2024-12-12 童言无忌 8247

I went to Paris last summer and came across some stinky people on the subway, why don't a number of French people shower regularly?


Gillian Loop
When I worked in Toulouse I was struck by immaculately dressed men in the metro who smelled horrendous. It took me some time to figure out that they were actually showering but were putting on the same stinky jackets that they had sweated in the day(s) before.
The smell is more like urine than dirty sweat but not quite. These guys did not look to be incontinent which is how I arrived at my conclusion.
Now I notice this smell frequently in France and realize that it’s an issue with no air conditioning and infrequent laundering.


David Glassco
Have you ever ridden the subway in NYC?
There are some interesting smells there


Julia Chase
Chicago too. I rode the El and buses for 17 years. Generally fine, but frequently stinky.


Lena Esco
Yes there are!


Barbara O'Neill
For sure! I rode the NYC for more than a decade, and the odor was awful. Especially in the summer!


Maximillian Wainwright
Boston’s MBTA can be rather odiferous, as well

波士顿的 MBTA 也可能相当难闻。

Judy Vogelesang
You want bad smell, go to the undercover Central Market in Adelaide. The garlicky smell coming from people , bites your nose if you know what I mean. Not being racist, but the older southern European women in the permanent black clothing really smell.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Paul Hewitt
Heck, forget the subway. Ever place in NYC stinks.


Andrew Lawrence
Yes no doubt but not by well dressed professionals.


Erick 77
Excepted coming across some homeless people I have not notice such a thing on a big scale. but, If its unbearable for you, you may want to avoid public transportation in Paris.
I also would like to point at this is not specific to big cities in France, you also may come across some “smelly” individuals in New York, London, Bruxelles, or San Fransisco etc…


Rock/Hard Place
The metro in Paris in the summmer is unlike anything I have smelled anywhere in the world, and we travel a lot! I still love Paris and Parisians, but it would be nice to not singe my nostril hair on the metro in summer!


Teddy Funk
You know where you won’t come across such people? Tokyo, Seoul, and even cities like Hong Kong and Singapore that are stinky hot all the time. It’s quite a shock to the system moving to a big European city from a big Asian one. The people just smell really bad.


Tina Lettieri
Also Italy and a lot of the Middle East. Men love to use fragrance in those places and personal sanitation practices involving washing after the bathroom help.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Teddy Funk
I think sweat glands play a part but it’s a bit of a shock to the system encountering people who seemingly haven’t showered for days, or worse, smell of actual shit (man behind us on a bus last week). Can’t even blame hot weather.


Mark Levy
Do you know that Asians have a genetic condition that makes them smell less? Deodorants are barely sold there


Andrew Webb
I think it’s a lot to do with the western diet as anything. More dairy, more meat compared to a fish and vegetable diet which is more to the taste of the far east.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Angela Nagata
My Asian husband eats the same as me. He doesn’t have to use deodorant. Sweats but doesn’t stink. It is genetic, not diet.


Arriosto Manalo
You should add Phillipines where bathing is almost a must for anyone active to go outside the house on a daily routine. Filipinos may look staid or simple by the way we dress but we hate people whose body and clothes stink like those coming from cold countries.


Andrew Lawrence
I think some Asians lack a gene for smelly bacteria


John Vassard
I read years ago ,that the Japanese don’t sweat . Neither do Koreans . Don’t know if this is correct .


Steve Aspesi
try public transportation in a 3rd world country like India or most any country in Africa and you will be jam packed with some of the most ripe BO you’ve ever known.


Jay Kahl
I live in Florida where it’s hot. Human stew. And you’ll often find yourself in line somewhere next to someone who has been working hard while in the humidity and heat. Even if there is nobody around, the ground water stinks. Everytime the sprinklers come on all you smell is sulphur.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Irene Gratton
I'm in the UK the same here ! I was in a shop and a man came in walking round.the smell made me heave !


Neil Brooks
I remember visiting my fiamce’s parents in Nice. They advised me not to do laundry or shower on Saturday, The water pressure would be too low, as most people in the building take their weekly baths on Saturdays.


