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Braid: It's no joke — Trump really wants the U.S. to take over Canada

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
What the fuck is going on?
What the fuck is going on?
This is the Trump MO. First claim you are going to do something completely insane. Watch the media and pundit class work itself into a tizzy about how insane it is. Then we you do something only slightly insane he looks like a "moderate".
Do people really not remember his first term?
This is the Trump MO. First claim you are going to do something completely insane. Watch the media and pundit class work itself into a tizzy about how insane it is. Then we you do something only slightly insane he looks like a "moderate".
Do people really not remember his first term?
He looked at putin and loved what he saw. Waging wars, inventing enemies, traitors, focusing on some ephemeral and populist ideas, building an image of a ‘strongman’ - all this to keep the public distracted while amassing wealth, getting rid of competition and doing some shady shit.
It seems far fetched, perhaps, but IMO, US is ripe to become a russia-style oligarchic autocracy.
He looked at putin and loved what he saw. Waging wars, inventing enemies, traitors, focusing on some ephemeral and populist ideas, building an image of a ‘strongman’ - all this to keep the public distracted while amassing wealth, getting rid of competition and doing some shady shit.
It seems far fetched, perhaps, but IMO, US is ripe to become a russia-style oligarchic autocracy.
So trump is threatening nato, Canada, Panama and mexico with invasions.
Yeah, this is totally fucking normal.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
So trump is threatening nato, Canada, Panama and mexico with invasions.
Yeah, this is totally fucking normal.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
And Denmark
And Denmark
The crazy thing to me about Denmark is that they are basically the perfect European ally from an American perspective. They spend about 2.4% of GDP on defense which is a bit more than the UK and a bit less than Finland. They overwhelmingly buy American weapons and they are not vocal critics of American foreign policy either. They are the second biggest provider of aid to Ukraine as a percentage of GDP and have even given Ukraine F-16s (for reference the US ranks 16th and has not provided fighter jets). Denmark allows the US to have military bases on Danish territory including Greenland as well and shares intelligence with the US.
From an American perspective Denmark is the picture perfect ally. When Americans say "well why doesn't Europe do more for Ukraine" or "Europe needs to invest in their own defense" or "Europeans should stop being smug towards the American military" what they are really saying is "Europe should more closely resemble Denmark" and yet Denmark's "reward" is to be threatened with invasion. What incentive is there to work with the US when Trump is seemingly friendlier with Putin than he is with the US's closest and best allies?
在我看来,威胁丹麦的疯狂之处在于,从美国的角度来看,他们基本上是完美的欧洲盟友。 他们的国防开支约占国内生产总值的 2.4%,比英国多一点,比芬兰少一点。 他们绝大多数武器购买自美国,对美国的外交政策也不持异议。 按 GDP 百分比计算,丹麦是乌克兰第二大援助国,甚至还向乌克兰提供了 F-16 战斗机(作为参考,美国排名第 16 位,但没有提供战斗机)。 丹麦允许美国在包括格陵兰岛在内的丹麦领土上建立军事基地,并与美国共享情报。
从美国的角度来看,丹麦是完美的盟友。当美国人说 "欧洲为什么不为乌克兰做得更多 "或 "欧洲需要为自己的国防投资 "或 "欧洲人应该停止对美国军队的自恃 "时,他们真正想说的是 "欧洲应该更像丹麦",然而丹麦得到的 "回报 "却是受到入侵的威胁。当特朗普与普京的关系似乎比与美国最亲密和最好的盟友的关系还要友好时,还有什么动力与美国合作呢?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
The crazy thing to me about Denmark is that they are basically the perfect European ally from an American perspective. They spend about 2.4% of GDP on defense which is a bit more than the UK and a bit less than Finland. They overwhelmingly buy American weapons and they are not vocal critics of American foreign policy either. They are the second biggest provider of aid to Ukraine as a percentage of GDP and have even given Ukraine F-16s (for reference the US ranks 16th and has not provided fighter jets). Denmark allows the US to have military bases on Danish territory including Greenland as well and shares intelligence with the US.
