2024-12-07 大号儿童 4341

The number of U.S. farms and what they grow for human consumption have been on a decline for decades. Instead, federal funding has been largely supporting farms growing commodities like soybeans and corn, mainly used to feed livestock, processed foods and biofuel production. U.S. imports of fresh fruit and vegetables continue to climb, making it increasingly hard for the few farms that do produce them domestically.


Stunned at how you managed NOT to mention the role of Monsanto.
Bravo to the single farmer who sheepishly mentioned “climate”.


As a child of Mexican immigrants, we grew fruits and vegetables in a garden to supplement our huge family food pantry. I have fruit trees in my back yard just because of the practice my parents used.


If we want to start farming abundantly and sustainability, we must transition from monoculture to permaculture. Permaculture allows to farm more crops on less land, and in a sustainable way that restore the ecosystems that monoculture has destroyed. Monoculture destroys our freshwater supplies and erodes our soils, which slowly destroys our airable land and leaves with no water left to feed our crops. It's an endless creedy cycle of self-destruction that only benefits the chemical and big tech industries. We desperately need urbanism and permaculture to team up if we want to create a truly sustainable future.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A big part of the problem is that everything in the US gets reduced to a line item on a ledger. Just look at the language used on this subject. Corn grown for fuel and alfala grown for feed is referred to as "commodities" while fruits and vegetables grown for food are called "specialty crops". Not a good place to start in my opinion.


If you have a yard, plant a fruit or nut tree. Even if you sell the house later, it will still benefit the environment. In many instances, it costs less than $50 to buy a tree and produces a lot when they are mature.


It's sad how difficult things have become in the present generation. Even to get food is extremely difficult, government policies are not helping either,I was wondering how to utilise some money I had. I used some of it for e-commerce business, but that sank. I'm thinking of how to use what's left to invest, but I don't really know which way to go.


I'm an immigrant from china. When I heard that the US government pays farmers NOT to grow crops, it just blew my mind. That's just ridiculous when prices of food is going up.


The biggest problem with US foods is that they are extremely heavily commercialized! You drive for hundreds or even thousands of miles and you don't even see a single fruit tree along the road. Few years back I was in Pennsylvania and saw these beautiful houses with barns and not even a single fruit tree around. I come from a little country called Albania and as you drive there you can just get out of the car walk uphill or downhill and you will find a fig tree or plum tree etc full of fruits that belong to no one and you can eat as many as you like. Literally every Albanian family who owns a house with land have fruit trees in their land and of course they grow veggies too.


40% of all corn grown in the US is used to make ethanol even though its only about 7% of the US fuel demand. The land to grow more fuel is being used to grow fuel for our gas guzzling society, and is highly subsidized


Every person with a little lawn and some sunshine should have a garden. Its good exercise, peaceful and rewarding, better for the environment, and much better tasting.


We need to recognize that food waste is a huge problem. Americans do grow a lot of food but the sextion process and distribution networks don’t allow that food to reach those that need it.


Most of those farms belong to the same handful of major companies. Local, small-scale farmers are almost completely pushed out of the industry now.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

EVERY neighborhood should have land to have community gardens so we can feed ourselves with easier to grow crops like tomatoes and lettuce. The farmers can grow some of the bigger needs like fruit, corn, etc. We can also have community chickens to get eggs etc.


Big reason why corn and soybeans have been prioritized for so long is that Iowa went first in primaries for so long. If you wanted to win Iowa, you had to be pro ethanol subsidies.


Family farms can't make it in this economy. Developers buy the land and build as many houses that fit. See it every day, once the land is gone.


in my experience, it's not that farmers aren't growing food. it's the logistics cost to get food to the market. urban development is horrible in some places, that food are not grown locally within a 15-minutes drive.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We, as Americans, have been spoiled in the last 30+ years on what is available in our supermarkets. In the 80s, you only saw what was "in season". In the 90s, we started seeing what was "out of season" and now, we get watermelon and other "fresh" fruits and vegetables year 'round. People actually complain when they can't find something that wouldn't normally be "in season".


We need to stop subsidizing corn, soybeans and wheat production, and direct those savings to small farmers growing specialty crops and livestock on a regenerative basis.


Let me add this new perspective: in WWII, our country pushed "victory gardens". And it worked. Not everyone needs a full farm or to be fully self-sufficient, but if everyone with a home was growing at least a portion of their own food, especially fresh produce, that'd make a huge dent. It might also clue people into just HOW MUCH BETTER fresh, local, actually ripened produce tastes! Let people grow some small vegetable gardens or boxes and fruit trees in their front and back yards. No need to subsidize large machinery and labor -- just let people garden outside after work. Perhaps subsidize community seed libraries or gardening classes. Pass a law enabling this. HOAs have overtaken this ability, for many. Overly stringent city/county codes are also an issue. Nobody moving onto a house with a whole acre, surrounded by houses with small animals and crops, should be complaining about those things after moving in, or at least, they shouldn't be listened to and honored over the right of others to use their property and feed themselves.


I personally seen over 100 pounds go into a trash compactor at a grocery store today. That might be part of the problem.


Everyone should start growing their own food on their land asap, I started with figs, blueberries, raspberries,serviceberries - just planted pawpaws, - want to start getting into bigger fruit such as stonefruits, support local farms as best as you can with what you can afford


Just wait till they don't have cheap labour picking fruit and they have to pay American workers more.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Unfortunately (Don't all the comments start this way) farming, like so many issues, is used for optics by politicians with no real discussion of the issues at hand. Then when in congress they accommodate the largest donors and apply a band aide to the rest.


