2025-01-08 不要可乐 5079

As inflation cools considerably, prices for items like gasoline, used cars and energy have all declined accordingly. But food prices continue to outpace inflation, increasing by 28% since 2019. 86% of consumers reported feeling frustrated with rising grocery prices, and over a third said they have resorted to buying fewer items to save money. Despite campaigning on grocery prices, President-elect Trump also acknowledged it might be ‘hard’ to bring down grocery prices. So why are food prices still so high? And can anything be done to bring the cost down?


Inflation going down a bit doesn't mean prices will go down as well. It simply means prices are rising slower now


yeah...im not buying anybody who is still using the pandemic/supply chains as an excuse. We have been back to work for 3.5 years. How about the consolidation of food companies into four major conglomerates? But, CNBC wouldn't want to say anything like that.


My local store had blackberries for 7.99. No one bought them. They started to go bad. Prices ropped to 0.80.
Honestly, these prices helped me on my diet. Because I don’t buy crap anymore. stares at cereal costing $6 for a box

说实话,这些价格对我的饮食有帮助。因为我现在不再买垃圾食品了。盯着一盒要 6 美元的麦片。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is basic economics. Why would they decrease prices when they’re making record profits? The consumer always eats the bill.


Can you pull up the clip of the Kroger CEO admitting to price gouging? I doubt CNBC is going to hold corporations accountable but at least people are and speaking against the corporate washing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

$3,187 a year to feed a family? Come on, show the real numbers. That just averages out to around $260 a month for a family. Its more like $1,000 a month.

每年 3,187 美元养活一个家庭?拜托,给我看看真实的数字。这大约是每个月260美元。实际上应该是每个月1000美元左右。

Once the price goes up, it never comes down. That's economy


Corporate consolidation is also a concern for food prices; the fact that large companies control the food supply chain reduces competition, increases prices, and reduces options for consumers. Thus, we are reliant on large companies charging what they please because they're the only one in town


two words: corporate GREED.
there is no real reason for prices to still be this high.


There is no way a family only spends $3187 per year on groceries. I am single and I spend about $6000 a year. About $120-$130 per week. And I might buy an expensive item, like a steak, once every 6 weeks. Other than that I buy cheap items and eat about twice per day

一个家庭每年在食品杂货上的花费不可能只有 3187 美元。我是单身,每年花费约 6000 美元。每周约 120-130 美元。而且我可能每 6 周买一次昂贵的物品,比如牛排。其他我买便宜的物品并且每天吃两顿饭

CNBC doing its part to make sure corporations aren’t labeled as greedy. All the reasons except corporate monopolies.

CNBC 尽其所能确保企业不会被贴上贪婪的标签。除了企业垄断之外的所有原因。

Car insurance up 50% and food up 30% this country is doomed.


I was a producer of mushrooms. I sold to grocery stores, they add 100% margin to the mushrooms I was selling them.

我曾经是蘑菇生产商。我把蘑菇卖给杂货店,他们给我卖的蘑菇加了 100% 的利润。

I have permanently cut back 95% of soft drink purchases due to the price gouging.


Food prices will never go down. You're forced to buy food to survive. Unless everyone really locked in on beans and rice, nothing's going to change.


It is staggering how many people genuinely think that returning inflation to 2% will cause grocery prices to drop 20%.
It's as insane as slowing down a car from 40mph to 20mph and then being surprised you weren't transported 3 miles backwards.

令人震惊的是,竟然有这么多人真的认为通胀率回到 2% 就会导致食品价格下跌 20%。
这就像将汽车速度从 40 英里/小时减慢到 20 英里/小时然后惊讶地发现你并没有被向后移动 3 英里一样疯狂。

We struggle to afford a basket of groceries, while CEO's take Private Jet rides to islands for vacation. Also, when you have only a few companies contracting with a vast majority of farms and ranches, it eliminates competition and jacks up prices. We need to go back to when a bunch of small to medium companies would compete for contracts with Farmers and Ranchers, not just two or three major corporations.

我们连买一篮子食品都吃力,而 CEO 们却乘坐私人飞机去岛上度假。而且,当只有少数几家公司与大多数农场和牧场签约时,它消除了竞争并推高了价格。我们需要回到一群中小型公司与农民和牧场主竞争合同的时代,而不是只有两三家大公司。

Thus the reason I buy directly from local farmers. I get 90% of what I eat from them.

这就是我直接从当地农民那里购买的原因。我吃的食物 90% 都来自他们。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kroger eggs near me are $10.79 for 18 eggs. I'd rather not eat or shop elsewhere. Prices like that are a total JOKE with zero logical reason other than price gouging, as they admitted.