From an American perspective Denmark is the picture perfect ally. When Americans say "well why doesn't Europe do more for Ukraine" or "Europe needs to invest in their own defense" or "Europeans should stop being smug towards the American military" what they are really saying is "Europe should more closely resemble Denmark" and yet Denmark's "reward" is to be threatened with invasion. What incentive is there to work with the US when Trump is seemingly friendlier with Putin than he is with the US's closest and best allies?
在我看来,威胁丹麦的疯狂之处在于,从美国的角度来看,他们基本上是完美的欧洲盟友。 他们的国防开支约占国内生产总值的 2.4%,比英国多一点,比芬兰少一点。 他们绝大多数武器购买自美国,对美国的外交政策也不持异议。 按 GDP 百分比计算,丹麦是乌克兰第二大援助国,甚至还向乌克兰提供了 F-16 战斗机(作为参考,美国排名第 16 位,但没有提供战斗机)。 丹麦允许美国在包括格陵兰岛在内的丹麦领土上建立军事基地,并与美国共享情报。
从美国的角度来看,丹麦是完美的盟友。当美国人说 "欧洲为什么不为乌克兰做得更多 "或 "欧洲需要为自己的国防投资 "或 "欧洲人应该停止对美国军队的自恃 "时,他们真正想说的是 "欧洲应该更像丹麦",然而丹麦得到的 "回报 "却是受到入侵的威胁。当特朗普与普京的关系似乎比与美国最亲密和最好的盟友的关系还要友好时,还有什么动力与美国合作呢?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Both Canada and Greenland/Denmark are in NATO. Both control considerable access to the Arctic. Canada has oil. Russia cannot pass through the Panama Canal. Weird but I can’t quite put my finger on who would benefit from a weaker NATO, uncontested control over the Artic, control over a considerable amount of oil, and passage through the Panama Canal.
Both Canada and Greenland/Denmark are in NATO. Both control considerable access to the Arctic. Canada has oil. Russia cannot pass through the Panama Canal. Weird but I can’t quite put my finger on who would benefit from a weaker NATO, uncontested control over the Artic, control over a considerable amount of oil, and passage through the Panama Canal.
United States of America
Last week, the idea of annexing Canada would have sounded like madness to most Trump supporters. Now, you have people in conservative subreddits openly and seriously supporting the idea. I thought they voted for him because he was an isolationist, but now his supporters are going full imperialist Monroe Doctrine mode.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
United States of America
Last week, the idea of annexing Canada would have sounded like madness to most Trump supporters. Now, you have people in conservative subreddits openly and seriously supporting the idea. I thought they voted for him because he was an isolationist, but now his supporters are going full imperialist Monroe Doctrine mode.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
There is zero consistency in their logic. They are part of a cult.
There is zero consistency in their logic. They are part of a cult.
Former Dutch republic of The Netherlands
All I can see is the openings of the OG Fallout games where you hear the voiceover talk about how the US annexed Canada while two dudes in power armour shoot a tied up prisoner in the back of his head.
Then again, the US president in those games is a genocidal fascist as well.
Former Dutch republic of The Netherlands
All I can see is the openings of the OG Fallout games where you hear the voiceover talk about how the US annexed Canada while two dudes in power armour shoot a tied up prisoner in the back of his head.
Then again, the US president in those games is a genocidal fascist as well.
It only took a month from the first time he "teased" the idea, to American right wingers opening supporting annexing Canada on social media. Europe needs to know that Trump and his cronies are testing the waters with these comments. Once it gains traction, they stop pretending they're joking. Trump is now brazen enough to imply the use of military to take what he wants.
Remember, Germany was a democracy before 1933 too. It only took a few years after that for territorial expansion under the Third Reich. I fear the US may have reached its Weimar Republic moment.
