2024-12-18 兰陵笑笑生 14716
How "bananas" watch Cdramas - of being almost" but not quite Chinese enough


I'm not sure if everyone is familiar with the term "banana" but in my country, it's the term we use to describe someone who is Chinese but they cannot speak any Chinese language. (Yellow on the outside white on the inside, get it?? lol) Bananas are often looked at with disdain by Chinese who can speak, read Chinese.
There's a lot of cultural baggage involved with being labelled a "banana" - like we've somehow given up and betrayed our roots and culture and think other cultures are better. Something I realise - the Chinese diaspora fiercely clings to their culture and their origins in China, so even till this day, if you say something negative about China, we will feel it, even if we've never stepped foot in China. I find that interesting, because I don't think other diaspora feel the same way, but correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm weird in the sense that I'm not 100% a banana. I can understand Mandarin and read some (very poorly), and this is due to an accident of geography where I grew up living next to Singapore where the main Chinese language was Mandarin. I was also raised by my grandma for a while, and she spoke Northern Malaysian Hokkien which is a fast-dying dialect.
I'm also Peranakan, which means I have mixed-race ancestry, and my culture is a mix of Malay, Chinese and heck, even British.
I've grown up not feeling 100% Chinese, but CDramas help me root myself in Chinese culture and helped me appreciate that side of it. When I used to visit China often for work, I often feel like, "hey this is where my ancestors came from, this is so cool!" I remember standing on one section of the Great Wall and wondering if my ancestors worked on it.
Being able to speak Mandarin and Hokkien helped massively in life and gives me a "pass" among the Chinese who are more fluent especially with the elders. It's like they're saying, "Okay, this one passes the mark at least and has not betrayed her ancestors!"
But I'm working actively to bring up my Mandarin levels from mid to fluent. It's not easy lol.
When I watch Chinese dramas, I watch it with English subtitles. If I really wanted to brush up my Mandarin, I should watch it without but I'm lazy! Also, I find China's Mandarin accents difficult at times, and sometimes, especially if they're not professionally dubbed, oh boy, my mind goes - I need suuubs! When it comes to historical dramas it can be impossible because they use different words and phrases - think Shakespearan English. (I can understand Malaysian Mandarin way better, of course. It turns out we use words folks from China don't, and our grammar is a little upside down lol.)
I sometimes watch MangoTV modern dramas just to challenge myself because the subs are so horrendous I turn them off. I am massively proud that I usually understand 80% of what is said.
Yeah I'm writing this wondering if there's any of you among the Chinese diaspora who feel more connected with your roots thanks to Chinese dramas. For me, it has helped me appreciate my roots a lot :)

我有时会看芒果TV 现代剧,只是想挑战一下自己,因为字幕太难看了,我就关掉了。我感到非常自豪的是,我通常能听懂 80% 的内容。

Hahaha. You and I, my friend. Are bananas of the same country.
I can’t quite speak any Chinese dialects. No doubt, I’m definitely better in Mandarin but even then, it’s with English language accent.
It’s sad. But it’s true. I was in a Malay school and although took some Chinese classes, i didn’t really have many Chinese speaking friends to continue using it.
I really do wish my parents did put me in a Chinese school. Trying to learn a new language or “my own language” at my age is not easy.
I guess, I’m really more like a true banana, not being able to speak any dialects with full length


I can relate. Although my situation is very different than yours, I feel the that same pull to be "true" to my culture despite growing up in a place that is no where near China. My family is from the South so the language I have tenuous ties to is Cantonese. I don't watch any dramas in Canonese though, I haven't really found any that I like. Still it does make me feel closer to my roots some how. Learning about Chinese culture, a bit of history, what kinds of things appeal to people in China. I also watch K daramas and I find that I understand C dramas a bit more becasue I at least have some basic knowledge about the culture. Whereas a lot of things in K dramas go right over my head.


It may not be my place to intrude here as a complete Westerner (British immigrant to the US) who likes cdramas, has little knowledge but much admiration for Asian cultures, and zero understanding of any Chinese (or Asian) languages.
I just want to say that this a fascinating thread. It's refreshing and insightful to see such a thoughtful and respectful discussion of these incredibly complex cultural issues --- something you rarely see elsewhere.


