2024-12-10 不要可乐 4607

President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to dismantle the Department of Education and reverse Biden-era policies on transgender students and racial disparities. Trump has also signaled support for religions in schools, including prayer in the classroom. But why do Trump and other Republicans want to abolish the Department of Education and what would that look like?
Oklahoma schools superintendent Ryan Walters and former U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan weigh in on Trump’s education plan.

俄克拉荷马州学校总监瑞安·沃尔特斯(Ryan Walters)和前美国教育部长阿尔内·邓肯(Arne Duncan)就特朗普的教育计划发表了看法。

I am not American, but I really cannot understand the logic of what this Republican is saying. He contradicts common sense by ignoring the fact that without funding from the DOE, poorer states will have fewer resources to strengthen their education systems. This means he is effectively taking away children's educational opportunities in places like Oklahoma, rather than offering parents more choices for education.


I'm a school bus driver, and i can tell you that teachers and school bus drivers dont think highly of parents. There are good parents out there, but most parents use the schools and buses for convenience even if they are stay at home parents. Parents need to be accountable, and teachers need more help. The school system is not helping teach the kids the best to their abilities. Plus, the administrators suck as well. Since i was a kid living in Portland, oregon, the school administrators always canceled school beyond the last minute for snow days, resulting in chaos. There's too many things too fix but needa to be done for the kids.


Removing the requirement for students to take social science classes is one thing but I guess it gives students more choice. But to then force students to learn the Bible, pray in class, and learn Christian ideologies is very much hypocritical.


Of course the most vulnerable and marginalized people will be negatively affected by this.


Not having the Bible or religious education is not what is failing these kids.


I've just begun learning about value investing, and I've found that many good stocks are undervalued despite their intrinsic value. If you had $200,000 to create a strong investment portfolio, which stocks would you choose for better returns?


My brother has been fully blind since birth. I am worried about how this will affect the accommodations he NEEDS to receive for his learning.


the dude with the second worst public schools in the country thinks its a good idea


The department of education spends nothing compared to the department of War. If anything we need to dismantle the War budget. This country has its priorities upsidedown smh.


He is not weaponizing it. We spend the most money in the world on education and we are 37th out 45 nations in education. The department of education is a bloated nightmare where we are paying burocrats big money to move paper from desk A to desk B. The entire enducation system needs to be revamped and follow Japan's lead. We should teach kids about finance, investing, 401ks, starting their own businesses, computers,, how to have successfull marriages, and things that matter, how to raise families and teach people things that are releveant to today. The education system is 150 years old and what they teach does not work anymore.


dude there's supposed to be a separation between church and state. trump wants to have church mingle with the state...
what if you don't believe in the same god or if you're an atheist. do you still have to pray? this is absurd.


You are putting Oklahoma education guy for commenting on this. The state which has one of the worst education in the nation? Then bring someone from Massachusetts which has the best education in the country to comment on the same issue for a fair assessment.


oklahoma pushing religion in schools makes me furious. A simple option is a minute of silence for kids to do their own prayer or religious activity and 34 states use it.


If this guy wanted to buy Bibles for the classroom, he could have bought a set of hardcover study Bibles for $20 each. Instead, he uses taxpayer funds to buy $60 Trump bibles.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Having that version of the Bible in schools is even problematic for Christians who don't recognize the King James version since it omits crucial Books.


Our schools are in the sewer. We used to be #1 in the world. Turn it back to the states. Why have our schools declined so much? Old saying: Democracy thrives in an educated society and dies in an uneducated society. Enough said.


The Federal Department of Education is a bloated bureaucratic mess. It has over 4,100 employees not one of whom actually teaches a child. The largest thing the Federal Department of Education does is oversee the federal student loan program, a program that really ought to be entirely phased out since the federal student loan program is the direct reason why tuition is as high as it is. Title 9 & the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) both predate the Federal Department of Education so there's basically no risks to girls or students with disabilities since those laws continue to exist minus the DoED.


Keep an eye on life expectancy rankings in the world. The US is now about 50th. It was 13th in the 1950's but fell to 40th in 2019 and worse during Covid.


they claim teachers are indoctrinating children, but turn around to make a video praying to god and trump?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

No problem. The only thing the department of education has to do is to show their results and show how valuable they are. However, if the only thing they have going for them is failure and a bloated system, while at the same time not offering a top notch education then they have a problem.


Mr. Oklahoma Schools clearly doesn't see, or care, about his ableism and lack of understanding of people's abilities to support their child with disabilities and/or other needs, from his podium of privilege. Children with needs outside of "the norm" also deserve access to their education, all children deserve education


Almost every US educational outcome has declined since the Department of Education was created. It's beyond time to get rid of it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Trump has made me embarrassed when people ask if I'm American while travelling.


Since the creation of the Department of Education, have children done better or worse in school? Kids graduating high school with a fourth grade level in math and reading is disgusting. Leave it to the states.


If we just go by maga supporters intelligence this country has no chance. If i had school age kids, i would home school


I'm as pro-education as it gets, but what other pro-education advocates miss is how little the Department of Education actually does. Most, if not all, of the activities of the DOE can be delegated to states or abolished altogether.


The only way I would allow religion in school is using it to compare and contrast similarity themed stories in religion and mythology or how the main beliefs of various religions and myths shaped the history and culture of various countries and areas in the world.


Meanwhile, Oklahoma public schools rank towards the bottom in terms of performance on the National Assessment of Education Progress assessment


at this point, I really don't care anymore. People will get, what they voted for. Their own fault.


