2024-11-20 不要可乐 8301

Malaysia has been stuck as a middle-income nation for decades. Will it finally break this curse?


Personally I think Malaysia can develop better if less corruption, less extremist politician and maintain the multi culture society which make Malaysia so unique in the world.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Corruption & increasing Extremism are the biggest challenges in front of Malaysia.


This is because of the bumiputera system in Malaysia, as the government diversify most of the resources and money into subsiding and supporting the bumiputera malays. Most of the public enterprise, banks, energy sector, electronic sectors, automobiles, logistics were given quota to the malay rather than merits.


Because the leaders have become more and more religious. They do this to gain support and remain in power. Even parents are complaining islamic indoctrination of children in schools took more time than studying what matters most like science and mathematics.


Because of corruption and mismanagement malaysia can't move further to become tiger.


Because of idiocracy. Dumb people running the country, while the smart ones get out.


Four economic tigers from the 70s, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia. Three successful countries are govern by those with Chinese-like features and majority Confucianism beliefs. The one left far behind is govern by malay muslim stock. Obvious right?


With the announcement of the budget 2025, I believe the citizens will face serious inflation and CPI rise and this could have more negative impacts to our economy....


As a singaporean, I respect and love our Malaysian brethren, despite their lackluster government. I believe they have the potential and are on track to become a powerhouse in today’s economics where the west falters. SEA should unite and work together to fight against these turbulent times.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Islam is the commonality among Malaysia, Indonesia, and southern Philippines, which are relatively underperforming economies. This is why China had reeducated all of their Islam believers


Using Malay as a first language in schools, how could they keep up with the world and technology?


LKY : They are prepared to shrink the talent pool just to keep one race dominant.
How to be competitive if they do not practise meritocracy.


IRAN, AFGHANISTAN, SAUDI ARABIA, MALAYSIA what was common between them?


Hi-Tech needs more machines than labor. These plans are actually good choices for Malaysia. But if there's no local player, Malaysia will never be becoming a global player...


Austronesians in general love freedom and being laid back hence they are completely unsuitable for modernity. Thus, it also applies to all Malays across Southeast Asia. They never had the busy-bee proclivity and practices of their Chinese counterparts. It's easy to blame corruption but do remember that the government of China is notoriously known for the corruption of its commie party members despite routine capital punishments yet they seemed to carry on economically with stellar results, even South Korea and Japan are surprisingly known for corruption on politics yet they're still able to shine. The difference, really, is that Confucian peoples like Chinese, Koreans, Japanese and Vietnamese love more work while Austronesians love being laid back thanks to the tropics.


Malaysia is a Muslim majority country and like other 56, (57 including Malaysia) there is almost zero contribution to science, technology and medicine and therefore no innovation and progress is upto certain level. All these 57 OIC countries known as organization of islamic countries have just one product to offer and that too came from natural resources and that is Oil Problem is elsewhere. I need not to elaborate, anybody can realise it.


In other countries, if theres a problem you get the chance to question them.
In Malaysia, if theres a problem you questioned them then they will accused you of kiasu, anti Melayu, anti islam.
You hardly can talk about politics and policies peacefully with the other side. Case closed.


I believe recently there’s a lot of IT companies from US investing in Malaysia to become a data center sort of place. However, it’s not so easy to believe they will easily become a developed county as they still need to upgrade their people’s education and skills to handle the work associated with data centers and data services(the meat) to get ahead.


Malaysia may achieve high income nation status but not a fully developed nation.
As long as there is racial politics involved, there will be a laid back attitude from some segment of the population. Some prefer to protect their "right" and become more conservative rather than be more progressive.
It will take another few more decades for the majority of the population to be more mature.


Malaysia is also a country where corruption is endemic where leaders are forever focusing on lining their pockets and not on the long term economic well being of the country....mass amounts of money is being drained from the country's coffers into the pockets of very corrupt politicians. This culture of corruption trickle down to all government departments including the police....so massive amounts of money is also leaked to civil servants. Everyone in the country is not thinking of the country but their own pockets. Plus the fact that English is not the main language of communication and therefore the absorption of western science and technology is poor making the transition to a high income country based on innovation difficult.


Too much politics based on racial and religious issues than to tackle the everyday live issues. Many politicians are short sighted and only care for their self interests. Malaysia can never achieve high quality society if continue on this path. Maybe, Sarawak can, based it's foresight in educations, science, social and religious acceptance among Sarawakians and not based on racial and religious sentiments.


LOL. Many malayisans tot they were an Asian Tiger in the 1990s. I dun recall there was a 5th tiger.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Everyday they talked 3Rs and nothing concrete. They stole all the wealth and showed off. So they are good for nothing

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I would say it is still way more powerful than Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia but weaker than Singapore.


Malaysia is more focus on speaking bahasa and religious studies... Economic developments is secondary.


The main reason Malaysia failed in competing with Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea etc is because of the racist policies and laws implemented and written into laws of Malaysia. Father of racist policy like Mahatir, is still very much alive and kicking..
No respect for meritocracy. In fact racism in Malaysia is worst than South Africa.


With respect, Malaysia needs Meritocracy as opposed to race based jobs and university placement .
Many of its brightest and best have historically left the country for better educational and professional opportunities.


As an Indonesian living in Malaysia, I would say Malaysia will be a developed country in the upcoming years. Malaysia will be able to maximize their potential when they are able to get rid all of the segregation, racism, and incompetent politicians out of the equation. Both Indonesia and Malaysia could also benefit from a clear separation between politics and religion, as this would likely contribute to more inclusive and forward-looking societies.


As a Malaysian, I am optimistic that my country is on the right track to become high income nation under the leadership of Anwar.