Singaporean banana checking in. I will never forgive our education system for almost making me hate Mandarin haha. It's such a beautiful language that allows you to convey so much depth with very few characters. Luckily, my love for period dramas, especially in the context of China's rich cultural history, has kept me tethered to the language. I feel most at home when I'm consuming cdramas, even though I've watched way more kdramas in my lifetime. There's just something so familiar about the mainland actors'mannerisms and tone that instantly puts me at ease.
I definitely identify with what you said about being affected by any negative criticism of China as a diaspora. Some of it comes from an ignorant, brainwashed Western perspective determined to stereotype and dehumanise Chinese people as a whole. Even I used to have a certain negative image of China until my parents brought me to Beijing.


Hello fellow Malaysian banana! I hear you about the disconnect with our roots. Due to a series of circumstances, my siblings are “true bananas” (barely speak Chinese, can understand some as they’ve heard it growing up) while I’m a “half banana” (I speak cantonese predominantly but cannot read) and my parents are “bananas in hiding” (speaks an average of 6 dialects each but cannot read). Our non-banana family members have given us these labels lol.
Watching dramas has really improved my Mandarin, though it’s a slow learning process. I’ve left the country for over a decade now and live in an English speaking country, so immersion is hard to come by. Plus, my IP here means I get less Chinese stuff on Netflix :( I also have no one to consult about strange sounding phrases - the subtitles are great but they’re not always contextually accurate! I’m getting better at picking up the discrepancies in the translations, so I think I’m progressing? I still have a long way to go…
One thing I realized recently is that the Malaysian Mandarin grammar is more similar to Taiwanese. Similar issues with Cantonese; ours is different structurally from Hong Kong. This makes trying to speak my drama-learned Mandarin with Malaysian people very awkward lol. I also lean toward xianxia, which has more formal tones and often less common words/phrases. I do agree that watching dramas has helped me connect more with my roots, I’ve taken more interest in history and the linguistic expressions (like breaking down parts of a character or identifying the root meaning of a combined word). It’s slow but a fun way to learn!

你好,马来西亚香蕉同胞!我懂你说的我们与自己的根脱节。由于一系列原因,我的兄弟姐妹是“真香蕉”(几乎不会说中文,但能听懂一些,因为他们从小就听中文),而我是“半香蕉”(主要会说粤语,但不识字),我的父母是“隐藏的香蕉”(平均每人会说 6 种方言,但不识字)。这是我们家族里的“非香蕉”成员给我们贴上的标签,哈哈哈。
看电视剧确实提高了我的普通话水平,尽管这是一个缓慢的学习过程。我已经离开这个国家十多年了,现在生活在一个讲英语的国家,所以很难有沉浸式的学习。此外,我在这里的 IP 意味着我在 Netflix 上看到的中文内容越来越少:( 我也没有人可以请教那些我听起来觉得很奇怪的短语--字幕挺好的,但它们并不总是准确地反映上下文!我越来越善于发现翻译中的差异,所以我觉得我在进步。不过我还有很长的路要走......

I also started watching C-Dramas to brush up on my Mandarin. None of my friends speak Mandarin. My social circle is very white or ABC. Taiwanese Hokkien was the dominant language in my household when I was growing up and to this day, I still struggle with Mandarin names of common household and menu items because I know them in Taiwanese only. Increasing my consumption of Chinese and Taiwanese media has definitely improved my language skills. My Chinese sister-in-law told me that I've very noticeably improved over the past two years.
I agree that there's a level of disdain or disappointment among the elders about not being fluent in Mandarin. 'Banana' is more of a Western term because I think they speak about us as wàirén (outsider) or wàiguó rén (foreigner). I don't personally feel a massive cultural disconnection but I think it's nice to connect via language or food to one's cultural roots.

