2024-10-24 龟兔赛跑 4450

Are some of the Indian bosses horrible? If yes, then why?


Lola Robot
It’s been the worst experience of my life. I’m 48 and have never been treated in such a manner. Degrading, passive aggressive, sexist, racist, etc. Worked to the bone. I’m about to quit with no notice. They can be great problem solvers, but work is more than work, there is a human factor. Never, ever again.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Colour Ful
Yes definitively Passive Aggressive and love to play power game…


Nora Kelly
Mine sucked at problem solving and was lazy. Had no issue with dumping the work on his team, including his own job.


Hoto Miko
They are not great problem solvers. Their solution is delegate the problem to other people to solve for them??


Lao Ang
…and they love to join the blame game. Accountability to some indian boss is not in their vocabulary ??.


Got a part time job with fairly good pay, but the owner and family are Indian. The kids are not too bad, but the father is a beast. So rude, loud and expected me to learn his system in 2 days. After a month, I quit.


Jayvhon Calma
Not only horrible bosses but inhumane CEOs


If students are a reflection of future bosses ; then the answer is clearly YES , horrible, back staving, double talk, charlatan, lack of social skills , racist , rapist, think little of women, alcoholics, arrogant, pretentious ignoring all the shit hole they came from. - it a closed culture, don’t give a shit about anything else other than just make money and fuck anything that gets in their way.


Shayne Farah
Oh my gosh I'm going through the exact right now


Deepak Bharadwaj
these people are not great problem solvers, they cause problems, where ever they go you can expext authotarian rules and regulations

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nikhil Albert
Problem solvers? Average IQ is 82 in India. I think it's China and Japan that are problem solvers at 108.


Jen Henson
Nobody likes them. They smell too.


Right Libertarian
I don't know why you think they are sexist, racist etc.
But a large majority of them are definitely passive aggressive.
I fully agree. But as you say you are quitting without notice, see it's very easy for you to do because you're a wahmen (yes I'm sexist here).
But this is because women in any society is appreciated even if she has nothing to offer, but if a man doesn't have job no one gives a heck about him.


Alex Ross
India takes racism and sexism to a new level, they discriminate based on: caste, religion, gender, profession, family, skin color, and financial standing, to name just a few.


Amy Cummins
I'm currently in the same boat and about to jump ship. Degrading, yells and even screamed at me in front of a lot of people, I never do anything right, talks down to me, and I've only worked for him for maybe a month. He keeps adding on so much work and then says I'm not following how he runs things. It's insane and I'm surprised I've stayed this long. I will never work for another Indian again. Culturally it is not a good fit. It's abusive


Hoto Miko
Also Indian male boss would credit Indian male subordinate for the work other people did, esp work done by female colleagues. You can take Indian men out of India but not the Indian misogynist pig out of them. Would never want to deal with Indian males under any circumstances.


Ann Vaughn
I've busted my butt for my Indian boss for 3 years and the 6 months ago he brings a 18 year old straight from India to work and has accredited him with all the tasks I've done. He has even went as far as teaching him manager tasks and duties and now I get blamed for everything. Never again!


Steve Kelly
Indian managers and employees are the most incompetent people ever. They lie to get jobs and fake credentials and experience. Never hire Indians unless you are happy with substandard quality.


Kristen Frazier-Axsom
I have worked in a small family owned business since 2014 and it has been incredible up until recently when they were forced to sell due to age and health issues. We all seen it coming and when we found out about the new owner we welcomed with open arms (what a nightmare). The first week was the pretty good but by 2nd it started with knit picking (especially me for whatever reason) :


1.) STAY OFF YOUR PHONE (reasonable enough and we can get on our phones at break (problem is we NEVER get a break).
2. VERY POOR LISTENER/ COMMUNICATION (Get told to ask when we need help or items yet when explaining what we need you can tell attention is not focused on what your saying to them and the. Later get told “why didn’t you tell me.
3. CAUSE UNNECESSARY ARGUMENTS BETWEEN CO WORKERS (confusing all co-workers to make them mad at one another and causing unnecessary arguments and tension).


