2024-11-03 Kira_Yoshikage 5050

What is the scariest thing you’ve ever seen in your life that you can’t explain?


I was riding my bike down a rural road when I was 9 and found a garbage bag filled with red sludge and white sticks. I thought it was blood and bones - but I had a very PG childhood and I had never even seen pretend blood and bones, so I had nothing to compare to.


I told myself it wasn’t what I thought it was. After all, why would there be a ripped open garbage bag filled with blood and bones.


Two days later I thought “look again, and if it is what you think it is, tell a grown-up”. I biked back to the area and it was gone.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I am now old and have watched enough to confirm, it was blood and bones.


I have a disturbing story that somewhat connects with yours.


I was going for an hour-long run down a gravel road back in 2013. It was a fairly well-known rural rail trail, but not too busy, the closest parking spot was a couple miles away at that point- and I'm headed back to my car.


In the distance I see some guy walking towards me.


As I get closer, I can see him better- but something feels 'off.'


It's an older guy, maybe in his 70's, while he looked clean and not homeless- his skin is gray, his eyes are gray, his hair is gray, he's wearing an all gray sweatsuit- and he's smiling. He's been smiling the entire time. The man is 200 meters away and smiling- not in greeting. Just a full toothed grin walking down the middle of this path.


He has a full black plastic bag slung over his shoulder.


I start feeling REALLY uneasy as I get closer, and then I begin to feel nauseous- at maybe 20 feet away I wave hi, but he's still in the middle of the trail. He's still smiling. He has no change in reaction to my greeting.


I want to run the opposite direction, but that would be going further away from my car.


I pass by him, running partially on the grass because he's still in the middle of the trail- and this massive wave of nausea passes over me and I nearly puke. The smell was so bad,I want to say it smelled like death- but somehow it was worse. I just start sprinting. Maybe 200 meters.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I turn to look back, and the man is gone.


It's a flat rural area. I can see for miles... and this man is gone, along with his black plastic bag.


It still creeps me out to this day.


Once I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of my bedroom door creaking open. I could see the outline of someone standing there but when I turned on the light, there was no one there. The door was still slowly closing, as if whoever or whatever had been there was leaving. Even creepier, my Nest fire alarm had illuminated in the corridor, sensing movement, but there was nobody there. Still gives me chills thinking about it.


So in college I studied in the UK, I lived in a house with a group of other American students that had stories of the ghost of a girl who passed away while living there, I never believed in any of it but it was fun to play along. The kitchen had one way in and out, and right after you entered the kitchen to your right was a padlocked door to the cellar where she allegedly lived. I had the only key.


We were all a little homesick near Thanksgiving so decided to do a meal together. This required some creative cooking schedules due to small appliances in the kitchen, so one girl who didn’t have class the next day offered to stay up late to get the turkey going. We went into the cellar the first (and only) time that evening to get larger cooking implements.


At 2:04 in the morning, I wake up to my door rattling, like someone was pushing against it. I assumed it was a housemate who just went to the wrong door. About 30 seconds later when I hear a scratchy female voice softly saying “hello?” every 5 seconds or so. My window was open, and it sounded like it was coming from outside, so I get up to close my window as I assume it’s some drunk girl walking back from the pub. I get to the window, and there’s no one there - and then I hear “hello?” clear as a bell behind me, my door rattles again, and goes silent.


I’ve had night terrors before, and hallucinate when I have even a mild fever, so I assume I’m still asleep and lay back down.


The next morning at 7am, the girl who’s cooking tells me “I had the creepiest night, at 1:50 I heard footsteps coming up the cellar stairs, then the door rattled. Then at 2:10 the door rattled again and I heard footsteps coming down.


She told me this before I had said anything to anyone about what I’d experienced.


I was about to cross the street, a lady put her arm across my chest and said Wait.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As I look at her trying to figure out what is going on, a car crash happens and one of the cars goes tumbling down the street 2 feet in front of me.


If she hadn’t stopped me, I would absolutely be dead.


I turn to look at her again, and she is no longer there.


I could see for blocks in each direction, no where she could have gone that fast where I wouldn’t be able to see her.


