I've never felt so hopeless living anywhere except for here. Pre-having a baby this was the best place ever, vibing, everyone so lit and partying. Post-having a baby this place is torture.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I've never felt so hopeless living anywhere except for here. Pre-having a baby this was the best place ever, vibing, everyone so lit and partying. Post-having a baby this place is torture.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Everyday is a struggle, here is my list
- Smokers EVERYWHERE, and if you ask them to stop smoking they smirk and smoke even harder. Absolutely shit-tier behavior. I'd expect this from ghetto people in my home country.
- 到处都是吸烟者,如果你让他们停止吸烟,他们就会傻笑,并且抽得更厉害。绝对是糟糕透顶的行为。我预料到我的祖国贫民窟的人也会这样。
- 到处都是吸烟者,如果你让他们停止吸烟,他们就会傻笑,并且抽得更厉害。绝对是糟糕透顶的行为。我预料到我的祖国贫民窟的人也会这样。
- Everybody is in a rush, they push and shove you to get out of the way. Having a kid is viewed as a burden/slow for the flow of traffic. No one lets us go first nor holds the door for us
- 每个人都很匆忙,他们推搡着你让你让路。带着孩子被视为负担/交通流量缓慢(的理由)。没有人让我们先走,也没有人为我们扶门
- 每个人都很匆忙,他们推搡着你让你让路。带着孩子被视为负担/交通流量缓慢(的理由)。没有人让我们先走,也没有人为我们扶门
- Everybody has an opinion on how you should raise a kid, but also says it in a demeaning manner talking down to you...the kicker is they will have the nastiest fingers and touch your kid. Or the woman says something, while their husband is smoking a cigarette in front of their kid.
- Honking all throughout the day, for absolutely no reason. I drive a scooter, taking a left turn. a car or bike at least 100 meters+ behind me 100% of the time will floor the gas pedal and speed up hoping to pass me. Like brody if you just let me turn like normal we wouldn't be in danger and you wouldn't even lose a second of your life to begin with. The drivers here are absolute animals on the road. They even pass on the right, or simply won't let you pass at all EVER.
Every night is a struggle, here is my list
- Vietnamese karaoke til midnight, hard to put baby to sleep (there is noise violation laws on paper, but they aren't enforced, so I am in the RIGHT to be upset over this)
- Vietnamese karaoke til midnight, hard to put baby to sleep (there is noise violation laws on paper, but they aren't enforced, so I am in the RIGHT to be upset over this)
- Houses are built wall to wall, neighbors are walking heavy footed stomping and slamming doors, making noise like crazy. Ask them to quiet down, they blame society make so much noise, why I have to change? Live here so long no one ever complain.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
- Honking all throughout the night
It feels as if everyday moving around Vietnamese, it is a power-struggle/fight. EVERY POSSIBLE MOMENT they can beat you in movement, they will, even if it risky and puts us all in danger.
Of course, I could report them, but what cop is going to do anything about this? In a civilized society could call cops, reasonably expect them to show up and have the neighbors get fined so they can act civilized. Also, just from my experience and hearing others stories, Vietnamese are terrible at dealing with conflict. Never accepting responsibility, no accountability, and childish retaliation behaviors. It is quite scary to think about just politely asking a Vietnamese to improve their behavior, because they may just end up peeing in your yard everyday in retaliation. Resorting to bully tactics.
We already left the country, just leaving this as an honest review for others.
Echoes my daily struggle with a toddler. Though people seem to be quite friendly with kids though. Too friendly you could say. I've come quite close to slapping strangers hands trying to touch my kid.
Echoes my daily struggle with a toddler. Though people seem to be quite friendly with kids though. Too friendly you could say. I've come quite close to slapping strangers hands trying to touch my kid.
Is your kid mixed? People are still curious about mixed kid.
Is your kid mixed? People are still curious about mixed kid.
You are figuring those things out after having a kid? Were you just passed out drunk every night before that or something?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
You are figuring those things out after having a kid? Were you just passed out drunk every night before that or something?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
In my experience as a Vietnamese, people on the street were much more aggressive towards me when I was visibly pregnant. And the most aggressive were other women. One time a women driving on the busy pavement saw me from afar, drove straight at me expecting me to move out of the way because she knew I had something precious to protect even though I was on the PAVEMENT. Never got physical shoulder checks before, 4 times when I was HEAVILY pregnant. Never got kicked out of a house before, got bullied by the landlady who finally said the reason was she didn't want me to stay in her house and give birth, it's bad luck for her business. I am a small lady so they just bullied me left right and center.
In my experience as a Vietnamese, people on the street were much more aggressive towards me when I was visibly pregnant. And the most aggressive were other women. One time a women driving on the busy pavement saw me from afar, drove straight at me expecting me to move out of the way because she knew I had something precious to protect even though I was on the PAVEMENT. Never got physical shoulder checks before, 4 times when I was HEAVILY pregnant. Never got kicked out of a house before, got bullied by the landlady who finally said the reason was she didn't want me to stay in her house and give birth, it's bad luck for her business. I am a small lady so they just bullied me left right and center.
That is insane, I won't ever shut my mouth for people like you. You are the local where can you go? it is not reasonable to say well you should have sent your kid abroad or earned enough money to go to a richer neighborhood. In majority of countries, there is a reasonable level of civility expected. This is what I will always be critical about as my child is a Vietnamese citizen. I am a legal married visa holder, my spouse is a Vietnamese citizen. We are 2/3 citizen, and 1/3 a legal resident. We all have the right to expect minimum expectation of civility. Yes we left because being realistic and wanted a better life instead of fighting a fight that won't change anytime soon, but still have hope for the society to become more civilized in our lifetime as LEGAL citizens. It is still our home, everyone has a right to hope their home gets better. I hope that you can find a better life and overcome the tragedy you dealt with it is saddening to hear things like this. The bullying mentality needs to stop here. Good luck internet fren.
That is insane, I won't ever shut my mouth for people like you. You are the local where can you go? it is not reasonable to say well you should have sent your kid abroad or earned enough money to go to a richer neighborhood. In majority of countries, there is a reasonable level of civility expected. This is what I will always be critical about as my child is a Vietnamese citizen. I am a legal married visa holder, my spouse is a Vietnamese citizen. We are 2/3 citizen, and 1/3 a legal resident. We all have the right to expect minimum expectation of civility. Yes we left because being realistic and wanted a better life instead of fighting a fight that won't change anytime soon, but still have hope for the society to become more civilized in our lifetime as LEGAL citizens. It is still our home, everyone has a right to hope their home gets better. I hope that you can find a better life and overcome the tragedy you dealt with it is saddening to hear things like this. The bullying mentality needs to stop here. Good luck internet fren.
We dealt with same thing too shoved many times across many situations while deep in pregnancy term, on the train, plane, mall. It is insane, forget the other things I complained about. How can any society defend that people literally SHOVE pregnant women? and it is always from other women. Insane how much abuse women project to each other here.
Another reason why Vn still got a long way to go. Dumb ass trolls who peaked in highschool
Another reason why Vn still got a long way to go. Dumb ass trolls who peaked in highschool
Why is this?! Where does it come from? I’ve only ever heard of pregnant women being somewhat protected across the world even by strangers
Why is this?! Where does it come from? I’ve only ever heard of pregnant women being somewhat protected across the world even by strangers
Ikr lMao dude is disappointed because they thought they would get an instant kid privilege and perfect order when they had one.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Ikr lMao dude is disappointed because they thought they would get an instant kid privilege and perfect order when they had one.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Yep, a very western that ng and a reason why some people do it in general.
Yep, a very western that ng and a reason why some people do it in general.
Oh OP I do sympathize with you. I had already been back to VN (I’m Vietnamese but born and raised in CA) 4 times before I had kids and it was always a BLAST!! So much fun!
Oh OP I do sympathize with you. I had already been back to VN (I’m Vietnamese but born and raised in CA) 4 times before I had kids and it was always a BLAST!! So much fun!
When my first born was 8 months, my husband and I and baby went back to VN to visit family for an extended vacation, 1 month. While I was there, I was miserable trying to get the baby comfortable to sleep in the unbearable heat, tried to use white noise to hush out the constant honking traffic noise, covering my baby up and shielding him from 2nd hand smoke, enduring lectures from family members how my American parenting ways were harming the baby more than nurturing him, etc etc etc… so I get it.
