2025-01-06 兰陵笑笑生 12081

Jill Lemley-Rajaee
One could conclude that the people in power participate in this sick atrocity. Nothing else makes any sense whatsoever.


Rachel halliwell
Merseyside police had a confession from the perpetrator who raped my 12 year old daughter, he was given no further action. My daughter killed herself. Make that make sense

默西塞德警方已得到强奸我 12 岁女儿的肇事者的供述,但没有采取进一步行动。我女儿自杀了。现在这一切都说得通了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Things like this does create distrust among the people against the authorities. Same with things like Operation sea spray


Rev. Jackie Devereaux
Criminal. Maybe now that X is exposing the rape gangs in the UK, people will force law enforcement to act, and protect these girls.


The Ðoge Ambassador
Sounds like they need some… freedom


Orange County MAGA
Why are Brits so passive?


The parties control who can be candidates - same as US. If the USA can be fixed they can help fix RoW


Andrzej Roslanowski
I have talked to my family in Europe asking if they know anything on the topic. Strangely, they don’t and they dismissed all the story as “Putin’s propaganda and fakes”. The thinking appears to be that if I t’s not in MSM, then it’s not true.

我和我在欧洲的家人聊过,问他们是否了解这方面的情况。 奇怪的是,他们都不知道,而且还把所有的报道都斥为 "普京的宣传和造假"。 他们的想法似乎是,如果 MSM 没有报道,那就不是真的。

Adult Human Egalitarian
Because we have a decent education system and most of us* are bright enough to know this story is from a decade ago and is being rehashed by online grifters as rage bait for profit.
*obviously there are Reform voters but we don't allow them to use scissors unsupervised.


shachar israel
"Education universities" today teach thing like men can become women and vice versa
this doesnt mean anything.
and "educated" can be a degree in anything


Dr. Dawn Michael
The media is there to cover up real news, that has been their job for years.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The darkest shadows of humanity's collective unconscious reveal themselves in times of war, yet from these depths we must forge the strength to build a more civilized empire.


Elon's right to shine a light on these horrific crimes - takes guts to speak up when others stay silent, respect for using that platform to expose hard truths.


Speaking of UK police, I often watch English detective series on TV. In the older ones, the actors are white. In the last couple of decades, they include blacks and South Asians in key roles. Very obvious contrast.


Dharamvir Singh Dahiya
Being in know of the #GroomimgGangs by police & not saving innocent British young girls is one of the highest kind of crime & totally evil.


Tristan Smith
Oldham council is Labour run and always has been. Labour central government are resisting a national equiry. I can't imagine why.


England is worse than Brazil, and I always thought my country was in shit, but I think there are countries that are worse, there is always something worse, may God have mercy on his people.


Kat Zegarra
I hope y’all go after the white police and statesmen who run this child trafficking instead of just scapegoating migrant fall-men to distance yourselves from the problem when y’all actually closer to it.


Steve Haag Sports
Can someone please explain to me why Labour MPs are more angry about #ElonMusk raising the issue of grooming gangs, than they are about actual grooming gangs?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tuneslayer Gibson
And the thousands upon thousands of missing children that are in the US? We need to focus on them just as hard because they don't even have family to go home to after their horrific experiences. I want every child to be protected, wherever they are.


Strange History X
Are there mass resignations of police in UK?
I ask this question to all Brits - How do your police do this? Just for a paycheck and pension?
Where is your SERPICO? Is there a single one?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I can’t understand why so many Brits are just watching these things go down and not one protest not online, not on the streets, not nowhere, it’s like they’ve just give up. Wake up my British friends


Stephen O'Donnell
It's not happening. Please stop listening to Elon spout misinformation.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You deserve to be in jail for denying the mass-rape of these innocent girls.
I'm assuming this is your lixedin, so I'm going to be contacting your employer and informing them about your Pedophilia and hateful ideologies you espouse. I hope they fire you, you disgusting freak.


Iain - I stand with Ukraine
It's historic and changes have and are being made based on investigations and enquiries.
What I don't understand is why he's not calling for the same justice for the Epstein victims when in the US he have real influence.


Don't throw people with stone when your house is made out of glass


Because the story broke 10 years ago. The perpetrators are already in jail. And the rich and powerful who were culpable already bought their way out.


The pakis are majority in these towns. They will make a call & loads will turn up with machetes. I live down south they tried it near where I live & got the baseball bat treatment


Nobody forced Brits to go into Middle East and Arab states and create havoc while advertising "democracy" in their own country.
You destroyed their homes so they came to take yours, now it's their country.
Don't cry.
Nobody cares.


Denise McTaggart
Peter most of awake UK public have known about this tragedy for years. GB News covered it ages ago when BBC were quiet. Have you followed former Policeman, Gary Waterman's work on Telegram? He could use some help. He's been working on assoc topics for months.


