2025-01-17 浪子不回头 6670

-As the wildfires continue to ravage southern California bogus information is spreading online. We saw claims the Hollywood sign was in flames, looters were calmly walking out of homes with TVs, and confusion over a picture that's not even from California. Scammers are feeding on this misinformation, trying to take advantage of victims Melissa Mahtani is the executive producer of CBS News confirmed. She is here to help us sort fact from fiction. Good morning.


-Good morning.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

-So how can people tell when something is real? I know this is like the basic focus of your life's work, but especially in terms of a natural disaster, what should people be looking for?


-Right, so in times of natural disasters, it gets more difficult because people are very emotional. They're vulnerable, so they're not thinking properly, right? Let's take a look at the images that you just showed, and let's go through them one by one, and I'll give you some clues. So the first one is Hollywood sign on fire, now, this is actually AI generated. There were various versions of this, one of them was quite obvious, it actually had the Grok logo at the bottom, and Grok is ***'s AI-generated image tool, so that was kind of a giveaway. Some of them were quite realistic, though, especially if you've only seen the Hollywood sign in the movies, so what do you do? You check the source, who is the account or the person that is sharing this information and why? Do they have a track record of sharing reliable information? Second, check the official sources, so the Hollywood sign is so famous that it actually has its own social-media account, and it was saying that, no, the Hollywood sign is not on fire. Equally, fire-tracking apps are showing where the fires were in California, they clearly showed that there were no fires around the sign. So that's another giveaway. Now, if those sound like too much work to do, the easiest and most simple thing to do is just google it. Like, is the Hollywood sign on fire, right? You get off social media, you go and cross-check what other media is saying, and you'll very quickly see if something is gaining traction if it's real or not. That's quite a simple one.


-And don't spread it.


-You need to pause before you share this stuff because people want to take advantage of you, they want you to kind of see something, share it, it gives them more followers. Sometimes it's for a gain for them that could be nefarious, so if we move on to the next one, you'll begin to understand why. This image purported to show a mosque with a red roof that had survived all the fires and stood standing in California. Actually, this image is an old image shared as if it was new, and it's of a red-roofed house that survived the Hawaii fires in 2023. Now, do you guys remember the last time I was here and we were talking about tools you could use? And we talked about a reverse image search, so that's exactly, essentially, it's a Google image search, but it's a Google search for images. It sounds complicated, but you could put this picture in and you would see the history of where it had been posted and you would see that it actually came from Hawaii. If you didn't want to put the image in, you could, again, just google red-roofed mosque, did it survive California? Very simple thing to do, right? But again, check the source, who is posting this? This is from a religious account. So, again, why might they be trying to do that? Sometimes the person who's receiving it, they might want to believe that a mosque had survived, so you need to pause, you need to check your emotions, but this third one, this is quite difficult, and I will say it's very easy to do. This was video, I believe we can show it, and this was video that was shared with a misleading caption, but the video is actually real. And this was basically friends who were helping family evacuate their house, so you could see a guy in a hoodie, he was helping move stuff out of the house. This video was shared saying looting, and again, this is where you really, really need to pause and cheek your emotions. Oftentimes, people are posting inflammatory content, because it's something that people want to believe and they'll share it very, very quickly. But you need to do your due diligence, check who's sharing it, think about why, check your emotions, check official sources, and cross-check the information that you're seeing online.


-Lots of checking, that's why they say do your research, I guess. Is your job changing in any way, now, that Meta is going to strop independently fact checking? So they had partnered with these organizations, they've later said that they thought they weren't good organizations for this job. Now the community will do its own fact checking. How does that change your job, and what advice do you have for people who are in thar community who are going to be fact checking themselves?


-So in terms of our job, we are always checking ourselves and not relying on other people. But for people who are out there, our viewers, this is going to mean that they need to take more control of what I call their media diet. So all the tips that I just ran through, this needs to become second nature to people, and CBS News confirmed has put together a quick checklist, so people at home can take a screenshot of this and just run through each thing that I talked about. So check the source, are they reliable? do they have a track record of being reliable? You want to check the date because, as I just talked about, there's old media that is often shared as new. You want to cross-check your information, google it, see what other news outlets are saying about it. And this one is the last one, but it's really the most important is check your emotions, we're all guilty of seeing a headline on social media and sharing it.


-And especially in a time like this.


