印度尼西亚禁止销售新款 iPhone:禁令出台意味着政府采取措施遏制大型科技公司
2024-11-02 ◣靜♂候輪回 7549

Indonesian authorities have banned the sale of new iPhones and other Apple products.
They say the company has failed to live up to its promise to support local businesses.
Apple has defaulted on its obligation to invest $110 million in Indonesia and is seen as ignoring the Indonesian market, according to people familiar with the matter.

印度尼西亚当局已禁止销售新推出的 iPhone 和其他苹果产品。

Glad to see a country putting its own benefit first.


Nothing bad about this policy

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They are requiring that 40% of the company's value come from Indonesia. If I was Tim Apple, I'd also say F it and leave, that's too much hassle and wasteful inefficiency.


That's not how the regulations work. Apple has failed to comply with Indonesian regulations requiring them to either employ local workers or establish a facility here. Instead, they've opted for a more costly solution by signing a contract to invest in the country and establish an annual "Apple Academy." However, they've defaulted on their financial obligations for this year, prompting the government to restrict their operations. This action is necessary to protect the Indonesian economy and prevent Apple from profiting without contributing to local job creation or economic growth. In short it means if Apple would still be allowed to sell their iPhone here, it would be a one sided deal, and hurt our economy.


Thats actually pretty good for a policy


then just leave.


thats great. iphone users are annoying anyway.


why you are worry about apple. if u not like. simply avoid it. thats all. typical android fan boy


Learn to innovate yourself. You want another country to share their secrets or want to steal it


Indonesia has no capacity to manufacture such advanced phones. Indonesian consumers pay the monetary penalty.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You want to collect the money from Indonesians in your products, then invest there. Seems like a smart move from Indonesia to me.


learn to find another market then. It's not like life will be a hassle without iphone, apple need Indonesian market more than Indonesian market need apple

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

that's not how capitalist work kiddo


Well done Indonesia

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It will have little or no effect on apples revenue or margin. iPhone market share in Indonesia is only 12%. Those that can afford it there are going to buy the new phones from abroad. This whole thing is just for show.


Don't expect these people to understand cause and effect.


Great jobb indonesia


indonesian who wanted to purchase iphone 16 will go travel to neighboring countries such as Malaysia and Singapore.. it will be victory for Malaysia and Singapore in terms of tourism and business

想购买iPhone 16的印度尼西亚人将会去马来西亚和新加坡等邻国旅行。这将是马来西亚和新加坡在旅游和商业方面的胜利。

no warranty, no imei, illegal product. What do you expect from this market?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

it is useless if Indonesian citizens who buy Iphone 16 abroad will not be able to use it in Indonesia. because Imei is blocked. also if caught having iphone 16 then it is an illegal act and can be subject to sanctions.

如果印度尼西亚公民在国外购买iPhone 16后无法在印度尼西亚使用,那就毫无意义。因为IMEI被封锁。此外,如果被抓到拥有iPhone 16,则属于非法行为,可能会受到制裁。

investment is good on these big population countries. asian countries are getting wealthier and their people too getting more consumptive. on a long run it’ll be a good investment if apple bring themselves to Indonesia. though people can buy it abroad or import from a third party, the sell will remain lower than the other option


Good news for Chinese smartphone.


Who said that 12% of the largest iPhone users are in Southeast Asia, yes in Indonesia because of its large population


You need to know that 12% is still a whole lot, especially if it comes from a country that is the fourth of the highest population in the whole world.


it's worst when you want to claim waranty and take a time


12% is fking lot. usa ban huawei, dji for make their apple sales high in usa otherwise crapple is never get good sales in usa too


you do realise that 12% is actually a lot right? Especially with a big population like Indonesia

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Jobless clowns


your sanction your citizens? hahahahaha


There is a requirement for locally source component. Apple actually planned to open factory in Indonesia under one condition, tax free for 50 years, which is something that our government can't agree about.


50 years wtf


50 years is excessive. They should've started the bid at 20.

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Gila yg bener aja, kita kelas menengah apa apa dipajakin. Konglomerat asing ga boleh bebas pajak selama itu.


5 at most amd that's already overboard


50?! shame on them really


Wanna live rent free in Indonesia while harvesting your resources and earn your people money. That's bull sh|t.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处



better than nothing.


It's not a big deal anyway, since the new features that iPhone 16 has is the AI which you can't use on the launch day since it's under development and the other is the stupid touch sensitive camera button. Which makes taking photos even more difficult than using the menus on the phone. Check the reviews about iPhone 16. The reviewers are disappointed and planned to return theirs.

