印度经济每年增长超过 7%。为什么印度人对未来如此悲观?
2024-11-07 兰陵笑笑生 10862
India economy is growing over 7% every year. Why are Indians so pessimistic about the future?

印度经济每年增长超过 7%。为什么印度人对未来如此悲观?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I am Brazilian and the last time we consistently were growing over 7% was in the early 1970s. We celebrate just not being in a recession.
India has been growing ridiculously fast consistently like China was in the 90s and 2000s. India is also has way better relations diplomatically world wide and likely will never have to deal with trade wars like China has. I predict that India will be a middle income country in 10 years or so.
But when I read comments on this sub it seems like most Indians are very pessimistic about the future, why is that?

我是巴西人,我们上一次持续增长超过 7% 还是在 20 世纪 70 年代初。我们只要没有陷入衰退就值得庆贺了。
印度的持续增长速度快得离谱,就像中国在上世纪 90 年代和 2000 年代一样。印度的外交关系在世界范围内也要好得多,而且很可能永远都不用像中国那样应对贸易战。我预测,印度将在 10 年左右成为中等收入国家。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Most of our growth is in Service sector which does not employ as many folks as compared to other sectors. So as our young population increases, there is a mismatch in our job market.
Lack of manufacturing sector leaves a huge skill mismatch. The semi skilled and unskilled are not the getting the jobs they want.
Even thought govt is promoting entrepreneurship (especially in MSME sectors), it difficult for small firms to compete with big conglomerates.
7% growth is good, but the effects are not trickling down (Cantillon effect) and the economic wounds of Covid have not healed.
Add to this, the usual corruption, Political culture & Climate change induced disasters. Basically we are walking on a tightrope. The Industry, Government and people have to balance it so that growth becomes more equitable.


Yes, Indian economy is very skewed and not balanced well. The lack of well paying, high skill blue collar jobs is a real economic disaster. Service sector is growing well due to connections with the international economy.


We aren't utilising our young Labour force, China was ready when the population boom happened, they knew that large scale manufacturing is the way to go. We on the other hand are busy in doing cash handouts. It is anyways too late now we should have thought about this 20 years ago.

我们没有充分利用我们的年轻劳动力,中国在人口激增时就做好了准备,他们知道大规模制造才是王道。而我们却忙于派发现金。无论如何,现在为时已晚,我们早在 20 年前就应该想到这一点。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

China could do that given their 1 party system. Political parties in India keep fighting to stay in power and have no interest in uplifting the nation.


Chinese economy is a result of cold war geopolitics. Sino Soviet spilit made US becoming allied with China and helped them get all of the manufacturing shifted from their puppets like Japan and Korea.


Very well put. Also to add, India is at the right time to have a demographic dividend to pay off. India needs at least 8-9% yearly growth minimum otherwise it will get old before getting rich and will be trapped in middle income countries like Thailand and Malaysia.

说得好。另外,我还要补充一点,印度正处于人口红利期。印度至少需要 8-9% 的年增长率,否则就会未富先老,沦为泰国和马来西亚这样的中等收入国家。

Tho the overall growth is 7%(just consuming growth), the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer...as much as it's now 'worse than the colonial era' as many says.

虽然总体增长率为 7%(只是消费增长),但富人越来越富,穷人越来越穷......正如许多人所说,现在的情况“比殖民时代还糟糕”。

Everyone is getting richer. Wealth compounds. Even the poor accumulate farmland, have houses in villages, and have access to free/subsidized food.


A metric that measures this is the Gini index. Feel free to check that out yourself for the UK and India.
Firstly, stop comparing pre-independent India with now. That's just comparing us to absolute garbage of times. The quality of life of most humans has increased over time. But the rich reap many more benefits from opportunities and economic growth than the poor.
Poverty has always been a problem in India, but it does not disappear even when the country experiences peak economic growth and development.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The per capita income of middle class, salary class and poor is stagnant. Govt is squeezing more taxes from salary class but rich politicians, bureaucrats and elite business tycoons growing 100% YOY


Because it's the rich elites lining their pockets and starving everyone below them. The economy isn't really growing just rich people's pockets.


