2024-11-26 龟兔赛跑 14576
CRAZY Elon Musk video went viral in China!

理查德(Awakening Richard):网友用AI将马斯克合成到《龙门飞甲》,这部电影的背景发生在中国的明朝,当时政治内斗,腐败严重,政府受到权力斗争的影响,东厂是明朝皇帝设立,相当于现代的秘密警察,他们受皇帝直接管辖(绕过司法系统),拥有巨大的权力,目的是嗅出后面可能试图伤害并推翻皇帝的民众和异见人士,但是由于他们的权力过大,皇帝又不得不设立一个西厂,以制衡权力;但后来东西两厂都变得腐败,并孤立了皇帝,使其无法管理皇朝,在这部电影中,东西两厂都是坏人。
黑石公司和洛克希德马丁公司就仿佛电影中的太监机构(东西两厂),来追捕“效忠者”——杰佛里 萨克斯等这样的人,这些人是试图解决问题的人,电影中的李连杰是扮演刺客来拯救这些效忠者(防止他们被谋杀),马斯克扮演的角色既准确,又不准确的呈现了美国的现实,因为马斯克打算做一些有利于美国的事,可能有效,也可能无效,或者可能造成更多的内部混乱,这会加速美国的崩溃。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Awakening Richard


Take a look at this new video of Elon Musk!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I like that opening part, hilarious to see Elon in the movie ??


Meaning: With the help of Chinese new establishment the deep state will be rooted out??


We've already seen that movie in Mexico, someone said "to hell with their institutions" and kicked the "corrupt system" in the ass, according to him, but he left something worse and only left a backwardness in the entire nation.


I didn′t fully get it, what′s "Ihya" about?


@RiceaxeGaming Richard is suggesting Elon needs to become a eunuch.


@deanzaZZR you sure? Is it basically a prediction that power struggles will arise in Trump's team among themselves?


It's important to set the record straight about Mexico: thanks to AMLO's presidency, our struggles of the previous 50 years are over and we are now enjoying a much better standard of living across the nation. He left the presidency with a 60+ % of approval, took 15 million people out of poverty, our currency became one of the top 5 strongest agains the dollar, and most importantly, he brought back pride and hope to all of us mexicans. AMLO was loved not only by 3 or 4 out of every 5 mexicans, but also widely respect and admired by most foreign country leaders, including Trump. Sure enough, there will always be those who will cry fould like @Vamparano, mostly from having lost their free lunches, easy money and perks they enjoyed from previous grossly corrupt administrations

澄清一下关于墨西哥的事实非常重要:多亏了安德烈斯·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯·奥布拉多尔(Andrés Manuel López Obrador,墨西哥的第58任总统)的领导,我们过去50年的困境已经结束,全国人民的生活水平大幅提升。他以超过60%的支持率结束了总统任期,帮助1500万人脱离贫困,我们的货币成为了全球五大最强货币之一,对美元表现优异。最重要的是,他为我们所有墨西哥人带回了自豪感和希望。AMLO不仅深受五分之三或五分之四的墨西哥人喜爱,还得到了包括特朗普在内的许多外国领导人的广泛尊重和钦佩。当然,总会有像@Vamparano这样的人会哭诉不公,他们大多因为失去了以前的腐败政府时期的免费午餐和特权,不再能够轻松赚钱了。

Always interesting. Much appreciated.


so history does repeat with a twist.


What I like in your channel, Richard, is that you spot on the essence of the things. A fresh look from another perspective. Not trying to indoctrinate but rather making to think over. Meanwhile sharing the rich Chinese history. Now that the world is changing rapidly one of the problems that I find in the Western intellectual narrative is that it is so culturally limited that it hardly can overcome the colonial syndrome. Centuries of Western domination made the world exposed to the European culture much deeper than the West exposed to the Eastern mindsets. Yes, the Jesuists, British and Americans have done good job in studying foreign cultures but mostly for elites and intelligence purposes. You are one of the few who are making steps to fill the gap at the basic level of common people.