我也开始看中国电视剧来提高我的普通话水平。我的朋友都不会说普通话。我的社交圈都是白人或 ABC。在我的成长过程中,台湾(地区)福建话是我家里的主要语言,直到今天,我仍然在为常见的日用品和菜单的普通话名称而苦恼,因为我只知道台语名称。增加对中文和台湾(地区)媒体的阅读无疑提高了我的语言能力。我的中国嫂子告诉我,在过去两年里,我的语言能力有了非常明显的提高。
我同意,长辈们对我的普通话不流利有一定程度的鄙视或失望。“香蕉”这个词更像是对西方人说的,因为我觉得他们说我们是“外人”(wàirén)或“外国人”(wàiguó rén)。我个人并没有感觉到文化上的巨大隔阂,但我认为通过语言或食物与自己的文化根基联系起来是件好事。

I'm Hmong American and earlier this week I watched the drama [New Generation](https://mydramalist.com/704507-new-generation-our-new-era). This drama tells six different stories and one of the stories is about a Miao/Hmong doctor named Liu Shi Lan (played by Wu Qian) who gives up on the opportunity to work at a renowned hospital in the city, and becomes a doctor in the countryside, succeeding her mother as a second-generation village physician.
Even though they're not my subgroup and they spoke mandarin the entire time, I felt connected and represented. Seeing the cultural motifs, dresses, instruments (lusheng and drums), and traditions made me happy. There's a scene where they talk about the tradition of mothers making wedding dresses for their daughters, and it almost made me cry (my brother was in the room so I held it together lol).
Even though I'm not Han, we share cultural similarities being that my ancestors are from China. So because of this I relate to and connect with cdramas even though the people on screen aren't my ethnicity.


lol I’ve never heard of banana but what does that make me cos I’m not white but more like dark (rotten banana?). My family is comprised of different skin, hair, and eye colors (my babygirl looks Chinese but with green eyes) but we try to keep all traditions. I have to say my Mandarin has improved significantly since I started watching cdramas. I can watch without subtitles now. Still can’t read tho so that’s the next phase

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Absolutely! We actually have similar roots, my family (dad's side at least) are Malaysian (Hakka/Cantonese origins) Chinese and sent all their kids abroad to Britain. So my dad went abroad and consequently I ended up being born and raised in the west.
Tbh I grew up in the U.S and dealt with a lot of internalized racism and just straight up sinophobia. I wish I hadn't quit going to Chinese school, I used to be able to speak Cantonese but stopped using it. Just recently due to the immense sinophobia, I wanted to go the opposite direction of it, I want to embrace my heritage. I'm tired of our culture and languages being demonized too. I follow a lot of hanfu bloggers and people who translate douyins on Tumblr because I genuinely enjoy insight on what modern day China is like. Chinese memes are on a different level and to my great joy, there are so many douyins that just do straight up silly skits. I've also been watching C-dramas and slowly learning some Mandarin just by watching them.
I recognize some words and sometimes can even catch the translation being sort of off! I have a long way to go though but just watch cdramas makes me feel more connected.
I'm not the biggest fan of banana either. But I totally get it in the sense of reclaiming the term.

老实说,我在美国长大,经历了很多内化的种族主义和直接的中国恐惧症。我真希望自己没有放弃上中文学校,我以前会说广东话,但后来就不再说了。就在最近,由于强烈的恐华症,我反倒想反其道而行之,拥抱自己的传统。我也厌倦了我们的文化和语言被妖魔化。我在 Tumblr 上关注了很多汉服博主和翻译抖音视频的人,因为我真的很喜欢了解现代中国是什么样的。中国的梗完全是另一个层次的,抖音上很多滑稽短剧让我乐得不行。我还一直在看陆剧,通过看这些剧慢慢学会了一些普通话。

Sorry, I dislike the term banana a lot. I would never refer to anyone or myself as a “banana”.
I do relate to the message of your post a lot though. I am American born Chinese and cdramas have very much helped me understand more of my roots, language and culture. In the US we don’t see many Asians in media, so I really enjoy watching cdramas. I speak, read and write really poorly and I think that cdramas help me a lot with comprehension and listening to tones, vocabulary,etc.


A drama helped me to realize that I'm a peranakan.
I watched some scenes from IQiyi's "The Little Nyonya" which was based on a Singaporean TV Drama of the same name. Okay, that IQiyi's production was terrible, the FL speaks English and Malay with a terribly thick thick thick Chinese accent. And there's this one pantun/syair scene, and it haunts me up to this day because of the horrible pronunciation.
But it made me watch the original version. And I'm so glad that I did. It made me stop trying to be 99.99% Chinese just to fulfill my family's expectations.