请记住,德国在 1933 年之前也是一个民主国家。在那之后,第三帝国只用了几年时间就实现了领土扩张。我担心美国可能已经到了魏玛共和国的时刻。
It only took a month from the first time he "teased" the idea, to American right wingers opening supporting annexing Canada on social media. Europe needs to know that Trump and his cronies are testing the waters with these comments. Once it gains traction, they stop pretending they're joking. Trump is now brazen enough to imply the use of military to take what he wants.
Remember, Germany was a democracy before 1933 too. It only took a few years after that for territorial expansion under the Third Reich. I fear the US may have reached its Weimar Republic moment.
请记住,德国在 1933 年之前也是一个民主国家。在那之后,第三帝国只用了几年时间就实现了领土扩张。我担心美国可能已经到了魏玛共和国的时刻。
Yeah its actually horrifying how many parallels you can draw between Germany at the time and the US today. The two biggest ones being their economic struggle and the need for a scapegoat. Jews/Mexicans
Yeah its actually horrifying how many parallels you can draw between Germany at the time and the US today. The two biggest ones being their economic struggle and the need for a scapegoat. Jews/Mexicans
Prediction: 2081 will see the release of the first game in a franchise that goes on to become quite popular, titled "wolf castle" (title may vary). The franchise is set in an alternative universe where the Republicans won the war. Each game in the series sees the protagonist mowing down hundreds to thousands of republicans, and often has Trump as the end-boss. This premise, while it would have seemed extreme only 60 years prior, is seen as socially acceptable by the time the game releases, due to the atrocities commited by the Republicans in WWIII, and anyone associating with Republican ideology is dehumanised and seen as a monster because of it.
预测:2081 年,一款名为 “狼堡”(标题可能会有所不同)的系列游戏将推出第一款游戏,该游戏后来颇受欢迎。该系列游戏的背景设定在一个共和党赢得战争的另一个宇宙。该系列的每款游戏都能看到主角击倒成百上千的共和党人,而且通常以特朗普为最终boss。这一前提在 60 年前似乎还很极端,但在游戏发布时,由于共和党在第三次世界大战中犯下的暴行,这已被社会所接受,任何与共和党意识形态有关联的人都因此被非人化,被视为怪物。
Prediction: 2081 will see the release of the first game in a franchise that goes on to become quite popular, titled "wolf castle" (title may vary). The franchise is set in an alternative universe where the Republicans won the war. Each game in the series sees the protagonist mowing down hundreds to thousands of republicans, and often has Trump as the end-boss. This premise, while it would have seemed extreme only 60 years prior, is seen as socially acceptable by the time the game releases, due to the atrocities commited by the Republicans in WWIII, and anyone associating with Republican ideology is dehumanised and seen as a monster because of it.
预测:2081 年,一款名为 “狼堡”(标题可能会有所不同)的系列游戏将推出第一款游戏,该游戏后来颇受欢迎。该系列游戏的背景设定在一个共和党赢得战争的另一个宇宙。该系列的每款游戏都能看到主角击倒成百上千的共和党人,而且通常以特朗普为最终boss。这一前提在 60 年前似乎还很极端,但在游戏发布时,由于共和党在第三次世界大战中犯下的暴行,这已被社会所接受,任何与共和党意识形态有关联的人都因此被非人化,被视为怪物。
At this point we might as well just have 3 big countries instead of 200+ : US, China, Russia.
How naïve was I when I was younger thinking there would never be another big war between multiple developed countries. But apparently there are too many shitheads currently governing (being politics or rich assholes) and too many stupid people to deepthroat everything they say.
在这一点上,我们还不如只有三个大国,而不是 200 多个国家:美国、中国、俄罗斯。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
At this point we might as well just have 3 big countries instead of 200+ : US, China, Russia.
