2024-12-10 不要可乐 4139

-The US lacks the infrastructure to refine the higher quality (less sulfur) crude oil being extracted domestically.
-Cheaper labor abroad means that importing and refining crude from other countries is more cost-effective than using domestic crude, hence why big oil companies never tuned the refining process over the the grade of domestically extracted crude.
-Its more pofitable for the oil companies to sell US crude on the international market because its easier to refine for countries that have the infrastructure to actually refine it.
-Oil companies and their Executives are wary of the future of Oil. (Growing emphasis on renewable energy and nuclear power, climate change-based legislation, years and possibly decades to see possible returns on investments, etc.)


Because it was never about becoming oil independent from other countries, it was about money. That’s it. It’s always about money.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One thing that was missing in this video was imports from Canada. A certain percentage of those imports are mere pass through it just transits US to export facilities.


It is interesting to me how the amount of oil the US is able to produce pretty closely lines up with other timelines around clean energy in the US. If feel like the US is trying to maximize the profits it can get from oil in the next 10 years before gradually phasing it out. Basically we will sell all we can now while the prices are high and oil is commonly used but around the time production starts decreasing again we will start implementing clean energy products. Profit maximization on the national scale.


Our refineries were built for heavy crude, not like the light sweet crude we are producing today, can mix,but need heavy crude to mix. Refineries have upgraded but , need heavy crude for many lubricants.


60% of US oil imports are from Canada. Kind of an important detail.


Has anyone else noticed we've been about 10 years away from running out of oil their entire lives? Apparently these headlines go back as far as 1920's.


The US won't be back in the Paris Agreement much longer.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The smart thing to do would be to build a fleet of latest generation nuclear power plants as well as solar parks across the Sun Belt during the boom. A diversified low carbon energy grid would be better for energy security, climate change and improve the US' global image (soft power). However, this requires public investment and long term planning, two things the incoming Republican administration seems adverse to.


@8:36, I don't think the reasoning was very clear. My logic for the light sweet oil being more expensive than the heavy sour crude oil is because you can more easily refine it into higher value products like LPG for chemicals and petrol blends. Also, less energy is needed to remove the toxic metals and sulphur from it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

New refineries are almost impossible to get environmental permits. Expansion is difficult too. Investment did occur in light crude refining, but processing it is easier.


All these armchair experts in here
Our refining industry here in the US is for heavy oil. It’s not designed for light oil. That’s it.


Although the United States imports oil, it is also one of the largest oil exporters. Importing oil from other countries can help the United States maintain a reasonable price for domestic oil while still being able to export crude oil for profit. Additionally, when international oil prices fall, importing oil from lower-cost countries can help the United States reduce domestic production costs and reduce pressure on the oil processing industry. This helps balance the economic benefits of imports and exports and stabilizes the global energy market.


2:35 The oil embargo was done by OAPEC which isn't a sub-group of OPEC but a separate organization (though they do have overlap in membership).

2:35 油禁运是由OAPEC(阿拉伯石油输出国联合体)实施的,它不是OPEC的一个子组织,而是一个独立的组织(尽管两者有重叠的成员国)。

I believe it's all about stockpiling a strategic resource.
It can afford to buy so the US buys to deplete oil reserves elsewhere while saving its own.


US should have never stopped issuing permits for NPPs. However, the corruption brings to light now that AI companies need all that power and admins are expediting them for SMRs.


Can't believe you left out the well head clean-up costs. No longer used wells are blowing up or leaking oil, gas and chemicals all over Texas. The cumulative clean-up costs is recently estimated to be greater than the balance books of the oil majors. Even sealed wells are failing and need to be redone in most cases.


Think there's a couple things here, one being the Permian basin has the world's largest natural gas reserves (not oil) but LNG can be used as an energy source and as a carbon source. But that is the other issue, primary use for oil is an input for petrochemicals being everything from plastics, nylon, sulfuric acid (crucial for metal extraction). Oil is building 100 year infrastructure so they don't expect to go anywhere. Renewables may replace energy but there is still a need for a carbon input.