但它让我去看了原版。我很高兴我这么做了。它让我不再为了满足家人的期望而努力成为 99.99% 的中国人。

I'm by no means a Chinese diaspora. I'm, for all legal purposes, Malay and identify with it. But I've a somewhat complicated family heritage: Malay, Indonesian (Minangkabau), Thai (Siamese) and Chinese (Peranakan). Growing up, I learned only English, Malay and Minang formally, but learned much of the Chinese I speak now (which isn't much, but enough to get by solo in Taiwan), thanks to cdrama. I always found it strange hearing from Chinese 'banana' peers that they hated to speak in Mandarin. I think Mandarin is a beautiful language, and your written scxt is poetry in motion (as beautiful as Arabic calligraphy). I must admit though I lean more towards the Taiwanese Mandarin accent than the ones from China. I find that I relate to the melodic aspects of the Taiwanese speech patterns more mainly because my native language, Bahasa Malay, is very similar in the way we speak.


Always got called banana growing up, I am CBC - Canadian born Chinese. Parents wanted us to be true Canadians because they suffered so much to immigrate here but also in the same breath get upset that we can't speak it properly/ forgotten our heritage.
Grew up on TVB - only reason I can still speak Cantonese til this day. Started watching Taiwanese dramas in high school with subtitles and now CDramas.. all the different Mandarin dialects and tones were really hard to understand... only recently I feel like I don't need to rely on subtitles.

在我的成长过程中,总是有人叫我香蕉人,我是 CBC - 在加拿大出生的中国人。父母希望我们成为真正的加拿大人,因为他们为了移民到这里吃了很多苦,但同时也为我们不能正确地使用中文/忘记了我们的传统而烦恼。
我是在看着 TVB 的节目中长大的,这也是我至今还能说广东话的唯一原因。所有不同的普通话方言和语调真的很难理解......直到最近我才觉得我不需要依赖字幕。

Cantonese ABC here. I’m lucky enough to be born in a city with a booming Chinese population so I grew up going to Chinese school to learn Cantonese and know how to read and write Chinese. I’m thankful that we have a local Chinese station which aired many dramas in both Cantonese and Mandarin so I ended up learning Mandarin from watching these dramas. Till this day I’m still learning a lot about my culture through CDramas specifically a lot of traditional practices and where they stemmed from and I’m glad many of us can discover our roots through these CDramas.

广东 ABC在这里。我很幸运出生在一个华人众多的城市,所以我从小就在中文学校学习粤语,知道如何阅读和书写中文。我很庆幸我们当地有一个中文电视台,播放许多粤语和普通话的电视剧,所以我最终从观看这些电视剧中学会了普通话。直到今天,我还在通过电视剧了解我的文化,特别是很多传统习俗和它们的起源,我很高兴我们很多人都能通过这些电视剧找到自己的根。

i def relate. i started watching to connect with my roots and improve my mandarin too. just as an fyi, watching with Chinese subtitles helps way more than english… even if you can only read a bit, connecting the sounds with the written language helps lodge it in your brain. watching with an extension like “language learning” (where you can hover over the characters you don’t know) also helps. my mandarin is way way better now with these strategies

我能理解你的感受。我也是为了寻根和提高普通话水平才开始看的......顺便提一下,看中文字幕比看英文字幕更有帮助......即使你只能读一点,把声音和书面语言联系起来也有助于在你的大脑中留下印象。一边观看一边使用“Language Learning”(语言学习)之类的扩展功能(你可以将鼠标悬停在不认识的字符上)也很有帮助。

I am also a banana in the sense I can speak a bit of mandarin and even less Cantonese, but like you mentioned drama has gotten me closer to my culture and made me want to learn more about it.


Grew up speaking Mandarin with my parents and Hokkien with grandma and English was a language that I had to put effort into when I was a kid because my school taught all lessons in English (other than Chinese lessons). After going to university in the US for 6 years and barely having the chance to use Mandarin and Hokkien there (doesn’t help that hubby only speaks English), I actually need to brush up on my Mandarin in order to converse in Mandarin fully with my parents coz they only speak Mandarin with me (kinda gave up on speaking Hokkien though I can understand it). There’s was a point right before I went overseas for studies that I was fluent in Mandarin and English (able to read novels in both languages too), so it’s pretty eye opening how losing literacy and fluency in a language can happen so easily once I didn’t use it as much for years.
Watching Cdramas with Chinese subtitles really helped with polishing up my Chinese again. It’s interesting to note that while it helped with fluency, I didn’t need as much polishing when it comes to reading. And because I mainly watch period settings it does cause me to use more with my parents

