2024-12-01 龟兔赛跑 6780

Is the American education system too difficult or are kids just lazy?


Anne W Zahra
As a US teacher, I think it should be pointed out that this question is unanswerable at such a general level. Our schooling system is state and locally controlled, and there are as many answers to this question as there are schools. So keep that in mind.
I’ll tell you about my experiences teaching in the US South, mostly in small cities and rural communities.


Most US students here don’t take the college preparatory curriculum (honors/ AP/ IB). Those college-track classes are challenging and the students who do well in them generally graduate from college successfully. Not all these college-track students earn great grades, and not all of them go on to college, but most earn at least a 4 year degree from a regional or state university. Your very top performers generally do well at more elite universities and in more demanding majors, like sciences, medicine, law, etc.

在这里,大多数美国学生不会选择大学预科课程(荣誉课程/ AP/ IB)。那些针对大学升学的课程颇具挑战性,而且在这些课程中表现优异的学生通常能够成功地完成大学学业。并非所有这些准备上大学的学生都能获得优异的成绩,也不是所有人都会继续升学,但大多数人至少能从地区性或州立大学获得四年制学位。那些表现最好的学生通常在更精英的大学和更具挑战性的专业,如科学、医学、法律等领域表现出色。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The students who aren’t college-bound are a problematic case. They often say they will go to college (often spelling it “collage”), but few of them actually ever earn a degree of any kind. Some are probably of low-average intelligence, but by far most of them are simply average, healthy, normal kids who want to pass their classes but aren’t particularly academically oriented otherwise. (Note that some actually belong in the college track but, unfortunately, lack the home support/ stable environment/ mental and emotional stability to persist and succeed there. Sometimes the school succeeds in getting them into that higher track to stay, but not always.)


Yes, some students are terribly lazy and won’t do much work despite being quite capable of passing. However, the vast majority of students, lazy or not, are at least “average” in my experience and their school-refusal behavior typically has nothing to do with their intellectual ability. Sometimes it’s emotional. Sometimes it’s cultural; anti-intellectual attitudes are very common in less affluent American communities, and minority students in particular may carry out their adolescent rebellion by rejecting school-related expectations and academic values. In my community, I’m very different from most of the students I serve and this can be a factor in how much they learn.


Then again, what is the connection between their academic program and the hourly-wage jobs they will transition to after graduation? Unlike college-bound students, high GPAs don’t bring them any obvious rewards at all— there are no hiring preferences for higher GPAs, for instance. Sometimes these students openly say the curriculum doesn’t matter and has nothing to do with their future jobs. They’re wrong about that— they’re supposed to be voters and parents one day, not just workers, and they need the knowledge. However it’s difficult to convince most adolescents of this. They lack the insight to understand it.


A Tactical American
It is no longer an education system, under the demonicrats it has become only a demonicrat indoctrination centers by stupid brain-dead indoctrinated demonicrats idiot they call teachers these days.


Hannah Madden
You can’t have an education “system” in a supposedly “free” country.
Only a requirement that parents provide education for their children, in addition to their other obligations.
Which is the reason we have an “education system:” there is no freedom, just the illusion of it.


Is the American education system actually declining or are kids just too lazy to try?
I don't think it is that kids are too lazy. I would say there is a great deal of inconsistency from district to district and state to state. The standards, values and courses taught can vary widely. As can the level of education from a poor neighborhood public school, to a wealthier area public school to a private school.


As a child growing up I was exposed to several different public schools. Some were very good, others mediocre, the one my step-siblings went to I considered sub-par by the time I was in fourth grade.
While technically they all teach the same basics of arithmetic, English, history, science, the quality and standards and methods for teaching and for passing those courses can vary greatly. My step-siblings would receive A+'s for work that would have gotten me a C or an F in my schools, such as using "ain't" on an English term paper. But different states, different standards.


Also, the level of parent/community involvement in the educational system of an area can have an impact. It's not just funding, it is also involvement and pushing for certain standards. I had attended schools in wealthier areas that the main concerns were teen pregnancy (as long as it was less than neighboring districts) and appearing to be prosperous (which is why "problem" kids were encouraged to drop out at age 13), while the scholastic side of things was mediocre, and a rural community that prized critical thinking and education with an excellent program. Surprisingly, I have noticed having colleges in a town does not improve the education levels in a public school located there(my own observation).


So while studies vary a bit on how the educational system is doing, it really is hard to be certain, given the wide range of standards and expectations each district has and how they are rated. You basically have some oranges making up the bulk on the apple cart.


Is the American education system actually declining or are kids just too lazy to try?
No, for the most part, the system is pretty well screwed. Bush 2 and his Conservative Christian and Oligarch buddies have pretty well disemboweled any hope of a decent public school system for the next 50 or so years.