François Harmant


Gordon Davies
Paris in the summer is hot. Paris has a functioning public transport system. SOmost people do not drive to work
Houses and offices do not have air conditioning.
The metro can get very hot. People sweat. They sweat in the morning, they sweat during the day and they sweat going home.
When they get home they shower and change.
French sartorial standards are different. They do not dress as if they are going to funeral when they are going to work.


5 Spice
Many don't shower in the morning and that is a big reason why. Only showering in the evening means you are going like 8-12 hours plus your work day, without a shower. People are musty.

很多人早上不洗澡,这就是一个重要原因。只在晚上洗澡,意味着你要工作 8-12 个小时,期间都不洗澡。人们都发霉了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Brigid Fallon
But they generally look very nice.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I’m pretty sure there are smelly people all around the world but, as a French woman, I have got first hand experience and there is a hygiene problem in France. Which is strange because being smelly and dirty is frowned upon. But I think a few people do not smell themselves. I remember being shocked once when a French influencer asked her followers how often they showered, they were all women and quite a lot said they didn’t shower everyday. Some said they didn’t wash their feet with soap for example because their feet bathed in the shower water and that was enough, or they didn’t wash their legs or back or arms because « they didn’t touch anything with it »!! And they were all women following a beauty influencer so probably stylish, all made up and elegant, but they were dirty. There has been another recent survey showing that more than 50% of people didn’t wash their hands after using the subway, or using the restrooms. Or didn’t wash their hands before cooking!!

她们都是追随一位美容网红的女性,所以她们可能很时尚、化了妆、很优雅,但她们很脏。最近还有一项调查显示,超过 50% 的人在乘坐地铁或上完厕所后不洗手。或者在做饭前不洗手!!

Gillian Loop
I’m shocked by how many women I see leaving the restrooms with only a brief rinse of water on their hands or often no washing at all.
Why is this?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sandra Spatchell
Are you not shocked by how many men leave a restroom without washing after pulling out and then stuffing their private part back in their pants?


Sometimes, there’s no soap, especially in some public restrooms. But according to the survey I mentioned, 51% of people don’t wash their hands after using the restrooms, I don’t know why. It explains why they found it so hard to wash their hands for Covid and why the stomach flu strives each year in this country…


Lena Esco
I agree with you. I always carry antibacterial handwipes or a small tub of soap in my bag for these occasions. Cold water faucets irritate me.


J DeBergerac
I have travelled around France quite a lot.
I have almost never encountered soap in a public toilet, unlike in the UK.


I’d say there’s soap in about 50 to 60% of them. Rest areas restrooms on the freeway being the worst. But big malls and restaurants restrooms have soap most of the time. Restrooms in schools are usually atrocious, dirty, no soap, no toilet paper…

我认为其中大约 50% 到 60% 的厕所都有肥皂。高速公路休息区的厕所最差。但大型商场和餐厅的厕所大多数时候都是有肥皂的。学校的厕所通常很糟糕,很脏,没有肥皂,没有卫生纸……

J DeBergerac
Yes, my experience is from travelling around the country. I think most restaurants would have soap in the toilets. I never go to malls.


I think I have a very good sense of smell and in all my travels in France I never once had any horrid odors flow in my direction. I’ve been traveling (mostly to Paris) since the early 80s and my upcoming trip will be # 29. I normally always travel in Paris by bus or metro & have never smelled anything offensive. I don’t know why people (usually tourists) say this about, ie, the Parisians when, in fact, it could be them — the tourists. Just by looking at somehow doesn’t indicate what nationality they are. I live in the US and there’s a lot of smelly people here !!

我认为我的嗅觉非常灵敏,在我去过的所有法国旅行中,我从未闻到过任何难闻的气味。我从 80 年代初就开始旅行(主要是去巴黎),我即将进行的旅行将是第 29 次。我通常在巴黎乘坐公共汽车或地铁,从未闻到过任何难闻的味道。我不知道为什么人们(通常是游客)会这样评价巴黎人,而事实上,可能是他们——游客身上有味道。仅仅是通过观察并不能判断他们是哪个国家的人。我住在美国,这里有很多臭味十足的人!!