Americans have the wrong idea that only in US food prices are high.I live in a country of European unx and our food prices are very high,compared with salaries.


Its because companies know consumers will accept it. Companies have monopoly and thank goodness the Kroger and Albertsons was blocked but with Trump that can get overturned. Kroger is already trying out dynamic pricing so food prices will be treated airline tickets. This country is gone.
I was in Ecuador not long ago and all their food is grown locally. You can buy 13 tomatoes for 1 dollar. Pineapple 50 cents each. A whole chicken for $3.70 and 24 eggs for $2.15. Greed is the problem in America.


Oligarchy = a small group of people (corporations & billionaires) having control of a country, organization, or institution.

寡头政治 = 一小群人(公司和亿万富翁)控制着一个国家、组织或机构。

Monsanto owns the world's food supply, they own the pesticides and the seeds that are resistant to those pesticides... look it up.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Fed needs to reduce corn & soy subsidies and subsidize real food production.


Companies just want more profits and they dont care who it hurts.


When companies are making record profits, it's price gouging.


The grocery store chains owners like Walmart and their shareholders are receiving phenomenal profits each year since Covid. With the grocery pricing tools the consumers continue to suffer. They're unwilling to give it up or accept less! Republicans refuse to support price gouging laws! VOTE for Democrats to help change this destructive attitude and pass these much needed laws.


I just don’t eat food now literally. My kids eat rice, pasta, bread, dairy, fruit, veggies, oatmeal, small amount of meat. You can eat cheap if you eat Whole Foods and shop at Aldi and Costco. Snacks are actually the most expensive food.


If you think food prices are high now, they likely won’t get any lower over the next four years with Mr. Tariff-in-Chief lining the pockets of big businesses

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Just came from the grocery store. Mostly empty egg shelve. Had to pay $5.99 for a dozen eggs!


The answer to this is one and simple, cut down the consumption!!!
There are so many unnecessary and unhealthy products you can cut down, besides the vast majority of people are overweight, they must reduce the amount of food they are eating.....


Not only in the U.S. They're high everywhere. I live in Baja California, México and so many Americans live here and the companies know it- they up their prices because they're living here.


Is NOBODY going to mention in this video about “Why are our groceries so high?” the euthanized chicken farms from the flu, or the jacked prices on farmers’ fuel/supplies, forcing the electric vehicle scene on farmers’ diesel equipment, PFAS in the corporate-grown farm crops/meats? None? NONE OF THESE? It’s halfway through the video and literally not one of these was mentioned


The truth is manufacturers have reformulated their products for maximum profits and prices are never going to come down.
The best that we can hope for in the United States is a total revamping of our food supply chain and healthier grown closer to home food.


I've always said this: Buy fruits and veggies from small, local, mom-pop owned grocery stores and farmer markets whenever you can. Especially the ethnic ones. Their prices are SO much cheaper than big brand grocery stores. I regularly get steep discounts like 99 cents for 10lbs of asparagus from my local small ethnic grocery store. If there are small farms and butchers near you that sell meats and eggs, they're also usually cheaper than big chain grocery stores. Don't let big corporate greed run rampant and support local small businesses.


And the food that isn't bought just gets thrown away. They'd rather waste food than lower prices or donate to the hungry.
Its despicable.


People don't seem to understand inflation. The prices will not go down. Do you remember when a bottle of coke cost $1 back in the 90's. We will never go back down to $1. So the price we have now is where it will stay for now, the rate of rise has slowed down. that's it.


We as the people of the United States needs to collectively sue the Federal Reserve for what they have done to this country. We are all going through pain and suffering and I feel like the FEDs owe us ALL.


Why don’t we talk about the massive increase in Broad Money Supply from 2020 to 2022 (+40%) as the only logical reason we had broad based inflation across all categories of goods?


The while boils down to looking at gross margin as a percentage rather than absolute.
If your input product prices increase, the overall prices with the same % margin will result in more profit. So yes grocery stores and every middle man along the way are all price gouging when you look at absolute profit rather than % margin.


It’s disgusting. Unemployment and layoffs are rampant. A lot of people are being underpaid and not getting raises. Child care is astronomical. Foods are making us sick with what’s being put in them. Organic meats are crazy expensive, as are better quality eggs. Yogurt is so expensive.
I bought cheaper meat today. Do I feel good about feeding this to my family? No, but I can’t keep spending $500/week for a family of 4.


I bought two 20 lbs bags of potatoes, big bags of onions, beets and turnips, one bag of white flour, brown flour and rolled oats for breakfast porridge all for $100 CDN . Let's cook healthy and heartly meals like our grandparents.


