2024-11-18 不要可乐 6398

Japan was once one of the world's largest semiconductor manufacturing countries. However, in just a few years, it would be surpassed by its neighbors.


Why Japan's Semiconductor Industry Failed:US won’t allow Japan to dominate semiconductor industry.


I see, Uncle Sam treats friends and foes alike. No discrimination.


Because of the usa sanctions, because they had a huge potential, that's what china doesn't want from depending on the us/taiwan chips by building their own chip.


Japan lost the war to America and is still under their rule.
Of course there were good things, but they were never allowed to surpass America.


Next episode : how America killed German automobile industry

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Japan are under occupation but they don’t recognise it.


You fail to understand that photo reisin used for chip production is solely made in Japan. No one country can manufacture a full working chip on its own


Japan was leading the microchip race in the 1970s before US sanctioned Japan with unfair trade agreements to limit their High Tech products and forcing Japan to build factories in US while charging hefty costs, Toshiba the leader in microchip manufacturing was targeted by US and it's General manager was arrested by to force Tech transfer. Same thing also happened to France in Energy sector. US is now trying to Do the same to China But failed as Chinese government step in and protected local companies which both Japan and the French government cowarded.

在20 世纪 70 年代,日本曾领先于全球的微芯片产业,然而美国通过不公平的贸易协议对日本实施制裁,限制其高科技产品的出口,并迫使日本在美国建厂,同时收取高额费用。作为微芯片制造领导者的东芝(Toshiba)成为了美国的目标,其总经理也因此被逮捕,迫使其进行技术转让。法国在能源领域也经历了类似的情况。现在,美国试图对中国实施同样的做法,但由于中国政府介入并保护了本土公司,美国的计划未能成功。而日本和法国政府在当时都选择了妥协。

I remembered when I was a kid that Japan was like a god as an economic power. Now, Japan could not compete with South Korea.


when the master sees his slave starting to try to threaten his position, sanctions immediately come to remind him who the master is


Asia's people very hardworking

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I always use NEC desktop PC from Japan because it is cheap and High Quality and it last long even when i am using in a welding shop where electricity is connected to a welding machine running everyday. HP Desktop PC did not last long even though it is more faster and have a bigger power source connected to AVR and UPS. Only NEC has the especial Technology device for Current filter in the power Supply.

我一直使用日本的NEC台式电脑,因为它便宜、质量高,而且非常耐用,即使我在焊接车间使用,每天运行的焊机都接有电源,它也经久耐用。相比之下,HP 台式电脑虽然速度更快,并且有更大的电源连接到 AVR 和 UPS,但使用寿命并不长。只有 NEC 拥有电源中用于电流滤波器的特殊技术设备。

Remember Toshiba in the 80s? The pirate Murika took it from them free of charge...


Japan should rise up again. I think one of their problem is lack of young manpower and they're stuck with old people running everything. With todays standards, old ways doesn't always equals good. Most of the time we need to start from the ground up to make something new.


America never learned and did the same thing with china


CMOS technology transfer to US also one of the reason Japan's set back. US developed further CMOS technology and was helpful for its processor development. This was eventually captured all the chip market in the world. Japan did not put much efforts on designing CPU for computer and also its software.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

To protect USA market decided to tariff speaking freedom market


Because USA want Japan to fail.


As a young hobbyist, I attempted to get into Renesas MCUs and attended a "training course". Their tools were subpar to Freescale, more expensive and trainers had a bit of an uptight attitude. Then Arduino and ARM came, kicking everyone's ass.


It really depends on what kind of chips we are talking about. There some of them where japan still holds the keys. It is not always about US. In some of the areas Japanese companies didn’t put an effort into R&D in that field.


Because America don’t want to be embarrassed on every aspect of development


US was not specifically pinpointed Japan, it has pinpointed any country that comes close to challenge his supremecy. This is human nature, and thats why human never stop fighting each others.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Japan and South Korea produce low-tech, mass-produced storage semiconductors, while Taiwan produces customized logic semiconductors, which are entirely different semiconductors from memory.
After Japan withdrew from memory production, South Korea took over. This has nothing to do with Taiwan.
Japan is a big country in storage semiconductors and does not produce logic semiconductors.
After Intel lost memory chips to Japan, it switched to producing CPU logic semiconductors, making Intel the dominant player.