Even drug cartels have the sense to adapt their production methods to process all types of raw materials.


The US only started to depend on foreign oil in the 1970s and that was because of policy decisions.


In the unlikely event that the US should run out of oil, Canadian oil is ready for the taking. We have zero defence mechanisms should push come to shove and the US grabs it, the infrastructure is there to support it. With the recent election, I am doubting that significant growth in renewables will occur - especially in the near term.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

its debatable whether ^peak will happen in 2030. The most productive fracking has been chosen first and roll offs are being replaced with secondary sites


The simple answer to your question is that we consume 20 million barrels a day and have never produced more than 13 million. What don’t you understand?


Because the US refineries can’t handle the type of oil we have. So we export the oil to countries with compatible refineries and buy oil that’s compatible with the ones we have. Building new refineries or updating the existing ones is a risky investment because half the country wants to stop using oil. If that agenda succeeds, it would render those investments worthless.


I’m currently in the process of switching to oil/gas work as an Electrical Engineer. I’m interested to see how the industry will change as I continue my career.


It's a shame that hydraulic fracking seems to be the only way to get at that oil considering how much damage it causes to nearby cities.


The US has roughly 15 years of production before its reserves are tapped.


I guess building metro-rails, more rail tracks, increasing water transport in countries where water is plenty and increasing effiently the public transport system could be solution to the oil and gasoline problem. If we don't take steps now the future will look grim.


That's why when Trump says he's going to put tarrifs on all our imports it's assbackwards because it's just to make gas more expensive. And trying to make Americans drill more for oil is also going to make oil more expensive because of the capital investment cost. The man is a buffoon.


I wish more time was spent offering a range for the actual time horizon of oil production's future in the U.S- in terms of remaining reserves. I suppose it's complicated, but I'd rather get a messy "it depends" than nothing at all.


+ it seem from their US federal and state budgets data that US federal budget and US state budgets don't get much income from oil... unlike, for example, Saudi Arabia, United Arabic Emirates, Oman, Qatar, and other oil exporters.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I have been thinking for a long time that, since so many items are manufactured with oil, that someone has to plan for oil to be phased out for combative uses and saved or reserved for manufactured goods. Otherwise, we might lose motive power and Tupperware at the same time. Companies will not do it so government must.


I cant remember if he said this or not, but the government dont own any oil companies & that mean, oil companies in the US, can sell their oil to whoever they want & just like any company, they will sell to the highest bidder. Even if we could use our own oil, its still up to the oil companies, on who gets it. For example, if the US offers $20 a barrel & another country offers $40 a barrel, anybody with common sense, would go for the country that will pay $40 a barrel.


The future of energy will be based on local geographic and environmental conditions using multiple modalities. We need smaller nuclear reactors to run townships, small cities with renewable as an adjunct to reduce the overall need for traditional energy supplies.


The problem with just renewable like wind and solar is the storage paradox. We need next generation battery technology in order to really take advantage of renewables on a mass scale.
If you can neuter power companies, in the US, add solar to every home with next gen batteries, adjunct with wind and nuclear then we've got a homerun.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The problem is the production of renewable energy. Does not even go net zero in it's life time. Because of the production of so called clean energy


It doesn't hurt their profits if the gasoline prices have risen sharply at the same time.


After WW2 the Austrian oil industry (drilling and refining) was in the Soviet-occupied zone. According to the State Treaty of 1955 Austria had to deliver crude oil to the USSR for several years. The politicians managed to reduce this amount, but what happened: The oil trains left Austria like before that, and returned half filled with Soviet crude oil. The cause was, that the Austrian oil was light and clean, whereas the Soviet one was heavy with a lot of sulfur and other nice things. The Austrian oil went into the chemical industry, whereas the Soviet one needed much more cooking in the refinery and was used for trucks, cars, and heat.
Crude oil is not crude oil!

