2024-11-03 平平躺平 8148


so the solution is government takes the labor of others to fund youth parties.


Did I miss something? What is their radical solution to the birth rate crisis?


Reproduction rates aren't related to women unable to find a man.
Imaging forcing all citizens to pay for these youth to date. Only government can come up with such a bad idea of how to spend other people's labor.


Mass blind dates won't fix this. It's the equivalent of giving a man a fish, vs teaching them how to fish. They'd need to spearhead a national change to allow kids to socialize more freely instead of spending 14-hour days studying and having room for little else. Let kids learn how to socialize when they're young so they can make friends and date more effectively as adults.


Government tinder and getting paid a one time small cash bonus. They have no solutions, korea is going extinct.


At this rate, North Korea won't even have to invade the South ... They'll just have to wait


North Korea rate probably isn't much better.


@bureaffari3694 Kim is all ears... go on, what's your plan ?


North Korea's fertility rate is also below replacement level and Kim Jong-un said it is a North Korean woman's patriotic duty to have a child.


@bureaffari3694 but in North Korea they can just force you to have children at gunpoint if they have to


@bureaffari3694 for nk its 1.8 compare to sk 0.7, massive difference


@jogo798 death rate of nk is higher also, lack of health care. 1.8 doesn't mean that much better than 0.7


The north has half SK's population and their birth rate is dwindling as well.


North Korea also has the same problem.There are video of the Supreme Leader Kim cry on National television about the fail of birth rate in their country and ask people to have many babies.


ur dumb if u think kpop culture doesnt have anything to with the declining fertility rate


Not at all, NK numbers are inflated. Scientists conducted a study where they've asked refugees about number of births, birth control, child mortality etc. Estimated NK birth rate is 1.44 per woman.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@anitagorse9204 In real numbers, in 2023, South Korea had 230,000 babies born ... North Korea had 340,000 babies born, despite having half the population.


@jimmy38977 y'all say anything. The country is so sexist that women get attacked for having short hair coz short hair= feminist feminist= bad, grapists get little to no time in jail, everything is competitive school work, life is expensive but yeah it's the Kpop bands Kpop culture can be toxic but we can't solely blame it on that.


Lower the tax rate, lower the mortgage and rent rate. These two are the biggest global facts as to why the birth rate is constantly dropping. There's no grand mystery behind it.


They say South Korea will need to reunify eventually just to get some more young blood and rejuvenate their demographics.


The hyper-competitive nature of Korean society is making me reconsider having children. I'm concerned about the pressures and challenges they might face.


Yes there needs to be a government initiative for affordable child care and laws protecting pregnant women and mothers. This will help women bear the load of raising the next generation.


Iran, Japan and South Korea will soon have the same marriage culture


This addresses none of the underlying root causes of why so many countries are experiencing this.


These countries will do anything but de-monopolize and de-rig the economy and make children affordable to the honest hardworking young generations. Wonder why?


IMO capitalism.


what is it ? I think its the lack of daycares and assistance to providing mothers with a place to bring there kids while they go to work


@ImKevin nah it's just children are too expensive and everything is fcking expensive in this world no matter how much you work. Simple as that


8.2 BILLION people on the planet just isn't enough -right?


Cost of a child care per year cost more than the annual salary that's why


Low birth rate has the biggest correlation to urbanization and the percentage of women entering workforce, hence it's basically inevitable. Higher standard of living and better working condition would hardly offset it, as Nordic countries have shown (they still have declining birth rate despite being among the best countries to live).


LOL This will lead to a more rapid decline in the birth rate. People are generally unhappy and the solution is to make them more unhappy smh

哈哈 这将导致生育率更快地下降。人们通常不快乐,而解决办法却是让他们更加不快乐。

money isn't going to fix anything. they need to fix their society. they are too fixated on vanity, status, and appearances. its deplorable and depressing to live in korea


There's also the work-life imbalance

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Is that comment for Singapore, Taiwan, Japan and China?


@SL-jn8cz the whole world except for third world countries basically


So is most of the West.


I was also waiting hah there were just suggestions and that's it, no actual practice because the issue is deep-rooted in their society and culture that is trying so hard to be individualistic by taking only the negative parts of individualism


Yes they've tried everything except actually listening to women's concerns ‍️

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

"The thought of raising a child in such a cutthroat society is overwhelming. I'm afraid they won't be able to cope with the constant pressure to succeed."