Rapidus would've been nice to note by the end. I'm continuing to watch their progress


Friedship with USA will give you a lot of money but you will never get their technology. The Russians atleast give critical technologies to their allies like nucler reactor, rocket technology, jet engine and ship building tech. Better getting that from uncle sam


the answer is pretty simple. The US foiled japan's success. the US put too many limitation over japan.


Is that what the tokyo plaza accord does? Along with the lost decades too.


Most semiconductors manufactured in Asia rely on Japanese semiconductor equipment, technology, and materials. In fact, companies like TSMC and Samsung wouldn’t exist without Japan’s contributions.


Look, if other countries want to succeed in semiconductors, they need to fund R&D. Most of the chip companies overseas are beholden to the US gov because all the tech were pioneered and patented in the USA. Risk in R&D is encouraged in America.


The free market never existed, just a ruse by the Anglo empire to seem more equitable


This question is too simple! Because of the suppression by the United States! But Japan has made achievements in the field of semiconductor equipment!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Japan still makes a lot of the equipment used to make microchips as well as having related techs like lens

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hundreds years ago, China already trade with South East Asia.
But only trade, even China is powerful.
When European came, they colonies right away.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The G7 meet regularly to devide world's manufacturing sectors.
In one of this meetings Japan made a deal which included the phasing out of its chip industry.


Short Answer: USA
Long Answer: United States of America


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sony was NOT the first to produce a transistor radio. Not even the 30th. Regency offered the first in 1954, followed by EVERY major maker in 1955 and off-brands in 1956.


0:48 this is EXACTLY how korean semiconductor industry started.
also EXACTLY how China started.

0:48 这正是韩国半导体产业起步的方式。

Sad japan isn't part of BRICS....very very sad situation being occupied by USA...


All Japan produced chips, then were US licensed ICs.


Problem is, when in 1980 they reached the top - in terms of memories and commercial ICs, they begun competing with the US. This is what doomed them later on, when they couldn't advance the technology all by themselves. The Japanese should have kept a cooperative and collaborative approach with the US since the beginning.


If America is due this to the allies imagine what they do to the enemies


The answer is a very simple three letter word: USA


Blame Moore's law. When the 8088 and 8086 were the main microprossors a lot of memory chips were needed. As the number of transistors increased you needed less and less memory chips and the microprocessor itself became the main product. The 8086 based microprocessors are still in use even if internally they are nothing like the original 8086, they can still run old applications. Japan was never going to develop its own microprocessor that would take over the whole industry like the 8086 did.

这都要怪摩尔定律。当8088和8086是主要微处理器时,很多内存芯片是必需的。随着晶体管数量的增加,需要的内存芯片越来越少,微处理器本身成了主要产品。基于8086的微处理器至今仍在使用,即使内部结构与最初的8086完全不同,它们仍然可以运行旧应用程序。日本永远不会像 8086 那样开发自己的微处理器来接管整个行业。

Don’t forget that without Japanese chip suppliers semiconductor industry would crumble. Will also be interesting to see where the Rapidus project is going….


the most problem of japanese game consoles were reluctance of releasing middleware engines
some game consoles in mid 90's are notoriously hard to make games on it

90 年代中期的一些游戏机以难以制作游戏而闻名

China will not be the second Japan that bent the knee to the USA. It will face hardships now and will become the leading economy in the world in terms of technology. *** had a choice when Trump started the trade war. Either bent the knee and always be number 2 or face hardships now and bear the fruits later.


One of the reasons Japan came to dominate DRAM production was because the US companies that did it in the 1970s wanted to focus on higher margin parts like CPUs. Intel was once a major DRAM producer but gave it up due to the low margins. It suited the purposes of companies like Intel to let existing and rising Asian producers have the market for those products. They didn't particularly care if a foreign power monopolized vital portions of a modern computer so long as the lion's share of the profits were going to Intel. The US government didn't see it that way.


The whole Japan Inc. is struggling three decades in the row. Inability to evolve, to modernize and innovate took them where they are – stagnation without an end.


The licensed the technology to manufacture it, but they didn't have the homegrown knowledge to make a new generations of chips.


Isn't Japan dominating in the analog chip market? For example, many power amplifier manufacturers use output transistors from Toshiba, Sanken, etc.


It's called no one company can monopolize one industry


Just like the current China, Japan has been suppressed by the US especially Toshiba lead semiconductor technology


Japan focused on manufacturing ignoring the software/CAD tools role in semiconductor design productivity.