The prices will never go down at this point they will just stay steading in it's current rate. What we need to be asking is why are our pay rates not going up so inflation doesn't hurt us so bad.


Protecting margin IS price gouging. Profit comes from the last dollars after costs. Same margin on a higher price gives you higher profit in absolute dollar terms. This is why profits of companies are exploding and CEOs brag about pricing power. Note that the increase in profit is not due to innovation or value added. It's just pure money


It was so disingenuous for both presidential candidates to claim they could "bring prices down." Either that or they didn't know how a market economy works.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Stop having kids folks! Spare them all the harm & suffering in this cruel world we live in. Respect your hypothetical children’s autonomy by upholding their right to not be born without their consent.


"Everyone in the chain is protecting their margin." So the consumer at the bottom of the chain gets the cost increases accrued along the way. How frustrating this is!

“链条中的每一个环节都在保护自己的利润。” 所以,位于链条底部的消费者就得承受一路上积累的成本增加。这真让人沮丧!

Wages are not outpacing inflation. Money supply has grown exponentially. Too much money chasing too few goods. Prices are 40% higher. Too many years of easy money transferred wealth to asset owners. Hey CNBC, why are home prices up 50% since 2019?


I shop in multiple grocery stores. None of them had eggs prices lowered in the last 4 years, in fact nothing decreased, and prices keep going up even today

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So many areas use to be farmland and pastures in the United States. Slowly it has been bought out by developers and banks have made it ridiculous expensive for farmers to buy what they need. There are lots of factors but the continue loss of farmland and pastures has definitely devastated farmers.


A handful of bean counters are in charge of our basic necessities is what I gathered from this video.


The main reasons behind skyrocketing food prices are consolidation and monopoly. From producing to retailing, a few companies control the majority of the markets. And yes, the trend starts from 2016!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In the beginning, she complained about 4 chicken brest being $3 each but at a restaurant chicken breast and 2 sides can be $25-35 plus per patron.


Even when prices came down a very small amount corporations at the same time reduced the package sizing so in reality nothing really changed. Shortages causes higher prices but GREED causes it more. Get use to the higher prices because they will never return to anything close to what they were. Doesn't matter who's president.


Prices absolutely need to come down. Eggs were down but now going back up. Ridiculous


I live in San Diego and tracked total food expenses for 1 year. My husband and I eat out 3-4 times per month and it's usually at Chipotle-type restaurants. I could not get the amount lower than $1000 and we have NO kids. How the heck is everyone managing to eat?
Note: We shopped at 99-cent store, Aldi for most goods and Costco just for proteins (no beef or pork).


While not eating is not an option, eating differently is. You don't need processed, precooked, or nicely cut foods to survive. Shop around, go back to basics and cook everything from scratch. Only then will the greedy CEOs correct course.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Stop saying down it's just less up. Your trying to push the agenda that things are getting better but they are just getting worse slower than before but still worse

别再说"下降",那只是变得不那么"上升"了。你试图推销一种事物变得更好的观点,但其实它们只是变得比之前慢一点差,依然是在变差。 @oregonfelder1

The eggs I buy just went from $6.50/dz to $7.50/dz in one week. This is at Walmart and they are a local egg producer.


Why would companies making good profit lower prices??? They know you will still buy food items..


I live in what has historically been considered one of the worst "food deserts" in the USA: the City of Detroit. In fact, I'm pretty sure CNBC has done a documentary on that. I just bought boneless, skinless chicken breats in a grocery store in Midtown Detroit(3 blocks from the DIA museum with the Diego Rivera mural) for $1.99/lb.


Everyone realizing that inflation going down doesn’t mean greedy companies are going to lower their prices. This why when politicians say they are going to lower inflation it means nothing. Companies be greedy


In a word as to what can be done to lower food prices NOTHING. Greedy corporations made sure of that!!!


Unsure why climate change isn't part of the conversation especially when it comes to food production


Prices have climbed so fast I haven't realized that my family haven't eaten out in a long time. I have a family of four 2 adults to small kids and spend around 1200 a month.


They omitted the fact that incomes for low- and lower-middle-income individuals have grown significantly in recent years compared to any recent period. This increase in income leads to higher demand, which in turn drives up prices. Seattle just voted for $21/hr minimum wage this week.


Lets not all forget the hundreds of billions of dollars in reckless government spending. Government keeps getting bigger and bigger, more politicians to pay, more taxes.

别忘了政府那些不计后果的数百亿美元开支。政府一直在膨胀,政治人物越来越多,支付的薪酬也更多,税收也在增加。 @ttopero

It’s capitalism if ‪corporations get subsidies. It’s socialism/Communism if consumers got those funds instead!


很赞 7