2024-11-25 程奇奇 9213

The Next Global Superpower Isn't Who You Think | Ian Bremmer | TED


Who runs the world? Political scientist Ian Bremmer argues it's not as simple as it used to be. With some eye-opening questions about the nature of leadership, he asks us to consider the impact of the evolving global order and our choices as participants in the future of democracy.

谁在统治世界?政治学家伊恩-布雷默(Ian Bremmer)认为这并不像过去那么简单。他对领导力的本质提出了一些令人大开眼界的问题,要求我们思考不断演变的全球秩序的影响,以及我们作为未来民主参与者的选择。

No matter who is in power; the world is losing morality, we are becoming polarised and greed is the new superpower.


If we are going by the term "greed" then that's always been the case. Since the time of the inception of human cooperation in what we call "civilization".


Summary: Bremmer argues that we now live in a leaderless world, but he predicts that the future will consist of three overlapping orders a unipolar security order dominated by the US, a multipolar economic order with various influential players, and a digital order shaped by technology companies.


"...The US increasingly didnt want to be the world's policeman, or the architect of global trade, or even the cheerleader for global values..." said without even a hint of irony! Amazing!

“......美国越来越不想成为世界警察,不想成为全球贸易的设计师,甚至不想成为全球价值观的啦啦队长...... "说这话时,他甚至没有一丝讽刺意味!太神奇了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

isn't this true? Americas seem to think foreign wars aren't good, nor getting involved in other governments much.


I am from Amsterdam, Netherlands, so some of my experiences may be a little different from most of you here.
When I was in my teens, I was a punk and DIY was a very important part of it. This was in sharp contrast with the disco-kids, who were following fashion as much as they could. As a disco-kid you had to wear either Nikes or Adidas, Cool Cat, Kappa, etc etc. When I look back at this, it feels like if we were in some giant social research program. As if we were studied to see how easily we would adopt brands. How we would embrace a certain brand of shoes and next tell everybody about how much better these new shoes were. It turned out we were largely willing to be advertisement poles. We actually thought we were part of a higher species if we were able to buy the more expensive brands. I think this is where it all started.
If I look at how willing people are to buy a new smartphone by Apple or Samsung and spend an incredible amount of money on a device, while you have exactly the same functions in a device which is ⅓ of the price, but doesn't have the brandname on it. And when you point this out to them, they will defend their choices with a lot of religious sounding reasons, as if they are Jehowa Witnesses. Sometimes these more expensive phones have options that maybe handy, but it turns out they are hardly ever used. Or they want these highly annoying digi-watches, that are so convenient. I really hate it when I am together with someone, who's constantely checking his wrist. Back in the days, when you looked at your wrist, it meant you were getting bored, and were trying to use time to get away. Sometimes you don't even need such a watch. People are always staring at their screens, and I feel like shouting: "Hey, I am here!!! In real life! On the seat next to you!" But there's always something "important" they are afraid to miss.
Then on these phones there are apps. People hardly ever check what kind of personal information is stored by the companies that make those apps. I remember the conspiracy thinkers during Corona, who were afraid the government were to inject chips in them through the vaccination program. While those same conspiracists walked around with a smartphone in their pockets.
People accept cookies without giving it a second thought. Why do you think there's so much money involved in these tracking-companies. And why are there so many of these companies. And moreover, WTF is Legitimate Interest?
Last week my (dutch) bank send me a notice. They're going to stop "contact free payment" and replace it with "google pay". Why on earth do they think I would like some company like google, to serve my payments? Google already knows more than enough about me, and they have no right to peek into my spendings to personalize advertisement (which I think it the whole idea). But I am fairly sure that just about everybody will accept this because they either don't really think about the consequences or feel like they are powerless.
To cut a long story short: it is just us humans, addicted to consumerism and supposed luxury, who gave all the power to these companies.