Eliminating the Department of Education will decimate and in some cases eliminate educational opportunities for children with disabilities, health needs, and who live in high-poverty areas. We will go back to the era of many kids with disabilities being denied an education and their families services. This is reckless and will affect every state in the country. Private schools are NOT REQUIRED to serve children with disabilities. That's why public education is so important for those students.


Definitely not taking any advice on education from Oklahoma.


Here we go again, making education in North America go from bad to worse when it gets decentralized - compare that with European countries like France where students across the country write their exams at exactly the same time every year - or England where one exam determines whether students go to grammar school or technical school - the exams and curricula are universal across each of those countries and their education systems are successful and not given to class or income barriers, unlike US and to a certain extent Canada.


2:24 "There nobody who loves their child more or who cares more about their child than their mom and day" That mindset comes from someone who never seen a bad house hold. Or really from a poor household. Come on! I know most teachers do it not for the pain but because they care for the kids! School was like my second home. Yes my mom loved me more then my school would ever but my school took much better care then my mom did most of the time.

2:24 “没有人比父母更爱自己的孩子,关心自己的孩子。” 这种心态来自于那些从未见过糟糕家庭的人,或者说从未经历过贫困家庭的人。拜托!我知道大多数老师不是为了痛苦,而是因为他们关心孩子!学校就像我的第二个家。是的,我妈妈比学校更爱我,但大多数时候,学校比我妈妈照顾得更好。

The market's rise after Trump's win is surprising given the economic uncertainty. While some stocks, like AI-focused ones, look strong long-term, the volatility makes me cautious. Even Bitcoin is seeing a boost, but it's tough to predict where things are heading with inflation and interest rates. Staying cautious but watching for opportunities.


You all sit and complain about Trump but when we had Bernie Sanders, someone who actually spoke sense and had amazing ideas to repair the country, no one supported him. Ridiculous.


Am I the only one confused why the US secretary of education only has a bachelors degree? The principle of my local high school has a PhD..


This segment is such a terrible example of legitimizing idiocy. Why is a featured speaker of the Trump initiative from the Oklahoma school system? It's like having a feature about how to build a super bowl winner and consulting the Cleveland Browns organization for expert advice on how to build a super bowl winner.


i don't understand why certain people in power are enforcing religion into laws. what ever happened to church vs state? its in the constitution.


As a former student with special needs, you guys convinced me we need to eliminate the DoE. I learned more on Youtube and Khan Academy than I did in school. All the things you listed are ways we are failing in the US


What you have to remember is that there are federal laws involved with the Education national organization. And the funding programs managed through that institution ensure equity across the board. But since King Trump is not only now above the law, he IS THE LAW, he will operate as he once said he would - he seriously stated that as president he could do whatever he wants ( just like a King )


Millions of Americans who owe student loan money to the Department of Education will NO LONGER HAVE TO PAY a non-existent department for an education that should have been freely accessible to the children of all the parents who paid taxes to a government that took way more than it ever GAVE.


Once Duncan said the word "equity," I knew it was all BS. The bottom line is when the federal government gives you money you must spend, you are more likely to waste it. Let the states figure it out. It's not like education is a complex new technology that requires consolidated investment. Lets the states innovate and tailor programs to their needs. And save the additional administrative burden at both the state and federal level for one of the other hundreds of wasted government organizations.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

America spends more money per child than any other country in the world. We have one of the worst public education in the world. These are undisputed facts. The American public school system if horrible and everyone knows this. Tens of millions of children can’t read or do addition on and on even as seniors in high school. The money should follow the child to whatever school the parents wish to send their child. Local run, runs best.


They didn't even say the resaon why conservatives want DepED gone and how much money it wastes and is it a giveaway to teacher's unxs


They have failed to improve education in any measurable way. Let the states decide how they want to educate their children. It's not that hard.


It should be noted that Oklahoma ranks near the bottom in terms of educational attainment, and quality of public education
Edit: also Oklahoma ranks 47th in the unx for average SAT scores. Sitting 99 points below the national average.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Problem that people don't really realize is that students may pray in their classes, they aren't prohibited from that.
What is being talked about is forcing all students to pray to the Christian god.


Praying, meditation, marinading in feelings of gratitude, love and rightness in school is better than harboring feelings of division, competition and materialistic beliefs.


The government should have ZERO say in how a parent chooses what their child learns.


So, if all of those departments are eliminated, what are those buildings going to be used for? They are owned by the Federal government. Will the government rent them out? Will that collected rent be applied to the debt? We have not heard this or any specific details of their plans other than just elimination.


What does Walters think parents will do with government money when there is no private school to send their kids to? What if their kid needs special education resources? And if private schools say no to their kid?


Here in OK we have been trying non stop to throw him out of office (with majority support) but some rogue legislature or judge keeps delaying his removal

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We had education before the department of education. The education system has progressively gotten worse since the centralization of authority over education in the 70s with the beginning of this department. Take a good look at OSPI state test scores starting in the 90s to now, tell me what you see. What I see is schools at first meeting and exceeding expectations and standards on tests, then slowly but surely starting in 2005s ish the schools went from exceeding to meeting. After the 08 recession and from then onward (my times may be a bit skewed but the data is overall accurate) more and more schools kept failing state tests and not meeting standards.


It's very true. There is a lot of political bias in education today. Far more than people realize


As an Oklahoman I want to make it clear that even Republican leaders in the state think Ryan Walters is too extreme and he's also abusing the state budget


I think someone needs to go after the billionaires who are forcing this bs on America


A Trump bible is heresy. To even sell a bible with his name on it should be more controversial.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Funny thing is that destroying the department the education would mostly hurt the states that VOTED for him as they don’t have the funds to support education.


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