2024-11-21 熊猫永不为奴 3947


What’s weird is that once upon a time, kids were actually allowed to take guns to school. Yet between 1903 and 1966, there were only 3 incidents of mass shootings recorded; apparently this sort of stuff didn’t take off till the 90s. I wonder what’s really changed?


Travis Smith
@Darryl Rakha America has background checks as well try again

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Richard Nguyen what background check ....an 18 year old can come and buy military grade 'semi automatic' AR 15 with 300+ rounds ....no questions asked.
Why such military grade wepon is being sold openly...you should ask your country senator

什么背景调查……一个18岁的人可以来购买军用级别的300+发半自动AR 15……好吧,我没其他问题问了。

@Everything's Eventual let more kids life be taken for hostage just for the sake of 2nd amendment and gun rights???

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kurnia Lim
@Richard Nguyen background check is like you have criminal record or not, well a criminal was a non criminal until they do criminal. Here in Indonesia gun is not allowed but it's possible to own it, however need lot of paper and test, that include psychology test and emotion stability test.
Gun produce taxes, that's why they won't banned it. US live by selling guns and war. Well, at least you have freedom but live in fear.


Everything's Eventual
@gdatta99 you do know that if you tally up all the deaths from school shootings from the beginning of 1900 to now, compare the percentage of just the existing gun owners; it's less than 1%.
I don't know if you know this, but over 393 million others use it responsibly.
393 million people should give up their 2nd amendment righ because of a few?
Your fear is illogical.


Everything's Eventual
@Moumuoo o.o they define a mass shooting as one person getting shot. There has not been 200 mass shooting wow please tell me you're not that silly.
If that's true, than why hasn't Detroit been labeled to have mass shooting, or the south Bronx? All violent deaths is appalling but what I said was based on actual mass shootings.


The local magic Toaster
@Thanos Are you suggesting metal detectors and police for a school? We wouldn’t need that if guns weren’t so easy to obtain in the US and school shootings were a thing in the past.


@Everything's Eventual school security varies by how much income that particular area gets especially with public schools and have varied regulations for these things in the u.s. that being said there should be locks on doors like you said and that is a standard but not every school uses IDs and all of that due to school underfunding. I can't speak on behalf of private schools but i can say that about public schools.


Plenty of countries allow citizens to own guns. As usual, the "ban guns!!!" crowd have no idea what they're talking about


It's all talk no actions, there won't be any real change. This is America after all


It is really sad to say, but you are right. It was happened before, it is happened today and no one do anything to prevent tragedies again.


Even if they attempt to change something people will complain and want guns and such , is just that at this point whichever side ur on, both will have people against it


oreo icecream
America love their guns wild west


@하느님진 there will always be ppl complaining regardless. But I'm sure the majority of citizens want to put an end to school shootings right?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Qwkl yes but then there's also those who r gun owners or have their own beliefs and want rights to be able to own one and such ,


yea, playing with people's life through weapons & healthcare, two of the most lucrative businesses there, so wouldn't be surprised if there's little to no change

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

yep all the clowns are coming out to do their acts sweet talk talk talk nothing will be done , very sad for the American people.


@Qwkl gun selling contributes to the economy buddy, no matter where you sold it, even at your friendly neighbour's backyard.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Foxycon90 thats probably the mindset of a lot of wealthy people in America right now ironically


Daniel Wong
It is not once or twice, is happening over and over again. My heart goes to those parents griefings for their loved ones. Is such a sad day for all.


Zoo Kee
And they still have the right to criticeze other countries "human rights". Pathetic, I feel sorry for all who died with lunatics who can afford guns


Vasandas Devi Chidambram
Deepest condolences to all the parents who lost their love ones with Peace and Strength to move forward. To all the children ( souls) who suddenly have to depart for their next journey of life with Peace Love and Happiness. To answer the questions is not easy but those who are watching America knows the Government is not really putting efforts in action to change the law when comes to weapons. The ones who are paying the lost of lives are the innocent ones. How difficult can it be to change the law on weapons. "Well there is a saying that weapons are created not for showcase but to destroy their own people. " Om Shanti

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nemu Mami
I hope Americans wake up from this and realize it isn’t just the mental health issue or an issue restricting their freedom but, it’s as simple as making it harder for the horrible ones to use a tool and making it a weapon to hurt innocents.


