2024-11-29 Natsuo 5982

Africa is rich beyond imagination. Blessed with natural resources from arable land, oil, and natural gas to minerals, forests, and wildlife. The continent is jam-packed with a sizable portion of the world’s natural resources, both renewables and non-renewables.
But its present is marred with abject poverty, with 429 million people living beneath the extreme poverty line, roughly a third of the continent’s total population. Today the land might be burgeoning with riches, but the haunting sites most resonant with Africa are those of starving children with vacant eyes getting fed by food aid workers. Why the stark contrast?


Sungapore. The only reason the Chinese were there was because if the British. No British, no Singapore. The leadership of Singapore was British educated and the legal frxwork post colonialisation was English common law. All factors that were the basis of Singapore's success.


Glad to see we are not blindly blaming white people for everything


I think that it boils down to the politicians. If they are very corrupt (as they are here in the US) society stalls and goes down.


A combination of factors results in any issue. It’s not just Europe, or just dictatorial rule, or Marxism… it’s a combination of these and so many other things. It’s important to have a video like this to legitimize all angles of the issue.


If you look more in depth, China still struggles with its food security


I remember having a conversation a few years ago with my Saudi-born Nigerian friend about the backwardness of Africa. We discussed MANY issues weighing down Africa, but at the end we agreed that by far the most contributing factor is the lack of value investment mentality in most African nations. For example, in an impoverished community, if a family farmed a large patch of land, the community's attitude would be to use the crops to stave off immediate hunger instead of growing the farming activity. This African lack of prudent thinking is why Africa is poor and undeveloped.


Europe after the fall of Rome was at tribal warfare. Chieftains fighting chieftains to conquer them and forcing assimilation, becoming petty kings. Petty kings fighting Petty kings conquered and forced assimilation, becoming kings over vast amounts of territory. Centuries later, after a fluid border by marriage, annexation, purchases, etc owned by the monarchs, nation-states were solidified and the borders made static until declared wars.


I wonder what would have happened if Africa had been left to its own devices. Would the various 2000 tribes or ethnic groups have conquered each other, assimilated them, and moved on, wave after wave until there were only 15 kingdoms with fluid borders, and then nation-states and then wars to knock down the number of nation-states to 7?


Singapore was Westernized, most of Africa had proxy wars between the West and the Soviet unx.


Great video, friend. As a Nigerian, it's so refreshing to hear such such an obxtive analysis of Africa and it's issues. So many people just automatically parrot the notion that all our problems are due to colonialism or racism while ignoring more important factors like our geography, climate and sociocultural, political, and economic issues. Thanks for your obxtivity.


Look at Rhodesia they had a stable currency, a thriving, economy, agriculture, industry, hospitals, airports, railroads, universities, paved roads, plenty of clean, water, electricity, air conditioning, plenty of petrol at all the filling stations, fully stocked grocery store, shelves , no trash on the streets, no graffiti on the buildings and then suddenly everything collapsed.
Rhodesia became. ZimmGhetto


it is funny how these countries starve and starve, yet their populations are absolutely booming...


Europe has wasted trillions(yes, really) in development aid for Africa for little to no progress, its definitely not Europe's fault.


A country's wealth is determined by the intelligence and behavior of it's citizens.


Singapore was a British colony, and since its independence, it has done very well for itself. I don't think that I would have used indignation as a word to describe British rule there.
Jamaica was also a British colony with one of the lowest crime rates in the world back in the 60s. Would anyone care to look up the latest crime statistics ? Go and walk around Kingston.

新加坡曾是英国的殖民地,自从独立以来,它发展得很好。我不认为我会用“愤慨”来形容英国的统治。 牙买加也是英国的殖民地,在60年代时,犯罪率是世界上最低的之一。有人愿意查查最新的犯罪统计数据吗?去金斯敦走一走吧

The rich are getting rich off Africa. That’s the truth


Who would have thought Communism / socialism doesn’t work?! If only there was a plethora of historical examples to learn from.


Roughly 55 years ago, a (civil war induced) famine struck a part of Africa; that famine was covered heavily by western media (Biafra crisis).
That media coverage signalled the start of nowadays' industrialized "development aid"; the results of that development aid is basically this:


- population grew from 240mil in 1950 to over 1.3bil. (=roughly x5)
- in this timespan, agriculture grew by 200%. (~x3)
[just to provide numbers for classification: The EU, with not even half the population, produces around twice as much food as the whole african continent.]


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

- Agriculture, up to today, makes up for over 60% of Africa's economy.
In other words: Africans "out-procreate" any growth they can manage to achieve; while (almost) all other regions of Planet Earth at some point of history realized to "only breed what you can feed", that very basic concept never made it's way into Africans' heads: Their economies grow somewhat fast, so does their agricultural production - but their population growth consumes every bit of extra-wealth created, instead leaves the continent with a net-minus in terms of wealth (and food).


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I most admit. This is pretty disingenuous if we are not going to talk about the lasting affects of the arab slave trade, trans Atlantic slave trade, the race for africa which caused fake countries with randomized borders that causes tribal wars and etc. I'm not saying the current population can't be blamed, but you gotta tell the full story just like Haiti.