There are many reasons. I'll blame the most in the media.
Lots of Indians are only educated with a degree. They actually lack skills. And not everyone is a hard-worker. I'd blame society for it. Older folks tell kids that after school and college there isn't a need to study and work as hard.


Jobless growth, excessive quotas in jobs & admissions,real inflation much higher than official data, infrastructure improvement isn't as fast as expected,cities are still dirty,no sidewalks, no civic sense,public transport is overburdened etc etc. Real estate is not even affordable to top 5%. Growth is only for those who want to invest.


only the rich are growing, income inequality is growing, basically 1% are growing richer more than the billionaires of USA while bottom 70% of the people are living a sub-saharan lifestyle, suffering from unimaginable poverty

只有富人在增长,收入不平等在加剧,基本上前 1% 的人比美国的亿万富翁还要富有,而 70% 的底层人民却过着撒哈拉以南的生活,遭受着难以想象的贫困。

Damn I just searched the income inequality in India. Top 1% has 22% of all income, in Brazil it’s 13% and I though that was a lot. What I don’t understand is with so much inequality why is crime rates in India so low when compared to other third world countries? I felt way safer in poor areas in India than in Brazil.

艹,我刚刚搜索了印度的收入不平等情况。收入最高的 1%占总收入的 22%,巴西是 13%,而我之前已经觉得这很多了。我不明白的是,既然存在如此严重的不平等,为什么印度的犯罪率与其他第三世界国家相比如此之低?在印度的贫困地区,我感觉比在巴西更安全。

For one thing, we don't have a gun culture. Firearms are difficult to acquire and ammunition is expensive. Your run of the mill thugs usually can't get more than cheap country made pistols, if that.
Violence usually takes place in the form of mobs. But mobs aren't going to riot every day. They still have to make a living.


India is a collectivist society to an extent, with each religion and caste having their own leaders and internal cohesion mechanisms. So there is a in group dynamic that prevents most violent crime against people of your own group, and the indian state for all its faults is able to clamp down on out group violence through its democratically elections act as a release valve for social tensions and its police force is really feared when push comes to shove.


people in India have the attitude of everything is okay no matter how fucked up the situation is, even when Brits were looting Indians, the same attitude was present then also. Gandhi had to come take procession across the country to awaken the people that whats happening is not okay, you should fight for your rights. Indians can create loud noises among themselves and now on social media but when it comes to action, they will be like why should I fight, I got my family to feed. You fight. And like this no revolution ever happens in India.


Most of Indians with power and authority are extremely lawless and corrupt but excellent hypocrites who can manipulate any intelligent person. Our Indians use emotions, sentiments for covering the hypocrisy. You can never see this in any part of the world. Fundamentally our homes are lawless, before even teaching whats right and wrong, good and evil, our parents and entire society, neighbours, institutions all teach and instil caste right from birth - that you are high they are low and the reverse. so basically mo one cares or respects anyone as society. All the families too are hypocrites, do anything for caste and cover it with hypocrisy. Otherwise how in the world, so many invaders ruled us for many centuries. We are a very caste addicted high low lawless society. But most of the Indians will not agree to this. Truth is bitter for hypocrites


If you're a female I'd say you're way safer in Brazil than India, but if you're a male, things become a little different:
If you're visibly foreign, violent crime can mean way more fallout from the police than it's worth
No gun culture; the ones with guns are involved in way more serious crimes and have a lot more at stake than attacking a tourist.
Violent incidents are not very well recorded, especially in rural areas; a lot of the state infra is dominated by certain castes in these areas (varies state to state and region to region), so if they're the perps, won't even be noted down.