Korean men feel like marriage is sacrificing themselves. Women too. It's about having an unrealistically high expectation for both parties.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That lady summarized it best. If you're ready a child is a blessing. If you're not, it's a disaster


in a lot of cases, by the time the woman thinks she's ready, her fertility is low lol


@GameFuMaster better to regret not having them than regret having them.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@jiminkaijinyoungnikkie9921 lots of women seem to 180 after having their child and go on to having second ones.


@GameFuMaster And where'd you get that from?


@kitsunephantom6155 Reddit has lots of people's experiences "Parents who originally didn’t want kids - do you regret it?"
And if we're talking circumstances, women should be marrying older men who are financially secure (a home with a low mortgage left or a home owned outright).
People regret lots of things in life, whether you did something or you didn't. But nothing so permanent as not having children.
And people complaining about losing their freedom after having children as though those children are going to be staying with them for life, as opposed to a gradual decrease in dependency.


It is like a snake devour itself.


That's right


It's only one of reason of dominant reasons but their are other reason also


Not just developed world but developing countries like India and China will face this reckoning in a couple of decades.


Never seen it that way. Enlightening.


Middle class people didn't used to have to choose between the lifestyle they want, and children. Now however, all but the wealthiest people have to make massive financial sacrifices to have children that will materially lower their standard of living. The MSM needs to stop pretending that the issue is complicated, it's super simple and there are very obvious things governments can do if they really wanted to fix the problem.


Solutions that would require massive transformations in the job market and economic structure aren't "obvious things" that governments can do.


Exactly. I think middle class households don't want to sacrifice their lifestyle for children.


Women look at their mothers and say "NOPE, don't want that".

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The middle class of our parent's generation were already part of the decline. Remember grandpa and grandma? They had 4-5 siblings. Your parents probably only had 3-4. And you only have 0-1 at average.


@EternalKhann You've answered your own question. Societies across the globe are plagued by companies and corporations who think of nothing but increasing their profits every year. As the workforce we have now tries to keep up for the sake of their own survival, other things fall to the wayside. And chief among the sacrifices is future children.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As someone who took care of aging parents. It's not easy and you end up feeling like you lost the opportunity to do things.


Kids are expensive. Especially in Korea. That is it


Cheap or expensive is really only a question of what you are comparing it with. Most of what's hiking up the costs in Korea are not child birth, child rearing and costs for diapers or formula, it's the private education sector that are basically baked into East Asian and some Southeast Asian societies. State has to ban extracurricular study forms so that parents are not forced to spend so much money just because their kids would be outcompeted by the other cram school goers. It's a competitive sector that thrives on the benign fears of parents. Not paying for such schools is basically equal to neglect/ punishment in these societies.


Even if you make 2x more from the same working condition you still can't improve the birthrate. Korea will still be unaffordable to one parent working families.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One working parent household’s unaffordable in all developed countries because you’re competing against two parents working for housing.


Offering significant tax incentives for families with two or more children, while increasing taxes for those without children, could encourage family growth. Supporting traditional roles can help restore certain values that some feel are missing in modern society.


These countries will do anything but de-monopolize and de-rig the economy and make children affordable to the honest hardworking young generations. Wonder why?


The question is, what's wrong if the population declined? The world's population is over 8 billion now. In 1999 it was only 6 billion and everything was fine. We've grown faster than we can sustain a middle-class couple having a family. The economy has to scale with the size of the population.


I keep asking the same question. They made uproar about over population in the 90s and 2000s. What changed?


What’s wrong? It’s not the absolute level, it’s the fact that on the way down you have an inverted pyramid with a lot of old people needing to be supported by fewer and fewer young people.


@MosesKim-je5rj taxing the big corporations should fix that.


Reducing the population won't solve the question. The problem is the rich and old people choosing what the poor should do. The earth can sustain 2x 3x 4x our current population (look at how much food US waste for example)


Pay women a worthwhile wage for motherhood and you will have as many kids as possible.


They already tried this and failed it's a mindset issue and the culture not a money issue because people in Africa can afford to have children.


This has already been tried before it's not money it's the culture people in Africa can afford to have children.


