2024-12-11 龟兔赛跑 7764

China strikes back.Our domestic firms are replacing Nvidia chips in critical sectors.


Brandon Scott Barney
China prevented the export of tea leaves to keep Westerners addicted to caffeine and keep silver extracted from everywhere coming from Ming to Qing and this imbalance led to evil people after they tried to trade technology for the tea they were addicted to but the Chinese love their caffeine profits until the British took the lesson and exported opium and there were American old money families in on the trade but the money the Wu Bingjian trader a hong merchant in the Thirteen Factories was actually re-invested in American railroads and major projects so the trade with west produced Asia’s first billionaire who made money on silver arbitrage and invested his money into America which accelerated America’s rise


Grain backed paper currency of the early Song similar to the Franc which collapsed after the Mississippi Company folded the Chinese paper currency went off the grain standard in the Mongol era which enabled the Treasure Ships which didn’t produce a sufficient return collapsing that dynasty


Zheng He did end up having an unintended consequence whose impact would be global. At the time of the voyages, Chinese dynasties had been employing paper currency since the 11th century. During the time of Mongol rule the practice had been continued and the Ming Dynasty had initially followed suit as well. The earlier systems had backed paper currency with grain (meaning you could exchange, or “convert”, your paper for its value in grain), but during the Ming, money was not backed and was not convertible. The building and maintenance of the treasure fleet was a breaking point for the then unconvertible paper currency. To meet the costs of shipbuilding and supply the state printed far too much money leading it to tank in value.


By the mid-15th century, just as the voyages were ending, increasing numbers of merchants were refusing to accept paper in return for their goods. In place of paper, a more informal system of barter emerged with sellers and buyers determining what constituted fair value. Localities tended to develop their own mediums of exchange so that in some places it could be bolts of silk, in others grain, and some areas even began minting their own copper or bronze coins. Without a clear long-term plan, the Ming began slowly and sporadically introducing a new system in which copper coins would be minted for everyday purchases while large purchases would be made with silver.


Along with this, emerged a new tax policy. Instead of taxing each local area in grain and labor, the Ming gradually began requesting tax payments in silver. This began as early as 1436 and then began more formalized over the next century and a half. By the second half of the 16th century, a new norm had emerged by which taxes were paid in silver which the state then used to pay for the costs of administering the empire.


One of the reasons that the system took so long to implement is because the supply of silver was not great enough to keep up with the huge demand that would come from requiring all 120 million subjects of the Ming to pay taxes in silver. This challenge was gradually resolved by enormous increases in the global silver supply. Japan was a major supplier for the first half of the 16th century, but it was mined in Spanish America which would become the key source of silver for the Ming economy by the end of the century. The huge demand for silver in China meant that its value was also extremely high there.


From the late 16th century the exchange rate of gold to silver was between 1:5.5 to 1:7 while at the same time in Spain, the rate was 1:12 to 1:14. Because silver was twice as valuable in China it created a huge incentive for anyone who had silver to do their best to get it to China. Through most of the 17th century, 150 tons of silver a year passed from the Americas through Europe and into Asia. Maybe even more significantly, 128 tons a year crossed the Pacific from Acapulco to the Spanish colony of Manila in the Philippines (Figure 2.6.1) where Chinese merchants waited to exchange their silks and porcelains for American silver.


The Chinese economy had become like a vacuum cleaner sucking up huge quantities of the global silver supply. According to Flynn and Giraldez, the founding of Manila in 1571 marked the beginning of a truly global trading system. For the first time, all the major populated continents were lixed through “substantial, direct, and continuous trade.” (Flynn and Giraldez, 201)


It is worth remembering that within this new global trade, the most important components were Chinese demand and American supply. The high price of silver in China drove the Spanish to exploit their Andean and Mexican mines for all they were worth, to develop complex systems to provide those mines with labor, and to establish a colony in the Philippines nearly 9,000 miles away from its port in Acapulco to access the Chinese market. The result was that the Ming Dynasty got its silver and Spain, which was otherwise a relatively small underdeveloped kingdom, became for a time the great European world power.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The flip side of this is that when the price of silver in China began to reach an equilibrium with the rest of the world, Spanish mining profits dried up, its ability to support its ambitions fell, and its status as a world power declined nearly as fast as it had risen. For its part, the Ming Dynasty also suffered as a result of fluctuations in silver prices. With silver losing about ⅔ of its value by the 1630’s it was as if Ming revenue had shrunk by a similar amount. This created a fiscal crisis that was ultimately one of the contributing causes of the fall of the Ming and the emergence of the Qing Dynasty after 1644. In this globalizing world, it was increasingly possible for conditions on one side of the world to dramatically impact people’s lives on the other.


