2024-11-17 兰陵笑笑生 13209
Experience in China as a Black Woman?


So I asked this in r/China yesterday and got mostly depressing responses. Some people told me to ask here instead, so here I am. I really want to know what it's like visiting China as a black woman. Mainly in Shanghai and Chongqing. I want to study abroad in Shanghai sometime soon, but I'm worried about discrimination and feeling isolated. I want brutal honesty because once I'm there I can't just return home, I'll be stuck there for an entire semester.
Is it easy to make friends? Will people take photos of me without my permission? Will I be able to go outside in peace?

昨天我在 r/China 上问了这个问题,得到的回复大多令人沮丧。有些人让我在这里问,所以我就来了。我真的很想知道,作为一个黑人女性来中国旅游是什么感觉。主要是在上海和重庆。我想在不久的将来去上海留学,但我担心会受到歧视,感到孤立无援。我希望得到残酷的真相,因为一旦我到了那里,就不能随便回国,我会在那里呆上一整个学期。

I’m a black woman in Shanghai, literally just moved a few weeks ago from the U.S. We also went on a house hunting trip in June for a week before moving in late July.
People have been friendly and I haven’t felt unwelcome anywhere. I’ve had one occurrence of someone aggressively wanting a picture with me but I think that’s more about the novelty of it. People stare but that’s cultural. My (white) husband gets stared at too.
My son is the only black kid in his grade but he has had no problem making friends. There are a few black teachers at my son’s school. I’ve spoken to them about racism and they’ve had a similar experience. The vast majority of Chinese people you encounter will be cool and you shouldn’t have problems in more multicultural schools and workplaces.
The pros outweigh the cons so far. There is virtually no risk of police brutality (and the police I’ve encountered have been super friendly and helpful). Physical and property safety is like nothing I’ve experienced back home.
At the end of the day, negative racialized experiences can happen anywhere. For example, I loved Italy but have had black friends who reported terrible interactions with locals. You just need to go with an open mind and see for yourself how you get on.


As a pure Chinese living in Shanghai, I can provide you two cases (hope I won't lose my reddit account for talking this):
Nobody, or very rare people will hate you just because of your skin color. Most people care about money, not what you look like.
When some Chinese companies want to hire a foreigner, they can even directly tell you: "You're black, but we want white". Such kind of attitudes is a no-need-to-hide thing in China. But the internal reason is: these companies simply think "white" skin can help making advertising for their company. It's never about the racist itself. See? It's still about the money.

作为一个生活在上海的纯正中国人,我可以为你提供两个案例(希望我不会因为说了这些而丢掉我的 reddit 账号):
1. 没有人或极少数人会因为你的肤色而讨厌你。大多数人在乎的是钱,而不是你的长相。
2. 当一些中国公司想雇用一名外国人时,他们甚至可以直接告诉你:“你是黑人,但我们要白人”。这种态度在中国是无需掩饰的。但其内在原因是:这些公司只是认为“白”皮肤有助于为公司做广告。这与种族主义者本身无关。看到了吗?还是为了钱。

One thing I’ve noticed about Shanghaiese is their DGAF attitude. They’re busy, they are hustling and they pride themselves on being more cosmopolitan than other Chinese people.
And money definitely talks here. Shopkeepers have been obsequious and I can’t get my driver to stop calling me madame, like he literally refuses to learn my first name. The neighbors are moving and their Ayi practically threw herself at us trying to get hired. I gave her my WeChat and she keeps sending me pics of all the American families she has worked for over the years.
If it bothers people that I’m black, they keep it to themselves.


What work is your husband or you doing to support you in China? Im curious about mature expats. English teaching seems to be the thing over and over. We may move--don't speak Chinese (learning) --got lots of degrees--me, two younger kids.
I see kid going to a private international school but a sustainable enjoyable job seems to keep coming up as Teach English.


My husband is middle management at a MNC and got sent over on an expat package. That’s the best way to do it IMHO, the benefits are out of this world. It took about seven years of continually expressing interest in a China transfer. I don’t want to divulge the specific industry but it’s a type of manufacturing. Most of the expats I’ve met on packages work in the automotive industry and then my son goes to school with some diplomats’ kids.


I want you two to look up Da Long, although he has gone through some stuff recently. China was always not as horrible as people think to people of color. I'm Mexican American and lived there for 20 years.
I experience more racism in the US pretty much anywhere then I would in China. Plus in China all you have to do is learn Chinese well, learn how to order food properly and everyone will melt in your hands.
The only red flag in China is if you work for a company that does anything high tech or anything of interest to the Chinese government that's when the fangs come out. Lastly if you start talking politics in the public space that's a no mo, which has gotten worse since ... toom power hence why I don't live there.
PS what school is your son going to if I may ask, may be my school.


The truth is between r/china ‘s overly negative takes and r/chinalife ‘s overly positive takes. Racist violence is rare. Racial discrimination for jobs, housing, and in institutions is common. There are no enforced anti-racial discrimination laws so businesses/institutions/landlords etc. are free to have explicitly racist policies, that they even in certain cases tell you to your face exist, and your only recourse is to accept it.

