience in the field. Indian Bosses hire most Indian people, even if they are not very well qualified. Once in the company, Bosses protect them, even if they made terrible mistakes, that cost considerable money and problems to the company.
Saravana Kumar
“they are coming from a CAST societies and they expect you to follow their lead WITHOUT ANY QUESTIONING” - - - Its True ( i am an indian and i am totally against it )
“they are coming from a CAST societies and they expect you to follow their lead WITHOUT ANY QUESTIONING” - - - Its True ( i am an indian and i am totally against it )
Ron Suverkrop
I’m an American in my own country and they treat us with condescending attitudes like we are some lower caste
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I’m an American in my own country and they treat us with condescending attitudes like we are some lower caste
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Timothy Bradford
That’s because to them you are.
That’s because to them you are.
Caro Gibson
Ornate Hawk
They hire the same caste and sometimes same sex
They hire the same caste and sometimes same sex
Gabriel Corona
They should drop their stupid traditions if they are in America or Canada. Keep that stuff away from here.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
They should drop their stupid traditions if they are in America or Canada. Keep that stuff away from here.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Ghulam RasoolAllah(The Final Prophet)
It should also be noted that they will likely hire only those Indians like them, unless they have to. For example, their ethnic background within India and religion too plays a role. A Hindu Indian manager would likely not hire a Christian, Muslim or Sikh (even if he is more skilled) over a Hindu. So for Indian managers it is not just that they are Indian rather what ethnic/language group and what religious group too matter.
It should also be noted that they will likely hire only those Indians like them, unless they have to. For example, their ethnic background within India and religion too plays a role. A Hindu Indian manager would likely not hire a Christian, Muslim or Sikh (even if he is more skilled) over a Hindu. So for Indian managers it is not just that they are Indian rather what ethnic/language group and what religious group too matter.
After working in silicon valley about 30 some years, I have never had Brazilian coworkers, but true the most brilliant engineers are backgrounded in western education system.
After working in silicon valley about 30 some years, I have never had Brazilian coworkers, but true the most brilliant engineers are backgrounded in western education system.
James Heffernan
Ron Suverkrop
You just have to be better than them - many Americans just got laid off in tech for not keeping up - don’t be one of them
You just have to be better than them - many Americans just got laid off in tech for not keeping up - don’t be one of them
Racial discrimination or say discrimination based on social status, looks, color etc very much prevails in US, Europe anywhere and West is full of it. So stop lecturing such bullshit!
Racial discrimination or say discrimination based on social status, looks, color etc very much prevails in US, Europe anywhere and West is full of it. So stop lecturing such bullshit!
Trent Sylvester
They don't have a discriminatory caste system though. That comes from your hindu religion.
They don't have a discriminatory caste system though. That comes from your hindu religion.
Lalu Bhaiya
If you get an opportunity to work with an Indian (boss or colleague), just run, run as far as you can. They will make your life so miserable and toxic that you will suffer day and night.
If you get an opportunity to work with an Indian (boss or colleague), just run, run as far as you can. They will make your life so miserable and toxic that you will suffer day and night.
Lucy Johnson
It depends. However, please note that a lot of them think differently.
It depends. However, please note that a lot of them think differently.
(1) Here in the US if you have a different idea, you can bring it up freely to your boss most of the time. However, I noticed that if I suggest a new idea/perspective/understanding an indian boss is taking it personally and thinks that I’m questioning his reasoning and challenging his authority. If you don’t mind just being a human robot following exactly what you were ordered to do….. then you would be fine.
(2) Additionally, be ware that you might have to answer questions like what your parents’ occupations are, what car you own, etc. that are perceived as potentially nosy/invasive questions. I get it that this is partially due to cultural differences but nevertheless it doesn’t justify asking such questions when we’re not at all familiar with each other.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
(3) You should get used to small talks among indian colleagues. It’s totally fine for people to communicate in their mother tongue, I definitely see no problem. However, when working in a US office, some of the indian team leads tend to speak in Hindi and talk loudly all the time.
(4) As a female, you probably would have some difficulties with promotion.
The above points are just my observations. For different people, they may or may not matter.
The above points are just my observations. For different people, they may or may not matter.
Ceertainly yes, They always will indulge in empire building with yay saying employees and will only hire Indian origin employees to remain secure in their position.
Ceertainly yes, They always will indulge in empire building with yay saying employees and will only hire Indian origin employees to remain secure in their position.
Rishi Jha
Just avoid Indians altogether if you must. If you wish to imbibe the best of what the west has to offer and excel in your creativity and passion just avoid Indians. I have learnt from experience. Besides that's the true meaning of an immigrant...you immerse yourself in the local culture and make something of that country-something that Indians as a rule cannot do.
Just avoid Indians altogether if you must. If you wish to imbibe the best of what the west has to offer and excel in your creativity and passion just avoid Indians. I have learnt from experience. Besides that's the true meaning of an immigrant...you immerse yourself in the local culture and make something of that country-something that Indians as a rule cannot do.
