2024-11-11 不要可乐 11844
Chinese engineers are good at manufacturing hardware and building infrastructure. They may be excelling in core engineering.
Many software developers cannot be called engineers.
Many people who get engg. degrees in India are not interested in doing core engineering work.


Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
I judge a nations capabilities solely by their ability to develop Indigenous Technology
I don't even ask for the best technology in the planet. I ask for technology that is applicable enough and basic enough to fulfill its purpose


Indias Software Industry is almost 30 years old
That's a long time and Software and Hardware have both evolved over several generations in this period
What has the Indian Software Industry actually achieved?
The Best example was a few months ago when a small Microsoft upgrade issue resulted in Indian Airlines forced to write stuff in pens and cancel flights and helplessly say “Server down sir”
The Chinese were grinning and their flights flew like clockwork because they had Indigenous Software

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We are a country which is primarily used for Project Management & creating ecosystems for services using Western Core Software & Western Hardware
Forget Military Grade Servers, we don't even have fully Indigenous Structural Software for Defense. Even that is in collaboration with the Israelis.
So how are Indian Software Engineers superior in any way?


The Chinese started almost 15 years after we did
As late as 2009, they were still quite behind us in Software and their Software efforts were laughable
Yet today their IOT work and their Software is top notch in most areas


They have almost 20 Indigenous Tools continuously developed including ALISQL, XJAVA, WUCHING, RocketMQ
They have their own Structural Software
Their Key Industries all run on Indigenous Cloud & Indigenous Programming & Indigenous Servers with Inspur,H3C, Huawei & Sugon as well as Loongson, Shenwei & Feiteng processors


Yet the biggest difference between the Indian and Chinese is that
Even with all these achievements in less than 15 years, the Chinese still always say “WE HAVE TO CATCH UP, WE HAVE A LOT TO DO”
Even with ZERO ACHIEVEMENTS in the past 30 years beyond mostly writing coolie code for the White man - we Indians always say “SILICON VALLEY, SOFTWARE GIANTS, IT GIANT, SUPERIOR SOFTWARE SKILLS ETC”


And of course some guy will go “UPI, UPI, UPI” , the sole defense against Indian Mediocrity
So Indians must STFU and do something worthwhile and then other countries will talk of our software skills
The day US bans Indian Software Or Indian IT companies, that's the sign that WE HAVE MADE IT Or WE ARE GETTING THERE


Rajeesh Cm
Most of the work done in Indian IT companies is maintainence and writing business logic on top of systems built in the western world. Now with AI entering the field even 50 percent of writing business logic will become automated.


Kelvin Lee
The new job for software engineer will be quality assurance folks. Have anyone seen business logic defined by business and maintain by business. It's usually a disaster, and those business folks either become pseudo software engineer with a background in process engineering. The tools keep changing, but the role morph accordingly. Only those unchanging and not able to adapt gets culled, change is pretty brutal.


Dave Chanakya
I have worked with both Chinese and Indian Engineers, the difference is these days Indian engineers graduate from call centers and Chinese engineers graduate from engineering schools.


Subramaniam Duraisamy
Answer is simple - the west pays good money which the IT industry runs on. Now Middle East is a good market Let the Chinese or the Japs pay that quantum of money to me to meet my bills and lifestyle needs, and I will gladly switch to them.


Dheeraj S
West doesn't really pay good for Indians. Payscale for devs from India in those companies are not on par with somebody working from UK or US. It's just the exchange rate difference from INR to USD, GBP and Euros makes you think it's huge.


Subramaniam Duraisamy
It still helps us lead a decent lifestyle right?. Let the Chinese offer competitive packages for a comparison. Who stopped them?


Shin Chan
Simple answer- we know English and do what pays more with full dedication


Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
It's more like we do what requires least effort and pays the most


Shin Chan
Software development isn't easy
It's a very tiring job and that you have to be constantly upxed with the industry


Dheeraj S
Maybe software dev job is tiring, stress inducing and sometimes monotonous but learning curve is not steep as say electronics, electrical, VLSI design and many other engg fields.


Proud Atheist
"How long will it take for the USA to ban BYD like Huawei, or to restrict BYD from Google services?"


Meera Nadar
How come India fall behind world to such an extent that we are literally 30 years behind in terms of software technology. This society seriously need a reboot . Enormous amount of reboot seems promising to me at this point.India population might be inefficient and selfish without any sense of nationality but the land we inhabit is still full of resources. Just waiting for their right owners just like what happened with America 4 century ago. If we failed to adjust ourselves to progress , somebody else will kick our ass and our race will become a history. People are too individualistic to understand this .


Luke Wang
America didn’t exist 4 centuries ago


Meera Nadar
I mean continent America ( name land mass lies between Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean) colonised by anglo saxons by total elimination of technologically backward natives.


Chong S Lim
You mean total GENOCIDE of Native Americans. Being backward is no justification for GENOCIDE.


Indian IT service companies get the contract only because of cost advantage.Cheap labor is India's USP.


Hu Shi xiong
…the Chinese know English too . It's essential if you intend to develop beyond china . Especially software or coding
There's a reason why in Chinese majority Singapore the head of a national bank was an Indian and you've not seen any mainland Chinese in prominent leadership positions.