@Joshua-eo5hr Women have more opportunities to work and now they can get a fair wage and this always lowers birth rate. Idk what OP is on about


The root problem is on affordability and people can't really get jobs outside of Seoul


@TheGalacticIndian Birth rate Iran = 1.7, birth rate Turkey 1.9, birth rate Bangladesh 1.9. All of them well below replacement level - a little higher than in Europe, but these countries are also considerably less urbanised - in urban areas the birth rate is lower. However if you want a high birth rate, look up Afghanistan it's 4.3 - but I personally prefer countries where women allowed to speak to each other.


The issue isn't necessarily the size of the population it's how many old people there are. When you have a small young population supporting a huge old population, how can the young possibly prosper?


@stereomachine The low birth rate is what creates the huge number of old people tho.


A population with a fertility rate of 0.7 is absolutely not a population that just "isn't growing", but is collapsing outright.


The average person will be 60+ years old at this rate. There are either going to be a whole lot of destitute old people left out to dry, maybe literally dying uncared for, or the tax burden will be outright enormous and probably end anything else the youth could possibly want to do with their lives instead, think 60% income tax almost exclusively going to caring for the elderly.


Given that the average voter will be retired or about to retire and not have grandkids, I think it's obvious which they will be voting for. The youth may end up leaving en masse in a more globalized world to where they can actually build a life and a future. Some countries may not make it out on the other side of this demographic crisis.


Might have to set the rule -> More salary - More Babies

可能需要设立这样的规则:更高的薪水 - 更多的婴儿。

South Korea, One of The Richest Countries not only in Asia but in the entire world, actually the poorest country because they can't afford to have comfortable and decent life even though the people always mock Southeast Asian countries as poor countries.
What a irony.


Actually they're better then all of asia the only issue is the housing every else thing is cheap


He's a crazy idea, and I do mean, it's crazy. Why don't you just pay people a liveable wage? It's crazy enough to might just work.


That is not the issue, Nordic countries do that but have low birth rates.


@info781 then what is the issue?


Hasn't this myth already been busted. Even if you double or triple their wages, the vast majority won't have children. People simply don't want to have children.


@cinnamonstar808 Not the money for sure. Not for the overwhelming majority of cases at least. Wind back the clock 50 years, men and women in the top 30% of earnings, healthy and fit, without deal breaking personality issues etc., who today struggle with even getting dates well into their 30s, would have been married and with the first kid by their 25th birthday.


@cinnamonstar808 the issue is the culture and feminism


Poor people have the most kids.


The main issue is individuality, people are so obsessed with themselves that they....


Pension, reduced work hours, higher salaries, paid maternity leave, maybe paid maid for the first year of baby, medical + house insurance … government and companies need to promote them across the world


MY SOLUTION... In future, the day will come when the govt will give birth to their own babies in their own centres and people will be hired to take care of them like a normal job.


That would never work unless you could somehow get more money out of the child than paying for both the child and the caregiver for 24 years + college. Not to mention retirement for both. I'm pretty sure this is impossible.


that sounds terrible


I assert that the demographic collapse problem is temporary because probably within the next couple of decades we will be able to do an awful lot to treat the symptoms of aging and then also the cause of it itself and what that means is that the death rate will fall below the birth rate and that's all that's needed to keep the population stable and even growing.


I think building more houses is a solution


one solution could be that government takes effort to spread the population throughout Korea rather then concentrating in Seoul by moving main federal offices to other cities where the housing costs and living expenses are cheaper than Seoul.


Everything is so expensive that we cant think about anything extra. We have to fight about this because if we don't it will continue. - From Tx

一切都太贵了,我们无法考虑任何额外的事情。我们必须为此而战,因为如果我们不这样做,它将继续。- 来自Tx

Korea is the country which is designed for rich. and This is because the ruling class that collaborated with Japan during the colonial era in 1900 to 1945, dominating politics and the economy, were never punished and still hold power in Korea, becoming increasingly corrupt over time. - ( it has another reason that it happened) That's why many Korean has suffering financial issue. and also most Koreans live at a lower standard of living than their actual abilities. The politics does not care the Birth Rate. They are just interested in their current life only. no hope for the future generation.


