为什么英国人对NHS如此自豪? (其二)
2024-12-02 汤沐之邑 5295
Why are British people so proud of the NHS?


Sean Coppinger
I have an American friend living in the UK who, on finding a slight swelling in his neck, went to his GP. The next week he was in front of a consultant. 2 weeks later he was in hospital having an operation to remove an aggressive cancerous tumour in his thyroid gland with a follow up of Chemo.


All free
From initial appointment to operation was 3 weeks. About the same as private care.
Did I mention it was free?
Oh, it saved his life..
and it didn’t cost him anything past a few taxes.
He says that, had he been in America, due to his low wage he might have been dead. The NHS saved my friend. It saved my life as a baby too. It saved the life of my dad and my mum.
So yeah, British people are pretty proud of that.


James W Clarke
The NHS made it possible for me to speak properly (cleft palette at birth) and also saved my life, I should think. I owe it my health - and the health of my children and grandchildren. It took great care of my late mother in law and takes care of my mother - all for free. Who would not be proud of such a system? Yes, has flaws, but it cares for 60+ million people all day, every day so there are bound to be glitches. We must not allow the black propaganda of the right wing to deprive us of this wonderful system.


Let’s not allow the black propaganda of the left wing to perpetuate the MYTH that the NHS is FREE! And lets also remind YOU that the first Private Partnership Initiatives in the NHS were brought in by Labour.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Caz Cranko
Why do you feel the need to state the obvious? The NHS is free in the same sense as the fire service turning out to prevent your house from burning to the ground is free. The point is that, to us, there’s no difference between society banding together to save your house or banding together to save your child’s life. It’s Americans who need to understand this.


Cal Johnson-Edwards - Almost Human
I seem to remember a case a couple of years ago of an american bringing his dad here to UK, taking away his ID and leaving him here for social services to take care of because he had dementia and apparently it was cheaper to fly him here and leave him than it was to get him care there because in USA it would bankrupt them


Maria Hollis
Is it right that people who don’t pay into our system can abuse (?)


Sean Coppinger
Yes, I heard about that too. It is awful to think how desperate a person has to become t make that kind of decision. It looks like it isn’t even a rare incident. Some native hunter/gatherer tribes will dump elderly relatives that they can no longer afford to feed. It is sad that the so called “leader of the free world” encourages this also:
Wife and son 'dumped American man with dementia in UK car park'

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mike Smith
Yes and this is exactly why NHS staff are underpaid and the hospitals are closing and waiting times are longer. Abuse of the system will eventually lead to a healthcare similar to USA.


Dolina Redjimi
Social care is not included and is means tested so an elderly patient with dementia or Alzheimer’s could lose all their savings and even their home


Carole Morris
You can get treated in the USA what is called medi cal my daughter was an adult who had cancer,she was treated and operated on and also had radiation treatment ,she was low income and no medical insurance. You can get treatment at county hospitals in each state.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Cal Johnson-Edwards - Almost Human
the most basic treatment though and still a bill at the end of it from what I understand of the US system


Diane Norton
That story unfortunately is true, they just flew over dumped his dad so that the NHS would give him the care he needed. They tracked down the family and that's where the story gets even sadder, the old man's wife was living rough on a piece of land that there home used to be on before it burnt down so there was this old lady of 80 living in this wasteland and the family knew about it and just left her to die. But on the upside the family got prosecuted for doing what they did but I can't understand how you could do this to your parents.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Cal Johnson-Edwards - Almost Human
must have been a different one , the guy i remember was a widower and his son was tracked down living in his old house i suspect there have been a few


Margie Nicely
And why should the taxpayer pay for this kind of
abuse of the NHS ! Are your taxes higher than the USA ? Ibet they are. Everyone in the UK is paying into the system one way or another, right!


Cal Johnson-Edwards - Almost Human
overall we pay less per head for full cover than a americans do for insurance and when you add the co-pay, deductible and employer contributions that americans pay that difference is huge . we pay 20% tax on earnings over £11500.00 pa and 12% national insurance on earnings over your personal allowance but thats it you don’t pay anything on top and the tax deduction is for everything not just health


Pat Stanley
Let’s hope have a few names , otherwise your statements ought not be spread around, nor believed by any sensible person.


Cal Johnson-Edwards - Almost Human
who is this comment aimed at?


Derek Chandler
Wife and son 'dumped American man with dementia in UK car park'


Jon Lyall
to be harsh we sadly need to stop that kind of thing that is exploitation of our system don’t get me wrong either I support the nhs 100%

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Lisa Dolan
Dear Lord. How horrible. Medical bills in the US have caused bankruptcy in many families. As an American with a chronic medical condition I must say I couldn’t be more pleased with the attention I get in Spain. I would fear to think what these past five years would have cost me back in NY.