Japan's process for buying a gun requires an interview with the police about why you need a gun, a psych uation, 3 different permits and a background check that includes interviews of family and neighbors.. something US needs to learn from Japan.


Infiltrator_ 9423
The US should implement better gun laws and I’m sure the senate is already moving on this as they’ve purposed the red flag legislation just today.


"calls for actions"
I've heard this line many times before when this kind of accident happened but nothing has changed yet.


As an Australian… I have no words. Americans will never learn.


Alan Yam
As grandparents to 4 lovely children, we are indeed very very sad with the tragedy and the many many mass shootings quite recently!!!
Just waiting to read in the media of the next one!! So so sad!!


As a student in the United States, I thought the Parkland High shooting would be enough to make a change but really it didn’t. This keeps on happening and nothing is changing. Makes me very disappointed in this country because I already thought about immigrating to another country because I don’t want to have my children in the future to go through this.


FenriZz Shorts
Imagine schools actually doing their job and helping out bullied children, until then this is their punishment. But for the devastated families it is horrendous tragedy RIP.


This happens so frequently that it is no surprise anymore. I just hear a lot of talk each time but no action.


Himanshu Garg
This is so tragic, my heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families who have lost their precious children. There's no ceasing of gun violence, many have lost their lives, America should tweak the gun policy to stop the killing of innocents.


S. Chaisrisuk
This is America. A society beyond any imagination.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tribal World
America is going down Socially, Economically, Institutionally, Culturally and Morally.


Hue Hue
America is a real life documentary. it's so simple yet so complicated. if only they see it from our point of view.


ED Zen
What a "peaceful" country to live in, always talking about human rights and freedom , too much freedom. rest in peace innocent ones


Haru Krentz
Its beyond sickening to see something like this happen again and again and again without politicians had guts to resolve it.


Sushant Gurung
Hearty condolences May all taken rest in peace there should be “No Gun “ policy…it is so easy to access guns..doesn’t matter if the person is sane or insane!!!!!


Deon Lee
I don’t care if the murderer/ perpetrator has mental issue, terrorist background, anger management, or whatever reason you can think of, with gun ban can you expect mass shooting? simple logic
Look at the other countries with gun ban, do you see kids mass shooting?


Erik Ooi
We share the deceased family's sadness, mourning and grief.
Political leaders All talks, no actions later.
Congress, Senate, President all talks, as American lives, young and old perishing day by day!
American politicians just dramatize, nothing will change as American politics = $$$ first!!!
If a Nation is to declined, this is one clear symptons.
I share the grief, heart breaks and pains, imagine if those killed is your children.
America, your path to militarism is destroying your society.Keep up the debate.. yak yak yak... American lives, young and old keep perishing day by day!

美国政客只会雷声大雨点小,什么都不会改变,因为美国政治= 美元优先!

Detective Tacco
america is old , its started to deteorate. we don't need people say about the suffering that their parents had to endure. rather we need people to actually fight. fight for the people, fight for our next generation


Achet kichu
If everyone was like me there would be complete peace. And everyone would also be dumb as well.
Jokes aside, my condolences to the families who lost their loved ones.


Brigs Plays Genshin Impact (BPGI)
First Condolence to the family.
To the government, people would suggest arming teachers? parents allowed to bring guns to school? We have a country that allows its citizens to arm and yet this happens?


chrysller ryu
and you mock other countries about security when you can't even secured your own country against your own citizens. Too much freedom leads to too much iresponsibility.


Saint Attila
The fact that there are still resistance towards stricter gun control proves that american gun owners love their guns more than the safety of their neighbors kids

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hector Dc
Really inhumane I can't imagine if this happens to my child, Just pray for the parents.guns in US are not for self protection, instead,it's to attack innocent


American logic: No to masks. Yes to guns.


Matalinong Tsunggo
that was the most powerful speech from any President I heard off for decades.


Ella Me
Here in is sooooo difficult to get a license for a gun and some parts of cities they banned guns..


lans kie
40 billion dollars to aid war in Ukraine what a lovely speech by the president i almost cried when i look at his face ..


MKI Malhara
We cannot but feel uneasy about the losses caused by humanity themselves. Apart from the losses of life and property in destructive wars, the environment and natural resources are also being destroyed by human hands.


andTheStory Begins
Well, what can you expect when your country is living off of selling weapons. Whether it'd be another country or their own citizens, it seems for them they're just all consumers to fill their pockets.


Honestly they should be more strict on who can own guns


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