1. 如果你是很明显的外国人,暴力犯罪可能意味着警察的报复远远超过它带来的价值
2. 没有枪支文化;有枪的人参与的犯罪要严重得多,而且比袭击游客的利害关系要大得多
3. 暴力事件被记录得不多,尤其是在农村地区;在这些地区,许多邦的基础设施都被某些种姓所控制(各邦和各地区情况不同),因此如果他们是罪犯,甚至都不会被记录下来。

Wtf are you even talking about Brazil have one of the highest homicide rates while india have less homicide rates than Brazil. The violence of Brazil can never be compared to india maybe Mumbai in early 90s or late 90s come near the scale.
Homicides are recorded even in rural areas by police. As my relatives live in extremely small village in odisha I know this.
India's rape rate including unreported rape rate is still lower than USA or brazil.
The problem is that indian media reports every crime so that indians like you have a skewed perspective. So much show that even the argument I said won't convince you and now data would convince you.
Indian media do that because crimes and negative news receives more eyes thus more revenue.

你在说什么?巴西是凶杀率最高的国家之一,而印度的凶杀率却低于巴西。印度的暴力事件永远无法与巴西相提并论,也许 90 年代初或 90 年代末的孟买可以与之相提并论。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Do you have any idea of how widespread rape is in India? Marital rape isn't even counted as rape, and even without that it's leagues worse than the US or Brazil.
Your village isn't representative of India; go visit and ask around rural UP, Bengal, Bihar, Rajasthan, MP, Haryana, etc. and you'll understand. Odisha govt is utopian in comparison.
Statistics in India are unreliable as hell. Indian men keep whining about how the world has it in for us and then show Indian statistics, while barring a few deshbhakt types, not a single woman disputes the safety issues in India, and none of them feel more at risk in the US or even Brazil than in India.


Sorry mate you don't know sub Saharan styles of poverty bottom 70% would be people earning between 3k to 15k right? Though they live hard lives they still don't live like that.
You need to see what poverty looks like I'm sub Saharan countries, in india at least there's some government intervention.
GDP growth rate means GDP is growing, GDP is just the amount of goods and services purchased in country. Even a poor person buying a 1rs candy contribute to the GDP. This Quarter rural consumption is increasing while urban consumption is decreasing.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There are issues with share of manufacturing, per capita income, standard of living etc. But India is not pessimistic about it. Reddit is not that mainstream in India, so reddit comments are not ideal samples to understand how India thinks.
Some people see government making some attempts for improvements, while some others will always remain unsatisfied, no matter what you give them. Happens. Society has such elements. Not all people were happy even in Ram-rajya (rule of Shreeram). Alright.
We will improve and outperform ourselves. No doubt.

印度在制造业份额、人均收入、生活水平等方面都存在问题。但印度人对此并不悲观。Reddit 在印度并不是主流,因此 Reddit 上的评论并不是了解印度人想法的理想样本。
有些人认为政府在努力改进,而另一些人则始终不满意,无论你给他们什么。事情就是这样。社会就是这样。即使在 Ram-rajya(Shreeram 统治时期),也并非所有人都感到幸福。好吧。

You will find every sort of person tbh, it just depends where you look.
My father used to sleep on a sewer cover during the late 80s early 90s. After 30 years he bought land for 8 million rupees which after 4 years is somewhere around 40 mil. So people who invested anywhere have got great returns and are really happy.
Whereas people from the lowest strata can only see the development not feel it.
And then there are haters, not critics but haters. They will just spew hate which are also many.

上世纪 80 年代末 90 年代初,我父亲曾睡在下水道盖上。30 年后,他花了 800 万卢比买了一块地,4 年后大约升值到 4000 万卢比。因此,在任何地方投资的人都获得了丰厚的回报,他们真的很幸福。

The disposable incomes of Indians have been shrinking. Certain economists even estimate that the size of the Indian Middle Class has shrunk in the last 8 years.
P.S. The Indian Government changed how GDP is calculated so that's not even reliable.

印度人的可支配收入一直在缩水。一些经济学家甚至估计,印度中产阶级的规模在过去 8 年中已经缩小。

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