2024-10-24 龟兔赛跑 3102
Are some of the Indian bosses horrible? If yes, then why?


Fynn Gauss
In my past experiences, Indian workers were lazy, and they don’t mind lying. So the Indian manager assume everybody is lazy and lying, and that’s how they view everybody.
Just look at the news: Indian government beat down on high school student cheating massively, and the students don’t even bother to take the exams because they know they’d fail anyway without the cheating.
A guy found an oxygen tank for her mom for Covid-19. The police confiscate the oxygen tank for some “VIP” so that the police will get promotion or money or both.
Well seeing this culture, and think how the Indian manager treat other people.


Lucy Johnson
Studied Bachelor of Science in Biology & Human Physiology at Duke University
It depends. However, please note that a lot of them think differently.


(1) Here in the US if you have a different idea, you can bring it up freely to your boss most of the time. However, I noticed that if I suggest a new idea/perspective/understanding an indian boss is taking it personally and thinks that I’m questioning his reasoning and challenging his authority. If you don’t mind just being a human robot following exactly what you were ordered to do….. then you would be fine.
(2) Additionally, be ware that you might have to answer questions like what your parents’ occupations are, what car you own, etc. that are perceived as potentially nosy/invasive questions. I get it that this is partially due to cultural differences but nevertheless it doesn’t justify asking such questions when we’re not at all familiar with each other.


(3) You should get used to small talks among indian colleagues. It’s totally fine for people to communicate in their mother tongue, I definitely see no problem. However, when working in a US office, some of the indian team leads tend to speak in Hindi and talk loudly all the time.
(4) As a female, you probably would have some difficulties with promotion.
The above points are just my observations. For different people, they may or may not matter.


Nimisha Shukla
This is so damn true! And I am so frustrated with Indian bosses, I feel like leaving India altogether! They're all so obnoxious. I don't y v r still so feudalistic in nature.


Navin Kabra
Indian, with exposure to big city, small town, village, and NRI Indians.10y
Yes. Because some bosses are horrible all over the world.
You need to stop looking at each problem in the world and thinking that it is a uniquely Indian problem. This much self-loathing is not good.


Rachael Hayes
Sorry but there is something unique to many bosses depending on their culture and in my experience- working under a boss from an Indian culture sucks. The way I have experienced being treated by Indian bosses…well lets just say I will do all I can to avoid working for them again if possible.


Sumit Patil
The one who is asking the question is probably trying to look into the cause through the examples..I dont think this answer is any helpful.


oh yes... i agree .. but this question is concerned more about the behavior of the bosses who work in India ... and have stated only about the things that are experienced in reality ... and so it cannot be described as self-loathing .


Navin Kabra
1. If you think there is any specific horrible behavior of bosses that is uniquely Indian, then ask that as the question. (The lixs you've provided all have long discussions, and I skimmed over them, but it's just too much work to ferret out India-specific-horribleness from there. Just include the relevant stuff in the question itself.)
2. Just because someone has experienced something in reality in India does not make it an Indian problem.


Ahmad Hossam Saleh
I guess it’s a true fact you want to ignore, horrible managers!


Trilochana Rout
'You need to stop looking at each problem in the world and thinking that it is a uniquely Indian problem.'
Frankly, I don't understand how young people think these days...Most have some sort of idealized view of 'phoren' that's pretty nauseating.


I think I understand what drove you to ask this question.
Yes bosses are not nice in many part of the world, because they have to be tough to drive work, but many Indian bosses tend to treat employees under them as servants!! I would say, that there is a mentality in India that when people get power they tend to misuse it. Like police behave rudely to civilians in India, or beurocrats/ government office people misuse their power and tend to not to co-operate with civilians who come to them, politicians are abusing power in every imaginable way in this country.
Something similar goes to corporate world here, bosses are given certain power over employees under them. when an employee becomes a boss, he/she remembers how his/her boss used to treat him like, and instead of breaking that cycle there , that employee thinks 'now its my turn to be boss!', and it goes on.


Madhu Ramachandran
Totally agree, great answer!


