2024-11-09 龟兔赛跑 5910
What is "Impeachment of President"?


Gaurav Upadhyay
Article 61 of the “Constitution of India” gives the procedures for the Impeachment of President.
According to the “Constitution Of India” :- Removal process of president for the violation of constitution is termed as “IMPEACHMENT”.But there is a difference between REMOVAL & IMPEACHMENT, in our constitution the impeachment word is used only for the removal of president while removal is used for the other government's authorities like judges of the courts etc.


According to the term of President’s office as mentioned in the Constitution of India- The Honourable President of India holds office for a term of 5 years from the date on which he takes upon his office. Still he can resign from his office at any time by addressing the resignation letter to the Honourable Vice- President.Further he can also be removed by the process of IMPEACHMENT.
The President can be removed from office by a process of IMPEACHMENT for the violation of the Constitution of India.However the Constitution doesn't define the meaning of phrase “ Violation of the Constitution”.


The impeachment charges can be initiated by either HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT.These charges should be signed by 1/4 (one fourth) of the house (that frxd the charges) and a notice of 14 days should be given to the President.
After the impeachment resolution is passed by a majority of two-thirds(2/3) of the total membership of that respective house, it is sent to the other house, which should investigate the charges.
The President has the right to appear and to be represented at such investigation.
If the other house also sustains the charges and passes the impeachment resolution by a majority of two-thirds of the total membership, then the standing President removed from his office from the date on which the resolution is so passed.


Jack Levey
What does the impeachment mean for Trump?
A distraction from doing his job, and, I would imagine, confirmation that the Democratic Party will not cooperate with him on anything, nor will the press report on him in a good faith manner, no matter what the stakes for the country. And if I may speculate further, little incentive to tone down his behavior or rhetoric since they are going to come after him no matter what.


David Mullich
What does impeachment mean for a president?
Impeachment for a US President means that the House of Representatives has by a majority vote passed articles of impeachment charging the president with “high crimes and misdemeanors.” There is no official definition of what misconduct qualifies as “high crimes and misdemeanors”, so it is whatever misconduct that House decides to be serious enough to merit impeachment. Most likely, the President will experience an immediate dip in his or her approval rating.
Once impeached, the president is tried by the Senate. If the president is found guilty of the charges by a two-thirds majority of the senators present, the president is removed from office. Otherwise, the president resumes his or her duties with no consequences other than a blot on the president’s historical record.


Declarations of Truth
What does impeachment do to a president?
Impeachment by itself means a trial in the Senate.
Judgment in impeachment cases can mean anything up to removal from office and prohibition against holding that or any other office of honor, trust or profit under the United States. See Article I, Section 3, Clauses 6 and 7.
A President so removed loses the privileges and immunities of the office. See again Article I, Section 3, Clause 7.


Scott Weaver
What does impeachment do to a president?
Article One of the United States Constitution gives the House of Representatives the sole power of impeachment and the Senate the sole power to try impeachments of officers of the U.S. federal government. (Various state constitutions include similar measures, allowing the state legislature to impeach the governor or other officials of the state government.) In contrast to the British system, in the United States impeachment is only the first of two stages, and conviction during the second stage requires "the concurrence of two thirds of the members present".


Impeachment does not necessarily result in removal from office; it is only a legal statement of charges, parallel to an indictment in criminal law. An official who is impeached faces a second legislative vote (whether by the same body or another), which determines conviction, or failure to convict, on the charges embodied by the impeachment. Most constitutions require a supermajority to convict. Although the subject of the charge is criminal action, it does not constitute a criminal trial; the only question under consideration is the removal of the individual from office, and the possibilities of a subsequent vote preventing the removed official from ever again holding political office in the jurisdiction where he or she was removed.


Ken Robley
What will the impeachment of a president do?
If the Senate votes to remove and convict, Trump will be removed from office, the legal process will run its course, and Pence will become president.
If the Senate does not vote to remove and convict, it is not much more than a formal reprimand and not that much would change.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Alan Smith
What does impeachment mean for a president?
Impeachment is merely to brought up on charges.
In general, judging from the Clinton affair, it is rather shameful but ultimately is something you can walk away from intact. He was one of the only Presidents (Andrew Johnson was also brought up for impeachment) to be impeached and he’s still a notable political figure to this day.
Successful conviction at an impeachment would be complete and utter political death, which is probably why Richard Nixon abdicated the throne rather than wait for his impeachment to occur and then carry through to conviction.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Chupa Rustam
Removal of President is simply called Impeachment. In India, President can only be removed on two grounds, either Incompetency or Proved Misbehavior, which is a very difficult process (No President in India till this date have been Impeached) .
Even many other constitutional post holders and Supreme Court Judges, etc are removed by this very procedure. If you want a detailed answer that you may find under the question “How is President Impeached” or something like this.


