2024-11-30 童言无忌 5379
Why are the Japanese generally unhappy?


ビニ 田村
After living here for near 3 years (I already came here fluent in the language),what I can say is:
Education- They are not teached about ambition and the importance of skills because here everybody can make a living without any abilities. Their education system is old fashioned and overwhelming,making them hate to study,so that the item above becomes the national way of thinking. I know that because I have worked with education in Japan before.
Work culture - They're mostly “no skills”,so they don't have much to sell other than their time. Companies take advantage of it,specially those that pay slightly well,so that people feel frightened to ever leave such companies and disagree with their bosses. I know that because I've worked on many Japanese companies on many fields,and that happens a lot.
However,my experience here isn't that ordinary as I have many skills and usually get fired out of jealousy and other reasons. My japanese friends are misfits just like me so I can't say much about average Joe's issues


Cindy Hanyuda
I didn’t know it, as far as I see many Japanese in Japan through the news, they seem more happy than many other country people. You may have seen just one or two who are unhappy, but in general, the Japanese are honest good people who you can trust.


Robin Fox
Living here for even a year can show you the answer to that question. Japan’s suicide rate is obvious to anyone who has tried to live and work in Japan.
To put it simply, the work culture here is toxic and dysfunctional. Overwork surprises none of my ex-pat friends anymore. The Japanese attitude is to stay at work until the boss leaves, which is often close to midnight. And then come back to work (often after after-work drinking aka “nominication”) as early as 6 or 7am the next day. There are long commutes, and your work takes over your life to the point that fatherless homes in Japan doesn’t mean divorce - it means the man has a job.
There are also many cultural things which basically make it difficult to vent frustration or express emotion. Japan is very much a culture of bottling things up and not saying what you think or feel. When disagreements happen, typically what happens is someone just pulls rank on you (usually with age or position). Instead of seeing your point and trying to work out a solution, they reiterate their view and tell you to “be humble”. If that sounds like living in an oppressive, cult-like system where questioning authority is verboten, that’s because that’s exactly what it’s like.
Amenities and good shopping and convenience are all well and good to those who have the time and money to afford them. But for most, it’s a day-in day-out drudge. Company life here is hell and the Japanese are impossible to reason with. Every time any international or globalized effort is made to overhaul or encourage correction in areas like Japanese plummeting birth rates, overwork, suicide, mental health, LGBT rights or, hell, for my part, how English is taught here, they dig their heels in and just say, “This is Japan.”
Japan is a stubborn old mule with all the privileges to the entrenched wealthy and older population. It’s first major social revolution could be just a decade away, when literally half the population will pass away. Interesting times indeed.


Jordan River
The majority of Japanese high school students have some form of depression. Japanese school culture is ruthless and stressful; students have some of the highest suicide rates in the developed world. Bullying, exclusion, peer pressure, and demanding instructors are very common.
Many Japanese consider high school the best time of their life.
Think about that.


Don Hinkelman

My wife is Japanese and she is generally happy. That is all that matters. :-). By they way, the key to making people happy in Japan is listen, listen, listen, and watch, watch, watch. It is all about non-verbal communication. Ishin-denshin (以心伝心) unspoken mutual understanding.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Dayienoelle Hanauer
While there are Japanese who are unhappy not all are if they are it could be for the same reason others are unhappy


Joanne Friedman
For what it's worth, I put this question to my friend in Japan who has never lived anywhere else. She assured me that she does not feel unhappy, nor do her friends. She agrees with some of the comments here. Yes, there is a more regimented lifestyle there, but since she's never lived anywhere else, it doesn't bother her. She is very creative and intelligent, works as an English translator, and is one of the most fun people I'm in contact with. So I'm going to have to simply say that the premise of the question is faulty. There can be no "why" if there is no "are".


Kil Su Park
I’ve never seen more biased, more stupid, more insinuating question than this one. Literally, the question presupposes this fact: that Japanese, the population of approx. 126,500,000 people are generally unhappy.
What a blatant lie!
Japan is a highly developed nation, with relatively thick layers of the middle class. Like many other countries, there must be some people who are depressed, but not most.
As far as I know, the Japanese are very ingenious, love their tradition, and love their country very much. People with these traits can’t be generally unhappy.


Lokhin Zhushin
because japan are living hell, they work for 16 hours without additional money, have to loyal to company to dead, don’t have time to get girlfriend.


Jackie S
japanese only happy when they are in red light districts with sluts and prostitutes. That’s why all japanese men travelling across the world for sex tourisms before and after their get married.


Hidesato Sakakibara
Who says we are unhappy?


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