Always blaming Japan lol. Fix ur society first lol. Japan's birthrate is double that of Korea


adventurer You can’t cover the sun with your hand kid


I think it’s funny how most Americans find this to be an issue in only our country, but I think if we look in the grand scheme of things the issue is more people are learning. Higher Education Women in the workforce The internet exposing us


It's unironically not an issue in the US, our birth rate is doing fine it's partly because of our immigrants too that's keeping it steady. At least compared to other developed nations, we're relatively doing way better at this.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Half 1.6 to 0.8 Half also for Northeast 1.4 0.7 Seoul Tokyo is closer to a Seoul fertility rate.


The real false rhetoric is that having a child is not an ungrateful job. I can't even begin to count how many parents have said that, you think at an old woman's death bed the children she had are going to genuinely cry for her and not whine for inheritance or not even show up? That's a sweet story but this is the real world.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

For the most part, in most countries outside the west, her kids and grandkids will be around her, yes


Even in Sweden, where the society is conducive to having children, fertility is 1.5. Well below replacement of 2.1. So it's not really about money. Having children is no longer viewed as an obligation to family and society. It's viewed as a choice. And people are making that choice. Fits.


tax the rich


and tax the old also. The elderly hoard wealth but do not make kids, stealing fertility and financial opportunities from the young.


honestly, it's much harder to figure out all the taxation stuff. Just print money and give it gradually to the non-rich on a scale, and that will be an indirect taxation.


Bro tax in korea is so higher


I think that "we will just have to adapt" is the most accurate


Men’s rights have shrank, while obligations have increased.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Men's rights to what?


It is pretty much an east asia problem as a whole, all Japan, China, S.Korea and N. Korea struggling with birth rates.


No, Europe is also facing the same problem, it's just less noticeable because migration is offsetting it partially.


So what we have forced dates now? .... count me in


High cost of living, all the countries are facing the same problem!


What's wrong with a declining population? The current global population of 8 billion is highly unsustainable. We need to adapt in multiple ways to achieve sustainability including a lower population, greener lifestyles, technological advancement and lower consumerism.


Complaining about money is a cope. The South Korean government literally pays you 70k USD when you have a child. Also the poorest countries have the highest birthrates. Complaining about money is a massive cope.


Marriage is a cooperation between a man and a woman, there must be understanding, tolerance & same-vision to work the marriage together, to achieve happiness. Wealth & success are just some elements to help achieve the happiness, but if the man & the woman don't share the same goals & vision, it will surely break apart.


The one and only reason for the decline of the birth rate in "modern" societies is feminism. It was successful in telling women, that having kids and raising them is worth nothing and that they have to work to have a fulfilled live.If we want this to change we have to see "having kids" as a career path, not a distraction.


I would rather live in a country like South Korea than live in a country like France or Germany, where the ethnic populations birth rate is declining and those of immigrants is on the rise. Furthermore, those immigrants 60% of them live from government subsidies. Which means higher taxes for the working population. Up to 70% here in Germany. Germany is broken.


Look at how many "special" children are born. 2023, 1 in 50 born children is autistic and the number of other development problems is EXPLODING. Raising a child with mental disabilities is extremely hard and the chance to have a healthy normal child is melting like ice in the sun. Ever seen a docu about parents with autistic children? Yikes. NOPENOPENOPENOPE


It's not the fault of autism, it's the fault of parents shoving their kids in front of touchscreens instead of actually parenting them.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If making children was profitable, trust and believe people are lining up for it.


It's profitable for the government and corporations. That's why the government is worried about the fertility rate.


Give big tax breaks for each new child.


They are too greedy to do that. They don't want to give up the tax income.


It's not money, it's not housing, it's not quality of life. It's women's education.


It’s an uncomfortable truth that the longer a woman stays in school, the less kids she’ll have especially since the IVF she plans on is neither economical nor consistent. That’s if she ever feels like having kids before completing a full career when she’s well past fertility.


Nahh... It's worse in asia. Look at Singapore China Hongkong Macau. I think the culture is somewhat contributing the low birth rate too.


I don’t see anything radical in any of these measures. They actually seem quite milquetoast to me. A real measure would be something like $20-$30,000 per year until the child turns 18.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

South Korea has over 50M people in an area roughly the size of Kentucky. That's too many people imo.