Al Evangelista
What does it mean if the House impeaches the president?
This question has been answered on Quora numerous times, but I’ll try one more time.
Think of impeachment as if a person is charged with a crime. The police gather the evidence to prove the crime, and the District Attorney’s office puts the evidence together, determines that the police have in fact developed the evidence to prove the crime—or even other charges can be developed. The District Attorney brings the accused, and the evidence, to a court before a judge.


The judge reads the charges and the evidence, and either agrees that the minimal requirement are met to go to trial, or the judge throws the case out.
I’ll just talk about the charges going forward to trial. At this point a jury is sexted and the accused goes on trial. After all the evidence is given, and the prosecutor and defense attorney make their pleas to the jury, the jury decides the accused’s guilt or innocence.


Think of impeachment as similar to that:
The House of Representatives has the constitutional authority to develop an impeachment. The House determines that there is a reason to charge, in this case, the president, with a crime the House believes is impeachable. The House then does the required interviews of witnesses to the crime and gather any documents that prove the president’s guilt.


The House judiciary committee then takes that evidence, puts it into a logical order to prove what they think is the president’s guilt, and, finally, takes the case to the senate—where the trial will take place.
The senate majority leader looks at the evidence and determines whether the case will actually be brought to trial. If brought to trial, in the case of a president, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court becomes the presiding judge, and the entire senate is the jury.
So! After all of that, it boils down to the House is the police department, and the District Attorney, wrapped in one. The house is required to develop all the evidence and put that evidence into a logical case against the president.


The senate listens to the witnesses, and the House Impeachment Manager’s presentation of all the documentary evidence. Then the Senate listens to the president’s defense witnesses and any documentation they have.
Following this, the House impeachment managers give their concluding arguments followed by the defense’s concluding arguments. After this, the senate vote’s on the guilt or innocence of the president in relation to the charges.
I hope I answered this question completely. If anyone else out there can think of something better, give it a shot.


William Walls
What will the impeachment of a president do?
The House of Representatives voting to impeach a President is roughly similar to a grand jury in a criminal case voting in favor of indictment.


When a grand jury votes to indict, it's because the members of the grand jury, after perusing the evidence the state has discovered, believes that the state's case is strong enough to warrant an actual trial. The case is then sent to a criminal court and assigned to another judge for trial. At this trial, the new judge presides over the hearing; after all the evidence has been presented, the judge will render a verdict (in a bench trial), or the verdict will be rendered by a jury (jury trial). If the verdict is guilty, the judge will then impose a sentence (alternatively, the sentencing may be slated for a subsequent hearing). If not found guilty, the defendant is free to go

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Assuming no political agenda is present, when the House of Representatives holds impeachment hearings and peruses all the evidence available to the Congress, it proceeds much like a grand jury investigation. If, at the conclusion of the impeachment hearings, the House decides that sufficient evidence exists to warrant removal from office, it lays out its findings as Articles of Impeachment, the government official is considered to be “impeached,” and the impeachment case is sent to the Senate for the actual Impeachment trial.


The impeachment trial in the Senate is roughly similar to a trial in a criminal court. The Senate now conducts the impeachment trial, guided by the Articles of Impeachment provided by the House. If, at the conclusion of this trial, the Senate finds the Articles of Impeachment to be valid, the impeached official is then removed from office. If the Senate is unable to determine that the Articles of Impeachment are valid, then the impeached official is not removed from office.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A final note: while this process roughly mimics the process used in criminal cases, an official who is removed from office in this way may not necessarily be guilty of a crime. But if criminal activity attached to the impeached official is discovered during an impeachment, this may result in criminal charges being brought by a state or federal criminal court and those processes would proceed as normal.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Krishna Chaitanya
Our constitution prepared from various sources,impeachment of president is nothing but removing president,which is taken from us constitution,head of the the nation cant be removed just like that..to remove him special procedure is required..this special process is known as impeachment.


Safdar Khan
President of India can be removed by Impeachment by Parliament. 2/3rd members of both the houses present and voting in favour of the motion of impeachment. Till now ,no President in India has been impeached…


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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