西方博主贴文:公元 97 年左右,一位中国将军命令甘英大使西行,与罗马帝国建立直接联系。引起网友热议
2024-12-31 青丘国的守护者 11309

Around 97 AD, a Chinese general ordered ambassador Gan Ying to travel westward to establish direct contact with the Roman Empire.


The ambitious mission, however, ran aground on the coasts of a mysterious country called Tiaozhi, which some historians place on the Persian Gulf and others on the Black Sea.
In any case, when Gan Ying asked to embark for the Roman Empire, he was dissuaded by local guides: "The sea is immense. If you encounter favorable winds, you can cross it in three months, but if not, the journey can take up to two years. For this reason, those who embark always carry provisions for three years. Also, there is something in the sea that makes men nostalgic: many think back to their homes and many lose their lives on the journey."
Frightened by this information, Gan Ying decided to return to China, where he recounted a series of rumors he had heard about the Romans. Had he continued his journey, the two most powerful empires in the world could have established diplomatic relations.


Arman KO
Seems like the Chinese general simply chickened out or believed some liars. Or the whole ordeal is a hoax. Neither of the seas need 3 months to cross. Also, you didn’t need to cross any sea to reach the Roman Empire from Asia.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Adam Wu
One theory is that the local government was worried that if the Chinese and the Romans contacted one another directly, they might negotiate direct trade agreements that bypassed their nation and thus jeopardized their lucrative position as a major trade hub between the Roman and Chinese civilization spheres. So when the Chinese delegation asked them for information about Rome, they lied, spinning tall tales about how dangerous and long and difficult the journey was.


Out Spoken
Makes sense. If your economic strength is being the middleman then it's unlikely that you will promote direct face to face negotiations.


Arman KO
Still a bit strange. The Silk Road was already well established when the mission allegedly happened. All the ambassador had to do was to join a caravan going from China to the Mediterranean Sea. There were Hellenic cities in Central Asia established by Alexander the Great that traded horses with China if I remember correctly. The only country you needed to cross from there was Persia called Parthia at the time.


Peter Trznadel
That’s just it, there was no caravans going the whole route. Not like a 18 wheeler going all the way across the states by the interstate or rail networks, a caravan only did short hauls and traded their product (silk) for foreign products that they took back with them. The silk continued on with a new trader and caravan to somewhere else, and was traded for something the trader knew he could sell back where he started from, this being repeated several times for that bolt of silk, it didn’t always follow a set route but moved by various networks of traders. There was no single route a Silk Road like there is the interstate I40.

(译注:40号州际公路(Interstate 40,简称I-40)是美国州际公路系统的一部份。西起加利福尼亚州巴斯托(与15号州际公路交汇),东在北卡罗莱纳州威尔明顿与美国国道117和北卡罗莱纳州公路132交汇。美国东到西的超级公路。)

Arman KO
Still, if you are a governmental envoy you still would be able to move all the way from China to Syria by bribing people along the way. The whole 3 months crossing of the sea is BS.


Peter Trznadel
You’ve no concept of distance and time to travel, that distance would be at walking speed, and mostly the camp site for the night could be within sight of the previous nights camp. Also there being no route to follow nor a fixed line of traders following I-80 equivalents. You went to an intermediate market/trading/taxation hub and had to wait asking around for someone who knew what was beyond their normal trading pattern, all very slow and with an element of luck. Now there’s another empire in the middle that doesn’t really want Rome and China to meet ever. They would be very capable of delaying such an envoy, sending him the scenic route and with a circle or two thrown in, and or telling of imagined difficulties of the routes ahead. Remember it was all heresay and stories, that got expanded and became more exotic in the retelling, there was no radio, news papers, telephones, internet or social media, it would be the camel riders equivalent of a journey to Mars.


Arman KO
Did you even read the post? Please, try to read it again.


