2024-12-17 汤沐之邑 4628

What do you love about America?


Charissa Enget
What do you like about America?
It takes care of its citizens.
There’s so much security in being an American.
If I’m unfairly jailed by a foreign country, the American Embassy will work to get me out and bring me home. Third world countries don’t do that.
If a war outbreaks in a country I’m staying in and I’m in danger and can’t get out, American forces will send help to try to get me out of there. Most other countries don’t do that.
If I become disabled and I’m unable to work, America has programs to help me and take care of me. Just yesterday I saw a blind man without legs singing on the street in Thailand for spare change because he can’t work and Thailand doesn’t have any social platforms for him.
If I go absolutely broke, I can file bankruptcy or get on welfare until I get back on my feet. The American government will help me if I hit rock bottom. Most other countries don’t do that.


As an American, I can pursue any job because my country supplies them. I can be an engineer, a doctor, a ship captain, an entrepreneur, or a waitress if I want to. If I were born as a Thai citizen, my options would be working in tourism/travel, working manual labor, working in fishing, or opening a small shop or restaurant because their country has only those jobs available for the average citizen. My job options are unlimited.
The laws in place guarantee the medicine and prescxtions I buy are legitimate, I know my food is prepared hygienically and won’t make me sick, and buildings are up to code and were built with integrity.


The legal system allows me to have a fighting chance if I am wronged. I have the means to hire a lawyer and get justice and fight those with more money than me who try to take advantage of me if necessary. Laws protect my freedom. Other countries don’t enforce the laws protecting them.
Gun laws give me protection against my government. Citizens riot every labor day against their government in Thailand for unfair labor practices, but because they do not have the means to physically defend themselves against their government, they do not have to take them as a serious threat and have complete control over them. My gun ownership gives the citizens of my country a legitimate voice against potential tyranny in the American government.


The poorest people I know in America are richer than the majority of the world. The fact that everyone I know has a roof over their heads, can afford food every day, and can afford transportation means they’re ridiculously wealthy, comparative to the rest of the world. People abroad live on a dollar a day. We have it so good.
I love America, and having lived in a couple of third world countries, I can say it is truly an amazing place to live, a country unlike any other before it. A country that protects its citizens and offers an amazing life.


Flavius Hobbs
It never ceases to amaze me about complaints against America by people that have never traveled outside America.
It never ceases to amaze me about complaints against America by people that have never traveled to America.
America is not perfect and there are ways it can be improved. However, having lived in Germany, England and the Philippines I always look forward with anticipation to coming back home.
God bless you and God bless America!


Rob Jefford
I for one wouldn't want to even return to the shithole that is the us. In the last 20–30 years it has really gone down the pan


Leya Bahad
A lot of people won’t understand that though unless they experienced a life in a third world country. I’m from a third world country, but I’m so patriotic to the country I’m not even a citizen of. I see a lot of Americans complain about stupid things.


Christopher Tan
Well I’m sure the US is a great country and they do all the things you said, but of course other countries also do those things. For example:
Point no 2 - Thailand evacuated its citizens when the Libyan War started Thai evacuation from Libya begins
Point no 1 - The Filipino government (a developing country) supported its citizen in appealing the death sentence given by a court in the UAE because she was defending herself (Filipina maid cleared of death sentence for murdering UAE boss)
Point no 5 - It depends on your education, I think. Assuming you are from Thai middle class that can afford a university degree, in a mechanical engineering (as you are now), for example, you can definitely work in technical jobs in many large industries in Bangkok.
Point no 4 - I think European social democracies like Sweden, Denmark, or Germany also will help broke, unemployed citizens (they even do it better in this regard, I think)
Point no 7 - The legal system in Northern and Western European mature democracies are also considered really good in protecting its citizens. Check the rank for Criminal and Civil Justice - Nordic countries like Sweden and Denmark, and also Germany are ranked better than the US. WJP Rule of Law Index?
I’m not saying the US is a bad country, of course. It is a really good and developed country which really cares for its citizens. But to say that other country does not do it, I think it’s not a really correct notion.

第二点 - 利比亚战争开始后,泰国开始从利比亚撤离其公民
第一点 - 菲律宾政府(一个发展中国家)支持其公民在阿联酋法院上诉死刑,因为她是在自卫(菲律宾女佣因谋杀阿联酋老板被判死刑)。
第五点 - 我认为这取决于你的教育。假设你来自泰国中产阶级,能够负担大学学位,例如,你现在是机械工程专业,你肯定可以在曼谷的许多大型工业中从事技术工作。
第四点 - 我认为像瑞典、丹麦或德国这样的欧洲社会民主国家也会帮助破产、失业的公民(我认为在这方面他们做得更好)。
第七点 - 北欧和西欧成熟民主国家的法律体系也被认为是真正保护其公民的。查看刑事和民事司法排名 - 北欧国家如瑞典和丹麦,还有德国在WJP法治指数中的排名都比美国好?

Harshit Bajpai
I wish many people living in streets in America and below poverty line with a board saying ‘got some change’ knew these benefits of being an American too


Akash Singh
American forces will send help to try to get me out of there.
Not always, you might want to read more on how citizens were evacuated from Yemen.