我从小就和父母说普通话,和奶奶说福建话,英语是我小时候必须努力学习的一门语言,因为学校的所有课程都是用英语教授的(中文课除外)。我在美国上了 6 年大学,在那里几乎没有机会使用普通话和福建话(老公只会说英语也帮不上忙),我实际上需要加强我的普通话,才能和父母完全用普通话交流,因为他们只和我说普通话(虽然我能听懂福建话,但有点放弃说福建话了)。在我出国留学之前,我曾一度能说流利的普通话和英语(也能用两种语言阅读小说),所以,一旦我多年不使用一门语言,就很容易丧失对这门语言的读写能力和流利程度,这让我大为惊讶。

Fellow Msian banana here. Speak a bit of everything but English is still my primary. I've been here for 4 generations, far longer than some of our politicians who claim to be \\\\\\\\*ahem\\\\\\\\* Malay.
As such, not really considering myself diaspora... I've got no roots back to mainland China, the village where my family would've come from is now a highway amongst other things. My dad did try to go back and trace but it ended where the highway started.
I mean, I like a good C-Drama or K-drama and judge both equally on their merits. But a certain fascination for the culture... well, nah? My cultural identity has evolved over time and to be frank, I take anything coming from the mainland with a grain of salt. I'm not some true "Chinese" who should eventually return to the motherland which I have never lived-in nor experienced.
But I do have a preference for wuxia and period dramas more than I do for modern dramas. They just don't work as well compared to a period drama.


I can speak Chinese fluently, and am a "banana". the term isnt very hurtful to me, because when i saw the disdain and offensiveness that a lot of mainland Chinese people say it with, i realized that those who would use it offensively are the last type of people whose opinion i care about.
and even though i speak Chinese, the way i think just isn't Chinese enough, and sometimes its not american enough either. but i see of it as a good thing: i'm able to understand the cultural nuances of both Chinese shows and american shows. to me, my cultural understanding is a tool to find these shows more enjoyable, the shows arent a way for me to feel more connected.
i used to be told all the time while growing up that i would never fit in anywhere, but honestly now that i'm older i think that's just the human experience. everyone will feel some kind of alienation, and thats okay.


What an interesting discussion. I think "banana" is maybe what the Mandarin speaking community might call it, but here in Singapore most of the elders usually speak dialect (and mostly Hokkien, its why my gen are fluent in Hokkien vulgarities but not the actual language itself ) & Malay, so our term for "bananas" is uniquely Singlish too; they call it "jiak kantang" - literal translation, eat potato. Meaning, you've eaten so much "Western" potato that you can't speak or understand your mother tongue /culture anymore.
Interestingly I think I grew up in quite a Chinese environment- my grandma, who was from Beijing, lived with us, so I was fluent from a very young age because she decided to teach and speak to me only in Mandarin (even though she was fluent in English & Malay, and spoke to everyone else in English!) I sort of lost that connection as I growing up though, and I think that was partly because of the Speak Good English campaign that Singapore ran in the 90s and early 00s that placed so much emphasis on English that Mandarin sort of fell by the wayside. I started picking it back up again after uni, and while I don't think I'm fluent, I understand enough to watch dramas and variety shows without subs. Though if they speak too fast or if their accent is too heavy or they do the Jay Chou mumble, then I definitely need subs.

非常有意思的讨论。我认为“香蕉”也许只是讲普通话的社区的叫法,在新加坡,大多数长辈通常讲方言(主要是福建话,这就是为什么我的家人能说流利的福建俗语,但不能说真正的语言本身)和马来语,因此我们对“香蕉”的称呼也是独特的新加坡英语;他们称之为“jiak kantang”--直译为“吃土豆”。意思是说,你吃了太多“西方”马铃薯,以至于你再也不能说或理解你的母语/文化了。
有趣的是,我认为我是在一个相当中国化的环境中长大的--我的外婆来自北京,和我们住在一起,所以我从小就能说一口流利的普通话,因为她决定只用普通话教我和和我说话(尽管她能说流利的英语和马来语,和其他人说话也都用英语!)。不过,在我的成长过程中,我渐渐失去了这种联系,我想部分原因是新加坡在 90 年代和 00 年代初开展了“讲好英语”运动,非常重视英语,华语逐渐被边缘化。大学毕业后,我又开始重新学习普通话,虽然我不认为自己能说一口流利的普通话,但我能听懂足够多的普通话,可以在没有字幕的情况下观看电视剧和综艺节目。不过,如果他们说得太快、口音太重或像周杰伦那样含含糊糊的,我肯定需要字幕。