看看人们是多么愿意购买苹果或三星的新款智能手机并在设备上花费令人难以置信的巨额资金,而你的设备拥有完全相同的功能,价格却只有它的⅓,但却没有品牌名称。当你向他们指出这一点时,他们会用很多听起来像宗教一样的理由为自己的选择辩护,好像他们是耶和华的见证人一样。有时,这些更贵的手机会有一些可能很方便的功能,但事实证明这些功能几乎用不上。或者,他们想要那些非常令人讨厌但却非常方便的数字手表。我真的很讨厌和一个人在一起时,他总是不停地看自己的手腕。在过去,当你看着自己的手腕时,就意味着你开始感到无聊并试图利用看时间来逃避。有时,你甚至不需要这样一块手表。人们总是盯着他们的屏幕,我觉得自己就像在大喊:“嘿,我在这里!!在现实生活中!就在你旁边的座位上!” 但他们总是害怕错过一些“重要”的东西。

" It used to be just nature and nurture determining our identities , now its nature, nurture & Algorithms " Well said !!


There was one incident in Bangalore, India, where in a man from one community responded by mocking another persons religion as his was mocked by this other person, it all happened on Facebook, soon the posts were shared rapidly, one community took major offence and burnt down an entire police station because of all this, that is what social media can do

在印度班加罗尔发生的一起事件中,一个社区的男子以嘲笑另一个人的宗教作为回应,因为他的宗教遭到了另一个人的嘲笑,这一切都发生在 Facebook 上,很快这些帖子就被迅速分享,一个社区因此感到非常愤怒并烧毁了整个警察局,这就是社交媒体的威力。

Humans did this long before electronic or digital social media. Newspapers were the new technology once and long before that, the good old fashioned grapevine.


We are getting to the point where we can’t trust ANYTHING we see online anymore. Words, pictures or videos. Very, very scary!!


Propaganda has existed for decades, you have always needed a filter when reading a news source


As a Russian, who is constantly confronted with the propaganda of the United States and Ukraine, which has nothing to do with how things really happen in my country and how people live here, I have long understood this...


Professors Martin Gilens (Princeton University) and Benjamin I. Page (Northwestern University) looked at more than 20 years worth of data to answer a simple question: Does the government represent the people?
Their study took data from nearly 2000 public opinion surveys and compared it to the policies that ended up becoming law. In other words, they compared what the public wanted to what the government actually did. What they found was extremely unsettling: The opinions of 90% of Americans have essentially no impact at all.

马丁-吉伦斯(Martin Gilens)教授(普林斯顿大学)和本杰明-佩吉(Benjamin I. Page)教授(西北大学)研究了20多年的数据,回答了一个简单的问题:政府是否代表人民?

It has already become difficult for us to accept the concept of democracy, considering that for some time now, rulers are not actually chosen for their administrative abilities, but for their influence. The fact is that "democracy" is, in practice, a choice exercised by the owners of financial power, enhanced with the rise of bigtechs.


It's interesting to hear this lecture. The funny thing that you did not mention is that none of these so-called powerful individuals, groups, governments, know what will happen in the next five (5) minutes. So, people worry about what those who are not in charge will do, whilst completely ignoring who is in complete control. Amazing!


Even before technology, multi-nationals were separate uncontrollable power. Tech has made that stronger.


I remember while getting my MBA over 45 years ago, the author of the book, "The Global Reach", lectured at our graduate school and said pretty much the same thing as Ian just said about multi-national corporations. Bought the book and poured over it at the time. What it and Ian stated has been progressing all this time, and quite possibly will come completely true some day. After being around as long as I have, I highly doubt I'll still be alive when it happens though.


We’re screwed. I’m 70 and all I see are people only interested in money and power. Narcissism is at an all time high. I’m not optimistic about the future.


I find the argument of the digital companies acting as a third power pole and, at the same time, a medium very convincing, but I think that their power is less guaranteed than what he suggests. Technology companies rely on infrastructure and investment that can be monopolised or meddled with by states. The Chinese internet, for example, or deep sea fiber optic cables that can be destroyed by the a navy.


To be a superpower you have to be a team - not politically fractured. To be a superpower all segments of the economy have to work to improve the country - not tear it down or cash out healthy companies for a payday putting millions out of work. Soldiers have to believe in what they are fighting for. Soldiers have to know their country has their back. Citizens must believe in their country and shed a tear now and again when national anthem is played. Personally, I feel the United States is struggling on all these requirements.