Adam Wu
The 3 month thing IS BS. That’s the whole point. The local government at his final stop prevented Gan Ying from bribing any more merchants to guide him further. Possibly by bribing all the merchants themselves, or other coercive means.
Gan Ying was either fooled, was the victim of some sort of translation or unit conversion misunderstanding, or he chose for his own reasons not to openly question the stories he was being told, even if he had suspicions about their accuracy.


Adam Wu
That’s basically what Gan Ying did.
Some historians think the “Western Sea” that he stopped at was indeed the Mediterranean, and the country he stopped at was actually Parthia, or a satellite and ally of Parthia.
Wherever exactly it was that he turned back from, he had followed the established Silk Road trade routes to get there.
And the questions he asked once arriving there were essentially about what the next leg of the Silk Road trade route was.
Gan Ying was basically the victim of a carefully orchestrated intelligence operation by the local government to prevent him from proceeding further. The “local guides” who spun him the tall tales about how immensely difficult it was to continue further were almost certainly operatives of that local government, who took care to make sure no other sources of information reached Gan Ying’s entourage.
It is also well within the realm of possibility that Gan Ying was a “willing dupe” as it were, and didn’t try particularly hard to fact check the stories he was being fed, seeing it as a convenient excuse to go home early.


Thanks for the replies, however I do know how the system works in the long term. Someone said Marco Polo learnt the language … does anyone know how many languages there was on the way to China back then … not just dialects … eh? I was in Papua New Guinea for 3yrs in the 80’s. There was over 600 languages there even then … as I said before … not just dialects … LANGUAGES !! Pidgin English (Tok Pisin) helped immensely. So lovely people, LUKIM YU BEHINE TIME WANTOK.

谢谢你的回复,但我确实知道这个系统长期是如何运作的。有人说马可·波罗学会了当地的语言……有谁知道去中国的路上当时有多少种语言呢?不只是方言哦,是吧?80年代的时候,我在巴布亚新几内亚待了三年。那里当时就有600多种语言,我说的是语言,不只是方言!皮金语(Tok Pisin)帮了我大忙。那里的人们真的很友好,期待下次再见。
(译注:皮金语别名巴布亚皮钦语(Tok pisin),又叫皮钦语、新美拉尼西亚语、托克皮辛语等,是一种基于英语的克里奥尔语,是巴布亚新几内亚的官方语言之一。巴布亚皮钦语属于克里奥尔语而非皮钦语或称混杂语言(Pidgin),即由不同种语言混合而成的混合语。)

Harold Balszczak
I think the difference is the isolation the island had until relatively recent history. You can pretty much trace the migration of “Indo-European” languages from the Caucus Mountains to Europe and India. I used to study Sanskrit and my all time favorite resource was Monier-Williams “ A Sanskrit-English Dictionary”. It had special references to cognates in Latin and Greek, which I also had experience studying and made it so much more useful compared to other Sanskrit resources. You could see how “ignus” in Latin and “agni” in Sanskrit were the same word with a somewhat expected level of difference.
If the main ancient languages of that time, such as Latin, Attic Greek, old Persian, Sanskrit had linguistic connections, that shortens the gap considerably. Not only that, but we had Alexander the Great marching into India well before the Roman Empire. I don’t know of any Papuan generals that marched into India, let alone Europe or China.


Carl Ponder
I'm starting to think that we need to learn pidgin forms of a variety of languages (Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Arabic etc.) in school, instead of focusing on any single language.


Mark Goodwillie
Didn’t the United Nations try to establish an International Language? Yes, in 1954. It was called Esperanto. Esperanto is the most widely spoken constructed language in the world, with up to two million speakers. It's become more accessible to learn through platforms like Duolingo, and speakers have networked on platforms like Amikumu.
For some reason it failed to gain acceptance. I don’t know why? Anyone else??