It's ridiculous to always including Singapore as comparation. Singapore is practically a city-nation. The fair comparation of Singapore is Hong kong, or Monaco or every other city-nation.


Malaysia becoming a powerhouse...???? You must be joking. The basic foundation for any country's development is EDUCATION. With its half backed education system which is a bahasa Melayu education system where even over 90% of its educated Malay population unable to find work in the corporate world coupled with massive, massive corruption that bleeds the country's coffers and reputation as the most corrupted country in Asia and the instability of the governing political environment with the introduction of Hudud and sharia laws that are shying away major investment one can only forsee where Malaysia is heading. To put it bluntly a FAILED STATE which it is already half way there..


Corruption, Corruption and Corruption. It is hard wired into the Malay DNA that many dont think its wrong at all. Ao it's hard to change malaysia just accept it


Malaysia's digital drive with Cyberjaya was ahead of its time but lack of strategic policies, experienced resources(including bringing in overseas talent) and lack of innovation mindset became stumbling blocks...


His narrative was based on very old old old informations (1970s).

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In recent years, Taiwanese businessmen have actively deployed in Singapore and Malaysia. I think Malaysia is a country with potential.
Malaysians should not belittle themselves


Malaysia focus more on equity for her people. Its ok... its better than ending up like Yugoslavia.


As an Indonesian which is poorer than Malaysia, 1 thing my country do better than them is lack of racial division. Malaysia wasted their significant Chinese population that is well disciplined, educated and wealthy under their racist policies in the name of religion and Malay superiority.


What is being proposed at the end of the video is a regurgitation of previous policy : indeed it was the closed markets of China ( before WTO accession ) that forced semiconductor and computer accessory assembly of foreign multinational products here and gave a semblance of progress to the country using foreign technology. The situation is repeating itself , this time thru supposed hostility of the West to China that is bringing back the multinationals under the same paradigms as decades back when China was excluded. High value production based on innovation is culture dependent: Malaysia, ( a product of European imperialism) lacks certain cultural factors in segments of the population that allows for value attribution, non prejudice, zero corruption , rule of law, equality before the law, cooperation, discipline , patience and rationality that is required for higher level activities where most attempts at novelty will fail first time round. Perseverance in addition to critical thinking , cooperation, trust and value attribution towards others are required . And so far no official policy has addressed these issues.


It needs to be Inclusive. The policy of malay first is obsolete. Minorities were ignored for decades.


Malaysia should let migrated Malaysians and their children to come back home.
Make I to iteasy and welcoming home young talents with money home to improve Malaysia


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Malaysia doesn’t fall under developed economies. But somehow the quality of life is equal if not better than most countries including Singapore. There are extensive rail network, metro, highways, many high-rise condominiums and landed-houses, high usage of motor vehicles, many live performances and concerts from foreign countries. I think prices of goods and services are artifically lowered through subsidies of fuel. The government is slowly removing the subsidies and start to push the country into high-income threshold category where the population has to start mastering high-value skill that require STEM subjects.


You didn't tell the full story. Two underlying reasons why Malaysia didn't fully realize its potential is because of corruption and the racial-centric government policies. You said Malaysia failed to make the leap from low cost manufacturing to high end knowledge based economy. That's because the native Malay race has been given special racial privileges over other races like the Chinese and Indians in education and commerce, at the expense of meritocracy. As a result the nation lost many intelligent and capable citizens to other countries. eg. the inventor of the pendrive was actually a Chinese Malaysian but he studied in Taiwan and has his business based there.


Please note that the non-Malay population was significantly large when the country became independent making up nearly half of the population.
But because of the racial privileges given to the native Malays, many of them left for other countries especially to Singapore. Many people would know that Singapore was once a state in Malaysia but with a Chinese majority population. It was expelled because of the Malaysian government and Singapore state government did not see eye to eye on the Malay-centric policies pushed by the central government. Today Singapore has left Malaysia far behind economically and is one of the richest countries in the world. Ask yourself why Singapore with little land and no natural resources but with a Chinese majority population (who were technically 'former Malaysians') manage to develop faster and further than Malaysia with so much natural resources but suppressing half it's own non-Malay population. Another factor is the corruption and cronyism taking place in Malaysia.


Many of the large conglomerates were given to cronies of the government leaders. They were also virtual monopolies. Their profit model was to provide uncompetitive products and services but use government policies to cut out not just local competition but also foreign competition. As a result, you get tons of fat bloated companies where the management and employees know that they can get away with providing shoddy products and services because of the captive local market. If they can't even compete with foreign companies in their own home market without government assistance, how are they going to compete against foreign companies in overseas markets. Two examples are MAS (the national airline) and Proton (the national car manufacturer)


it is a tall order with the emphasis on religion and race.


Any country that is so highly religious it's always the ultimate cause of being not competitive in this world.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I am Vietnamese, I think Malaysia will be the next country in Southeast Asia to escape the middle income trap. Their internal government functions better than the Philippines when the country has too much inequality between rich and poor, and they exploit their strategic geographical location more effectively than Thailand when this country plans a canal project for more than 250 years but it is only on paper. And their economic activities are not as rigid as Indonesia when the country requires too much investment capital from Apple and they unilaterally block Chinese e-commerce sites in a non-market way. Their human development index is better than Vietnam, when my country's labor productivity is still low and they are not self-sufficient in high-tech industries such as semiconductors, and they are not dependent on another large country like Cambodia, when the country only knows how to rely on neighboring countries to survive. Malaysia is the most multi-ethnic country in Southeast Asia, but they are not divided into ethnic groups like Myanmar when a country has many problems to become an independent country.


growing islamic extremism is one of the main reasons


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