这无所谓,因为iPhone 16的新功能是人工智能,你在发布当天无法使用,因为它还在开发中,另一个是愚蠢的触控摄像头按钮。这使得拍照比使用手机菜单更困难。看看关于iPhone 16的评论。评论者感到失望,并计划退货。

Tech company probably won't last 50 years


apple got the deal in vietnam i read in one of the news. I still think Indonesia missed the opportunity tho. I dont use apple lol too expensive for me


Other brands will protest if it is fulfilled by the Indonesian government


Tax free should be as long as the factory is in there


If apple get what they want, other brand will request the same practice and our governmwnt will loose soo much tax money if that happen.


Tax free for 50 years !!!! Come on lah... that condition alone shows Apple has no good intention ... thats economic colonialism.... you expect any govt to approve such condition ? Nutz ! Bo Nao ..... where got such thing one leh !!!!????


itu angka nya ga ngasal, itu tawaran dari vietnam. Makanya apple jadinya buka ke vietnam, soalnya indonesia ga mau nyamain tawaran vietnam. Realistis aja, bisnis pasti ngambil deal terbaik.


search vietnam tax freedom. The 50 years number came from them offering to foreign investor.


10 years could be logic but 50 years tax free is kind an absurd. No country can give this kind of benefit then. Too demanding.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Vietnam give 50 years free tax for apple factory


yup. 5 years is minimum. They could actually negotiate for extension for another 5 years only if they locally employ minimum 500 additional employees every 5 years(must be local citizen). Unable to achieve this criteria, business tax will continue to be applied as usual


I wonder what Money scheme Vietnam can acquire from Apple to compensate for that 50 years tax free benefit. Even "providing cheap job opportunities to vienamese workers" might be a little too lacking for such benefit to be feasible


Vietnam have population of 100 million gonna see how much use iphone


Dari pada memberikan itu, lebih baik tidak pakai produk USA.. Pemerintahan indonesia yang sekarang bukan pemerintahan yang dulu, , Yang dulu indonesia membiarkan Gunung Emas di papua indonesia di keruk dan di ambil Oleh perusahaan USA lebih dari 50 tahun, sekarang kebodohan itu tak akan pernah terulang kembali.. Gunung Emas di keruk selama lebih dari 50 tahun oleh PT freeport, dan sampai sekarang masih belum habis.. Jangan sampai kita di bodohi oleh USA lagi...


like vietnam?


yeah fk that!


50 years is wild bruh


This is actually a smart move by the Indonesian government. Yes so many apple fans would be disappointed but for the long run this might help the country to be less "consumer" or "underdog" country


Devil in details, gave concession on tax just a facade. The reason is Vietnam’s access to Chinese market while Indonesia depend to its own market. This is more about geopolitics with some smidge off economics.


the problem is, iphone is considered luxury items. not putting tax on luxury items are plain illegal if they sell their product here taking money

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

50years of tax free what tf is that proposal

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Such a dumb comment. Intel has been around for 56 years and are still going strong.
Even Apple themselves have been around for 48 years and are currently the most valuable company in the world. They aren't going away anytime soon.


Good move from Indonesia


And finally we have the real president (Mr.Prabowo) not like the incompetent before...


Good move from Indonesian, Indonesia don’t have any apple store so they need to import it from Singapore/Malaysia/China every year, and it’s only benefiting that exporter country, eventhough Indonesian have big market for apple but still apple don’t want to open their official store there, sooo i think that’s very brave move from the goverment to put their country first


stop memperkaya singapore




not apple store but apple factory


pabrik apel tapi apel punya persyaratan. pabrik mereka tidak dikenakan pajak selama 50 tahun jadi pemerintah akhir melarang apel


Dua duanya mas. Mereka sadar Indonesia pasar besar tapi gak mau bangun pabrik dan lebih parahnya buka toko official aja kaga mau。


Apple is asking the Indonesian government to agree to a 50-year tax exemption for their factory in Indonesia. Who in their right mind would agree to that.


Vietnamese apparently

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

china, vietnam, india

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

because it absorb employee. Thats why other company give a tax free.


i don't think china and india agreed on that. Apple desperately needs india and china, not the other way around. However, I don't know about vietnam.


With or without IPhone 16, nobody in Indonesia is sturving.