Thank you. That is what I felt when I was being interviewed by an Indian boss. He was talking to me from the USA while was in a country nearby. I felt the interview was not going anywhere. He was trying to assert how good he was as a professional, and I was surprised that he was not familiar with a Canadian bachelor's degree. He, with his Indian degree, had the impression that a Canadian Computer Engineering degree should belong to a Science department, not Applied Science. He said, he worked till midnight (to maintain a group of outsourced people in India as well as on-site engineers in Canada). I said to myself, stay away from him. You are right, I am living in the West to get the best of it, not to put up with some narrow-minded mentality coming from an Indian boss regardless of whether he is physically in India or not.
Thank you. That is what I felt when I was being interviewed by an Indian boss. He was talking to me from the USA while was in a country nearby. I felt the interview was not going anywhere. He was trying to assert how good he was as a professional, and I was surprised that he was not familiar with a Canadian bachelor's degree. He, with his Indian degree, had the impression that a Canadian Computer Engineering degree should belong to a Science department, not Applied Science. He said, he worked till midnight (to maintain a group of outsourced people in India as well as on-site engineers in Canada). I said to myself, stay away from him. You are right, I am living in the West to get the best of it, not to put up with some narrow-minded mentality coming from an Indian boss regardless of whether he is physically in India or not.
Kevin Fitzpatrick
Agreed. The are generally a lying culture
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Agreed. The are generally a lying culture
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Ron Suverkrop
I worked for Indian bosses for 7 years(architecture) they are tough and you better have your sh*t together or they will micromanage you. Also, you have to be on call 24/7 -
I worked for Indian bosses for 7 years(architecture) they are tough and you better have your sh*t together or they will micromanage you. Also, you have to be on call 24/7 -
Alessandra Oliveira
Lying comes to them naturally
Lying comes to them naturally
Yes. I had an Indian boss and he was fine until our team increased in size. He started becoming nasty with staff and behaving erratically. Then he just abandoned staff who had served him for years. He showed no loyalty or empathy for these people and basically drove them out of the workplace. He treated them very cheaply indeed. I don’t know if it was because he is an Indian or just a strange disloyal person but it was very disillusioning. Maybe there are idiosyncratic traits in different ethnicities that are not studied or researched. Maybe there are no negative traits connected to Indians at all. But it is worth mentioning.
Yes. I had an Indian boss and he was fine until our team increased in size. He started becoming nasty with staff and behaving erratically. Then he just abandoned staff who had served him for years. He showed no loyalty or empathy for these people and basically drove them out of the workplace. He treated them very cheaply indeed. I don’t know if it was because he is an Indian or just a strange disloyal person but it was very disillusioning. Maybe there are idiosyncratic traits in different ethnicities that are not studied or researched. Maybe there are no negative traits connected to Indians at all. But it is worth mentioning.
Mugen Wang
I am an Indian and I can tell you that it is because he was from my country. Trust me. I’m fed up as well in a corporate job working with these da** a**holes. But I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one. There are lots of people on quora that validate this for me: What is it like to work for an Indian boss? Good or bad experiences stories is deeply appreciated.
I am an Indian and I can tell you that it is because he was from my country. Trust me. I’m fed up as well in a corporate job working with these da** a**holes. But I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one. There are lots of people on quora that validate this for me: What is it like to work for an Indian boss? Good or bad experiences stories is deeply appreciated.
Saifullah Phi ibn Tran
You spoke for thousands of people with your descxtions. Very accurate.
You spoke for thousands of people with your descxtions. Very accurate.
L.E. Willis-Smith
The US is one of the most amazing countries I’ve ever travelled to and worked in. They are hard working and full of amazing, creative ideas. It’s no coincidence they have the top tech companies in the world because they’re so smart.
The US is one of the most amazing countries I’ve ever travelled to and worked in. They are hard working and full of amazing, creative ideas. It’s no coincidence they have the top tech companies in the world because they’re so smart.
If you move there and then end up working for a boss who is Indian, I think you’re cheating yourself out of an amazing growth opportunity to learn to work and think the way Americans do. Working there was one of the best things I ever did and I grew so much. They (Americans) are amazing at working as teams and they’re so welcoming without having a hierarchical culture. They’re ahead of the world at everything. You’ll miss out on so much if you settle for a boss from a developing nation.
My advice is to go to the US and surround yourself with Americans and learn how they think and work. It’s so inspiring. Very few cultures actually have any imagination and problem solving abilities; you won’t learn these things from an Indian boss but you will working for an American at an American company. Indian universities are so bad and your boss will tell you to do things the backwards way he was taught in India.
我的建议是去美国,和美国人一起工作,学习他们的思维方式和工作方式。真的非常启发人心。很少有文化能够真正发挥想象力和解决问题的能力;而从印度老板那里,你不会学到这些d ,但在一家美国公司里和美国人共事,你会学到很多。印度的大学很差劲,你的印度老板会让你按照他在印度学到的那一套落后方式去做事。
我的建议是去美国,和美国人一起工作,学习他们的思维方式和工作方式。真的非常启发人心。很少有文化能够真正发挥想象力和解决问题的能力;而从印度老板那里,你不会学到这些d ,但在一家美国公司里和美国人共事,你会学到很多。印度的大学很差劲,你的印度老板会让你按照他在印度学到的那一套落后方式去做事。
Going all the way to the US and working for an Indian boss would be like going all the way to Paris and viewing the Eiffel Tower from your hotel room. You need to do things properly and go to the US and work for Americans.
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