Edward Patrick Akinyemi
Gun laws give me protection against my government.
This, right here, sums up the one thing I’ve absolutely never understood about Americans: this antagonism towards their own government.
In Europe, nobody feels the need to be “protected against his/her government.” As someone that grew up in Europe*, this seems like the most peculiar sentiment ever: why would I need to be protected against my government?


Having lived in Europe and the United States, I'd say it boils down to a difference in how they view the government. The US citizen has a contractual relationship with the govt (The Constitution) by which both are expected to abide. Whereas many Europeans see their govt as an extension of their national identity while also having much more flexibility in how their governing coalitions are formed.
Throw in a culture of centuries of gun ownership in the US vs frequently govt overthrow/turn over in Europe over the same stretch (although not always violent) and it starts to make more sense


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Krishnabh Medhi
About six million German Jews might have had a valid reason to be antagonistic towards their government despite being in Europe where governments are always benevolent.


Edward Patrick Akinyemi
Using that line of reasoning, the French have a reason to be antagonistic towards their own government because of the French Revolution. And yet, French people aren’t eager to have guns.


Vijay Krishnan
What boggles my mind is that Developed countries in Europe murdered millions of their own citizens less than a century ago. Previous centuries were probably even worse.
The number far far exceeds deaths via regular homicide etc. To make matters worse you are dependent on the US to save you and refraining from investing enough in your own defense. What gives you the confidence that you have somehow changed human nature completely and irreversibly? Are Europeans so childish and immature to believe that they have entered some brave new world?
Or do you not care? Are you okay with exposing yourself to another GENOCIDE of millions of people’s via another holocaust or invasion in the next 100 years? After all you’ll likely be dead by then and it would only be your children or grandchildren that would be exposed to that eventuality?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kevin Anand
As a European, it's ironic that you don't feel the urge to protect yourself against your own government, considering the atrocities that occurred there within many people's living memories.
Every single tyrannical government disarms their citizens, without fail. Because an armed populace is a populace that cannot be easily controlled.


Benedicto Cid
You need to remember what has happened in Europe over just the last 100 years. Where governments with too much power have abused their citizens. Does not happen every day but it does happen. It's ultimately human nature.
Put a bit too much power in the hands of government and over the course of several generations you start to have problems.


Ellen Drager
Not every American who gets a gun is worried about the gov’t- no, they are more worried about police reaction time because they live in rural areas. Some women get them as a defense against crazy exes or stalkers.
Many get them because the US is vast, and maybe they were raised to hunt deer in the fall (or ducks etc).
A few buy guns for the above reasons and distrust overly large, meddling local and national government.


Sanjith Singh
It stems from the power that the government has over it's citizens. The USA was created by people who experienced tyranny first-hand and we're therefore rightfully wary of it. They understood that without the proper protections against the government, the government could and would become totalitarian. The weariness of government is therefore ingrained in American culture.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Michele Camera
I'm so sorry that this wasn't covered in your history classes. Perhaps this lix will explain to you why and how free citizens, who are endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights, decided to throw off the government of their tyrannical king. Once we went to the trouble of doing that it seemed logical to ensure that we wouldn't end up with a different tyrant or some other form of government which could possibly be worse, hence the U.S. Constitution. As for your question “Why guns?” Uh….beause they are effective.


Seriously, what is the European plan for throwing off the rise of another Hitler (not even his own generals were successful in pulling off a coup d'etat.) If the Gestapo breaks down your door are you planning on waving a stick and yelling “Get back or I'll give you such a nasty splinter!”. That's a rhetorical question, by they way. Please don't respond with some pap about being too civilized for self-defense or other such nonsense.


Edward Patrick Akinyemi
Uh….beause they are effective. Seriously, what is the European plan for throwing off the rise of another HitlerHaving a functioning democracy in which people don’t feel the need to have guns. It’s working pretty well so far.


Bob Cormack
“In Europe, nobody feels the need to be “protected against his/her government.””
You obviously grew up after WWII. Within living memory, there were vast numbers of people in Europe who would have felt that way. Millions of them died without being able to do so.
Americans believe that governments who trust their citizens to be armed are far less likely to install autocratic rules and laws.
Tyrants of the world seem to agree: Nearly all tyrants make strong efforts to disarm their populations. (True, some like Hitler, only disarm the part of the population that they intend to destroy.)
Perhaps they know something about this?


Edward Patrick Akinyemi
Yes but, with all respect, WWII was 75 years ago… Society has changed dramatically.


John Burris
The American govt. helps its citizens? I’m a military vet who will move overseas BECAUSE the country does NOT care about its working and middle class one iota. What color is the sky in your world? LOL


Stefan Jankovic
The problem with Americans is that they compare US with some 3rd world countries like sub-saharan Africa,latin America,Middle East,India,Pakistan,Tailand etc.
How about comparing US to better countries? Than you would see that for those many way better countries than US, like most of Europe,the US is seen as 3rd world.
When you see having house,being able to buy food everyday and have transportation as something extraordinary than you have a problem. In most countries those things are not extraordinary but minimum.


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