Only thing I can come up with, is I imagined it happening in my memory due to how tragic the crash was.


Never experienced anything even slightly “supernatural” before or after.


I think the other option is that your sense of time distorted due to your brain trying to process the near miss and the tragedy.


You might have thought that it only took you a few seconds to turn and look at her again and in fact it was minutes (or more) and it was enough time for her to duck into a building or round a corner.


My friend and I were driving from a gig we played in kona on the big island of Hawaii. We were driving on saddle road one of two roads from kona to the other side of the island to hilo town. Saddle road is known for being a spiritual place and lots of wierd things there. This stretch of land is about 40 kilo with no lights or population…..just lava rock.


We drove over the road about 1am. We were talking stories and having a good time. Then we saw on the side of the road a huge white dog wearing a gold chain staring at us. We passed and asked if we saw the same thing. We were debating about stopping on the side of the road to pick it up. The local legend is that if you see an old lady on the road you need to pick her up …or something bad will happen. We didn’t stop….and didn’t speak until we got home.


I asked another local guy what could that have been. He said it was the goddess pele’s pet. Did some research…..looks like this dog has been seen sporadically since the 1950’s.


Working in a nursing home for years during the night and everyone always complained of weird stuff like noises on the top floor. I never believe in any of that so I was always the one going upstairs to do night checks. One night I was changing a resident on that floor with a colleague and my colleague complained he heard something like people walking. We were in the resident room and I had to go to the cupboard at end of that corridor to get bedsheets and when I was coming back with the bedsheets I kept hearing steps and like if someone was touching and opening plastic bags. I was so annoyed and looked outside the room and saw a shadow passing the corridor. The issue is that the shadow was so big like if literally a person just passed by along with step noises and plastic bags. I freak out so badly and froze completely. I had to call another colleague to come upstairs because I was so scared of coming out of the resident room. Bear in mind that I do not believe in those things and for 2 years I was always the one doing night checks on the top floor and bottom floor on my own. Never had any problem and never saw something. Since that day I never went upstairs alone and was always very scared.


I have encountered a lot of strange things working at nursing homes too. My first job was in a nursing home that used to be a hospital. The old morgue was in the basement but the door had been permanently locked since they converted it into the nursing home. The ONE TIME I had to walk by it on night shift it was open when I walked back past it. Very unsettling.


I took a contact to overhaul AV and security for an ancient funeral home a few years back. Never been spooked by the paranormal in my life, and that includes an overnight stay in a cemetery when I was a teen.


I had to do my work at night due to other contract obligations during the day, so for about a month I was in that place from 8pm-8am.


I was given the usual "this place is haunted" spiel complete with all the stories and "avoid this spot" nonsense. In particular, the owner insisted that under no circumstances do I do any work in the morgue at night, and I didn't care to ask questions since I was already just about done with folks trying to involve me in their delusion.


Two weeks in and I hear what sounds like faint screaming coming from the morgue. No lights on, no cars out front, door is locked, never saw anyone go in or out.


I ignore it for another week but I continue to hear occasional screaming, and once I heard a man shout at the top of his lungs in the parking lot. I had finally had enough and decided to head in the next time I heard screaming.


Opened the door, pitch black with a TV in the back of the long room tuned in to some 80's slasher. Instantly put me on edge, it's the only light and nobody was in there. I walk down the length of the room and in the next doorway where they process the bodies, I see a faint light coming under the door. I am completely freaked at this point, but I continued walking towards it and eventually open the door.


I was greeted by the sight of a dead body, in a room that looked straight out of a 60's asylum, and the mortician was standing there dumfounded at the sight of me.


Dude clocks that I am 100% cooked and busts out laughing.


I was told not to go into the morgue because he works nights and they didn't want me disturbing him or disrespecting the dead. He lived in an adjacent apartment behind the morgue and enters using a back door. He keeps the lights off because he likes it better that way and enjoys watching horror movies on his breaks because the dude is on brand.


That dude was doin some murderin

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We had a similar thing with hearing people walking around our flat even though we were the top flat. Took a year until we figured out it was the water knocking from the plumbing.