当我的第一个孩子 8 个月大时,我和丈夫带着孩子回到越南探亲,度过了一个为期一个月的长假。在那里,我努力让孩子在难以忍受的高温下舒适地入睡,试图用白噪音来掩盖不断的汽车鸣笛声,为孩子盖上被子,不让他吸入二手烟,忍受家人的说教,说我的美国育儿方式对孩子的伤害大于养育,等等等等……所以我明白了。
当我的第一个孩子 8 个月大时,我和丈夫带着孩子回到越南探亲,度过了一个为期一个月的长假。在那里,我努力让孩子在难以忍受的高温下舒适地入睡,试图用白噪音来掩盖不断的汽车鸣笛声,为孩子盖上被子,不让他吸入二手烟,忍受家人的说教,说我的美国育儿方式对孩子的伤害大于养育,等等等等……所以我明白了。
The worst thing was when my baby contracted rosella after a one day session at a Gymboree mommy and me class in HCMC and I had to take him to see a doctor at a hospital… what I had seen at the hospital really shocked me. The medical system in Vietnam is… quite something else.
It’s been 13 years since I’ve been back and I know have 3 kids but my husband and I are in no rush to take them to VN anytime soon.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Sad to hear you have never came back. I wish to always bring my kids back to visit so they know their roots. but I can sympathize with you as well. It is so depressing to have any honest open conversation with a local here. I also come from USA born as a Vietnamese American. You know we ALWAYS criticize anything in USA, that is how things improve and get better. Here it is always perceived as attacks. Open honest conversations about society is what improves society. It sucks to be a minority of a society then come back to the majority society, and get ostracized more here than back home simply because voicing an opinion. An opinion based on the life I saw in neighboring countries more than USA actually. In Thailand every Thai is complaining about something in Bangkok demanding life to improve. All neighboring ASEAN countries act more civilized with debates.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Sad to hear you have never came back. I wish to always bring my kids back to visit so they know their roots. but I can sympathize with you as well. It is so depressing to have any honest open conversation with a local here. I also come from USA born as a Vietnamese American. You know we ALWAYS criticize anything in USA, that is how things improve and get better. Here it is always perceived as attacks. Open honest conversations about society is what improves society. It sucks to be a minority of a society then come back to the majority society, and get ostracized more here than back home simply because voicing an opinion. An opinion based on the life I saw in neighboring countries more than USA actually. In Thailand every Thai is complaining about something in Bangkok demanding life to improve. All neighboring ASEAN countries act more civilized with debates.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Been here long enough to realized it was time to move on as well, and move away. What is crazy my spouse a Vietnamese is even more frustrated at the society than I am most of the time. What could they do if they were married to another Vietnamese citizen instead of an American? Just accept it and keep their mouth shut? I actually speak in hopes that life can improve for the people that just sit an accept it because what other choice do they have. Crazy how still cannot have open conversations from abroad haha. But ya Vietnam is fun as a person with no family responsibilities, it changes once have kids. As parents we have to provide a better life for them. Hope you the best with your kids always.
Thanks, I wish the best to you and your family as well. My husband and I miss VN so much and we DO have plans to take the kids to visit but we are in no rush. I’m still verY LEEry about Covid and just getting sick in general. My youngest also has allergy issues and so I worry about him the most. Maybe when they’re all older and in their teens then we will go. But as for now, I just.. I just can’t justify taking them anytime soon.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Thanks, I wish the best to you and your family as well. My husband and I miss VN so much and we DO have plans to take the kids to visit but we are in no rush. I’m still verY LEEry about Covid and just getting sick in general. My youngest also has allergy issues and so I worry about him the most. Maybe when they’re all older and in their teens then we will go. But as for now, I just.. I just can’t justify taking them anytime soon.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
13 years is crazy difference now though. Would encourage at some point, they have gigabit internet, 5G and malls everywhere now. It feels super globalized all of ASEAN has the same malls, same food chains etc nowadays. But ya, as an adult I get sick many times a year from food-related issues. and of course when I change regions the pollution always messed up my sinuses. We avoid living in big cities most of the year, inevitably you have to pass through the big cities at some point and that is when my sinuses act up. The pollution is insane nowadays in major cities. Take your time no need to rush. Especially you experienced the medical system here. Less risky as teens than kids. Bring probiotics to prep your stomach haha. Maybe escape to Thailand in the event you need medical attention instead. Much better in those other countries. Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore always my go to for serious medical visits. Thanks for your vibes!
13 years is crazy difference now though. Would encourage at some point, they have gigabit internet, 5G and malls everywhere now. It feels super globalized all of ASEAN has the same malls, same food chains etc nowadays. But ya, as an adult I get sick many times a year from food-related issues. and of course when I change regions the pollution always messed up my sinuses. We avoid living in big cities most of the year, inevitably you have to pass through the big cities at some point and that is when my sinuses act up. The pollution is insane nowadays in major cities. Take your time no need to rush. Especially you experienced the medical system here. Less risky as teens than kids. Bring probiotics to prep your stomach haha. Maybe escape to Thailand in the event you need medical attention instead. Much better in those other countries. Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore always my go to for serious medical visits. Thanks for your vibes!
It really depends where you live in Vietnam. I find central Vietnam cities to be more respectful and understanding. But also, larger cities brew more troublemakers as well. I would never move to HCMC/Hanoi with my young child currently, and possibly not even Da Nang either. On the other hand you also need to have neighbors/family to back you up for things, and if you don't you will have little control over most situations. Neighborhood to neighborhood can totally change mentalities on how they want things done in my experience.
It really depends where you live in Vietnam. I find central Vietnam cities to be more respectful and understanding. But also, larger cities brew more troublemakers as well. I would never move to HCMC/Hanoi with my young child currently, and possibly not even Da Nang either. On the other hand you also need to have neighbors/family to back you up for things, and if you don't you will have little control over most situations. Neighborhood to neighborhood can totally change mentalities on how they want things done in my experience.
Edit: I wanted to add that many places deliver, especially for baby products and groceries for free most the time too. Take advantage of those things!
I 100% agree with this. Living in a smaller city with space works quite good with kids.
I 100% agree with this. Living in a smaller city with space works quite good with kids.
But even there the smoking subject is an issue. This probably won't change anytime soon as long as restaurant/coffee shop owners think they lose customers for asking them not to smoke.
We have lived practically everywhere, house, gated community, apartment towers you name it. Going to smaller city nor spending more money can get away from our complaints. Even if you stayed in a bubble area, at some point it is not realistic you will have to go to a public space or mall and deal with society. But even in gated communities still has some of my complaints.
We have lived practically everywhere, house, gated community, apartment towers you name it. Going to smaller city nor spending more money can get away from our complaints. Even if you stayed in a bubble area, at some point it is not realistic you will have to go to a public space or mall and deal with society. But even in gated communities still has some of my complaints.
Having lived in all the smaller destination cities. I guess we are the unlucky statistic to experience the same experience in each location to some varying degree. The overall lack of manners exist from top to bottom countrywide. Haven't ever lived in Hanoi or Saigon, can't even imagine the torture those places are to live in, Da Nang is the only decent city out of anywhere honestly, but the weather and pollution is terrible, but the people are quite nice and easy going there.
Lived in the following small destination cities below...
Don't know how long ago you gave birth, but it's a struggle anywhere adapting to a new way of life. At least you had lived here for some time previously so you had some idea what to expect.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Don't know how long ago you gave birth, but it's a struggle anywhere adapting to a new way of life. At least you had lived here for some time previously so you had some idea what to expect.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Look after yourself - without wanting to be condescending, PND is a thing and will make everyday hassles seem so much more overwhelming. Get yourself checked out if you think it might help.
Is OP the mother? They said they "came here to vibe and marry a Vietnamese" and called someone "brody" lol
Is OP the mother? They said they "came here to vibe and marry a Vietnamese" and called someone "brody" lol
I’ve heard usually college kids (or people who haven’t matured relative to their age) using the word “Brody”.
Never heard a woman use that though.
I’ve heard usually college kids (or people who haven’t matured relative to their age) using the word “Brody”.
Never heard a woman use that though.
Men can also get a form of post partum depression
Men can also get a form of post partum depression
Let me guess, you also think men can menstruate, right? Ffs
Let me guess, you also think men can menstruate, right? Ffs
I’m a medical provider. PPD in men absolutely happens.
I’m a medical provider. PPD in men absolutely happens.