Maybe we could grow enough food if megacorporations and government werent constantly suing farmers and stealing their land.


It is sad to go to a farmer’s market and not see fresh produce. I stopped going because I don’t want to buy over priced jams and jellies from produce that was purchased at the local grocery store.


I grew up in a very rural farming community. Growing up I watched as more and more farms had to close down and consolidate and now there are maybe 3 to 4 people that own the vast majority of the land in the entire region. There were companies that supplied farmers that have also gone out of business and now there are only a few left namely MPG tractors being the only division of MPG that is still active. I do not think there is enough support for smaller farmers. You have Republican lawmakers that will come to these communities, even come out of these communities and say they’re focused on making policy to help but then once voted in, they’re in the party system, they will back policies that only support large farm and not local farm. You have Democrats who just continually ignore the issue and don’t speak to that community. It feels like an endless battle to get policy won for small farm.


Corporations, investors (not the good kind), greed, lobbyists, increased population, energy costs... What else did I miss? I mean, its the same story everywhere!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There will be a time soon where subsistance living will have to sustain people. Farmers are the backbone of food security. They are under appreciated.


In Brazil, there are no subsidized crops, but farmers have a special low interest credit. Food is a strategic matter. Every country needs to produce a minimum that will be necessary to be safe.


Good, the farmers overwhelmingly voted for Trump - let Trump prove how much he cares about farmers now…ohhhh that’s right, the trade war he started during his first term resulted in retaliatory tariffs that seriously hurt farm income.


I can't give away the fruits and veggies I grow for free. The folks around here just aren't into that. Honestly, I can't picture anyone trying to make a living this way. Americans seem to love their convenient, soulnumbing products made from corn and soy way more than anything else.


In the US, agriculture receives from the federal budget 195 billions. Military, 850 billions. No excuse for these struggles described in the video.


As a small farmer in Florida, it’s hard to deal with disease, hurricanes, and production costs.


2:50 and why is that? that 2% of the people own 42% of the farming land? this is the reason every single industry in America has gone downhill in the past 20 years and nobody is talking about it. corporate consolidation buying up all the of the farming industry and all of the land, they are able to buy any plot of farming land and beat out all local farms when it comes to not only buying the land, but also when it comes to production costs. just like how im in the exterior construction business, and my largest local competitor was bought out by a JP Morgan backed private equity fund. so where the profits of that business once went back into our community, now they'll start trying to lower production costs, while maximizing the value they can extract from the laborers and the money spent by members of our community on their services.


We are growing enough food but we don't have enough labor to harvest the food off the tree or the vines. I have seen thousands of acres of grapes and peaches just rot away because the farmer cannot find enough labor to harvest them.


Glad to see bring this up how important farmers are for the nation, please bring up the another important topic like how important truckers are for this country we are alll facing the same problem!!!


We're offered a super-wide variety of fresh produce, but do we really demand it? If 75% of the produce varieties at my local supermarket were suddenly eliminated, and I was left with only 20-30 fruit and veg choices, I'd be completely happy. My store sells things I've never heard of and have no interest in. It seems like every time I go shopping, there are new apple varieties I never knew existed.


High fructose corn syrup is used to replace sugar in most processed food because it’s cheaper than importing sugar cane from a producer like Brazil.
Us Americans pay for it twice. Once in the poor health outcomes, and in higher sugar costs via tariffs. Bad farm practices are literally killing us.


Isn't something like 70% of all farms and farmable land in the United States owned by foreign countries? I know something like 80+% of pork and flower farms here in Washington state are actually owned by the Netherlands and most of Arizona's water is owned by Saudi Arabia and used to grow alfalfa for their race horses.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I lived next to a mega farm. Corporate owned. He decided to put in a turkey farm not even a half mile from my house. I lived there several years before this. My son in law caught his workers literally reaching over the fence with actrack hoe and ripping trees down on my property. But the turkeys had such a foul smell we couldn't deal with it anymore! Couldn't even go outside, some days.


Farm direct to table food should be the standard from this point forward. We need to rethink the super market and replace them with farmer markets or co-operatives. Prices would be reduced and the people would more power over what the buy and how much they spend. Fresh food, lower prices and less interference by the 1% percent.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

there is only big farmers,no little planters.


The most conservative wealthy farmers get millions in farm bill dollars to not farm their land, among other things. Welfare


Here in New Zealand farming had subsidies dropped in 1985 but still managed to improve but have to compete with subsidies from overseas


The fact that I cannot sell a chicken I own at a farmers market in MI is a shame. It costs me more having it butchered at a USDA slaughterhouse than it does to feed the chickens. It’s wild man. I can do it myself for cheap. But the red tape keeps me from it.


US is really a Strange country. Senate give more money to Israel to subsidize everything for the Israel people, yet the American do not get enough subsidies for their agriculture


Americans NEED to be allowed to grow food everywhere for free! Governments should be giving free seeds by the billions to all its citizens who have land to grow food on their land. Fruit trees and nuts and berries should be grown along all highways, city edges, abandoned land and anywhere the land needs to be fixed from lack to of soil.


If the US farmers produced everything we need in America then we would not be importing basics like tomatoes from Canada YEAR-ROUND, etc. People are going to need to grow some of their food at home in pots if necessary.


North America is in droughts during the growing season except on parts of the Atlantic coast. Small farms with no irrigation are all suffering and their perreneal crops have died.


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