Island, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Israel… it’s all about the people and their culture, how they value education, hard work and society being trustworthy and without religious indoctrination or tribalism


Unfortunately in Equatorial Guinea, the "richest" country in Africa, pretty much all of the wealth is in the hands of the country's leading family, while most of the population is just as poor as most other Africans.


one only has to compare South Korea in 1960. It was still recovering from the war and very poor compared to many of the African countries that had received their independence at the time.
And how things are now.


Their geogrqphy sucks. They are also geographically isolated, there tends to be vliffs on the coast, and most rivers are not navigable.


The natives have had sub Saharan Africa for 400,000 years and only managed to rise to the technology of building a mud hut.
You cannot blame Europe.


Africa was even underdeveloped before being colonised, Singapore is small and colonial impact was bigger than in Africa, so after gainning independence there was infrastructure, modern institution and an small mass of educated people (westernized), Africa was to big, infrastracture was build here and there, very diverse in terms of population and laguages, after independence most of it fight in all kinds of wars (political, tribal, etc), big corruption, no stability, cultural very different from westerners, even now when they start to build infrastracture they do not have capability on their own they go to Chinese so you have Chinese loans, Chinese technology, Chinese machines, Chinese engineers and skilled workers, Chinese investment goals (they focus infrastracture for their own economic interests like getting resourses/mining), africans to pay the bills.


Same reason Detroit, and other cities in America that's went from Great to getto in a few decades!


What I find more interesting is how people can feel offended when people speak about people who may have some similarity to you but thats all. Because someone calls Africa poor it doesnt mean theyre calling the people bad or poor.


people dont realize how non dense africa is also. its MASSIVE but not a lot of people.


Africa was (and often still is) a continent of hunter-gatherer tribes killing each other with sticks amd selling survivors into slavery. There was no going lower than this in term of civilization. Africa wasn't "broken", it was always a feral place.


Trading routes are the biggest problem. For a continent so large, Africa lacks navigable rivers that prevent any meaningful movement within or for export. Africa also lacks good roads outside some cities and Poor Geography to allow them to be extended. Rail transportation is also poor over long distances and with roads requiring maintenance and guarding from rebel groups. Old tribal rivalries exist and the rebel groups resulting from this overseen by widespread mismanagement just serve to compound the problems.


So basically we went from don’t blame white people to blame black people. Thanks, I’ve learned a lot from this video

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Grains grow in temperate climates, were introduced to Africa within past couple thousand years. Seasonal crops require disciplined planning--otherwise you starve in winter. Different from tropical subsistence farming: food storage is problematic. It takes generations to modify individual responses or tribal cultures. Endemic crime/corruption are examples of learned impulsivity: get it now before it rots or someone else does.


7:00 The equator placement is beyond atrocious, that map is 2D equivalent of crime against humanity.

7:00 那个赤道位置真是糟糕透了,那张地图是2D版的反人类罪行。

The 14th century the Old World was decimated by the Black Death. Our ancestors died by the thousands. Black Africa was protected by the immense Sahara.
Long story short: Black Africa did not interfere or helped the people outside Africa. Which was a blessing in disguise because. For Europe's survivors it was the end of feudalism and the beginning of modern societies.
How inhumane it might seem, intefering in other nations with good intentions can be destructive in the long run.


Did you make this video because of the growing anti-western sentiment in parts of Africa and it’s overall lack of interest in the West vs East beef? It seems like a pretty random video drop not to mention the high amount of half truths and misinformation throughout the video.


and Africa has never had an agriculture problème that's nonsense , all those problems are caused by recent climate change


You guys need to mix the sound a little better. At about 60% of the video it’s hard to hear what the narrator is saying because the music is so loud.


Your treating Africa as one problem when I checked alot of the things here make no sense as southern Africa is the most industrializaed region in Africa but okay be like that


Sorry, but Equatorial Guinea isn't as great example of development in Africa as depicted in this video. Almost entire GDP of Equatorial Guinea is stolen by elite surrounding president Obiang, meanwhile most of population still lives in extreme poverty. In this video is also mentioned that Zimbabwe could feed itself. But not in time of dictator Robert Mugabe when many people were starving and hyperinflation was skyrocketing.


Correction: it isn't completely Europe's fault. You can't ignore the long term effects of colonialism.


Shipping and infrastructure as well as various unsafe and unstable countries not to mention poverty disease and corruption.


Africa suffers from nations with colonial boundaries drawn with no thought to tribe or culture, poor education, and kleptocracies.


The problem with the whole continent is proper investment. The west runs the world's banking system yet does not invest into the infrastructure of the continent. Areas in which investment is applied shows great potential. Just like in the united states the government for decades worked to keep African American communities down by providing welfare type programs as a singular remedy rather than educational, work programs along fair and decent housing. It says little of a culture to beat on its chest and claims its superior rather than be a great culture and show true superior character by being a good neighbor. Its like the Chinese proverb says "give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a life time."
Also corruption is killing the continent as well


Africa's situation is not ONLY Europe's fault, but Europe bears significant blame. The creators of this particular video are VERY lazy with the Asian examples. Unlike in Africa, Singaporean leaders were not repeatedly assassinated by Western intelligence agencies (and replaced with incompetent, pro-West puppets) during the transition out of colonialism. Singapore controls its own currency and therefore was able to control its own economic policies. Many "independent" African nations were forced into accepting European control of their currencies. France STILL manipulates African currencies in a way that prioritizes French interests over African interests. Once again, Africa's situation is not ONLY Europe's fault, but Europe bears significant blame.


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