Hopefully China and Chinese culture will progress to a more pluralistic appreciation of 'Chineseness' that better accommodates the mixed cultural/lingual/ethnic identity of its sizeable diaspora. I fully expect this to happen as China develops and become more modernized and culturally secure--even if it's not in the same fashion or magnitude as the more 'universalizing' Western culture.
Though things may get tougher before they get better as many will be pressured by both Western and Chinese influences to sext a more confined identity. I think the smart strategy will be to not get dragged into that game, and perhaps even shoulder the role of a bridge, however challenging it may be.

尽管情况在好转之前可能会变得更加艰难,因为许多人将受到中西方影响的压力,选择更加封闭的身份。 我认为,明智的策略是不被拖入这场游戏,或许还可以承担起桥梁的作用,无论它多么具有挑战性。

I’m a bit different cause I grew up speaking, writing and reading both English and Chinese pretty fluently (my Chinese used to be better than my English haha, used to think in Chinese heh). My family speaks primarily Chinese at home mixed with some English (my mother tongue is Chinese but technically I spoke Chinese first when I was still a baby lol). Had the privilege of being born in a more “Chinese” family while going to a very much English-focused school (chose this over a Chinese school so that I can improve my English actually).
But I relate to feeling more rooted in Chinese culture through Cdramas. That’s also a reason why I only watch costume dramas, in a way those type of Cdramas and songs/OSTs that have make me feel more “Chinese”?? I’m not really sure how to explain it, but I know that I feel more connected and proud of my Chinese ethnicity when watching/listening to stuff with . I’m a fourth/fifth generation immigrant, similar to my peers I suppose, and I think I’m one of the few that’s still more connected to my roots and culture. I know my ancestors probably won’t be rolling in their graves about me (my Chinese language skills was always a lot better than my peers, so much so that they think I was born in China and migrated here even though I have only been there once haha).
I’ve always been proud of my ethnicity and culture, but watching Cdramas made me think more about my ancestry, I’m so incredibly jealous of people who have a map of their family tree, and I can’t help but wonder what it’s been like for my ancestors when I was watching costume Cdramas. No clue how to explain it, but I feel a fierce sense of pride seeing the more traditional stuff of my culture, like yes, that’s my culture right there! That’s how rich my culture’s history and traditions are!! I am proud to be Chinese!! (ethnicity, not nationality). I’ve always loved Chinese as a school subject in primary school, but secondary school more or less killed off my love for it. But after I no longer have to take Chinese as an examinable school subject, I have ironically found myself watching more Cdramas and being more connected to this side of me than ever before (would have been a great help if I was so into this when I could still benefit academically from the exposure).
But with that being said, I think being fluently bilingual lets me have the best of both worlds. I’m not fluent enough to be considered a native, but I’m fluent enough to be able to understand and enjoy things that I can access by knowing both languages. I also grew up super exposed to dialect, the older members of my family spoke Teochew, so I can more or less understand 50% of what I hear and speak super conversational Teochew. I also watched Taiwanese dramas for years, so I can understand 90% of the Hokkien I hear and speak some conversational Hokkien. Watched a lot of Cantonese dramas too, but can only understand about 5% and can’t speak it at all (work in progress though ). Must say it’s a fun experience just casually chilling on the train and understanding what she’s saying when some aunty speaks loudly on her phone in Hokkien.

尽管如此,我认为流利的双语可以让我两全其美。我还没有流利到可以被视为母语的地步,但我已经足够流利,能够理解和享受通过掌握两种语言所能接触到的事物。我也是在方言的熏陶下长大的,家里的长辈都说潮州话,所以我或多或少能听懂 50%的潮州话,并能说一口流利的潮州话。我还看了多年的台湾(地区)电视剧,所以能听懂 90% 的福建话,并能说一些福建话。我也看了很多粤剧,但只能听懂大约 5%,而且完全不会说(正在努力中)。不得不说,在火车上随便聊聊天,当某个阿姨用福建话大声讲电话时,能听懂她在说什么是一种有趣的体验。

There are many people in China who speak mandarin with heavy accents, their mandarin isn't much better than "bananas".