The comment about China being unaffected because they had “indigenous systems” is disingenuous at best. Chinese airlines have had their share of software glitches, so claiming that their software is somehow superior is just bootlicking.
I have personally managed Chinese software engineers in China, and they are no better or worse than any other nationality. They did have a sense of blindly following hierarchical authority structures but we managed to get them to be more vocal with their opinions. Other than that, they performed about the same as any other similar cohort of young engineers.


Eddie Yap
Yes back then Indian software engineers were fully praised and thought as impervious. I am quite surprised by the recent achievements of Chinese and even Vietnamese software engineers. I wonder what stagnated the Indian software engineers. KB Sir’s article is indeed interesting to read and analyse. Thank you Sir KB.


Guru Radhakrishnan
The last sentence is very true. The day when your competitor stops praising you then you have made it.


Anchal Tamrakar
Mosfet is currently innovations previously to generate ac current used atr mechanical Vibrator which work generate square wave pulse many things can easily run on squares wave.
Still Many today inverter are without PWM which generate square wave only few above 20k generate generate modified sine wave and pure sine wave pulse


Guru Radhakrishnan
If is not designed for it don't try it will ruin your equipment in the long run. On the other hand Indias space program is emerging and is not serious enough to be considered a threat. It is no where near what a private guy like Elon is making either with reuse or payload capacity. Attacks and mockery will come when it gets into big boys club.


Mamata Banerjee
The worst thing is none of our laws mandate all Indian data has to reside inside country and can’t be hosted outside the country! We are at the mercy of other countries


Ravi Aguva
Indian IT sector employs lakhs of Young engineers , earns billions of Dollars for Country's needs. It also helps build IT systems for our domestic needs. We r good at some things not competitive enough to compete with China or USA , who are adequately rich to invest in new technologies. Theres no point in making futile comparisons and berate ourselves.


BD Engineer
Even our draftsman work in UAE since people don't repsect the software and appreciate the donkey work. So yes INDIAN PEOPLE are good on paper nothing special with as said in above content…


Dong An
India has a long-standing trade deficit, and without the remittances from overseas Indians, India's finance would have collapsed long ago.


xihang Yang
Boeing 737 max was done by indian sofaware engenier and lok what happen

波音737 MAX是由印度的软件工程师开发的,看看发生了什么。

Micheal Vernon
As India expert Kanthaswamy has said Chinese are ahead of Indians in every aspect of life except corruption and dishonesty. For the latter , Indians are world leaders. I think the so called iPhones that are exported from India, are Chinese made and repackaged as Indian. After reading what Kantha says, I don’t believe that Indians have the skills to make iPhones .


Malay Tripathi
TCS was a thing when Bill Gates started off as a student. Need we say more?


In my experience Indian engineers are better than Chinese engineers in software field but only problem is they are working in Microsoft, Google etc etc from Bangalore, Hyderabad and not for any Indian companies.
And the Indian companies like TCS hires only bottom level engineers who speaks good English but not good coders.
Chinese engineers in US mostly thrive by conection from their community not by working hard. Hire a Chinese manager in a team, the whole team will become Chinese in next 2 years. In india only Telugus are like this.


Sir, referring to your above answer, what do you think of Zoho? They have developed quite good applications.


M Prasad
In the US they don’t have negative groups like the one that KB belongs to whose only job is to pull the country down. There every one is doing their jobs with a positive frx of mind. Having just returned after a stay of 3 months in the US, I couldn’t find one write up deriding US or their own people or their own systems. India is progressing despite such negative elements pulling down every good effort.


Server down - that slogan was epic all time!
if a banking application is hosted on one server and it crashes its havoc and you’re done! I don’t know why Most bank clerks kept saying the same rubbish again and again when the application slowness is due to overload or stopping the services from server end..


Brian Dong
Around 73% of all H-1B visa applicants toward US were from India alone with most of them geared toward IT. So of course there are going to be what appears to be a lot of “good” Indian IT workers because of all of them want to escape here to the US.


The Chinese are forced to step up all “thanks” to the American. India does not have this ‘advantage’.


Geetha Thirumalai
An excellent analysis of the ongoing scenario in the Indian IT context!
Leave alone the IT scene! The still-prent manual sewage- cleaning process all over the country and an entire community dedicated, by birth, of course, to do such inhuman work, speaks volumes about our country's indigenous technological skills. In spite of the country's total dependence on the west for every conceivable technology, I find many of us here unnecessarily talking ill of the west day in and day out.


Arun Kumar Muthiah
Our companies are mostly service based companies , which have clause that we cant develop products there are checks and balances which help silicon valley thrive, have attended bootcamps to learn full stack outside my job, had certain IITians who can develop exact replica of lixEDin in 25 days, but we have to develop few things culturally like being sportive its ok to fail, we have to move from mindset of equating beauty with intelligence this was basic concept of black woke theory but it has become more of lgbt and porn based ideology nw, to me we can catch anyone in a decade in IT field but we are behind in electronic warefare etc


Dheeraj S
Let alone semiconductors Indian electronic/electrical engg and Dip. grads aren’t good with even basic tools like CRO and DMMs that're used in debugging hardware components.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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