Exactly . I don't know why they never say this about this issue. It's just a natural correction at this point.


@Joshua-eo5hr 25m people are packed in about 10,000km2. That is higher than some of the densest countries such as Rwanda or Bangladesh.


the west has the same problem we've just been delaying it, we get large inflows of mostly young immigrants which has delayed the demographic fertility crisis. S.Korea and other east asian countries tend to have virtually no significant immigration from abroad so the demographic change is more pronounced as a result. hope this helps


You identify the problem yet keep apologizing for it. However, here in Africa, women work and also have children. So, that's not really the issue. People in the West just don't want to sacrifice their lifestyle which is a big part of being a parent...


Korea has cutthroat competition in the job market and higher levels of unemployment. The earnings to cost of living has always been high, with negligible savings. Since there are no workers rights, employees work punishing schedules. Depression and suicide rates are one of the highest in the world.


The friends I know (in their 40s now) that decided not to have kids made those decisions as early teens. Turns out overanalysing about the state of the economy is a joke, they just decided early on in life. It's like me deciding early on I don't want to ever try smoking.


All highly urbanized societies go below replacement rate. It happened in ancient Rome, and the same in English cities in the Middle Ages.


Yeah well just because the world is sexually frustrated does not mean we need international problems.


how do the people in Africa, who are way more poor and in worse conditions, manage to have big families?


But maybe there are just too many of us to live happily and women instinctively desire less children when they are crowded and fed inferior food.




The world population will drop significantly in the next few decades. You cannot force people to have children. If South Koreans have determined their culture is not worth preserving, then let it be. Many other countries have determined the same thing. It’s not just about money, because countries that are the poorest have the most children.


It's not about preserving whatever. It's related to women studying longer. The longer they study, the less they have kids.


The better the education, the lesser wish to be a caretaker for a child.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Those MCP politicians are completely clueless on why women don't want to have babies


Here is an idea. Let’s look at cultures or people that have had success then report on what made it a success


The video did not mention (the absence of) immigration, nor employment subsidies, nor youth unemployment. European countries, Canada, Australia, and the US do not have "radical solutions" to low fertility either, although they generally allow higher immigration and have stable workforces.


Because low fertility involves pessimism, one can look on the bright side. S. Korea is not Russia or N. Korea, both of which also suffer from low fertility, among many other more serious issues.


Beating around the bush, none is addressing the ever-increasing hyper cost of living. It's hard to even manage being single if not earning really well, forget about family...


Conservative old Asian values and the increasing disparity in wealth are the reasons for this


Overall as a planet we need to reduce the population.


Oh well. I'm sure it'll sort itself out when South Korea reaches the population size of Andorra


They need to fix it now or their country will simply disappear!!


Seoul is the most unfriendly city to children. People were rude to prams and children. I was quite surprised


How about paying people a living wage so they maybe can afford to have kids?!


Asia is the face of three major demographic decline crises. The first being the rapid fertility decline across parts of the region, especially in East Asia, Singapore and Thailand, the second being the rapid aging crisis which is affecting East Asia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and Sri Lanka and the "get old before they get rich" crisis that is affecting certain middle-income developing nations in South and Southeast Asia like Thailand, Sri Lanka and Vietnam as explained by The Economist last year.


None of these solutions will work if it did Europe wouldn't have the same problem. Finland is first place in gender equality and work balance and have a natality rate equal to Japan their complete opposite of them. The solution is in the only developed country that doesn't have this problem aka Israel. They have an impressive 3.0 natality rate and i don't see them in the first place of gender equality and work balance. And people forget than their grandparents were much poorer in a lot of cases. It's all about the mentality, if you despise children and see them as a burden then don't matter how much easier the government makes it for you to have them, you simply will not have them. The government needs to change the mentality of people through any means necessary.


Young people haven't break because too many working hours


We are like cattles for these corporations and economic growth of a country lol. sad truth


How about the government should make baby factories then. women shouldn't be forced to be a baby-making machine.


Work Life and Balance is key


They may have to drop their xenophobia and get foreigners in to fill the gaps. I won't hold my breath tho..


Give couples 10 million dollars for each childbirth - problem solved~!