Carl Ponder
Once on a call with my girlfriend, she mentioned that they watched a German movie at the end of her German class, to get a taste of the people & culture. So I asked what seemed like the natural question, “Huh. I wonder what kind of movie you’d watch in an Esperanto class?” (heh heh).
So she says “What?” and I gave her a quick lecture on what Esperanto was and that it didn’t really come from anywhere, just the language departments at some universities.
She responded with a somewhat *longer* lecture about how STUPID MY SENSE OF HUMOR WAS. (Needless to say, I married someone else, not that she thinks any different…)
That said, real answer was A HORROR MOVIE. You could watch a HORROR movie in an Esperanto class! Leslie Stevens (creator of “The Outer Limits” show) shot the film “Incubus” (starring William Shatner) in Esperanto with English subtitles.
It didn’t do very well, though. Maybe that’s in indication of the the uptake that Esperanto got…

不过,真正的答案是恐怖片。你可以在世界语课上看恐怖片!莱斯利·史蒂文斯(《The Outer Limits》节目的创作者)用世界语拍摄了电影《梦魔》(由威廉·夏特纳主演),并配有英文字幕。

Daniel Schwartz
I have read that, to Esperanto speakers, Shatner’s accent — and his mispronunciations — are hilarious.
Nonetheless, I give him kudos for making the effort. (How many other Hollywood stars have made an entire movie in a language they didn’t speak?)


Richard Lightbody
More practical for getting bargains from local sellers, with less effort. Not elegant, but roughly effective.


Carl Ponder
Mainly basic stuff like asking for directions, getting a hotel room, ordering food in restaurants. You can get pretty far using a dictionary to provide the vocabulary, but enunciation is critical.


Peter Trznadel
Nah the Persians went out their way to make sure that any direct contact endeavors failed. As the middleman, the empire in the middle, they were very rich from the Silk Road trade that passed through. The last thing they and the middlemen merchants wanted was for Rome and China to get together and develop new direct routes that bypassed them.


I wonder how a Chinese could converse with locals when they have never met before … ?


Adam Wu
The Chinese had contact with many of the nations and cultures that lived in between, such that they had access to translators.
When Country A has contact with country B long enough for there to be translators who know the languages of both A and B, it can then attempt contact with Country C, which it has never encountered, so long as Country C has encountered Country B long enough for there to exist translators who know the language of both B and C. A can then employ a C to B translator and a second B to A translator to converse in A, with C, and to train A to C translators for the future.
And then daisy chain the translations to D, E, F and onwards.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Water Lily
Hahahahaha, I love this explanation.


Kassa Linassau
Haha, at least he really did try to ‘explain’


Kassa Linassau
The difficulty is that when history is made up, there are always flaws that logic or common sense cannot explain. Haven't we seen and read too many bogus 'histories' by the Chinese lately?Where is the common sense in attempting to compare the Chinese Han period to Rome?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Peter Trznadel
Didn’t need to as there was no direct trade as such. You only needed to know the language at the other end of your particular trade route. At which point you traded goods for barter or gold and went home the next trader did the same with the other end of his route, the bolt of silk cloth just passed through several middle men, finally arriving in Rome or Gaul. The traders at one end of the network didn’t even need to know of the existence of the traders at the other end, never mind what language they spoke.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Adam Wu
For trade, yes. But if you are attempting to establish a diplomatic mission, you probably contact your merchant trade partners and ask them if they can help you find some translators.


Alex Z.
Couldn’t A and C just communicate by speaking B since they both have translators that speak it?


Gilles Ries
Cfr Marco Polo: learn the language.


Gareth Wells
Chinese and Perisans were friends and allies dating back 2000 years. Several Chinese words borrow from Persian origins, like grape and lion, and there were diplomatic and cultural exchanges — meaning interpreters were available.


William Elliott
Not long ago, the London Museum did tests on bones found in a Roman era cemetary. A pair of skeletons found there were from modern day China, our bones carry with them compounds from the regions where we grow up, those indicators remain with us through life and beyond. So Roman London had at least two residents or visitors from Ancient China.


Alexander Angel
Assyria or Bulgarian Slavs; Syria, Thrace and Bulgaria officials, peasants and herders feared an imperialistic Romanus military reaction to Chinese or other rather foreign associates.


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