Yeah, I am a medical provider too, just took an aspirin for my headache
Yeah, I am a medical provider too, just took an aspirin for my headache
Yeah, it doesn't. Then it's a woman. Woke af.
Yeah, it doesn't. Then it's a woman. Woke af.
Men can have mental disorders too, you know?
Men can have mental disorders too, you know?
Yeah but they can't menstruate. Lmfao. The number of woke Vietnamese living in California on this sub is wild. Brainwashed by propaganda.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Yeah but they can't menstruate. Lmfao. The number of woke Vietnamese living in California on this sub is wild. Brainwashed by propaganda.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I'm guessing you were told to "man up" a lot as a child
I'm guessing you were told to "man up" a lot as a child
Just googled it for a second.
Just googled it for a second.
the smoke and the small brain mannerless pathological smokers is disgusting problem
the smoke and the small brain mannerless pathological smokers is disgusting problem
Vietnam is among the highest in the world in percentage of men who smoke, IIRC. And it seemed like younger adults were following right in their footsteps with vapes but it'll be interesting to see if the vape ban will curb the number of young smokers at all.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Vietnam is among the highest in the world in percentage of men who smoke, IIRC. And it seemed like younger adults were following right in their footsteps with vapes but it'll be interesting to see if the vape ban will curb the number of young smokers at all.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I feel sorry for you OP. To see so many people calling you entitled to expect the bare minimum from society. Old habits die hard and people here rather defend bad manners than accepting criticism for better changes.
I feel sorry for you OP. To see so many people calling you entitled to expect the bare minimum from society. Old habits die hard and people here rather defend bad manners than accepting criticism for better changes.
Vietnamese people who are always proud and brag about their reputation of "being friendly" think others are "entitled" for hoping someone would hold a door for a mother with a young kid? What about helping each other out? What a joke.
People who have kids here mostly rely on their relatives and accept their fate. Mental health isn't taken seriously here either. Glad you moved and hope it's a better place to raise kids.
It is sad to see. Traveled to neighbors like Thailand and Malaysia and saw them hold doors, and give way to us, then come back to Vietnam and getting yelled at that this is entitlement. Madness.
It is sad to see. Traveled to neighbors like Thailand and Malaysia and saw them hold doors, and give way to us, then come back to Vietnam and getting yelled at that this is entitlement. Madness.
Somewhat related to mental health issues, the amount my relatives here drink is wild, for me as a non-drinker and non-smoker, the pressure they give constantly to do either is also absurd. Instead of focusing on intoxicating all day, the focus should be on improving manners, instead of defending poor manners.
I was thinking it was going to be more child-raising related critiques here. About 95% of this is just daily life/norms in VN.
我以为这里会有更多关于育儿的评论。其中大约 95% 只是越南的日常生活/规范。
I was thinking it was going to be more child-raising related critiques here. About 95% of this is just daily life/norms in VN.
我以为这里会有更多关于育儿的评论。其中大约 95% 只是越南的日常生活/规范。
Same situation. It's a nightmare.
Same situation. It's a nightmare.
And funnily enough i asked my neighbours very politely to stop burning trash next my house, there's a baby often sleeping inside and the smoke could kill them. Now they do it more and after putting up a gate camera the husband routinely pees through my gate at night! Childish cretins.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
We sent it to the local police on the zalo group, nothing. My wife called them to complain but they hung up the phone. They will however come to our house routinely to hassle us for 'visa check' etc, even though they know full well that they saw it a month back and everything is good for 2 more years.
You did the right thing by getting out.
This retaliation by peeing tactic what is up with that? Who teaches them this? We heard from other Vietnamese people this story so clearly it is a normal tactic. This is what makes me frustrated there is no solution, confrontation makes it worse, no police to step in to negotiate. Madness.
This retaliation by peeing tactic what is up with that? Who teaches them this? We heard from other Vietnamese people this story so clearly it is a normal tactic. This is what makes me frustrated there is no solution, confrontation makes it worse, no police to step in to negotiate. Madness.
Passive aggressive, cowardly behaviour. And you're right, there is no solution to many simple issues here which makes living here actually quite frightening at times. Especially as it's essentially lawless with the police unwilling to take any action unless you pay them.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Passive aggressive, cowardly behaviour. And you're right, there is no solution to many simple issues here which makes living here actually quite frightening at times. Especially as it's essentially lawless with the police unwilling to take any action unless you pay them.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Mate so terribly sorry to hear that. Can you get out of here?
Mate so terribly sorry to hear that. Can you get out of here?
VN economy and etiquette are not in sync. Heavy law enforce but lack of discipline. Some westerners love the chaos where they couldn’t find in their own home but for many ppl including locals, it is a terrible mess. It happens from inside to outside. No one has the confidence in law enforcement so they will leverage the most cunning ways to cope with whatever negativity comes to their life. There is no room for ppl to learn how to perceive criticism, children are not educated on free speech and accept the differences. The country adopted idea of Communism philosophy but it turns out it is actually Communism in the form of capitalism. Nothing sarcastically matches in this country, it is a nuke waiting to explode.
VN economy and etiquette are not in sync. Heavy law enforce but lack of discipline. Some westerners love the chaos where they couldn’t find in their own home but for many ppl including locals, it is a terrible mess. It happens from inside to outside. No one has the confidence in law enforcement so they will leverage the most cunning ways to cope with whatever negativity comes to their life. There is no room for ppl to learn how to perceive criticism, children are not educated on free speech and accept the differences. The country adopted idea of Communism philosophy but it turns out it is actually Communism in the form of capitalism. Nothing sarcastically matches in this country, it is a nuke waiting to explode.
I got to say your comment is one of the best comments. Truly critical and logical thinking while most people just went straight to attacking characteristics rather than focus at the points of the topic. Maybe defending the shitty things makes them feel better about themselves. Coping rather than confronting for the harmony that doesn't exist.
I got to say your comment is one of the best comments. Truly critical and logical thinking while most people just went straight to attacking characteristics rather than focus at the points of the topic. Maybe defending the shitty things makes them feel better about themselves. Coping rather than confronting for the harmony that doesn't exist.
Bro as someone who is kinda one step of ahead of you, I feel terriboe for you and wish there was a solution.
Westerner here, started to realize that the end game of living in VN is what you have described. VN wife hates it too for all the same reasons.
Although I've nearly lost my mind in the process I've worked harder than ever before for the last 2 years with the sole intention of getting enough money to GTFO of here and back to the real, civilized world where we can be taken seriously and respected as adults. We're outta here after tet and honestly, it cant come quick enough. So sick of the place and theres little to no hope for changes in the future from what I can see.
Bro as someone who is kinda one step of ahead of you, I feel terriboe for you and wish there was a solution.
Westerner here, started to realize that the end game of living in VN is what you have described. VN wife hates it too for all the same reasons.
Although I've nearly lost my mind in the process I've worked harder than ever before for the last 2 years with the sole intention of getting enough money to GTFO of here and back to the real, civilized world where we can be taken seriously and respected as adults. We're outta here after tet and honestly, it cant come quick enough. So sick of the place and theres little to no hope for changes in the future from what I can see.
Please take this is a sign, GTFO of here bro. Do whats right for your family, your wife and your son need you to save them from this shithole. Get your money up and get out of here.
Wish you all the best
Wish you all the best
Man people are such xxx. And even when they don't mean ills they can be terribly toxic.
Can't even count the times I've had to resort to threats to shut my neighbors up at 12 am after one of them model citizens came home drunk and decided to either start screaming at their wives and kids or make progress on their home renovation projects.
And let's not even start on social awareness. This one lady yanked a super market basket out of my 3 yo hand like she was gunna get away with it.
Man people are such xxx. And even when they don't mean ills they can be terribly toxic.
Can't even count the times I've had to resort to threats to shut my neighbors up at 12 am after one of them model citizens came home drunk and decided to either start screaming at their wives and kids or make progress on their home renovation projects.
And let's not even start on social awareness. This one lady yanked a super market basket out of my 3 yo hand like she was gunna get away with it.
Yeah totally agree with you the people here are on some next level of toxicity. One comment even said i have mental problem for complaining about this craziness lMao. These people are so brainwashed that they normalize eating shit and eating more shit, coping rather than confronting.
Yeah totally agree with you the people here are on some next level of toxicity. One comment even said i have mental problem for complaining about this craziness lMao. These people are so brainwashed that they normalize eating shit and eating more shit, coping rather than confronting.