And last INDIAN MEN TREAT WOMEN AS INFERIOR & INCOMPETENT (For whatever reason women are suppose to do 80% of all work & labor & then ridiculed about how they did the job. What gives? And why do some pay cash under the table and it such a huge secret? Then when something gets messed up the fault always falls back on the employee making the employee feel worthless and incapable of doing a job they have done longer


Look I have no problem with them wanting to come over and make a better life but don’t come over to where I was born n raised and tell me what I am doing wrong bc I guarantee they wouldn’t wanna be ridiculed and belittled if I went to there country or culture and told them they weren’t doing it right and then continuously bully a person.


Sheryl Bostrom


Ann Vaughn
That's my every day life at my job.


worst experience of my life as well, the ones I had to deal with was on a huge power trip, his words “I’m the king, im rich man, I’m the boss this is my business “ as he was walking around drunk, falling against chip racks and freezer making things fall .. and yes in a store open hours..

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I had evening so very visible from outside.. pretty busy store I’ll add .. if it only ended there but no .. I’ve had enough of it so I eventually wanted nothing to do with this particular idiot .. never ever again.. soo many have tried and left that store because of the .. harassment, turning staff against each other with rumours..


Working with Indian people are worst ever ! Avoid to work with them . Very bossy and selfish.


Shirley Zheng
Indian managers hire only Indians, there is no future to work with Indian boss.


Alex Ross
Honestly, one has to be desperate to work with them.


Now What I think makes them bad in management position:
They cant handle pressure, therefore vent out on workers.
The indians are impatient and they want everything to be done in seconds (unrealistic expectations)
If they fight with their wives / spouses, be assured it will come on you.
I would always like to know when applying for a job if the boss is Indian. If yes than I am better jobless, I read an article that bad job is worse than joblessness.


My Indian boss is cunning, manipulative and likes to lie and push the blame to others to cover his mistakes and save his face. He owns a company, but is so lazy to market it such that in those years (more than 10) up til today, his company has little to no brand awareness. He just wants to do what he is comfortable with, and does not want to learn new things and leaves the dirty work to his subordinates. Having said that, my American boss is just as slimey, but in a more covert manner. I had similar experiences with Chinese bosses too…
So i guess it is the individual's character that decides how they are like as a person and what their good and bad points are. Maybe what we got were assholes, which are always present in any religion, race or civilization..


Deborah Hester
I know of a older woman who for years was asked to work for a Indian. Finally she have in. Her co-worker is younger and hyped up every day. Unlike the young female the older woman has experience in retail. After working 82 hrs they fired older woman and paid her only 30 hrs. Believe the younger one who did Whatever boss said and did extra to please him, like run for him and clean his house. Crazy. The younger female broke hundreds of dollars of glass shelves and merchandise yet they kept her. I caught her stealing as did the cameras.
Something up with this situation.


Hoto Miko
The boss and the younger woman probably were having an affair or she was a friend’s daughter etc.


Colour Ful
You are right!!!


I have been working with Indians for over 10 years. Indian culture has a very strong sense of hierarchy, even in the office. The Indian manager is more than just your boss at work, he “owns” you.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Peggy Fairlie
yep. even treat their coworker as slaves


Lorne Malvo
F U C K the Indian slave driver boss.


Ean Kroize
Yes, they are horrible. I work in the US but our company has a lot of "upper management from India" and yes, they're absolutely horrible. They want everything really quick, and they don't accept anything other than their will. They're very condescending as well.
American managers are very bullying most, but at least you can kind of get your point across. Indian managers are very very stubborn.


Vanessa Sath
Worst indian boss, rude arrogant and condescending, absolutely nuts, he is mental with high blood pressure.
Has no management style, no tact and so talentless, a deranged person who needs therapy and psychiatric diagnosis, he thinks the sun shines from his butt


Kidwaimunzir Kidwaimunzir
Last line made my day:)


Ocean Oh
I work in Singapore and you are absolutely right on Indian bosses. They are by far, the most horrible and Unprofessional breed of “leaders” among all the different nationalities bosses I had.


Fatima Landim
Agree with you...


One person told me that the reason Indians are bad leaders/managers is due to them being mostly in junior/mid level positions and get told what to do and get treated as a minority and when they’re in a high position afterwards they just treat employees the way they were treated. They know nothing else. They’re servants not leaders. This is in parts of the world like the Middle East and not necessarily the case in the US or Europe. That’s one opinion of a few people who worked with them in parts of the Middle East.


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