无论是否有iPhone 16,印尼没人会饥饿。

Really When 7 Million Became Jobless And The Number Keeps Increasing

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I am not sturving either


they became jobless NOT because of the absence of IPhone 16.

他们失业并不是因为没有iPhone 16。

Well done Indonesia

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I actually have no issue with Apple being made to use locally sourced components. If a company as big and profitable as Apple is going to benefit from the large market of a country, it's only fair that the country benefits as well. Good for you, Indonesia.


And why stop there, Einstein?


yuuppz.. setiap tahun Indonesia mengimpor produk Apple sebesar $2 miliar dollar dan kami masih belum memilki Apple store.. sedangkan negara sekecil singapura memiliki 5 apple store.. Benar2 sebuah penghinaan terhadap indonesia.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

ya karna mungkin mereka bebas jual disana tanpa tax, makanya bisa lebih murah. Lagian kalo di survey juga gw yakin lebih banyak produk android yg berkeliaran di indo dari pada iOS, bukan karna gengsi tapi ya realitanya karna di indo hp midrange itu primadona.


hp midrange lebih banyak karena emang pajak iphone disini mahal kalo harganya sama kyk singapura apple pasti udah jadi raja hp.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

ngga akan juga sih gan, secara iphone 15 pro aja 1.5k disana, disini kan pemain utamanya menengah kebawah yg idealnya pengen hp all rounder di range 5-8 jt. Kalo iphone masuk pake harga spore ya masih 16-17jt, Intinya beda target pasar aja sih。

也不一定吧,兄弟,毕竟那里的iPhone 15Pro要1500美元,而这里的主要消费群体是中低端用户,他们理想中的手机是价位在5到8百万印尼盾的全能型手机。如果iPhone以新加坡的价格进入,可能还要16到17百万印尼盾,关键是目标市场不同。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


在印尼没有工厂 = 苹果就没有产品可售。

The actions taken by Apple are good. Moreover, yesterday's iPhone 15 sales did not reach 1/8 of the sales volume in Singapore. That means that only a few people in your country can afford an iPhone. What Apple does. To minimize the cost and tax burden on products sold in your country. Apple's sales are also not very good in Indonesia because there are so many poor people, right?

苹果采取的措施是好的。此外,昨天iPhone 15的销售量没有达到新加坡的八分之一。这意味着在你们国家,只有少数人能够负担得起iPhone。苹果这么做是为了降低在你们国家销售产品的成本和税负。苹果在印尼的销售情况也不太好,因为这里有很多穷人,对吧?

what are you talkin bout


bro indonesia have the largest gdp in asean. Yes the poor is many, but also the rich people. The difference beetwen them is alot


Did you even watch the video? It's said iPhone 16 only, not the whole iPhones!

你有看过视频吗?视频中提到的只是iPhone 16,而不是所有iPhone!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

even though there's only 10% of indonesian can afford iphone, but 10% of 280 million is 28 million that's more than 5x Singapore population.


word "many" and "few" is relative. Also, it depends on what the market wanted. If i want Android, I'd buy Android.


Poor?? we have 50 mill people middle classs broo,,,


we have 280 mil peoples. if you dont give us a cake, you can't make money in indonesia


Why doesn't apple invest in manufacturing in Indonesia


Everyone is for free markets until they want more. Hypocrites.


Beli saja di Apple Store di Malaysia. Lebih dekat, lebih terjangkau.


Indonesian will flock to Singapore to purchase iphone. Indonesia will lose the revenue. It is not loss loss situation both Apple and Indonesia.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

loss the revenue? indonesia gov get 150 usd. and android who make factory in indonesia can get former iphone user market!


There's no such free market like what you imagine. Countries also regularly put tariffs against each other to protect their own interest.


Agree, but I did not mean to imply a perfect free market. Of course tariffs, subsidization and import/export restrictions are in play, the cost and benefit of which must be weighed carefully.


who say free market? this is my country. and my country has its own regulations. we have a market, and you sell without following the
market owner's regulations?? how could that be possible.