I might have something for this.


When I was young probably around 10 or so, maybe younger. I was at a family wedding. It was late in the evening so a full moon was out and it was getting darker. Me and my cousin (whose a year younger) were swinging on this big metal gate thing outside the venue. It was on the entrance to a very very big field.


We noticed a guy very far into the field who was just glowing and radiating white? I mean his skin, clothes, EVERYTHING. I remember us standing there like wtf? Then we tried to get his attention and shout at him. He stopped looked in our direction, but he stopped right under the full moon, and pointed up towards the moon whilst staring at us.


We were just in shock and confusion pretty much. After about 10 seconds of pointing he carried on walking across the field and just disappeared behind a swing set.


Even till this day I have no idea what that was, I'm hoping it was some costume or something, but sure didn't look like it.


My grandfather had just died a few days earlier, and my mom was crying one night in our kitchen, I started hugging her. We had a lot of my grandfathers belongings but there was this broken radio that didn’t even have working batteries in it on the table along with other things like photos and clothes he previously owned. This is the only unexplainable thing I’ve ever experienced, but while my mom was bawling crying, the radio made a very loud static noise for about a second. We both stared in silence at it, it was eerie, she stopped crying because even she heard it. We both just went to bed after that and haven’t spoke of it since. I’d imagine if it was something paranormal it was my grandfather letting us know he’s here, but who knows.


The day before my grandfather died he told my brother and I that he'll be waiting at the bar to buy us a beer in the future. Skip ahead to about a month after his passing I had a very short (felt like 10 seconds) VERY vivid dream of me walking into a bar I didn't recognize and my Grandpa being at the bar. He spun the chair around and had a beer in each hand. He just said "You guys ready for that beer?"

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I looked right and my brother was standing next to me.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I SNAPPED awake so fast I scared the crap out of my wife and dog. I'm just panting breathing and freaked out. I went to check my phone to see what time it was and as I picked it up I got a text from my brother saying "Hey, I just had a fucked up dream"


Yeah. Same dream.


Ok so not something I *SAW*, but something I was told someone else saw... here's the story.


My ex-GF passed away years ago. Before she passed, me and brother lived together, and my brother had a big pitbull named Max. Max was an awesome dog, and she was a big animal lover, and she knew Max very well. I eventually moved out, he got a gf who had a kid and needed the space.


Ok. That's established. Of note... my ex-GF had long blonde hair, was in her 30's, and she was buried in a pink sweater.


A few months after she passed, my brother took them all on a vacation, and asked me if I could watch the dog, feed him, etc. I said yes of course. They kept him crated, and the crate was in his gf's daughters room (kind of a big basement room). I hung out with the dog and eventually had to leave, so I put him back in his crate. I felt bad, but I had to. Before I left, I looked up the sky and said "Meg, if you're still around, please keep Max company he's gonna be lonely."

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So I go home, my brother comes back, whatever.


A few months later, i'm talking to his GF (in her 30's) and we're talking about ghost stuff. She tells me that her house is haunted. I'm like "No way, i'm there all the time, i've never seen anything."


She explains to me that it seemed to happen out of nowhere. She hadn't seen anything, but her daughter (around 5 or 6 years old), told her that sometimes when Max is barking or freaking out for whatever reason, her daughter tells her she sees "a lady about mommy's age with long blonde hair wearing a pink sweater" who calms down the dog.


I'm pretty sure I invited a ghost in their house, but i'm damn happy that I did. I wish I could have seen her.


I had a dog growing up that was the smartest dog I’ve ever met. She was like a human trapped in a dog’s body. My brother and I found her wandering around our neighborhood after school and we brought her home. She was beloved.


My brother died young. After he died, she would walk slowly in a circle around a plant we had in the living room, letting the leaves that hung down gently rub her back. Every once in a while she would stop and look up at the plant for a moment, like she saw some kind of apparition floating above the plant. She would get a sad look in her eyes and let out a whimper.


I’m convinced she was seeing my brother’s ghost watching over us. I really loved that dog.


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