Arrived to Changi airport with a toddler to long immigration queues and got politely hurried to join the family queue, just 3-4 families before us and we were on our way in a minute.
Tan Son Nhat though… make sure your toddler is well fed and entertained for the 2 hours you’re getting pushed by some uncle to move up.
到达樟宜机场时,带着一个幼儿,排了很长时间的移民队,不过被很有礼貌地催促加入家庭队,才排了三四个家庭,我们一分钟就通过了。相比之下,Tân Sơn Nhất机场……确保你的宝宝吃饱了、玩得开心,因为你得忍受两个小时被某个大叔推着往前挤。
Arrived to Changi airport with a toddler to long immigration queues and got politely hurried to join the family queue, just 3-4 families before us and we were on our way in a minute.
Tan Son Nhat though… make sure your toddler is well fed and entertained for the 2 hours you’re getting pushed by some uncle to move up.
到达樟宜机场时,带着一个幼儿,排了很长时间的移民队,不过被很有礼貌地催促加入家庭队,才排了三四个家庭,我们一分钟就通过了。相比之下,Tân Sơn Nhất机场……确保你的宝宝吃饱了、玩得开心,因为你得忍受两个小时被某个大叔推着往前挤。
It is hit or miss here with immigration queues and priority for families. The sign is there but usually pretty hidden. Officers generally aren't proactive, but if you stare hard enough or try they generally will let you through. But the stress of not being able to expect it sucks. And they only do it for international because they HAVE to at least have the image to some extent. But even then the signs say under 2 years old only. Other countries allow up to 6 years old minimum and have more flexibility in general to give priority. Plus their citizens are all for giving priority to the Young + Elderly.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
It is hit or miss here with immigration queues and priority for families. The sign is there but usually pretty hidden. Officers generally aren't proactive, but if you stare hard enough or try they generally will let you through. But the stress of not being able to expect it sucks. And they only do it for international because they HAVE to at least have the image to some extent. But even then the signs say under 2 years old only. Other countries allow up to 6 years old minimum and have more flexibility in general to give priority. Plus their citizens are all for giving priority to the Young + Elderly.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Been to Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore (all neighboring ASEAN countries so it is fair to use as a comparison), EVEN China. all of them had big visible signs can skip the line and all of them were proactive or very cordial about it. It is expected there as a right...There is absolutely no stress nor anxiety in those countries. Even for planes we could board first alongside the first/biz class folks. It is not entitlement to expect what the neighboring countries provide. We not even comparing 1st world nor Western countries. Traveling around neighboring countries is what makes me want more out of Vietnam in all actuality. It is unfair to compare to Western countries, but it is fair to compare to ASEAN countries.
Domestic Vietnam is another story, no priorities outside of the big cities for sure been told no many times in smaller airports. Also, every domestic flight tells us to wait til everyone boards first then we can go for safety. So cannot expect any priority in normal life within the country which is even more sad.
Agree with what you said especially the honking. And crossing the streets are scary once you with kids, I was with one kid and one infant and no one would stop. Thailand is alot better with this. Last year when I landed in Danang airport(my hometown), I was with infants, and I asked the immigrant officer if I can queue at priority Lane but he said I couldn’t. But people were using that lane and passed quickly. I was confused so I asked my friend who worked at airport and she said those pp put money in their passport and so using priority lane means you need to pay
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Agree with what you said especially the honking. And crossing the streets are scary once you with kids, I was with one kid and one infant and no one would stop. Thailand is alot better with this. Last year when I landed in Danang airport(my hometown), I was with infants, and I asked the immigrant officer if I can queue at priority Lane but he said I couldn’t. But people were using that lane and passed quickly. I was confused so I asked my friend who worked at airport and she said those pp put money in their passport and so using priority lane means you need to pay
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I got rushed through immigration with a toddler at Noi Bai, multiple times.
在Noi Bai机场,我和孩子多次被工作人员催促通过移民检查。
I got rushed through immigration with a toddler at Noi Bai, multiple times.
在Noi Bai机场,我和孩子多次被工作人员催促通过移民检查。
With or without a baby, people here seriously lack social etiquette and emotional maturity.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
With or without a baby, people here seriously lack social etiquette and emotional maturity.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
did you live in the same place before and after having the kid? Where is it?
did you live in the same place before and after having the kid? Where is it?
Pre-baby you can adapt to whatever throw at you and even feel excited about it. Post-baby is a totally new world and your eyes open to the shortcomings of this society. That's why many people change their mind and try to move abroad once they have children. I have my sympathy for the OP.
Pre-baby you can adapt to whatever throw at you and even feel excited about it. Post-baby is a totally new world and your eyes open to the shortcomings of this society. That's why many people change their mind and try to move abroad once they have children. I have my sympathy for the OP.
Exactly this.
OP, I feel you. I could have written this post five years ago. But now I have two kids, 5 and 2, and most of these things don't irritate me so much anymore. I figure these nuisances are the price I have to pay to raise my children without the fear of losing them in some fucked up mass shooting scenario (I'm also American).
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Exactly this.
OP, I feel you. I could have written this post five years ago. But now I have two kids, 5 and 2, and most of these things don't irritate me so much anymore. I figure these nuisances are the price I have to pay to raise my children without the fear of losing them in some fucked up mass shooting scenario (I'm also American).
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Thank you for the one person that actually read my content instead of attacking me. Appreciate your vibes...As a person with Vietnamese roots myself I hope for my homeland to continue to get better in my lifetime. I already left, but I still have hope. Everyone that has a homeland or ancestral root is entitled to their opinion about their roots always. Life shouldn't have to be this way where have to run away from our roots for a better life. Unlike some others that run away, I always want my kid to love where they come from, and through love we demand better quality of life as always.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Thank you for the one person that actually read my content instead of attacking me. Appreciate your vibes...As a person with Vietnamese roots myself I hope for my homeland to continue to get better in my lifetime. I already left, but I still have hope. Everyone that has a homeland or ancestral root is entitled to their opinion about their roots always. Life shouldn't have to be this way where have to run away from our roots for a better life. Unlike some others that run away, I always want my kid to love where they come from, and through love we demand better quality of life as always.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I say the same thing to my wife that I am an expat and we will return home when we want to have kids. I tell her family that babies ain’t happening for a while.
There’s only a few pluses to having a baby in vietnam like cheap childcare, but other than that, negatives outweigh the positives.
I say the same thing to my wife that I am an expat and we will return home when we want to have kids. I tell her family that babies ain’t happening for a while.
There’s only a few pluses to having a baby in vietnam like cheap childcare, but other than that, negatives outweigh the positives.
I do love my food and culture. I used to love sitting in open smoking cafes previously for my Southern VN culture. Now we strictly go to non-smoking cafes and people always smoke right in front of the door, as well as guards smoke in front. (This is illegal by the way if an establishment has non smoking signs , cannot smoke anywhere near doors). Literally cannot escape the negatives no matter how hard we tried. And I am not about to just spend all my days policing people, it is not my job. This happens even in gated cookie cutter neighborhoods. So ya I agree can't even enjoy positive culture without a negative creeping by. The comments in this post further prove society here cannot take criticism and accountability. Good luck in your future baby raising I think babies are wonderful they make you appreciate life more and want a better quality of life than did have for yourself.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I do love my food and culture. I used to love sitting in open smoking cafes previously for my Southern VN culture. Now we strictly go to non-smoking cafes and people always smoke right in front of the door, as well as guards smoke in front. (This is illegal by the way if an establishment has non smoking signs , cannot smoke anywhere near doors). Literally cannot escape the negatives no matter how hard we tried. And I am not about to just spend all my days policing people, it is not my job. This happens even in gated cookie cutter neighborhoods. So ya I agree can't even enjoy positive culture without a negative creeping by. The comments in this post further prove society here cannot take criticism and accountability. Good luck in your future baby raising I think babies are wonderful they make you appreciate life more and want a better quality of life than did have for yourself.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I don’t get it.
Is this a post to warn us not to visit Vietnam or a post to not have babies?
I don’t get it.
Is this a post to warn us not to visit Vietnam or a post to not have babies?
Not to raise a family in Vietnam. Vietnam is great for singles tho
Not to raise a family in Vietnam. Vietnam is great for singles tho
I feel pretty great with my wife and kids in Vietnam. Maybe OP is just a loser that uses words like "vibing" and "lit" in a post talking about raising their children.