真相介于 r/china 的过于负面评价和 r/chinalife 的过于正面评价之间。种族主义暴力很少见。工作、住房和机构中的种族歧视很常见。没有强制执行的反种族歧视法,因此企业/机构/房东等可以自由地制定明确的种族主义规则,甚至在某些情况下,他们会当面告诉你这些规则的存在,而你唯一能做的就是接受这些规则。

Okay, as much as I respect what China has given to me, I must agree with this. There are black communities in Guangzhou you might want to ask around in Guangzhou group.


This is the truth. Anyone over there telling you it's going to be a nightmare is completely off-base. Anyone here telling you discrimination in the US is worse is outright delusional. You are being lied to by a lot of people and the truth is in the middle. Keep in mind that you'll be perceived though multiple lenses including "foreigner", "Black", African", "American", etc.
I'm not going to lie. You are going to have certain negative experiences. Definitely. You aren't "in danger" or anything like that and I highly doubt any of the negative experiences are driven by hatred, and how cool the whole experience is is really up to you.
I've had two instances of foreign friends having their hair snipped off with scissors by strangers on public transportation - one was a black guy with dreads and one was a white girl with flaming ginger hair. Hair. straight. up. snipped. off. It might happen. You'll need to get over it.


Wow, and I thought having a random dude stroke my hairy legs on the train was weird.


I can confirm, it was weird lol


That IS weird


Wasn't weird for me, thanks hairy legged stranger.


Apparently, there are a lot of furry fans in China.


I could be wrong, and I’m not trying to nitpick, but I don’t believe you’re correct about anti-discrimination laws. As far as I’m aware, there are laws in place that prohibit gender, ethnic and other types of discrimination. I’m also pretty sure that workplace discrimination is also in violation of the law. Chinese friends have assured me these laws are in place and you can get lawyers involved when experiencing such discrimination in education or at work - although I haven’t verified this.
However, I complete agree that such laws are rarely enforced and most people won’t go to the trouble of paying legal fees to fight such cases (especially when in areas where the legal system isn’t without corruption).
Also, I believe OP will be absolutely fine and enjoy her life in a city like Shanghai. Being black can be a barrier in certain circumstances (I’ve first had experience with a housing agent telling me the local police don’t want to house black people in the area) but in general you’ll be treated with dignity and respect. I’ve many black friends from South Africa and other African regions who find petty racism (comments and touching hair etc) annoying but it doesn’t deter them from enjoying life here.
The truth? Discrimination exists in China for everyone. Sometimes this will be because of your age, sometime because of your gender and even sometimes because of your ethnicity. If you’re worried for your safety, you needn’t be. You’re way safer here than in the US. If you’re particularly sensitive to not being treated equally (positive or negative), you’ll struggle.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Not sure why you were being downvoted here. There are laws about racism but, BIG BUT, they often aren't followed or implemented on a practical level.
Racism exists to a large degree and as a black person you will experience it more than others, however, the type of racism will mostly be very different to the type of racism you might experience else where. In the west, racism towards black people is largely out of hatred and the legacy of slavery. In China it's more based on ignorance. You will have very few people who have any kind of strong hatred towards black people, but there will be a strong mix of stereotypes from the media (think global news media, films, sports, music etc), an assumption that black countries are poorer and less developed and a general distrust or overly cautious of anyone that seems different.
So what this means in practical terms - will you be in danger of getting hurt from a violent racist Neo nazi? Almost certainly not. Will you find it more difficult to get a job as an English teacher? Probably. Will you sometimes find it harder to flag down a cab? Sometimes yes. Will people you barely know invade your personal space to touch your hair out of curiosity? Probably will happen at some point. Will people come up to you to have your photo taken in public? Yes probably. Will young people assume you like hip hop and play basketball? Probably. Will people be amazed if you can speak Chinese to them? Yes. Will people quickly drop many of their assumptions as you get to know them? Absolutely.
Anyway, the more local a city, the harder it will be but if you're in a big city like Shanghai, you will most likely thrive.


r/China is filled with a bunch of toxic racists and losers, most of whom have never been to China, so I would ignore everything from that sub.
Chinese people don’t care about political correctness and are generally very direct. Both Chongqing and Shanghai are large metropolitan cities, you will be perfectly safe and fine to go about without harassment. You will have plenty of opportunities to make friends in a college environment. If you can be genuine and keep an open mind, you will have an enjoyable semester.

r/China 充斥着一群有毒的种族主义者和屌丝,他们中的大多数人从未到过中国,所以我会忽略这个板块的一切。

exactly this. dont go to r/China for anything related to China. Everytime i say something positive about china they ban me or downvote me. So all you get would be the made up shit because 99% users there has never been to China.

完全同意。不要在 r/China 上发表任何与中国有关的言论。每当我说一些关于中国的正面言论时,他们就会封禁我或给我点踩。所以你得到的都是胡编乱造的东西,因为那里 99% 的用户都没去过中国。

Caveat is that, some Chinese people may come across as extremely rude but they're really just being direct. That joke about Chinese people always sounding like they're arguing is kind of true. And a hearty argument could actually bring 2 Chinese people closer.
The cultural differences are quite jarring. If someone's able to not take things personally they'd have a much better time in China


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