二战后,奥地利的石油工业(钻探和炼油)位于苏联占领区。根据1955年的《国家条约》,奥地利必须向苏联交付原油多年。政治家们设法减少了这一数量,但发生了什么:奥地利的石油仍然像以前那样通过火车运输,回程时却半满,运回的是苏联的原油。原因是奥地利的石油较轻且洁净,而苏联的原油较重,含有很多硫和其他杂质。奥地利的石油进入化工产业,而苏联的石油则需要更多的炼制,主要用于卡车、汽车和取暖。 原油不是所有原油都一样!

Bro this is econ 101. It is a limited resource so if we can afford to buy it then we basically have to to preserve the value of oil, especially our oil, in the long run. And the longest of runs. You’ll understand when oil becomes a resource we don’t use for energy anymore and especially when it becomes scarce and is still used for the world’s energy. Baton Rouge where I live has amazing water because of naturally occurring underground salt domes here. We want the chemical companies using and cleaning Mississippi river waters and cleaning them not using our valuable nice water. And we still also buy bottled water too because its more available than someone bottling our local water and putting it on a shelf. We protect our local markets and our local supplies when we buy oil where you are thinking why are we buying.


I’m curious about how much of US productivity stems from investment in the oil sector. Here in Canada, a significant portion of our productivity is driven by the oil industry. Canadian economists are adamant that without the oil sector, the productivity crisis would be far worse than it currently is. This often serves as a justification for increasing public investment in the oil industry, despite its environmental impact and the challenges it poses to the country’s efforts to combat climate change.


This topic has frequently been discussed in Economics Explanied but also on other channels the "US productivity miracle." But if this is the case, how does the US compare to other OECD countries in terms of productivity once the oil sector's contribution is excluded?


It may well be the largest oil producer, but it is also the highest cost producer with a cost of $70 per barrel. Canadian crude costs $50 per barrel, so it imports that oil for retail consumption, and exports its own oil to markets like Singapore and Rotterdam which have customer countries that can absorb the higher cost price. To switch exports to home consumption would mean that gas prices would have to go up a lot or they would lose money. And if Trump imposes 25% tariffs on Canadian crude, all of a sudden oil companes would stop paying taxes. Either way, its bad news.


the only countries are crying are the eu countries dont have crude ...we in america have lots remember we have brasil arg ven , guyanas canada and us , we are trying to use arabic petrol so we can keep our crude for not less than 100 years more ,,,and the other thing trump will do is put more nuclear plant so the industry dont have to use much crude oil and it can be reserved for transport .. and its very important to put more nuclear plants and reduce the coal production to net zero thats the real goal


It has been good to see that our nation takes care of our own, and all of this natural wealth that has been extracted from our lands has benefitted everyone.


I don’t like when he says we can’t refine it we can we just won’t because it would be a waste of capital investment
Shale is stupid, easy too refine
The systems that exist could do it but it would be like turning a hospital into a hotel.


Becuase someone found a way to be cheaper than america so they want to hit the ready and available market to tryband make up for some sensible loss


Looks like disaster is looming on the horizon and about to get worse. It demonstrates a major problem with using GDP as a measure of economic performance. Depletion of natural resources is not taken into account. Nor are public costs, as the presentation shows. These include pollution of all kinds. Corporations focus on short term cash flows.


Love this channel but you're suggesting the Trump campaign won "largely elected for their focus on short term goals" but they're the ones who were leading the DOGE effort as opposed to the Democrats? Doesn't get much more long term than saving the US from imminent fiscal collapse by setting the stage for success today imo.


There is one reason the US is way ahead on the extracting oil from tight rock --- private land ownership that includes ownership of the minerals below ground level.
In other countries oil companies have to deal with government entities --- that are either incompetent or corrupt or both.
Not to say that orphaned wells, methane release and water reinjection laws are severely lagging or non-existent. THIS is where the US needs to clean up --- and then let the oil and profits for all flow.


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