I’m genuinely surprised some of those fathers haven’t taken matters into their own hands
When the system breaks down so blatantly, what else is there?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

American Rose
Thank you for continuing this battle for the little girls. God be with them.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That’s the result of letting in cultures that don’t and won’t conform to the countries they have invaded. This is all by design and it’s disgusting that the UK isn’t doing anything about it for its citizens. Totally immoral!


Elon could you fund a private investigation into all this? Even if the government did something, the corrupt ones will still be protected! We’ll end up in the same position as we are now, just to protect their political votes and seats


Pericles 'Perry' Abbasi
Whoever was Britain's chief prosecutor at the time the grooming gangs started their reign of terror should be given a life sentence without parole


Senator Babet
I’m still shaken up. It’s been days since I found out and I have not recovered. I’m seething with anger.


dave lawrence
- 2011 investigation in to the abuse
- the law was changed in 2012 to facilitate investigation putting victims at the forefront
- report in to grooming gangs in 2014
- when the Betrayed Girls and Three Girls documentaries were shown in 2017
- when the investigations in to Rochdale, Telford and Rotherham reported
- when the Tories rejected an inquiry in to Oldham in 2022
- when the wider investigation reported in 2022 and made 20 recommendations Tories largely ignored
- when 550 were arrested by the 'taskforce' last year
- when the Rochdale report was released in Jan 2024
Plus many more exposures on various media outlets There has not been a cover up - it has been regularly reported and people imprisoned since 2012 when Starmer changed the law because victims were being failed

- 2011年对虐待行为的调查
- 2012年修改了法律,以方便调查,并将受害者置于首位
- 2014年关于性侵团伙的报告
- 2017年,《被背叛的女孩们》和《三个女孩》纪录片上映
- 罗奇代尔、特尔福德和罗瑟勒姆的调查报告发布
- 2022年,保守党拒绝就奥尔德姆事件进行调查
- 2022年,范围更广的调查报告发布,并提出了20项建议,保守党在很大程度上忽视了这些建议
- 去年,“特遣部队”逮捕了550人
- 2024年1月,罗奇代尔报告发布,加上多家媒体的更多曝光。并没有掩盖事实——自从2012年斯塔默修改了法律,因为当时的受害者没有得到应有的帮助以来,此事就一直被定期报道,并且有人因此入狱。

Stephen, Trust & Safety Monitor
It has by no means occupied the top of the news cycle.
Slow drip drip exposes the reluctance


Val der Sar
Você compactua com os estupradores, claro, se eles são "multiculturais".
O que são estupros de meninas frente ao multiculturalismo progressista, né?


Anti Woke Memes
UK authorities sold their souls


John Abeecee
Damn, that's ugly, sir! They are, that is...


Mellanee Larew
Yes! They sold their souls!


The gang rape coverup and the rise of BLM have something in common..
BOTH are government-media psyops on the public, albeit with opposite goals.


Misttina Brownfield
Complete insanity. Why would Britain and the British people allow this to happen? Absolute insanity to think about what the young girls had to endure. How it must have obliterated any self esteem or self worth. I hope they all received counseling. I hope the elected officials that allowed this to go on for generations all face charges whatever Britain has that is applicable. Good grief - devastating for these young ladies and their families.


Karl Harrison
The UK government is now trying to claim it will support a locally led investigative in Oldham.
This will given them the chance to contain the damage to their party and to protect establishment figures who may be caught up in this scandal
A nationally led inquiry is needed. Oldham is not the only place where the problems exist.


Dors M Venabili
Cannot believe complicit British media is still not covering this
There was a time I considered BBC news. It is scary to think what it would be like without X lifting the rug.


You need to keep putting the pressure on the UK politicians and media. This crisis has got to come to head at some point soon.


Deb McKinney
British police sent this man to jail for saying hurty FB words, he committed suicide after being put in the cell and level of the ones he was protesting about. R.I.P Peter Lynch.


The UK government should receive international sanctions if they keep trying to cover this scandal up instead of punishing all responsible and making a complete and thorough investigation validated by international observers.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Because it goes directly to the fabric of the political system and the dogma of the imposed social norm, which is diversity at any cost


This is what happens when ideology hijacks good sense. C. S. Lewis warned about how these fabricated moralities lack obxtivity and balance.
There is no fairytale culture without its warts, they all have problems and multiculturalism can only ever work where there is courage and leadership to deal with those problems so we can have something that looks like harmony. This passive attitude of Western culture is bad and everyone else is good is an insanity.
How many more girls need to be abused before we realise that you have to talk about these issues? How long before we realise the lack of action is a result of the supposed adults in the room who want to control information flow discretely deal with what cannot be dealt with discreetly?


I don't think there is a legal term to describe this type of crime on such an industrial scale.
Given the fact it dates back 25 years or so, silenced and covered up by PM's, Govt and MSM, it smacks of Organized Criminal Activity and coordinated at the highest levels.


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