美国的教育体系真的在衰退吗,还是孩子们只是太懒了? 不,大体上来说,这个系统已经相当糟糕了。布什二世和他的保守派基督教以及寡头朋友们已经严重破坏了未来五十年左右建立一个像样的公立学校系统的任何希望。

Think I am joking?
Or did you miss the fact that the TEXAS STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION voted 10 to 5 to teach the poor little kids in Texas that these United States, back in the day, was founded on---CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES---.
This is known, as propaganda.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So, yeah...decline is a mild version of the really fucked up hodge-podge state by state, city by city crazy-quilt education system we have at the K-12 level.


Courtney Cleopatra
It's not that it's necessarily difficult, nor are most of us lazy. It's just extremely time consuming, so those of us taking advanced classes are either extremely overwhelmed or extremely bored.
Those 15–20 classes that you were taking could have extremely easy curriculum or just be mostly extracurriculars. The 7 classes that a US student is taking could very well be all on the IB or AP level , which are no joke. Not to mention the insane amounts of homework that we're expected to do nightly.
Obviously, there are definitely lazy American students, the same way that there are lazy Panamanian students, but the laziness isn't related to the amount of classes.


Shakeel Alibhai
Just because someone only takes 7 or 8 classes a year doesn’t mean that they’re lazy. It’s possible that those 7 or 8 classes could have as much work as the 15 to 20 classes that you mention.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Agath Olson
Is the American education system actually declining or are kids just too lazy to try?
I am totally lazy for having a 4.1 gpa last semester.
I think it is because there is no consistency to the American education system so the average of the entire system can be brought down. I think what would help make it a little bit easier to reform in theory is to make it more consistent but that may not be the best course.


Roy Chambers
Probably the best comparison is British A levels (UK high school) and the International Baccalaureate.
A-Levels have a total of 4 subjects a year, but in the last year is essentially the same as university.
The Baccalaureate has more subjects a year. But is considered to be similar in difficulty.
The reasons for this include the amount taught, whether subjects are combined or split and so on.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Just a Random Person
I’ve spent most of my life in public schools. I have just recently switched to homeschooling and duel enrollment for various reasons that I’m afraid I can’t get into.


my grades are certainly worse than in public school, but not because it’s bad. Quite the contrary. My home and private school classes are teaching me much more effectively and teaching actually useful things. I have a lot more work to do, but now I don’t spend all my time all day doing it. Why? Because when I do that work is entirely my choice. I go to classes on tuesdays and the rest of the week is devoted to completing the work I’ve been given. My schedule is extremely flexible and I’ve been able to work it into something that leaves me with time for my own life. I also get to choose my best style of learning. There is no schoolwork for my homeschool classes, because the curriculum teaches through reading. I have a set of books I read through every day. It’s a much more engaging style of learning because I get to learn history and hard topics through stories. My work is challenging and I enjoy it because I actually feel productive.


but just this past week I’ve had to drop out of my algebra 2 class. I was trying as hard as I could but I could not pass the tests. There was something fundamentally that I simply missed in public school, because I was allowed to get by using simply a calculator. I cannot competently solve equations with fractions and square roots are hard for me to find.


i initially was embarrassed and angry with myself, but I’ve come to understand that this wasn’t my fault, but the fault of those responsible for teaching me these things in the past, because they never did. And it’s an ongoing theme I’ve seen in other students who went to public school.


public schools trap you in essentially a prison for 7–8 hours a day. You have no escape from your peers. If your lucky you get a 15 minute break at lunch and then it’s right back to work. Our schedules are decided for us and so we have to give up outside activities to accommodate. I do horseback riding and in public school I could rarely ever ride because school expected me to give it 100% of my attention. The schools are miserable and severely damaging. And the 7–8 hours? What are we even doing in that time? Because I’ve been able to learn more in 3 hours of homeschooling then a full day of public school. It’s no wonder we all hate schools when they put us in these conditions.


you can argue about if masks are damaging or not, but for me personally masks were very much unhealthy. I was stuck with a perpetual headache and extreme nausea that I just got used to. I believe this was due to wearing a mask all day every day because I haven’t felt that way since dropping out. They also closed off the water fountains because of covid, so if you didn’t bring a bottle? Tough luck, no water for the entire day. I had depression from being forced to sit and listen to a teacher drone on for the whole day rather than exploring my passions and focusing on things I’ll actually use in the future.


the schools are more focused on test scores then students health, because it makes them money. Free time is being cut out more at younger and younger ages and it’s frightening to think the effect it will have. I’m simply glad I was able to escape.
the kids are not lazy. We are suffering


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