This could be solved by men participating equally in domestic labour. Women participate in the paid workforce and then come home to begin their next shift, doing the majority of the unpaid domestic labour. If men want children they should have done their share of raising them.


So - correct, it's not an unsolvable problem. Men choose not to do their share to solve it.


East Asia has way too many people, that is just a natural rebalancing, go there is is packed with people, India is crazy.


Bro even India's birthrates are also declining.


@info781 who is going to pay for pensions and healthcare? The entire world is ******.


@ajx9747 Who do you think pays now in India or East Asia? People don't have pensions.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Living is hard. You haven't touched the main issues.


IMO industrialization and our current iteration of capitalism are fragmenting communities, which is contributing to declining birthrates worldwide.


There are already billions too many people on planet Earth. How about finding solutions to your imaginary percieved problems that don't require even more humans to be created?


What do you mean by Asia's Birth Crisis? When is it happening in East Asia?


All of asia is now below replacement levels. India has also dropped below 2 births per woman.


Most of Asia has declining fertility rates now, even the poor developing nations.


Nature always finds a way to balance itself.


They need to invest heavily in AI and robotics to take care of aging population


When the cost of living is high, this is the result, thank you capitalism


Are they changing marriage laws?


That's what happens when you don't teach a society family values from childhood.


@greedyreader15 What according to you is the definition of family values??


Housing is the root cause


Is your career important or the future of your kind important?


Quick question, does homogeneity contribute to a country's decline in birth rate?


Doesn't seem so. The most reproductive countries are in Africa.


You mean treating women like humans? Why would they avoid men as soon as they make their own money?


Just let outside people in and get married. Solved.


Mostly selfish people are the ones who don't want to start a family.


Arrange marraige by government...woow.


Looks awful.


They work too much.


Making child birth and raising children a very real career that pays decently is the answer. Career driven women will never have children .. lets stop trying to do this.. lets concentrate on women who are already mothers ... how about this $1200/mo for a mother, $400/mo apartments + $40,000 bonus for giving birth to a third child. This might work!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@robocop581 Well that seems to be the current plan .. ie .. just let the people figure it out. Problem is, its not working. At all.

@robocop581 好吧,那似乎是当前的计划……也就是说……让人们自己解决。问题是,这根本不起作用。

I think the problem is actually very simple. In western societies women are more empowered and now have choices in life. They have careers and other goals. Why would they give that up to raise a child which is stressful, time consuming and expensive. In the past, most women did not get opportunity and were expected to raise children.
The solution is to offload some of this stress by providing subsidized childcare and educating dual income households on how handle children. This means men will take up a lot more responsibility than before.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Why don't immigrants go there instead of Canada. We have too many and we have a housing crisis.


Why are you hating on immigrants when your own government is incompetent.


Population density in south korea is among the worst in the world. Even worse than canada if you can believe that.


Your country also has a lot of space... Someone just needs to build houses.


Same for the UK.


lol no issues, world population overall is still increasing. India is there to maintain it. So chill.


Its worldwide problem is speically in EU, and Canada. But they would rather bring refugee to bring up the birthrate.


isn't it funny how the more we help women... the more help they need?
First it was education, via scholarships. Then it was maternal leave. Then it was childcare costs. Now it's becoming subsidized IVF.
Seems like there's one huge correlation with falling birth rates


If this is true, then how did Adam and Eve multiply to billions of people today? Unless that story isn't true?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

All they have to do is to impose more tax on singles. Use that money to fund the families with new born babies.
Matchmaking won’t help much


Korean gov is like
- woman's rights? nooo
- blind dantes? perfect solution
Just give the moms some job security, childcare, healthcare and respect; its not that hard.


Capitalism is failing.


1. how about ban contraceptives and abortion
2. legalized polygamy

1. 禁止避孕和堕胎怎么样
2. 合法化一夫多妻制

if they do that korea will turn into afganistan iran or any islamic nations


Polygamy would actually make things worse. The first point holds.


Why not take some people from developing world?


no way. only from China and Vietnam. at least keeps the next gen still looking Korean


Why don't east asians take people from Southeast Asia? they look same right


this started with women right to work. if government makes a law that double the salary of working men when they have a wife, people will get married.


Make the woman stay home and pay the man twice the wage???


Just have kids, stop being weak & making excuses
Mission accomplished




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