Well rich Indonesians who could afford the iPhone can buy it in Thailand or Hong Kong and much cheaper than local prices.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Iphone should have been banned in the first place. Samsung, xiaomi, oppo, etc have factories in Indonesia but not iphone.


so Indonesia should ban Apple for not setting up a factory in Indonesia, sounds excessive


yes, why not? If others can why not iPhone? Are they expecting special treatment just because it's American products? LMao


companies don’t just set factories anywhere, there’s a lot that goes into consideration. Just because Apple doesn’t set a factory in Indonesia doesn’t mean you should cry over it


we dont cry over it.... we Indonesia have rules, not following our rules ? Then no need to sell here.. Indonesia is flooded by smartphones..we dont need apple.


does any of the rules require phone manufacturers to build a factory to sell their phones, i find it unprecedented to ban Apple


yes.. duh


yes, it is


apple cryied about huawei passing apple 2019 & usa block them saying military reasons but it for get more sales for crapple in usa otherwise crapple is done now in usa too.




why people buy iphones is mind blogging


If I had to give up iphone, I wish there were other alternatives than android. May be harmony os? but it has yet to be sold globally.


Buy iPhone after two year’s of using can still sold at good price, but buy Huawie after a year of using sell it is a real joke nobody buy it and they will laugh at you.


Indonesian here, iPhone actually have huge user here. But not as a really good tech to keep with but as accessory to mingle especially on higher ups and Jakarta. You will find a lot of people have debts just for latest Macbook/iPhone/iPad just to get chance ro speak with those that have a lot of connections/money. Some even resort buying very old ones like iPhone 8-11 or buying fake ones just to get mingle chance. Its insane but thats how it is. Same as using european cars vs Japanese/Chinese cars.

我是印尼人,实际上这里有大量的iPhone用户。但它并不是因为技术优秀,而是作为一种社交配饰,特别是在高层人士和雅加达。你会发现很多人为了最新的Macbook/iPhone/iPad而背负债务,只为了有机会和那些有很多人脉/钱的人交谈。有些人甚至会购买非常旧的型号,如iPhone 8-11,或者买假货来获得社交机会。这种现象令人难以置信,但事实就是如此。就像使用欧洲车和日本/中国车的区别一样。

depends on your country, people who buy old phones are actually fools. No upxes, no security


you raise a valid point. Personally, I can't picture myself selling any of my phones for an upgrade. But I would buy an old iPhone model over anything if I had to.

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When we see someone with an iphone, specially older ones bought with extra money paid, we automatically assume the person is a bit dumb and bit of a showoff.


My huawei last four year at only $200. : )


that’s means you can’t afford iPhone. Let’s be honest rich people, celebrities and people with are all using iPhone, even celebrities indorse Huawie are using iPhone.


i think it's option that people choose. Perhaps they don't need new phone, or simply because they don't have enough money. I heard some people in India still bought Iphone 6. Food, water, etc are top priorities. Phone can wait tho.

我认为这是一种选择。也许他们并不需要新手机,或者根本没有足够的钱。我听说一些人在印度仍然购买iPhone 6。食物、水等才是最重要的。手机可以稍等。

No fingerprint sensor, no seperate volume for ringer and alarm or volume? Automatically highlights words so f ing annoying. iphones have the worst keyboard implementation. Apple the real dictator.


I tried all only apple atlast them all. Samsung huawei oppo etc etc. expensive but not easy broke

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I bought google pixel 8 last year, my old iphone 12 is still better. I am having difficulty selling my pixel, even at half the price, where iphone is very easy to sell.

我去年买了谷歌Pixel 8,但我的旧iPhone 12依然更好。我很难出售我的Pixel,哪怕是以半价,而iPhone则非常容易出售。

For your Information, especially for those who suggest to buy iphone from Singapore, Malaysia, or any country.. If Indonesian people buy mobile phones from abroad, their mobile phones will not be able to be used in Indonesia because their mobile phones will not get any provider signal. unless they register their IMEI and pay taxes which are not cheap. This regulation has been in effect since 5 years ago. That is why you will not find Indonesians in iphone stores in Singapore


if they can afford iphone 16 they can afford to pay the tax.

如果他们能负担得起iPhone 16,他们就能承担税费。

teknisi HANDPONE hanya tersenyum melihat ini dalam hatinya berkata "rupanya diluar sana belum banyak yg tau apa yg biasa kita lakukan"


the taxes is very expensive, almost 20%.. Anyway, only few people that think its worth it.... and Indonesia still benefited from the taxes. So Indonesian govt also dont mind if you buy in singapore hahhaa


ya bagus, berarti ada pemasukan juga kepada ekonomi Indonesia... Negara dapat pajak, Teknisi handpone dapat pendapatan juga。


who want to pay taxes? The richer the person, the bigger his refusal to pay taxes. That's just basic in every country.


US brands ultimately fund Israel through US taxes.


很赞 7