Siddharth R
Totally agree when relatives had more money than me, they started treating me like a piece of crap same with cousins of mine when I was unemployed and broke , they had their cushy jobs and hence due to this sense of gained power over me , suddenly started to treat me worse than a dead body.Shocked by the fact how power corrupts even sane people and hence learnt lesson how not to misuse power if given .


Johnny English
This is true. I am Indian but look italian or Spanish. They had a problem with my looks and features. My ears, eyes, cheek, trimed beard, wel groomed, nice cloths healthy. I realised how desperate Indian men are ego and inconfident
In my 11 years in IT industry, I switched 4–5 companies, never got a promotion ( only the hikes I get when I switch companies) , I never seen a good Indian manager. To respect or keep as role model They were all so jealous of me. My looks and my accomplish ments at work. After 2–3 years they used to encourage me to leave the company while paychatric girls and horrible Indian men used to get promoted.


I will list out the reasons from my understanding
IT industry promote only ugly men, useless , daddies, handicapped, LGBT etc in order to prevent sexuall harassment of girls. But this strategy is not working because even these ugly men fter getting promoted becomes arrogant, harrass girls, and good looking guys and destroy their life ( this is real reason why everyone complains about toxic mgnt. Girls suffer the most)


Most India IT companies management and leadership are dominated by brahmins. These are real human scavegers and devil worshipers. They only promote other brahmins. More over brahmin men suffer from many genetic disorder like
ED from a very young age
Impotency or girl child problem


Hormonal imbalance between estrogen and teatsoterone.
They are ugly and have animal like features
Now a days there is a new trend ie to hire Daddies with 2 children.


Everyones main target is good looking heathly men and women IT professionals.
So my advice for the youth is try other career options. IT industry is not good is you don't belong to a certain group.


Johnny English
My friends and relatives who like me joined Tech companies after college after 2–3 years realised that this is not the place for them because it's good only if you belong to a certain group and that group is - LGBT , brahmins frustrated men , grandfathers , psychic women , so they escaped from tech . Now they are millionairs have their own business .

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I had one and he had gotten himself into trouble due to over-recruiting. Instead of manning up and taking responsibility this little creep burnt his staff instead. I will never forget how undignified this guy was in his dealings with staff. He was untruthful and dismissive of people who had worked for him for years. Instread of coming up with a strategy to save our jobs he just gave up and did nothing. His performance was dishonorable and cowardly. Many of us were pushed out of a job due to this guys incompetence. And did he show any empathy or care for us? No way. I don’t know if this was because he was an Indian or whether he was just a bad guy but it sure hurt a lot of good people (several of them Indians).


I have had SEVERAL indian bosses and they were all terrible leaders. Its part of their upbringing and culture in America. They have short patience, little education and low ambition. This is mostly due to tax payers money being given to them every year that is unearned.


Many of them have not had to work a legitimate job and are usually given supervisor roles by another indian who was a diversity hire or an investors or shareholders son and daughter. Many businesses are started by indians because they are given unfair business grants and indians are given free education as well. It is also important to remember that just because your boss looks white does not mean he is european, he could very well be indian but mixed.


Alot of latinos are marrying into indians too because they like the free money , I’ve had two family members marry indians and they get tons of free money and free food. Being indian in america comes with alot of unfair privileges and that is why they make such horrible bosses. character develops from work ethic and ambition - not from being a free loader.


Praveen Kumar Singh
Well i have a boss let me describe his activities from morning to evening. Firstly when he enters in the office then he watches who has come yet n who has not. He has told HR person to those who come late by 9 am count his/her minutes of late and when it will be 8 hrs then deduce his/her one day Sallery(my HR has only this work in the office) . Isn't this funny??. Well move on to the next activity he shouts so loudly even if he is talking to someone, in a fraction of time he gets exited and he starts shouting so loudly. Everybody tries to hide himself/herself in morning from him because no one wants to destroy his/her whole day if he/she encounters with him in an early morning discussion. He will shout on you then he'll go in his cabin will start doing his other works & pretend to be very normal & will smile so loudly on the jokes of his chela - punter (claws ). And this continues everyday.


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