I feel pretty great with my wife and kids in Vietnam. Maybe OP is just a loser that uses words like "vibing" and "lit" in a post talking about raising their children.
It is to warn us all that having kids won't magically put Vietnam in order, or get us the delusional privileges we somehow expected.
It is to warn us all that having kids won't magically put Vietnam in order, or get us the delusional privileges we somehow expected.
As a Vietnamese born and raised outside of Vietnam, this isn't shocking at all. I hear people going back home and complaining how uncivilized the general population in Vietnam can be and how it's so different from how it used to be. That's what happens when you grow up in ghetto Communism for so long. It changes people to be more uncivilized.
As a Vietnamese born and raised outside of Vietnam, this isn't shocking at all. I hear people going back home and complaining how uncivilized the general population in Vietnam can be and how it's so different from how it used to be. That's what happens when you grow up in ghetto Communism for so long. It changes people to be more uncivilized.
If you lived here before having a baby then surely you knew all this already?
If you lived here before having a baby then surely you knew all this already?
some people will never be happy. check back in a couple of years. he'll be leaving another country and posting a long laundry list as well. this time it will be, high cost of living, high taxes, unaffordable housing, unaffordable health insurance, gun violence, mass ..., homelessness, racism, etc, etc.
so he went to Vietnam, found a wife that he couldn't get elsewhere. Trashed the country once he's gotten what he wanted, then left.
some people will never be happy. check back in a couple of years. he'll be leaving another country and posting a long laundry list as well. this time it will be, high cost of living, high taxes, unaffordable housing, unaffordable health insurance, gun violence, mass ..., homelessness, racism, etc, etc.
so he went to Vietnam, found a wife that he couldn't get elsewhere. Trashed the country once he's gotten what he wanted, then left.
Australia is the best country I have visited for having and raising kids. Very kind friendly society.
Australia is the best country I have visited for having and raising kids. Very kind friendly society.
Wow thanks for this tidbit, never considered. But when we traveled and seens Aussies they always are so fit, healthy, outdoors people. Something that fits us alot. Hardly anyone in Vietnam is hiking these days.
Wow thanks for this tidbit, never considered. But when we traveled and seens Aussies they always are so fit, healthy, outdoors people. Something that fits us alot. Hardly anyone in Vietnam is hiking these days.
Google Australia obesity rate lol
Google Australia obesity rate lol
Australia exports professional athletes to USA. Ranked number 4 in active overall athletes exported to USA, despite being the furthest country away from USA. Seems like obesity rates didn't stop them there.
Australia exports professional athletes to USA. Ranked number 4 in active overall athletes exported to USA, despite being the furthest country away from USA. Seems like obesity rates didn't stop them there.
you couldn't afford Australia.
you couldn't afford Australia.
These people don't want to pay that much—they want $1 for a meal. Then they complain about noise, pollution, getting pushed, etc.
这些人不想花那么多钱——他们只想要一顿饭 1 美元。然后他们抱怨噪音、污染、拥挤等等。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
These people don't want to pay that much—they want $1 for a meal. Then they complain about noise, pollution, getting pushed, etc.
这些人不想花那么多钱——他们只想要一顿饭 1 美元。然后他们抱怨噪音、污染、拥挤等等。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I am a native and I have known for so long that I will.never give birth to any of my children and raise them in HCMC/Hanoi.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I am a native and I have known for so long that I will.never give birth to any of my children and raise them in HCMC/Hanoi.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
As someone who spent the first 15 years of his life in Vietnam, I can't help but chuckle a little. This hustling is actually what I miss and precisely why I'm planning to raise my kid in Vietnam so they won't grow up and become whiny little *** like the white kids here in the US
作为一个在越南度过了人生前 15 年的人,我不禁笑了起来。这种忙碌的生活其实是我怀念的,也是我打算在越南抚养我的孩子的原因,这样他们长大后就不会像美国的白人孩子一样变成爱发牢骚的小**
As someone who spent the first 15 years of his life in Vietnam, I can't help but chuckle a little. This hustling is actually what I miss and precisely why I'm planning to raise my kid in Vietnam so they won't grow up and become whiny little *** like the white kids here in the US
作为一个在越南度过了人生前 15 年的人,我不禁笑了起来。这种忙碌的生活其实是我怀念的,也是我打算在越南抚养我的孩子的原因,这样他们长大后就不会像美国的白人孩子一样变成爱发牢骚的小**
What Vietnam are you nostalgic about? Because that Vietnam is eroding at a fast pace. If you spend considerable time in middle class settings in Vietnam like we did, kids here cry when they can't get their ways all the time. With consumerism, middle class wealth and comfort comes whiny bitches. Plus all the kids in Vietnam watch the worse of the worse of TikTok and copy it. Ever since youtube and tiktok, small children outbursts is just so normal here. It really feels like it all changed in the last few years. I don't want my children to grow up around middle class Vietnamese, too materialistic and kids without manners. At least in the West can find Christian Youth Groups that teach manners and respect, while respecting personal liberties, and freedom and exploration of hobbies. In the West, If you live around people without a religion they tend to be of poor quality. Why act better if you don't believe in a GOD or morality?
What Vietnam are you nostalgic about? Because that Vietnam is eroding at a fast pace. If you spend considerable time in middle class settings in Vietnam like we did, kids here cry when they can't get their ways all the time. With consumerism, middle class wealth and comfort comes whiny bitches. Plus all the kids in Vietnam watch the worse of the worse of TikTok and copy it. Ever since youtube and tiktok, small children outbursts is just so normal here. It really feels like it all changed in the last few years. I don't want my children to grow up around middle class Vietnamese, too materialistic and kids without manners. At least in the West can find Christian Youth Groups that teach manners and respect, while respecting personal liberties, and freedom and exploration of hobbies. In the West, If you live around people without a religion they tend to be of poor quality. Why act better if you don't believe in a GOD or morality?
It’s funny how you draw conclusions as if they were truths when in fact you have no idea of the big picture whatsoever.
First you said you lived in all smaller destination cities. Phu Yen is a province, not a city. You can find religious groups such as Christians, Buddhists or Muslims if you look for two seconds. I know for a fact because my family is from Song Cau and my cousin is a pastor. Many of our relatives are very religious and have prayer groups, catechism etc. It’s way more strict and conservative than anything I’ve seen in France and the UK where I’ve lived for most of my life.
You say in another comment that in Europe has a quality of life much superior without ever living in Europe. Lemme tell you that also hugely depends. Safety is a big issue in Europe. Between assaults, knife attacks, random racists acts against Asians, rape, robbery, random vandalism, I mean the list of things to be aware of is long and terrifying. I’m not saying those things don’t exist in Asia or Vietnam but in a faaaaaaaar less extent. Your wife would be an instant target. Many Asians come to live in Paris or other movie worthy cities in France and take a massive slap realizing that the French dream is a myth.
You think TikTok and YouTube are typical of middle class Vietnam. No. It’s typical of people who don’t discipline their kids. Not everyone is a mindless dick leaving tablets and screens to raise their kids.
Your experience of Vietnam has been terrible but maybe it’s not so much about the country itself but about the particular crowds you choose to live with or around.
It’s funny how you draw conclusions as if they were truths when in fact you have no idea of the big picture whatsoever.
First you said you lived in all smaller destination cities. Phu Yen is a province, not a city. You can find religious groups such as Christians, Buddhists or Muslims if you look for two seconds. I know for a fact because my family is from Song Cau and my cousin is a pastor. Many of our relatives are very religious and have prayer groups, catechism etc. It’s way more strict and conservative than anything I’ve seen in France and the UK where I’ve lived for most of my life.
You say in another comment that in Europe has a quality of life much superior without ever living in Europe. Lemme tell you that also hugely depends. Safety is a big issue in Europe. Between assaults, knife attacks, random racists acts against Asians, rape, robbery, random vandalism, I mean the list of things to be aware of is long and terrifying. I’m not saying those things don’t exist in Asia or Vietnam but in a faaaaaaaar less extent. Your wife would be an instant target. Many Asians come to live in Paris or other movie worthy cities in France and take a massive slap realizing that the French dream is a myth.
You think TikTok and YouTube are typical of middle class Vietnam. No. It’s typical of people who don’t discipline their kids. Not everyone is a mindless dick leaving tablets and screens to raise their kids.
Your experience of Vietnam has been terrible but maybe it’s not so much about the country itself but about the particular crowds you choose to live with or around.