How naïve was I when I was younger thinking there would never be another big war between multiple developed countries. But apparently there are too many shitheads currently governing (being politics or rich assholes) and too many stupid people to deepthroat everything they say.
在这一点上,我们还不如只有三个大国,而不是 200 多个国家:美国、中国、俄罗斯。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
US, China , Russia, and Europia.
I read somewhere (no real evidence) that if Europe got together it would form the second biggest military in the world. Not including nukes though, Russia and US are off the charts with those.
US, China , Russia, and Europia.
I read somewhere (no real evidence) that if Europe got together it would form the second biggest military in the world. Not including nukes though, Russia and US are off the charts with those.
It's a sad state of affairs when citizens have to wonder whether or not they should be taking what their President says seriously or literally. It is pretty impressive, however, how many countries Trump has managed to alienate before ever taking office.
It's a sad state of affairs when citizens have to wonder whether or not they should be taking what their President says seriously or literally. It is pretty impressive, however, how many countries Trump has managed to alienate before ever taking office.
So hear me out - maybe we should expel USA from NATO. Yes, we will lose a lot of power on paper, but at least we then have a true picture of our collective defence and start acting on it.
US is fucking done and gone. And they should no longer have any say in who can and can't have nukes in new NATO
So hear me out - maybe we should expel USA from NATO. Yes, we will lose a lot of power on paper, but at least we then have a true picture of our collective defence and start acting on it.
US is fucking done and gone. And they should no longer have any say in who can and can't have nukes in new NATO
Europe and Canada need to become super close now.
Greenland, and probably Norway and the UK, too, need to think of (re)joining the EU asap.
Only together against this asshole!
Europe and Canada need to become super close now.
Greenland, and probably Norway and the UK, too, need to think of (re)joining the EU asap.
Only together against this asshole!
It’s really fascinating how the Overton Window can shift swiftly! Just a few months ago, a statement like this would sound like a madness, but now it’s just logical — for some people at least!
Yes the US needs to be less dependent on China when it comes to resources and Greenland is a rich land with many of them. And yes “security” is used as a smoke screen to justify the move. But seeing how the whole conversation progressed is just interesting, and kinda crazy!
Yet if the US did that move, Greenland would be one of the few countries which got invaded for its resources in a peaceful and non-destructive manner. Saying that as the US is well known to factory reset the lands rich with resources they need.
It’s really fascinating how the Overton Window can shift swiftly! Just a few months ago, a statement like this would sound like a madness, but now it’s just logical — for some people at least!
Yes the US needs to be less dependent on China when it comes to resources and Greenland is a rich land with many of them. And yes “security” is used as a smoke screen to justify the move. But seeing how the whole conversation progressed is just interesting, and kinda crazy!
Yet if the US did that move, Greenland would be one of the few countries which got invaded for its resources in a peaceful and non-destructive manner. Saying that as the US is well known to factory reset the lands rich with resources they need.
Imagine what the history books will write about this…
What a catastrophically stupid and embarrassing time to be an american.
Imagine what the history books will write about this…
What a catastrophically stupid and embarrassing time to be an american.
Every person who voted for this is culpable. This isn’t the actions of a lone insane person, it’s the collective will of a voting class that was empowered by a failed democratic system and a political sphere that prioritises personality over policy.
It doesn’t matter if the voters were uninformed, undereducated, whatever, it is a failure that’s on the hands of everyone too stupid or too unempathetic to put the needs of the country above their petty biases.
Every person who voted for this is culpable. This isn’t the actions of a lone insane person, it’s the collective will of a voting class that was empowered by a failed democratic system and a political sphere that prioritises personality over policy.