Diane Marvel
Do the Spanish recharge your care costs back to theUSA? My elderly relatives live in Spain and their medical care is charged back to the NHS.


Kristina Stinson
Funny enough I was discussing this only the other day: they left him in Scotland . When they were traced they were a affluent couple .


NIgel Reith
The NHS is not free it is paid for through national insurance contributions, deducted from your salary
its free to access any time , and most staff are a credit to the service.
It all gets let down though by abuse . Just like the American getting an operation he wasn’t entitled to not pay for . Admin staff should have made all forms to be signed accepted cost etc , Too many health tourists deny UK citizens operations or cause long waiting lists some have not survived their illness as the waiting time was too long.


if we go abroad and get taken I’ll or injured, unless you have insurance you’d have no chance
of a bit of advise let alone treatment.
Too soft , what’s more the ones that constantly demand more funds are the same ones that allow this to happen.
matbe if the money should be treated with a bit more respect, That money is taken and we have no choice but to pay as well as tax .
how would they feel if part of their salaries got taken And then squandered on irrelevant things


Cal Johnson-Edwards - Almost Human
you don’t get operations on the NHS unless you need it and as for ‘health tourism’ if you are not a uk citizen paying tax and NI you have to pay for anything past primary care on the NHS. this is why comprehensive health insurance is a home office requirement for people coming into the country

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Diane Marvel
We call it ‘granny dumping’ here.
The problem with social care of dementia patients in the U.K. is cost.
Social care isn’t automatically free.
Families have to agree to give their home to social services to sell, to fund those who cannot pay.
This type of ‘dumping’ causes huge resentment.


Nick Bradey
I resent people from outside the UK getting free treatment when there is no reciprocity . I am a doctor in the NHS , and the NHS was set up to
benefit UK citizens , and are tax payers .


When I had cancer in 2013, I was in hospital here in Australia and operated on within 6 weeks. The care I had was amazing, similar to the UK. Thank God I didn’t livein the USA, I would have died I think.


Charlotte Kehlan Kebbell
I have a US friend who lost his wife to cancer. By the time she eventually died, their insurance had long since run out and he was almost half a million in debt to pay for her health care. What sort of country is the US where you only get medical treatment if you can pay? Here in the UK we are fighting to save our NHS from politicians who want an American style system. Our NHS is overworked, under staffed and underfunded, its being stabbed in the back from every direction but it works. If you need a doctor, you get to see one FREE. If you have to go to A&E or call an ambulance its FREE.


Sure you might have to wait a while, due to the afforesaid overworked problem but you will get seen and helped. Those fantastic doctors and nurses dont care how much money you earn or if you can afford to pay. They just help you. Its actually not true to say its completely free. We do pay a tax called NAtional Insurance that among other things, helps fund theNHS. but you know what, even if you are unemployed or just too poor to pay it, you still get treatment. So yeah, darn right we are proud of our NHS


Let’s put an end to these utter myths!
NHS is the FOURTH largest employer in the world! With many staff doing second jobs, like botox, or consultants doing private work! Hardly the overworked and understaffed! As for underfunded? Now you’re having a laugh!! The NHS is the greatest funded public body in the WORLD!! And I bet you moaned at the bad Torys putting up NI contributions to pay it more! So what is it? Do you agree with the Torys or does it have enough money? Cant have it both ways!
How about fighting to save our NHS from the rot within! Where departments have grown beyond need, where penpushers and bureaucrats outnumber clinical staff AND get paid more!

NHS 可是全球第四大雇主!许多员工还从事第二职业,比如打肉毒杆菌,或者顾问做私活。这哪里是人手不足、工作过度!至于资金不足?你这是在开玩笑吧!NHS 是世界上资金最雄厚的公共机构之一!我敢说你肯定抱怨过那些保守党人提高国民保险缴费来给它更多资金!那么到底是怎样?你是同意保守党的做法,还是认为NHS的资金已经足够?两者不能兼得!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In fact we should be holding it more accountable! Already it’s saying it’s ran out of money when it had it’s entire debts written off at the start of Covid!
It will never be enough! At this rate it will collapse within 7–8 years regardless of who is in power! And all because we are not allowed to hold it accountable and demand it cuts its cloth!
The latest nonsense, that to be a nurse now, means you must have a degree! All that does is push up the salaries! Imagine the NHS that has survived for decades, now telling wannabe nurses, you can’t unless you go to university! It’s a nonsense!


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