2024-12-20 汤沐之邑 4624

What do you love about America?


Alissa Johnson
I am a young American female and I truly love America. I am well-traveled and educated. I have lived in Germany. Traveled in Europe, Central, and South America. After traveling, reading books, building relationships with people from all over the world - I have come to realize that America is a very special place. Based on my personal experience, my friendships with people from all over (Norway, South Africa, Germany, UK, Australia, Uruguay, etc etc), and observation - these are the reasons why I love this place.
Maggie Thatcher says Europe was created by history but America by philosophy. It's that philosophy that I love.


1) The Freedom to be who you want to be. It's so freeing. In Portland, there is a large Russian Orthodox Evangelical Christian community. They came to America to practice their religion as Russia did not allow that. They have that freedom here. You wanna be Amish? Go be Amish then. You wanna ride around on a double-decker bike? Go for it. You have the freedom to be who you are. Also, we are a very individualistic country so we value being different. Differences are celebrated not looked upon with disdain. You eat shishkabob for lunch instead of a salad? That's awesome! Cool! (It's not considered weird to have other traditions and ways of doing things)


2) It's gorgeous here. I've been to about 15 countries and I do enjoy other cultures buuut this is far and away the prettiest country I have ever been to. We have every landscape available - tropics, fjords, prairies, mountains, desert, beach, canyons, weird rock formations, you name it… America values nature and we have preserved our National Parks. The area of our national parks is roughly the size of Germany. We have wilderness and wildlife and we as a society have chosen to treasure and preserve it. They are preserved for people to enjoy and experience the healing power of nature. It's awesome.


3) Americans with Disabilities Act. You can't just build a public building - it has to meet code so people with disabilities can access it. That is why we have wide sidewalks, huge bathrooms in Starbucks, wheelchair ramps, elevators, and escalators. Prior to the 1970's when we didn't have this law passed - things were different. We even have laws about how long an elevator door has to be open should someone with a wheelchair need extra time to board. I love that we have restructured our whole infrastructure for the disabled. Try getting around in Europe in a wheelchair.


4) Our Entrepreneurial Spirit. I wanted to start a therapy company. So, I bought liability insurance ($100/year), made a website, purchased a business license for a few bucks, and that was basically it. A friend of mine started her own law firm with just a few hundred bucks. It wasn't hard. We have the fewest barriers to entry regarding starting businesses than any other country I've ever been to. You don't have to take special classes or past tests to start your own business. If you want to start a coffee shop, just go get a business loan and start it. If you fail, it's up to you to pick your life up. Sure you might wreck your credit and have a rough life for awhile - but go ahead and try!


5) Also, we embrace failure. It's okay to fail. Better that you tried and failed than never having tried at all.
6) People are overall relaxed. You can talk to strangers on a ski lift, on the bus, or in line at the grocery store. When I've traveled to Europe - I think I weirded people out by my friendliness and smiling at people whom I don’t know.


7) It's diverse. I work in a school and it was "multicultural day" - I looked out onto the playground and there were all kinds of kids. Kids dressed up in traditional clothing from Mexico, Japan, China, India, etc. We invite you to bring your culture to America. We think your culture is interesting. ?If you have an accent, we're gonna be curious and say "Hey, where are you from?!"? We think diversity is interesting - we like it.


8) The least classed society I'm aware of. We don't have a caste system. We don't have last names that have some sort of prefix (e.g. "von" something in German indicates special status). ?Rich and poor are often mixed (although not always). We don't have distinct accents that indicate that you're more posh than other people. We do have some classism but compared to the places I've been - it's the least. We're pretty down to earth - overall.


9) American Public Education makes Americans well-rounded. In high school, we have access to track fields, basketball courts, stadiums, chess club, volunteer clubs, student council, business club, debate club, etc. Therefore, we don't focus only on academics. There are multiple aspects of being human beyond academics and our education system values that. You can learn how to sew, do woodworking, or theater in your publicly-funded local high school. Lots of extracurriculars to pick from.


10) Relaxed Fashion. Nope, you don't see a ton of three-piece suits or women in high heels. We dress in fleece, jeans, and a pair of Converse shoes. Just because we don't dress fancy doesn't mean we're not successful. You really have no idea who someone is based on how they dress. The guy in a dingy t-shirt and jeans might have invented WhatsApp and is a bazillionaire.


11) The Outdoors! I know I already mentioned it. But, lots of us like to put a huge backpack on and fill it up with tents, sleeping bags, freeze-dried food, etc and then go live in the wilderness for awhile. It's awesome to climb mountains, fish in our streams, and build fires out in the wilderness. Our outdoors are amazing. Alaska, Colorado, Washington, Hawaii, California, Oregon, Tennessee... Sigh... Amazing! And the great outdoors are available and accessible to be used and enjoyed. You just have to pay a few bucks for a permit and you're off!