It doesn’t matter if the voters were uninformed, undereducated, whatever, it is a failure that’s on the hands of everyone too stupid or too unempathetic to put the needs of the country above their petty biases.
every person who didn't vote in the election is also culpable. by not voting they are pretty much saying "i am okay with a harris presidency, but i am also okay with a trump presidency". their rationale for not voting doesn't matter. the truth of the matter is that they are okay with a second trump presidency.
every person who didn't vote in the election is also culpable. by not voting they are pretty much saying "i am okay with a harris presidency, but i am also okay with a trump presidency". their rationale for not voting doesn't matter. the truth of the matter is that they are okay with a second trump presidency.
You should see the Fox News comment section.
These people have gone completely insane.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
You should see the Fox News comment section.
These people have gone completely insane.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Putin told Trump to ditch NATO and Europe. This is what him and Musk are doing. Trump is threatening Canada and Denmark, Musk is threatening Germany and England. Surprise surprise. These morons voted for Russian assets.
Putin told Trump to ditch NATO and Europe. This is what him and Musk are doing. Trump is threatening Canada and Denmark, Musk is threatening Germany and England. Surprise surprise. These morons voted for Russian assets.
Yet this will completely dominate the media conversation for as long as he chooses to go on about it.
It's like he found a cheat code to make it so we can't not talk about him.
Yet this will completely dominate the media conversation for as long as he chooses to go on about it.
It's like he found a cheat code to make it so we can't not talk about him.
Russia and China eating popcorn right now as *** and Putin say they expect relations to get better and Trump sounding war drums against EU countries and Canada.
HMM… it’s almost like Trump was indeed bedfellows with the enemy.
Russia and China eating popcorn right now as *** and Putin say they expect relations to get better and Trump sounding war drums against EU countries and Canada.
HMM… it’s almost like Trump was indeed bedfellows with the enemy.
I don't consider myself patriotic and generally see little-to-no positive value in such things, but this motherfucker is activating the maple in my blood... i'll be in the wilderness among the partisans at this rate.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I don't consider myself patriotic and generally see little-to-no positive value in such things, but this motherfucker is activating the maple in my blood... i'll be in the wilderness among the partisans at this rate.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Canada's not for sale, Trump. Go home, ya hoser.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Canada's not for sale, Trump. Go home, ya hoser.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
For fucks sake. Canada has done so much for the United States, shed blood for the United States, and this is the thanks they get.
For fucks sake. Canada has done so much for the United States, shed blood for the United States, and this is the thanks they get.
It’s easy to dismiss this as his usual bluster but I would like to remind people the upcoming cabinet are full of crazy fucks/loyalists and the military is populated by demographics who like trump and everything he represents.
It’s easy to dismiss this as his usual bluster but I would like to remind people the upcoming cabinet are full of crazy fucks/loyalists and the military is populated by demographics who like trump and everything he represents.
Trump can go fuck himself. Actually, America can go fuck itself too.
Trump can go fuck himself. Actually, America can go fuck itself too.
Yeah I’m at the point where if the American people are willing to stand by and let this happen, they can all go to hell.
And to any Americans saying “oh I’m so sorry, this is so embarrassing,” fuck your apologies. We don’t need them. We need action. We need our centuries of friendship to actually fucking mean something.
对于那些说 “哦,我很抱歉,这太尴尬了 ”的美国人,去你妈的道歉。我们不需要道歉。我们需要行动。我们需要我们几个世纪的友谊真正的体现。
Yeah I’m at the point where if the American people are willing to stand by and let this happen, they can all go to hell.
And to any Americans saying “oh I’m so sorry, this is so embarrassing,” fuck your apologies. We don’t need them. We need action. We need our centuries of friendship to actually fucking mean something.
对于那些说 “哦,我很抱歉,这太尴尬了 ”的美国人,去你妈的道歉。我们不需要道歉。我们需要行动。我们需要我们几个世纪的友谊真正的体现。
Trump wants to annex Canada, Musk is calling for dissolution of the UK parliament.
Seriously - massive interference in the affairs of Canada and the UK, two of America's stongest allies. Who is pulling the strings here?
Trump wants to annex Canada, Musk is calling for dissolution of the UK parliament.