Thats what you get by becomeing american lapdog.
Samurai culture, NOT shogun culture.


Let me guess, they didn't talk about plaza Accord and forced patent transfers from Japan to the US.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Japan has failed conclusively and lost everything in 1945. This is the only thing you need to know.


It’s odd that the video game sector didnt create more opportunities, when you think Nintendo, Sega and Sony all came from Japan.


Japan's failure in chip technology and other techniques is due to the conservatism of the Japanese.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

TR-55 radio is collectable now. Anyone has a good working one now is worth thousands of dollars.

TR-55 收音机现在很值得收藏。现在任何人拥有一台能正常使用的收音机都价值数千美元。

This has been a habit of U.S if a country surpass them (it could be technology,economy, innovation etc) And if that country wont have a good deal (sometimes the deal could best favor in their part) with them the'll accuse and somehow impose restriction,penalty, tariffs and alike.


Never, ever bet against Japanese technology and call them a failure.


Japanese products were for life time, now any product we buy last 5 years


I saw toshiba, Sony laptops. Where are they now ?


It’s such a shame, because Japanese quality was second to none, and I have always preferred Japanese products.
I remember buying 3.5” floppies from Japan and from Taiwan. The Japanese were quieter did not give errors far superior to the Taiwanese.

我记得我曾从日本和台湾(地区)购买过 3.5 英寸软盘。日本的软盘更安静,几乎没有错误,远远优于台湾(地区)的。

Japan stuck in the 80s, their 80s was 100years more advanced than our 80s.
Taiwan took the crown for Semi conductors manufacturing


However there is a military cooperation.


United States: promotes the free and competitive market and economy. (Tiny footnote: unless we loose in that competition)


Just by looking at the comments section, you can see why Japan is ruined. There is no improvement to be as proud of as a man. Korea overtook Japan in a much worse situation


suppression and not only in japan, see olivetii in italy.


Much to the dismay of Intel, which found out too late vertical integration model do not work. Curiously, the Chinese, with their supply chain strategy, seem to be winning...


Because semiconductors got way too complex and no longer can one country can produce a modern semiconducting microchip, it's basically globalism incarnate with all the exotic materials and licensed tech needed from around the world. To incredibly simplify it, Taiwan does lithography, the US does R&D and the actual chip specs and designs, europe designs and makes the machinery that actually does the lithography, plus you need materials from every corner of the globe and then you need to highly refine those materials. Japan did eek out a role in the globalist chip industry and refines some of those materials, in fact they're the only place refineries for some of these materials exist.


Kinda ironic because if not for those sanctions Toshiba would actually make SSDs by now at least their HDD is still doing good surprizingly even tho Intel DOES make SATA 3 SSD which is very slow for todays standards their storage size is not that good

有点讽刺,如果没有那些制裁,东芝现在至少能做固态硬盘(SSD),不过他们的硬盘驱动器(HDD)还是做得不错,令人惊讶的是,尽管英特尔确实做SATA 3 SSD,但它对于今天的标准来说非常慢,存储容量也不大。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Japan have to setup manufacturing units at India, for better trade.


Because Japanese investors would rather invest into Taiwan and China the last 2 decades.
Now the tide is very different.


Japan is a country very slow for changing and development! Things and minds delay a long time to change and improove!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Main reason was not USA. Main reason was Japanese culture. They are not flexible. They always stick to the old way. If They had innovated continuously, They could overcome USA's hindrance.


I hate sony, never give you everything at once. Always need to buy everything seperately and with expensive prices.


The US was in a trade war with Japan in the 1980s and wanted to protect its own industries. It wasn't just in chip manufacturing either as the headlines were mostly centered on the "unfair" Japanese auto exports that hurt American automakers. So Japan was forced to sign the Plaza Accords and overinflate the yen relative to the dollar, which made its exports expensive and uncompetitive.

20 世纪 80 年代,美国与日本爆发了贸易战,希望保护自己的产业。这不仅仅是在芯片制造领域,新闻头条大多集中在日本“不公平”的汽车出口损害美国汽车制造商的利益上。所以,日本被迫签署《广场协议》,使日元相对于美元过度升值,导致其出口变得昂贵且失去竞争力。

Summary : usa, because afraid that japan has surpassed them
They now doing same to China


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