Maybe you should move away from areas where you face crimes. That does not exist everywhere in Western nations. While all the facts I wrote like honking, shoving each other, no priority for kids etc are found everywhere in VN (you see it from the airports when you enter the country). If you said its bc of a 3rd world country then check out Thailand, Indonesia and even Cambodia. We lived in 20m VND/month house in VN (people would only spend up to 30% of their income on renting right?) So must be 90% of VN population living in a wrong society?
First define what a Christian is to you? Christianity doesn't truly exist in Vietnam. Catholicism does. Mennonite Christians the more true Christianity have been under persecution since forever here. Stop lying to the public about Christianity in Vietnam. Look on youtube countless videos of real christian pastors jailed or physically beaten up in Vietnam.
And sorry I cannot choose to be around my Christian people in Vietnam as it is not allowed and as a foreigner even more difficult and tightly controlled. So I already fail by living in Vietnam.
Maybe you should move away from areas where you face crimes. That does not exist everywhere in Western nations. While all the facts I wrote like honking, shoving each other, no priority for kids etc are found everywhere in VN (you see it from the airports when you enter the country). If you said its bc of a 3rd world country then check out Thailand, Indonesia and even Cambodia. We lived in 20m VND/month house in VN (people would only spend up to 30% of their income on renting right?) So must be 90% of VN population living in a wrong society?
First define what a Christian is to you? Christianity doesn't truly exist in Vietnam. Catholicism does. Mennonite Christians the more true Christianity have been under persecution since forever here. Stop lying to the public about Christianity in Vietnam. Look on youtube countless videos of real christian pastors jailed or physically beaten up in Vietnam.
And sorry I cannot choose to be around my Christian people in Vietnam as it is not allowed and as a foreigner even more difficult and tightly controlled. So I already fail by living in Vietnam.
Ridiculous levels of yikes in this post
Ridiculous levels of yikes in this post
so he went to Vietnam, found a wife that he couldn't get elsewhere. Trashed the country once he's gotten what he wanted, then left.
so he went to Vietnam, found a wife that he couldn't get elsewhere. Trashed the country once he's gotten what he wanted, then left.
"Hey, now that I have a baby, I just noticed these nasty karaokes at unforgiving hours!"
“嘿,现在我有了孩子,我才注意到这些令人讨厌的卡拉 OK 是在不合适的时间播放的!”
"Hey, now that I have a baby, I just noticed these nasty karaokes at unforgiving hours!"
“嘿,现在我有了孩子,我才注意到这些令人讨厌的卡拉 OK 是在不合适的时间播放的!”
How about all the "massage therapists" hanging around everywhere? It's funny how everything seems great until you have a baby, and then it's a shithole.
How about all the "massage therapists" hanging around everywhere? It's funny how everything seems great until you have a baby, and then it's a shithole.
What do those have to do with a baby?
What do those have to do with a baby?
Just raunchy.
Just raunchy.
Where do you live where they're "everywhere"? lol
Where do you live where they're "everywhere"? lol
that's why he lives in a big city (car honking everywhere). what kind of father would subject their own baby to the level of pollution where people honk their car 24/7?
cars cost 3x in Vietnam. most 99% ride motorcycles. it can't be that difficult to find peaceful town for the baby but no. he needs quick access to the local massage parlors.
这就是他住在大城市的原因(到处都是汽车鸣笛声)。什么样的父亲会让自己的孩子处于这种污染水平,人们 24/7 不停地鸣笛?
在越南,汽车价格是这里的三倍。99% 的人骑摩托车。为孩子找到一个安静的小镇并不难,但他需要能快速到达当地按摩院。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
that's why he lives in a big city (car honking everywhere). what kind of father would subject their own baby to the level of pollution where people honk their car 24/7?
cars cost 3x in Vietnam. most 99% ride motorcycles. it can't be that difficult to find peaceful town for the baby but no. he needs quick access to the local massage parlors.
这就是他住在大城市的原因(到处都是汽车鸣笛声)。什么样的父亲会让自己的孩子处于这种污染水平,人们 24/7 不停地鸣笛?
在越南,汽车价格是这里的三倍。99% 的人骑摩托车。为孩子找到一个安静的小镇并不难,但他需要能快速到达当地按摩院。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Zhè jiùshì tā zhù zài dà chéngshì de yuányīn (dàochù dōu shì qìchē míng dí shēng). Shénme yàng de fùqīn huì ràng zìjǐ de háizǐ chǔyú zhè zhǒng wūrǎn shuǐpíng, rénmen 24/7 bù tíng de míng dí?
I think people feel attacked because everything you described pre-existed your life as a parent. You sound incredibly entitled to shove down entirely a country and its people without recognizing maybe you didn’t make the right choice to raise a child in the particular neighborhood you were living in, which could apply to many other cities on earth. Furthermore you actually prove you have the privilege to choose where you live by moving away, which locals don’t have.
I can assure raising a child is not like that everywhere in Vietnam at all.
And also that not all Vietnamese people will pee in your yard or bully you if you talk to them.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I think people feel attacked because everything you described pre-existed your life as a parent. You sound incredibly entitled to shove down entirely a country and its people without recognizing maybe you didn’t make the right choice to raise a child in the particular neighborhood you were living in, which could apply to many other cities on earth. Furthermore you actually prove you have the privilege to choose where you live by moving away, which locals don’t have.
I can assure raising a child is not like that everywhere in Vietnam at all.
And also that not all Vietnamese people will pee in your yard or bully you if you talk to them.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
a lot of his grievances are unfair and hugely exaggerated. your last sentence shows his true colors.
a lot of his grievances are unfair and hugely exaggerated. your last sentence shows his true colors.
I don't understand how you could've had a better time before you had a kid as those things have always been here and will remain no matter what. This is just Vietnam you're describing.
I don't understand how you could've had a better time before you had a kid as those things have always been here and will remain no matter what. This is just Vietnam you're describing.
Lover your standards or don’t live in third world country. That’s simple.
Lover your standards or don’t live in third world country. That’s simple.
Unfortunately this is correct. If you don't need to live here and raising a child is that unbearable then find a better country. I'm not saying I disagree with anything you've said - but if it's really that bad then leaving is your only option, you won't escape any of the deeply ingrained behaviors that you've highlighted, I've noticed many of them as well.
Unfortunately this is correct. If you don't need to live here and raising a child is that unbearable then find a better country. I'm not saying I disagree with anything you've said - but if it's really that bad then leaving is your only option, you won't escape any of the deeply ingrained behaviors that you've highlighted, I've noticed many of them as well.
butbutbut how can he get meal for $1???
butbutbut how can he get meal for $1???
Yes. Exactly that. Country can’t be cheap without consequences.
Personally, I find “wilderness” of VN very cute. All this buzz, honking, low personal culture, low sanitation standards. It’s really looks like kids was abandoned by parents and they must figure out how to live on their own and build a society.
I totally understand what it cost to VN for have a low prices.
And I totally understand that VN is not cheap at all for most of the locals.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Yes. Exactly that. Country can’t be cheap without consequences.
Personally, I find “wilderness” of VN very cute. All this buzz, honking, low personal culture, low sanitation standards. It’s really looks like kids was abandoned by parents and they must figure out how to live on their own and build a society.
I totally understand what it cost to VN for have a low prices.
And I totally understand that VN is not cheap at all for most of the locals.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Oh, having a baby is hard? Grow ** up. Get a car. Eat at non-smoking places. Move into a gated community. Sounds like you are living 2 streets off of Bui Vien expecting it to be a good area to raise a child.
Oh, having a baby is hard? Grow ** up. Get a car. Eat at non-smoking places. Move into a gated community. Sounds like you are living 2 streets off of Bui Vien expecting it to be a good area to raise a child.
This is some of that shitty attitude raising a baby opinions shes talking about.
This is some of that shitty attitude raising a baby opinions shes talking about.
exactly. who would raise a city where people honk 24/7? he needs quick access to the local massage parlor.
exactly. who would raise a city where people honk 24/7? he needs quick access to the local massage parlor.
Yeah life before and after a kid or more is not the same. Takes responsibility No more carefree nights
A father to 3 !