This is my first time hearing the term and I have to confess that I'm barely in touch with my Chinese heritage due to the complexity of my family's situation (and heritage). It was my grandmother who was Chinese, but she passed away for a long time and the extended family who was mostly Chinese lived in another city - quite far from our place; so there were barely any talks about our Chinese background. I don't even think my mom would identify herself as Chinese. I must admit that I didn't even have the slightest desire to learn Mandarin until I got into c-pop a few years ago. I wouldn't say it 'connected' me really but I do get to learn a new language which I love doing and I love learning and understanding more about the culture.

这是我第一次听到这个词,我必须承认,由于家庭情况(和遗产)的复杂性,我几乎没有接触过我的中国遗产。我的祖母是中国人,但她去世很久了,而大家庭里的大部分成员都是华人,他们住在另一个城市--离我们家很远,所以几乎没有人谈论过我们的中国背景。我甚至不认为我妈妈会认为自己是华人。我必须承认,在几年前接触 c-pop 之前,我甚至没有丝毫学习普通话的意愿。我不会说它真的把我“联系”起来了,但我确实开始了学习一门新的语言,我喜欢这样做,我喜欢学习和了解更多的文化。

I'm Singaporean and I don't speak any dialect despite both my parents knowing Hokkien and Cantonese. Truthfully I do feel bad about it and I'm trying to learn but it is difficult when my parents have never bothered to speak their dialect to me. Thankfully my Mandarin is a lot better and since I enjoy watching cdramas my understanding has improved a lot. Just don't ask me to write anything because I genuinely suck at it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Another banana checking in, modern dramas are fine but historical dramas I can only understand contextually.
>Something I realise - the Chinese diaspora fiercely clings to their culture and their origins in China, so even till this day, if you say something negative about China, we will feel it, even if we've never stepped foot in China. I find that interesting, because I don't think other diaspora feel the same way, but correct me if I'm wrong.
Is there? I feel most Singaporean Chinese like to emphasis the Singaporean part in order to dissociate from China. Chinese but not from china
Indian diaspora are much more nationalistic.


Yea my perspective is formed by many visits to China, and I knew what was being said was not true. Of course I can't comment on politics etc, but a lot of other things are exaggerated and eye rolling in the media.


I don't know where Malaysians got the banana term from, but it's been around lol


There’s also something called a “coconut” in Malaysia that is used to describe Indians that can’t speak Bahasa Tamil.


Hi fellow Hakka American peep just saying hi not a lot of Hakkas here in LA so I’m excited to find one in this sub

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My dad was of Hakka extraction! His people in large part went through Malaysia to Jamaica to the US. I feel the Chinese in Jamaica were mostly Hakka (until recent times). There’s a little hidden contingent there


Wait, did they adapt The Little Nyonya?? That is so weird


I notice that in America, the immigrants do face pressure to blend in and become American, while in Malaysia we still retain our culture. So, while I'm Malaysian, I'm also very much Chinese.
A lot of us speak with different English accents due to this, for example.


Malaysian Chinese may be more emotionally attached to China since they live in a country with laws that aren’t quite fair to the local minorities. Same with ABCs and Chinese diaspora in the west who face any form of discrimination in their own homes.


Being Asian-American is its own unique identity, not feeling completely assimilated as an American nor being completely Chinese/Taiwanese. Both people from Asia reject you as belonging fully with them, as do the other races and ethnicities in America, so it becomes its own identity. I hear similar thoughts from people whose parents are different races, cultures, or ethnicities. As you said, it depends on a lot of factors on what identity each person adopts.
My sister and I are obviously from the same family, background, etc, but she has mostly abandoned her Asian identity (as much as society lets her, obviously she still is subjected to racism bc she still looks Asian). I even forget she's not White, lol. Meanwhile I still hold onto much of my cultural roots, but even then my relationship with it has varied over time. I watch C-drama for entertainment, to improve my Mandarin, and also for nostalgia since it's something I grew up doing with my grandma.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I did grow up in a pretty diverse area that had lots of different ethnicities but still not enough to form "cliques" based on ethnicity in my schools. My social studies teacher once said our class was "poster perfect", lol.


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