The Qing dynasty suffered the famous humiliation in the 19th but blaming it on the west misunderstands current scholarship which is far more erudite and nuanced:


“…Economic depression in early nineteenth-century China was marked by a sustained decline in silver prices beginning in c. 1815. The Daoguang Depression coincided with an ecological crisis: climatic disturbances, harvest failures and catastrophic floods, particularly during the period 1815–1835. Conventional explanations for China’s economic troubles have emphasized either: (1) China’s incorporation into a capitalist world economy on unfavourable terms, resulting in a massive drain of silver abroad, primarily to pay for opium imports; or (2) a Malthusian crisis of subsistence triggered by unsustainable population increases that overtaxed the productive capacity of the Chinese economy . Yet neither of these theses is satisfactory.


In the first place, the onset of economic depression pre-dated the reversal in the flow of silver bullion. As Li Bozhong has observed, complaints of economic distress and widespread impoverishment of rich and poor alike were already being aired by 1820, well before the outflow of silver and bronze coin depreciation had become severe (Li 2007: 173–178). Moreover, any assessment of the impact of silver flows on the Chinese economy must consider questions of demand as well as supply. As Kishimoto Mio has shown, the penetration of foreign silver as shown by the adoption of the Carolus peso as a monetary standard varied extensively by region, and even by type of transaction (Kishimoto 2011: 13–17).


For example, in Jiangnan, the Carolus peso was widely used as the common currency of trade and finance by the beginning of the nineteenth century, yet land sale contracts continued to be denominated in bronze coin well into the nineteenth century. The complexity of China’s domestic monetary system at this time—which included Carolus pesos, copper and silver notes, and bronze coin as well as bullion silver—is still not sufficiently well understood. Given the present state of knowledge, we should beware any theories that treat the Chinese monetary system—or, for that matter, the Chinese economy —as an undifferentiated whole.


The new evidence for a Malthusian crisis from recent research—falling per capita GDP and real wages—is encumbered by methodological problems and questionable theoretical assumptions. The reversal of price trends in c. 1815—resulting in steep deflation in silver prices, but a steady level in relative prices—and the continuous population expansion down to the outbreak of the Taiping Rebellion belie a Malthusian narrative. Of course, given the massive scale of the Chinese Empire, regional variations were undoubtedly significant. The decline of cotton cloth manufacture in Jiangnan during the second quarter of the nineteenth century was related to structural and long-term conjunctural shifts in China’s domestic economy.


The concentration of population growth in poorer regions in western China and the increasing rustification of handicraft production had adverse effects on urban manufacture in regions such as Jiangnan, which could no longer compete with cheaper cotton goods produced in the interior regions.


The economic depression in early nineteenth-century China should be seen in the context of a long-standing pattern of conjunctural oscillation of economic expansion and contraction typical of advanced pre-modern economies. In the classic formulation of François Simiand, a long wave of economic expansion—the A-phase of population growth, expanding output and rising prices—was inevitably followed by an equally long B-phase of high mortality, deflation and stagnant output . Jack Goldstone has argued that the A-phase of commercial growth and economic prosperity that germinated across Eurasia in the early sixteenth century ultimately culminated in the economic distress, social conflicts and political crises that erupted in Ming China,


Western Europe and the Ottoman Empire in the mid-seventeenth century. The subsequent B-phase of economic contraction lasted until the early eighteenth century before the Chinese and European economies regained momentum, inaugurating a new A-phase .


In my view, although we can find some parallels in the cyclical trends of growth and decline in China and Europe in the period 1500–1800, there were crucial differences as well. 25 In the case of China, the long A-phase that lasted from the 1690s down to the 1790s did not end in a demographic collapse, but rather a precarious equilibrium .


It is quite possible that eighteenth-century China experienced an ‘industrious revolution’ not unlike that hypothesized for contemporary Japan and Europe, in which population expansion was accompanied by the intensification of work and increased non-agricultural production in the countryside that, together with the development of horizontal exchange within local and regional markets, led to economic specialization and productivity gains equalling or exceeding demographic growth. 26 Despite the apparent synchronicity of the Daoguang Depression and the B-phase of deflation and economic contraction in Europe during the period 1817–1850, fundamental differences between the economies of China and Europe had emerged by this time. 27


In addition, the role of silver imports in the Chinese economy had changed since the ‘Silver Century’ of 1550–1650. The primacy of silver—a cardinal feature of the A-phase of 1500–1650—became attenuated as bronze coin displaced silver bullion as the monetary standard in many local markets in the eighteenth century. Moreover, the economics of the silver trade had changed dramatically, as the arbitrage profits that orchestrated the global movements of silver during the ‘Silver Century’ vanished. Just as the causes of the Daoguang Depression are to be found in China’s domestic economic conditions rather than the global economy, the reduced demand for money (silver and bronze coin alike) during these decades was a symptom, not the cause, of this economic distress.”


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