Yeah life before and after a kid or more is not the same. Takes responsibility No more carefree nights
A father to 3 !
this is like complaining that water is too wet when you specifically go into the ocean....
isn't it obvious that everyone in Vietnam that is capable of making money send their kid abroad ?
everyone's trying to get out while you're , no idea what you are doing
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
this is like complaining that water is too wet when you specifically go into the ocean....
isn't it obvious that everyone in Vietnam that is capable of making money send their kid abroad ?
everyone's trying to get out while you're , no idea what you are doing
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Just saying. OP is the type of person who thinks the world is revolving around them.
Just saying. OP is the type of person who thinks the world is revolving around them.
It was a great country until I had a kid. How dare they not cater to my new needs? The nerve of them viets...
It was a great country until I had a kid. How dare they not cater to my new needs? The nerve of them viets...
Move to the countryside. Hopefully you're married- go to your wife's hometown and build a house. Worked for us.
Move to the countryside. Hopefully you're married- go to your wife's hometown and build a house. Worked for us.
We tried that but the constant karaoke and fires made the old city look like a panacea! Might work if you can get a really big plot though to create a bit of distance and incorporate some quality soundproofing into the build.
We tried that but the constant karaoke and fires made the old city look like a panacea! Might work if you can get a really big plot though to create a bit of distance and incorporate some quality soundproofing into the build.
Maybe I got lucky. 2.5 acres in the countryside and my neighbors are far enough away it's no bother when they do karaoke. A big trick is to not be on a through road, I live on a cul de sac esque road.
Maybe I got lucky. 2.5 acres in the countryside and my neighbors are far enough away it's no bother when they do karaoke. A big trick is to not be on a through road, I live on a cul de sac esque road.
aka Vietnam is great if you don't have to deal with the locals
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
aka Vietnam is great if you don't have to deal with the locals
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I like to keep the locals at arm's length. I don't mind going to the local pub here and there. To be fair, this would be the same for any people's group- I like to keep neighbors in general at arm's length.
I like to keep the locals at arm's length. I don't mind going to the local pub here and there. To be fair, this would be the same for any people's group- I like to keep neighbors in general at arm's length.
off all his complaints, the only thing that is valid is the karaoke thing. the rest is made up BS.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
off all his complaints, the only thing that is valid is the karaoke thing. the rest is made up BS.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Absolutely the last place on earth I would wanna have a kid.
Though frankly I don't know how you couldn't have anticipated this before giving birth.
Absolutely the last place on earth I would wanna have a kid.
Though frankly I don't know how you couldn't have anticipated this before giving birth.
so where's "better"? the U.S.?
hope your kid won't join a gang, become addicted or just become victim of random school ...
so where's "better"? the U.S.?
hope your kid won't join a gang, become addicted or just become victim of random school ...
minority kid? enjoy the racism too.
minority kid? enjoy the racism too.
I have 2 kids, 1 is three, and the other is 7 months. Both born in Vietnam. So much better to raise them here than in Europe where I come from. Everything way cheaper, still old good traditional family values so the kids are respectful to their elders and play along with their relatives. I drive bike and car and yes sometimes the traffic can be annoying but you just need to get used to it, it's not a big deal. In my opinion, you should stop winning and just adapt, be positive, and make the most of the situation. If your area is too noisy and crowded, think of moving to another place.
I have 2 kids, 1 is three, and the other is 7 months. Both born in Vietnam. So much better to raise them here than in Europe where I come from. Everything way cheaper, still old good traditional family values so the kids are respectful to their elders and play along with their relatives. I drive bike and car and yes sometimes the traffic can be annoying but you just need to get used to it, it's not a big deal. In my opinion, you should stop winning and just adapt, be positive, and make the most of the situation. If your area is too noisy and crowded, think of moving to another place.
How do you deal with the terrible pollution and lack of outdoor spaces? I would put those pretty high up in my list of priorities when raising a toddler.
I just assumed you are in Hanoi/HCM maybe u are in a smaller city
How do you deal with the terrible pollution and lack of outdoor spaces? I would put those pretty high up in my list of priorities when raising a toddler.
I just assumed you are in Hanoi/HCM maybe u are in a smaller city
What do you mean "how"? Maybe by not having a bougie attitude? What is this, lack of outdoor space? Do you need your own garden or something? Lol
What do you mean "how"? Maybe by not having a bougie attitude? What is this, lack of outdoor space? Do you need your own garden or something? Lol
I’m simply replying to his statement about here being much better than in Europe to raise a kid. Everybody has their own preference but with Saigon and Hanoi being constantly in the top list of most polluted cities in the world that would already make it a deal breaker for here being a better place. And no, I do not need a garden to raise a kid, but you can’t deny the lack of public areas in the city. Kids are not meant to spend all their time in a tiniWorld or other shopping mall playgrounds.
I’m simply replying to his statement about here being much better than in Europe to raise a kid. Everybody has their own preference but with Saigon and Hanoi being constantly in the top list of most polluted cities in the world that would already make it a deal breaker for here being a better place. And no, I do not need a garden to raise a kid, but you can’t deny the lack of public areas in the city. Kids are not meant to spend all their time in a tiniWorld or other shopping mall playgrounds.
You don't realize how tone-deaf that sounds. Just a reminder, some kids are lucky to have mall playgrounds. It’s all about perspective, bruh.
You don't realize how tone-deaf that sounds. Just a reminder, some kids are lucky to have mall playgrounds. It’s all about perspective, bruh.
Yes I'm near Hanoi but not in the center. Hanoi has plenty of nice parks, for example, Hoa Binh Park. The pollution it's true, but what can we do about it? Luckily I'm not right inside of Hanoi but in the outskirts, here not as much pollution.
Yes I'm near Hanoi but not in the center. Hanoi has plenty of nice parks, for example, Hoa Binh Park. The pollution it's true, but what can we do about it? Luckily I'm not right inside of Hanoi but in the outskirts, here not as much pollution.
You can't do nothing about pollution but at the same time I wouldn't say that raising kids in a one of the most polluted cities in the world is "much better than in Europe". There aren't many places as polluted as Hanoi over there and even if you have a nice park like Hoa Binh, what for if it's not recommended to go outdoor?
Constant exposure to high pollutant is especially dangerous for kids, with studies even showing how their lungs are smaller than the ones of kids raised in less polluted areas.
I'm not questioning other people's life decisions, I just wouldn't call Hanoi/Saigon as good places for kids in general.
You can't do nothing about pollution but at the same time I wouldn't say that raising kids in a one of the most polluted cities in the world is "much better than in Europe". There aren't many places as polluted as Hanoi over there and even if you have a nice park like Hoa Binh, what for if it's not recommended to go outdoor?
Constant exposure to high pollutant is especially dangerous for kids, with studies even showing how their lungs are smaller than the ones of kids raised in less polluted areas.
I'm not questioning other people's life decisions, I just wouldn't call Hanoi/Saigon as good places for kids in general.
So far their health is great, and I don't live inside Hanoi, but even if I did, one needs to decide where to live according to many different factors, not just the air pollution. There's pollution but not as crazy as the media wants you to think about it. Should I go back to Europe where I wouldn't be able to save money and provide my children with good life conditions?where my wife instead being with them until they are 2 or 3 years old, needs to put them in a nursery since they are 6 months old and lose a precious time of their lives to spend with their mom? Cause in Europe we can't afford for her to stay home. In general kids here, don't put their parents into retirement homes, or are disrespectful towards them. Like we see in the West. So many elderly people left alone in a retirement home being forgotten by their families. So all places have positive and negative aspects.
So far their health is great, and I don't live inside Hanoi, but even if I did, one needs to decide where to live according to many different factors, not just the air pollution. There's pollution but not as crazy as the media wants you to think about it. Should I go back to Europe where I wouldn't be able to save money and provide my children with good life conditions?where my wife instead being with them until they are 2 or 3 years old, needs to put them in a nursery since they are 6 months old and lose a precious time of their lives to spend with their mom? Cause in Europe we can't afford for her to stay home. In general kids here, don't put their parents into retirement homes, or are disrespectful towards them. Like we see in the West. So many elderly people left alone in a retirement home being forgotten by their families. So all places have positive and negative aspects.
why do you need to live in Hanoi or HCM?
sex tourists prefer the big cities for the massage parlors and bars then complain about noise, pollution, lack of space?
why do you need to live in Hanoi or HCM?
sex tourists prefer the big cities for the massage parlors and bars then complain about noise, pollution, lack of space?