Seriously - massive interference in the affairs of Canada and the UK, two of America's stongest allies. Who is pulling the strings here?
Once is a joke, twice is a stale joke, but this is at least three times that I know about (probably more). It’s not a joke, it’s a statement of intent or at the very least a slap in the face to every Canadian.
I thought I couldn’t hate Trump more but turns out I was wrong.
Once is a joke, twice is a stale joke, but this is at least three times that I know about (probably more). It’s not a joke, it’s a statement of intent or at the very least a slap in the face to every Canadian.
I thought I couldn’t hate Trump more but turns out I was wrong.
So Trump want to merge Canada to the US…. Musk wants to invade and “liberate” the UK from its tyrannical government…
This is the problem with business leads turning politicians and wanting to run a country like a business… they aren’t fucking businesses! They are nations and cultures of people with their own elected leadership that you are not a part of. Just because you don’t like what they’re doing, doesn’t mean you can or should run it instead.
British and Canadian people are citizens, not employees that you can just buy to work for you instead.
特朗普想把加拿大并入美国....马斯克想入侵英国并将其从暴政中 “解放 ”出来...
So Trump want to merge Canada to the US…. Musk wants to invade and “liberate” the UK from its tyrannical government…
This is the problem with business leads turning politicians and wanting to run a country like a business… they aren’t fucking businesses! They are nations and cultures of people with their own elected leadership that you are not a part of. Just because you don’t like what they’re doing, doesn’t mean you can or should run it instead.
British and Canadian people are citizens, not employees that you can just buy to work for you instead.
特朗普想把加拿大并入美国....马斯克想入侵英国并将其从暴政中 “解放 ”出来...
Over my literal dead body.
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Over my literal dead body.
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I love my American brothers and sisters but if he tried this shit, I would take the Lee-Enfield that my grandfather helped liberate Europe with and defend my country until I got strafed by an A-10 Warthog.
我爱我的美国兄弟姐妹,但如果他想这么做,我会拿着我祖父帮助解放欧洲的那把李-恩菲尔德手枪,保卫我的国家,直到被 A-10 疣猪扫射为止。
I love my American brothers and sisters but if he tried this shit, I would take the Lee-Enfield that my grandfather helped liberate Europe with and defend my country until I got strafed by an A-10 Warthog.
我爱我的美国兄弟姐妹,但如果他想这么做,我会拿着我祖父帮助解放欧洲的那把李-恩菲尔德手枪,保卫我的国家,直到被 A-10 疣猪扫射为止。
I've said multiple times before that it was not a joke, but some of you keep insisting "don't feed the troll". He's repeating these lines because he wants to test the waters. Now he's not even pretending to be joking anymore. It's time to face the truth that the US has become a security threat to Canada, and an existential one at that.
Edit: Now you can see American right wingers actively supporting annexation of Canada on Twitter. It's only been less than a month since he's first teased about making us the 51st state.
我之前已经说过很多次,这不是一个玩笑,但你们中的一些人一直坚持 “不要搭理巨魔”。他重复这些台词是因为他想试探一下。现在他甚至不再假装开玩笑了。是时候面对现实了,美国已经成为加拿大的安全威胁,而且是生存威胁。
I've said multiple times before that it was not a joke, but some of you keep insisting "don't feed the troll". He's repeating these lines because he wants to test the waters. Now he's not even pretending to be joking anymore. It's time to face the truth that the US has become a security threat to Canada, and an existential one at that.
Edit: Now you can see American right wingers actively supporting annexation of Canada on Twitter. It's only been less than a month since he's first teased about making us the 51st state.
我之前已经说过很多次,这不是一个玩笑,但你们中的一些人一直坚持 “不要搭理巨魔”。他重复这些台词是因为他想试探一下。现在他甚至不再假装开玩笑了。是时候面对现实了,美国已经成为加拿大的安全威胁,而且是生存威胁。
很赞 36