Shahid Bolsen said that Western people go from one extreme to another extreme, they never follow the middle path. E Lon is going to the other extreme.

沙希德·博尔森(Shahid Bolsen,美国地缘政治分析家)说,西方人从一个极端走向另一个极端,他们从不遵循中庸之道。埃隆正在走向另一个极端。

In fighting among the elites. Good analysis . Does life imitate art? We'll see.


Some of the most able emperors in Chinese history are not the most well known. Some come across as mediocre, or even weak at first glance. But then you realize it was intentional: They would turn a blind eye to all the crazy in-fighting, pretend to be weak, or if gutsy enough even encourage it from behind the curtain. Eventually one faction would come out on top, destroying not just their enemies but also the emperor's oppositions. But these winners, eunuchs or officials, also accumulate a bad rap in the process. They are easily blamed for everything, from famine to invasions to economic downturn by the people. It is then the emperor conveniently sweeps in and gets rid of the "bad" guys. The smartest emperors are the ones who consolidates his power without getting any of the blames. I wonder if Elon Musk knows what he's getting into.


LOLOL Elon's head inflated another 200%


If you deal with Americans, then you must imperatively think about the proverbial forked tongue issue of Americans in general.


We’re bringing back the warring kingdoms


The accurate part of this video highlights the establishment of new institutions to replace existing ones, posing two main issues: firstly, the turbulence arising from the transition between old and new institutions; secondly, the requirement for duplicate resources for both new and existing institutions, which would impose an additional burden on the empire.


The inaccuracy lies in portraying all characters in the video as eunuchs, when in fact, the equivalent group is LGBT. Both are presented as replacements for the deep government's control over power. The film's protagonists also represent a form of deep government, whose operational logic bears similarities to that of the U.S. deep state. Both derive their power from a specific individual and lack descendants to inherit their political legacy. While LGBT individuals are capable of having children, and ancient eunuchs could also father children, adoption or becoming eunuchs after childbirth are not viable options for inheriting political influence. Additionally, both share a commonality as a pathway for swift social mobility across classes.


of course, the lgbt community I am referring to here refers to those who profit from this issue and enter politics. ordinary lgbt people are always victims, which is also the reason why they can go to such extreme lengths. The current anti LGBT wave was called the Anti Eunuch Party in the Ming Dynasty.


elon was also very popular among my relatives in china. ??


Good laugh, nothing like a sense of humour. Chances of reform? Well I hate to be pessimistic, but have to be realistic. Trajectory is set and diverting the arrow of history is going to be really difficult. So if the nukes don't get us the climate will, man if only the stakes weren't so high!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

wtf is that Musk video this is diabolical lol


I think a lot of good, influential material is partly just a joke. And it's hard to tell when the reality ends and the joke begins.
But still, the part I don't get is, why should Musk become a eunuch? Maybe it's a joke about his distant 'son' transitioning from male to female. Or maybe it's a simpler analogous thing like accepting some limit or control to go further in politics, like the eunuchs helping the king feel less threatened anatomically. Or I don't know, I'm not Chinese, I don't understand exactly why the king made them eunuchs anyway.


I love the elegance of this channel ...


Dragon gate movie rating is so low 5.9


It's really not that good. Its 1992 prequel, however, is a must watch. With no CGI, the movie starred Maggie Cheung, Bridgette Lin, Tony Leong and even a young Donnie Yuen playing one of the best villains in HK cinema history.


Be careful Elon


Elon so Chinese


Not gonna lie, I'll binge watch that if it's a tv series. Did anyone see the guy sneaking inside Elon's robe before he sat down?


Serves as a chair for Elon


this video attributes too much wisdom to Elon Musk. He is not a mandarin educated in Confucianism he is just an extremely confused and ignorant person about how a nation's government works.


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