Europe as an outsider seems so much more walkable and better society. The infrastructure is super developed for walkable cities (which the whole world is striving for) As an American, I think Europe out performs us in daily quality of life. Always surprised that Europeans would want to live in Vietnam. I can understand Americans since some parts of America is just trash.
Europe as an outsider seems so much more walkable and better society. The infrastructure is super developed for walkable cities (which the whole world is striving for) As an American, I think Europe out performs us in daily quality of life. Always surprised that Europeans would want to live in Vietnam. I can understand Americans since some parts of America is just trash.
Vietnam is dirt cheap. Like dirt dirt cheap.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Vietnam is dirt cheap. Like dirt dirt cheap.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
most of the OP's complaints are LIES.
most of the OP's complaints are LIES.
Don't have kids in Vietnam, too many already
Don't have kids in Vietnam, too many already
You can drive a baby around on a scooter with or without a helmet though so that’s good
You can drive a baby around on a scooter with or without a helmet though so that’s good
You want the world to change for you and your baby? Don't feel so entitled. Why would people hold the door for you or let you go first? Having a baby doesn't mean you need special treatment all the time. Everybody has their own work and they are going to do that. If you have a problem with smoking and all, move to a less crowded area and less party area. If the walls are thin, move to a better society. Nobody gonna rebuild the society for you and your baby.
You want the world to change for you and your baby? Don't feel so entitled. Why would people hold the door for you or let you go first? Having a baby doesn't mean you need special treatment all the time. Everybody has their own work and they are going to do that. If you have a problem with smoking and all, move to a less crowded area and less party area. If the walls are thin, move to a better society. Nobody gonna rebuild the society for you and your baby.
he sounds like a DB. came to Vietnam and found a wife he would not have gotten elsewhere, then trashed the country on his way out.
he sounds like a DB. came to Vietnam and found a wife he would not have gotten elsewhere, then trashed the country on his way out.
I appreciate you posting this. We have our first baby on the way and was considering switching up boring regional Australia to Saigon half the time. I love the chaos (probably ADHD like everyone else), my happy place is battling traffic in the city in the pursuit of good food. I know a stroller is probably useless outside D1 but has to be some benefits to raising a baby in Vietnam compared to Australia right?
I appreciate you posting this. We have our first baby on the way and was considering switching up boring regional Australia to Saigon half the time. I love the chaos (probably ADHD like everyone else), my happy place is battling traffic in the city in the pursuit of good food. I know a stroller is probably useless outside D1 but has to be some benefits to raising a baby in Vietnam compared to Australia right?
Got to down vote you for this one; all these issues are obvious before deciding to have a baby. Honestly glad you left (no hate), doesn’t sound like it’s right for you or your child
Got to down vote you for this one; all these issues are obvious before deciding to have a baby. Honestly glad you left (no hate), doesn’t sound like it’s right for you or your child
The middle of the city is not an ideal place to raise a baby. You’ve got to move to a nicer apartment complex or detach home for that. People are generally nicer/more civilized in those high end apartments. Also your neighbor are more likely to be foreigners and more considerate.
The middle of the city is not an ideal place to raise a baby. You’ve got to move to a nicer apartment complex or detach home for that. People are generally nicer/more civilized in those high end apartments. Also your neighbor are more likely to be foreigners and more considerate.
What makes it difficult is having no babie's grandparent around to help raise them.
As a foreigner, I'm treated a lot better when they know I'm a father of a mixed kid.
What makes it difficult is having no babie's grandparent around to help raise them.
As a foreigner, I'm treated a lot better when they know I'm a father of a mixed kid.
yeah i mean this is common in VN, I grew up in VN, i turned out fine. As a parent, I understand the struggle too, every country has some sort of problem when you try to raise your kids, and it also depending on the area of that country + city + district/county so there’s always multiple upsides and downsides when you’re raising a kid depending on where you stay.
Have you looked at more kid friendly area around you?
yeah i mean this is common in VN, I grew up in VN, i turned out fine. As a parent, I understand the struggle too, every country has some sort of problem when you try to raise your kids, and it also depending on the area of that country + city + district/county so there’s always multiple upsides and downsides when you’re raising a kid depending on where you stay.
Have you looked at more kid friendly area around you?
So no offense to anyone, i think u live in low,average income neighborhood. Considering our country is developing, dont expect majority of ppl care about manner after they spend 12h earning living. So maybe if u come back to VN, investigate the neighbor 1st b4 u rent a house
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
So no offense to anyone, i think u live in low,average income neighborhood. Considering our country is developing, dont expect majority of ppl care about manner after they spend 12h earning living. So maybe if u come back to VN, investigate the neighbor 1st b4 u rent a house
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Believe it or not, there are actually rules implemented to prevent noises after 22.00
I have a viet friend who managed to call the police cus there was construction work in his alley until 1 am.
The only issue is that the people making the noise often don't care and just try and divide the noise up to not get police out there again.
Believe it or not, there are actually rules implemented to prevent noises after 22.00
I have a viet friend who managed to call the police cus there was construction work in his alley until 1 am.
The only issue is that the people making the noise often don't care and just try and divide the noise up to not get police out there again.
Which city is this? I found the rudeness apparent in Hanoi — yelled at for petting someone’s dog, bumped on the sidewalk when there was so much space. I don’t think there’s any general politeness, more idgaf about you, mind your own business attitude. Similar to NYC which I visit every year. Do you think it got worse when you got pregnant?
BTW In Da Nang I feel none of that rudeness. I think it also really depends on your location, we read every single review on prospective airbnb for noise complaints as I’m an extremely light sleeper. Even in a smaller city it can be quite noisy depending on your location.
I would recommend Bali or Chiang Mai for you, I don’t think any larger SEA city is good for raising a kid.
Which city is this? I found the rudeness apparent in Hanoi — yelled at for petting someone’s dog, bumped on the sidewalk when there was so much space. I don’t think there’s any general politeness, more idgaf about you, mind your own business attitude. Similar to NYC which I visit every year. Do you think it got worse when you got pregnant?
BTW In Da Nang I feel none of that rudeness. I think it also really depends on your location, we read every single review on prospective airbnb for noise complaints as I’m an extremely light sleeper. Even in a smaller city it can be quite noisy depending on your location.
I would recommend Bali or Chiang Mai for you, I don’t think any larger SEA city is good for raising a kid.
Lived in all the smaller destination cities. I guess we are the unlucky statistic to experience the same experience in each location to some varying degree. The overall lack of manners exist from top to bottom countrywide. Haven't ever lived in Hanoi or Saigon, can't even imagine the torture those places are to live in, Da Nang is the only decent city out of anywhere honestly, but the weather and pollution is terrible, but the people are quite nice and easy going there. So yea thats why we left VN. Lived in the following small destination cities below...
Lived in all the smaller destination cities. I guess we are the unlucky statistic to experience the same experience in each location to some varying degree. The overall lack of manners exist from top to bottom countrywide. Haven't ever lived in Hanoi or Saigon, can't even imagine the torture those places are to live in, Da Nang is the only decent city out of anywhere honestly, but the weather and pollution is terrible, but the people are quite nice and easy going there. So yea thats why we left VN. Lived in the following small destination cities below...
Da Lat
Da Nang
Nha Trang
Quy Nhon
Phu Yen
Da Nang
Nha Trang
Quy Nhon
Phu Yen
Yep, sounds like VN alright. How long did you last in this supposedly wonderful country?
Yep, sounds like VN alright. How long did you last in this supposedly wonderful country?
OP pretty much nailed everything. Theres a variant that has kids and dogs crying nonstop along with the late night karaoke. Oh and when you get to deal with the laws like sueing someone then you are gonna be in a wild rode.
OP pretty much nailed everything. Theres a variant that has kids and dogs crying nonstop along with the late night karaoke. Oh and when you get to deal with the laws like sueing someone then you are gonna be in a wild rode.
From all these posts and things im reading, after living here for nine years myself, when will the Viets ever grow up? I just don’t know
From all these posts and things im reading, after living here for nine years myself, when will the Viets ever grow up? I just don’t know
I sympathize with you but I also think you just need to move apartment/house. A lot of these issues sound very area specific
I sympathize with you but I also think you just need to move apartment/house. A lot of these issues sound very area specific
Time to move away from bui Vien street
Maybe find a city of 500k-1m people instead
是时候远离Bùi Viên街了
Time to move away from bui Vien street
Maybe find a city of 500k-1m people instead
是时候远离Bùi Viên街了
很赞 7