Jean Pierre
I find the question offensive. I’ve never been aware of my co-nationals being “smelly”. I did read somewhere that the English never washed at all, until the middle ages, and even when some of them started to, it was rarely even once a week for centuries, for most of them. We on the other hand have been bathing and using deodorants and perfumes since forever. So maybe it’s the smell of flowers that foreigners are being strangled by.


Grasset Vivien
Agreed, the question and assumption (being that we wouldn’t wash regularly) are not only wrong but quite disrespectful.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Maire Fox
I totally agree you can't say that about a race of people based on a visit I have family in France and they are very particular about hygiene I think you owe that country an apology it doesn't cost anything to be kind


Lena Esco
French is not a “race,” it’s an ethnicity/culture.


Alexander Angel
Well, 1918–30, Americans sometimes sang, ““The French they are a funny race, parley-vous?!”

好吧,1918到1930 年,美国人有时会唱道,“法国人真是一个有趣的种族,你们怎么看?!”

5 Spice
It depends on how well people are washing. Are they washing or doing a quick rinse?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jeff Wilcox
I’ve only visited France in September, and don’t remember smelly people much in the autumn weather. Riding the subway in NYC, the only time it stinks is if an unwashed, mentally ill homeless person happens to be occupying space on a car or the platform. I have encountered really smelly Frenchmen who live in NYC, who simply do not use deodorants. One, in particular is a very skilled, successful artisan, who reeks of body odor. None of the craftsmen who work for and with him stinks. There are 360+million people living in the US. A few of them don’t bathe and deodorize, but the percentage of ordinary French whose cleanliness habits leave a great deal to be desired is vastly higher, much as it pains this Francophile to admit that.

我九月才去过法国,不记得秋天有身体发臭的人。在纽约乘坐地铁时,唯一会发臭的时候是碰到有精神病的流浪汉占据了车厢或站台。我遇到过住在纽约的身体真的很臭的法国人,他们根本不使用除臭剂。其中一位是一位非常熟练、成功的工匠,他浑身散发着体臭。和他一起工作的工匠都没有体臭。美国有 3.6 亿人。他们中的一些人不洗澡也不除臭,但普通法国人中清洁习惯很不尽如人意的比例要高得多,尽管作为一位法国文化爱好者,我很不想承认这一点。

Richard Sarziniec
Only dirty People wash themselves


Ramon Pinpin
Same here, in NYC. Why don’t Americans wash more regularly?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Millie Grant
Americans do wash regularly, perhaps the people you encounter do not wash regularly.


Lena Esco
It depends on the culture of some Americans. I shower 2x daily bc I teach, kids are full of germs and I like a clean body plus bed. Oh, and I live in the Midwest.


Christine Sebastian
And the chlorine and other chemical in the US water will make your skin older faster.


Delphine Combe
Really, you can make such a statement about French people in general! Amazing! When living in New York, I really remember the smell in the subway! It was not the greatest either! And the smell at most downtown stations in SFO are also quite bad! So please, stop ! Every places in this world as it’s smelly place! And America is not better!


I can’t stand the smell of Manhattan! All of it. Walking down the street smelled like a garbage dump.


What a stereotypical question, and answer…! Both being probably fueled by those old American clichés. You’ll find smelly people all around the world you know : in Japan, in the US, and so on. The fact you came across some “immaculatey dressed but smelly man” doesn’t mean French in general don’t take a bath or change their clothes every day. You’re generalization based on the sole fact you cherry-picked some random cases in the subway is quite offensive indeed.


Alex vSH
I am French, living in the US, with a Trumpist neighbor who doesn’t shower, doesn’t change and often pees himself or vomit on himself because of his drinking… that’s what my French family sees as the US when they visit us….


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