We have lost control of ideologies, what we think of each other, and our humanity due to technology. Everyone thinks they are on the outside looking in and it really astounds me how far off the average person is. This was a really good Ted talk.


This is a hot take. This government has been nowhere near the idea of letting other countries be, we've tried to dominate the world


As a computer scientist, I disagree to an extent. While technology has an overwhelming level of control over ideologies and politics, a technology company cannot function without electricity, headquarters, network, and servers. Now guess who has control over these resources, governments! I think the control of a tech company will have to align with the host country, which brings us back to the unipolar or bipolar world where a lot of compute resources were assigned to certain few countries from the start.


I think there needs to be a strong global regulatory frxwork set in place to hold big tech accountable and prevent them from exerting undue power over our societies, and also prevent them from becoming convenient tools for authoritarians. Though obviously that is much easier to say than to do.


During the revolution of my native Argentina for independence from Spain, there was a phrase that became famous: "we, the people, need to know what this is about", and I think it is very applicable to the intent of digital companies regarding their methods and data nowadays.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

These predictions are based on his views and perspective of current trajectories. We've never really experienced anything like this before, so in short, we really don't know what it means, how it will impact us, how quickly we will advance... An exciting time, but the unknown is scary.

这些预测基于他对当前发展轨迹的看法和观点。我们从未真正经历过这样的事情,所以简而言之,我们真的不知道这意味着什么,会对我们产生怎样的影响,我们的进步会有多快...... 这是一个激动人心的时刻,但未知也是可怕的。

After hearing the initial statement claiming that the US had no intention of exerting control over the world, I began to doubt the validity of everything said thereafter.


BRICS seeks to create a new currency, considering gold's historical role as a store of value and medium of exchange. However, the functionality and acceptance of a gold-backed currency in the current global financial system are uncertain. Creating a new currency requires careful consideration of economic, political, and logistical factors.


Government can also be a big player in digital order. One example is the Unified Payment Initiative (UPI) introduced by Indian Government owned Reserve Bank of India. It made Indians use more digital transactions than many other developed countries together. UPI so successful, many other countries want to use it.

政府也可以成为数字秩序的重要参与者。印度政府所有的印度储备银行推出的统一支付倡议(UPI)就是一个例子,它使印度人使用的数字交易量超过了许多其他发达国家的总和。UPI 如此成功,许多其他国家也想使用它。

This has all happened before: newspapers, radio and television served the same purpose of controlling what the masses think. I think the words of Marshall McLuhan will resonate for a surprisingly long time to come.

这一切以前都发生过:报纸、广播和电视都有同样的目的,那就是控制大众的想法。我认为马歇尔-麦克卢汉(Marshall McLuhan)的话在未来很长一段时间内都会引起人们的共鸣。

AI is simultaneously the greatest advancement of human potential and the greatest risk to human culture. We will absolutely not get it right the first time, and we will suffer the consequences. It will be a process to get the situation under control, and there is some chance the effort will fail. Best of luck, humanity.


Ian Bremmer dramatically plays up the importance of tech companies in this ted talk. It's like he's trying to reassure the messianic vanity of tech CEOs currently in the room. He literally says that if it weren't for tech companies Ukraine would have already lost to Russia which feels a little like a slap in the face to all the people who are currently dying fighting to keep Ukraine sovereign.

伊恩-布雷默(Ian Bremmer)在这篇Ted演讲中夸大了科技公司的重要性。他好像在试图安抚在场科技公司首席执行官们的救世主般的虚荣心。他简直就是在说如果不是因为科技公司,乌克兰早就输给俄罗斯了,这感觉就像是在打所有正在为维护乌克兰主权而献身的人们的脸。

He’s either misinformed about the Ottawa “trucker riots” as he put it, or his political prejudice is showing. There was no riot, at all. It’s revealing that he didn’t mention the role of technology in fuelling the real riots in the summer of 2020.


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