12) Our salaries are high. Look it up. I’m always surprised at how little people are paid in other countries.


13) Volunteerism and Generosity. I know people make a big stink about our homeless population. But that is a complex issue with history behind it. Our mental institutions were closed in the 70's with the idea of integrating mentally ill people into society and putting them in group homes. Yeah, well that didn't work. Big disaster there. The mentally ill just got lost in society. But, we have a ton of non-profits helping these people.


These organizations are there to help get people back on their feet. These ARE NOT government organizations. They are started by private generous Americans who want to help. Restaurants donate their leftovers to feed the homeless. Normal Americans volunteer their time in the evening and give their financial resources to help these people. I love how it's done by your average American and we're not relying on the government to help (that said, many of the programs are government subsidized, but not all).


14) Variety! You go to the store and you will be overwhelmed. There are literally 100 different coffees to pick from when buying coffee. There are hundreds of different types of potato chips. A huge sextion of cheese. And, at places like Whole Foods - there is delicious hot ethnic food beckoning to be eaten!

多样性丰富!当你走进商店,选择多到让人应接不暇。比如买咖啡时,有足足100种不同的咖啡供你挑选。薯片有数百种不同的口味。奶酪的种类也是多到惊人。而且,在Whole Foods这样的商店里,还有各种美味的热腾腾的异国美食在吸引你去尝试!

15) Capitalism. That is why we have a huge variety of goods. That is why are goods are cheaper. It's due to are beautiful capitalistic economy.


16) Honesty. We're mostly an honest bunch. You go to a place like Costa Rica and the taxi driver is going to take advantage of you, since they can. They will drive in circles around the city to drive up the cost of the taxi ride. In America, we just don't have that. We don't charge higher prices to tourists (e.g. charging $2 for a piece of pizza to a local and then charging $7 to a tourist for the same exact pizza) just because we can. It just doesn't occur to us to take advantage of others simply because we can.


17) Guns. What's so shocking about guns? Seriously? Many of my friends/family have guns and believe it or not - nobody has EVER shot anybody. EVER! Not even once! (*gasp!*) If you're responsible enough to have a gun. Then, have a gun. Go hunting. Go do target practice. Shoot at clay pigeons. Defend yourself if you encounter a grizzly in the wilderness. Whatever. However, gun laws should be regulated so that guns are not in the hands of the mentally ill. We're working on that here guys. Check out Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly's Gun Control Campaign.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

18) You can return things to a store if you don't like it. Buy a pair of shoes and not feeling it? Give them back to the store for a full refund! This is something several non-Americans told me really surprised them about America.


19) The Foooood!!! Ethiopian, Italian, Greek, French, Thai, Indian, Malaysian, BBQ, Chinese, Brazilian, Cuban, Jewish delis in NYC - whatever you want - we have it. And it's good! We have the best food from all over the world. Brought here by our awesome hard-working immigrants. We are grateful for the opportunity to indulge in such delicious food.


20) You don't have to start out life rich in order to get rich. We have access to credit. You can get a loan to pay for college. You can get a loan to start a business. You can get a loan to buy a house (and then sell the house and reap an investment). We have credit available to give people a leg up. You don't have to be born into money to have access to money. Therefore the playing field is leveled out a bit. Access to money does not equal the same outcome however. Play your cards cleverly.


21) Health Food and Vitamin Culture. Sorry, this might just be downright weird to some but I like it. I like seeing Americans in work-out clothes with some green smoothie drink. I like the vast sextion of vitamins in your average grocery store. Everyone hikes and does yoga. Kale salads, quinoa salads, tempeh - bring it on the life giving sustenance!


22) Relatively Safe. When I was in Central America, I couldn't go on a little 3-mile hike unless I hired a guard with a large gun. Sure, we have our violence, but overall I feel pretty safe to walk down a dark alley alone at night (I'm female).


23) We Give Second Chances. This might be my favorite thing about America because I needed a second chance. You can always try again. You screwed off in high school? Did drugs? Made some bad financial decisions? Got bad grades? Dropped out of high school? You can get your life on track relatively easily. Go to community college, take your life seriously for a bit, and you will be fine. You can go on to became a vascular surgeon despite mess-ups.


23) Societal Acceptability about Mental Health. I know people in therapy. I myself have been to therapy. (Many, Most?) Americans view therapy, and medicines for depression, as a means of taking care of one’s self. It doesn’t mean a person is crazy or unstable. There isn’t a ton of social stigma attached to taking care of one’s mental health.


I’ve had relative strangers tell me they’re in therapy for anxiety and they’re not ashamed at all. Due to this, people are just happier are have a growth mindset. It’s not often that I meet cranky people who say “that’s just my personality!” Americans have this idea that we can be better than we were yesterday. Now, this isn’t true for all of America - but it’s true on the West Coast (where I live).


24) Kombucha. Aaaah, yum! Give me those probiotics!


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