While investigators work to find out what caused multiple wildfires in the Los Angeles area, some conspiracies about the fires' origins have spread on social media platforms.
Posts about baseless theories — ranging from celebrity involvement to secret government weapons — have racked up millions of views.
Despite fact-checking efforts, researchers say conspiracies of this kind regularly emerge after large wildfires.
"I think that the more emotionally overwhelming it is, the more likely we are to just see high volumes of conspiracy theories to cope and make people feel like they have control," said misinformation researcher Abbie Richards.

虚假信息研究员阿比-理查兹(Abbie Richards)说:"我认为,越是在情绪上难以承受的情况下,我们就越有可能看到大量的阴谋论来应对,让人们感觉自己能够控制局面。"

Directed energy weapons conspiracy resurfaces


Misleading videos have fueled false claims that directed energy weapons, often referred to as DEWs, ignited the flames. The conspiracy theory suggests that governments or secret organizations use lasers or microwave systems to ignite fires.
Experts have repeatedly debunked these claims, attributing irregular burn patterns to natural factors like wind, terrain and vegetation.
While the U.S. has developed and tested DEWs for military applications — such as disabling enemy drones or missiles — there is no credible evidence of DEWs being employed in civilian settings, including for igniting wildfires.
The DEW theory also surfaced during the California wildfires of 2018, with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene claiming in a now-dexed social media post the fires could be caused by lasers from space. And online users spread the conspiracy during other disasters including the Canadian and Maui fires in 2023 and the Texas Smokehouse Creek wildfire in 2024.
"Most people will see this sort of stuff and completely reject it because it doesn't match with how they already view the world. But there are people who view the world through a conspiratorial lens," said Joseph Uscinski, co-author of "American Conspiracy Theories."

误导性视频助长了关于定向能武器(通常被称为 DEWs)点燃大火的虚假说法。这种阴谋论认为,政府或秘密组织使用激光或微波系统点燃大火。
2018年加州野火期间,DEW理论也浮出水面,众议员马乔里-泰勒-格林(Marjorie Taylor Greene)在一篇现已删除的社交媒体帖子中称,大火可能是由来自太空的激光造成的。而在其他灾难期间,包括 2023 年的加拿大和毛伊岛大火以及 2024 年的德克萨斯州斯莫克豪斯溪野火,网上用户也在传播这一阴谋。
“大多数人看到这种东西会完全拒绝,因为这不符合他们已经形成的世界观。但也有人会从阴谋论的角度来看待这个世界,"《美国阴谋论》的合著者约瑟夫-乌辛斯基(Joseph Uscinski)说。

Claims that weather is manmade


Claims have circulated that the government could have geoengineered rain to stop the Los Angeles wildfires.
Theories that the government has some control over the weather have surfaced after several natural disasters, including hurricanes Helene and Milton. And meteorologists and agencies including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have debunked these claims.
People blame the government or company executives because it's easier than facing structural problems, like drought conditions," Geoff Dancy, a political science professor at the University of Toronto, told CBS News.
"That is more attractive to people that are desperate for order amid catastrophe," Dancy said.
The U.S. Government Accountability Office said in a December assessment on cloud seeding at least nine states are using the technology, which is "primarily funded at the state level or below" and there is little federal intervention.
For cloud seeding to be effective, the atmosphere around greater Los Angeles would have required more moisture in the clouds for water vapor to be condensed, Katja Friedrich, a cloud physics expert and professor at Colorado University at Boulder, told PolitiFact.
"The L.A. area is currently so dry that there is not enough water that you could condense," Friedrich said.

多伦多大学政治学教授杰夫-丹西(Geoff Dancy)告诉哥伦比亚广播公司新闻(CBS News):"人们指责政府或公司高管,因为这比面对结构性问题(如干旱状况)更容易。
美国政府问责局在 12 月的一份关于云播种的评估报告中说,至少有 9 个州正在使用这种技术,“主要由州一级或州以下提供资金,联邦几乎没有干预。”
云物理学专家、科罗拉多大学博尔德分校教授卡佳-弗里德里希(Katja Friedrich)告诉 PolitiFact,要使云种子技术有效,大洛杉矶周围的大气需要云层中有更多的水分,水蒸气才能凝结。

Land grab conspiracy


Another unfounded claim shared on social media suggests the Southern California wildfires were started to clear land so officials could make way for what are called "smart cities," aligned with United Nations' goals.
The U.N.'s agenda to cut global emissions includes making cities more sustainable. And the Los Angeles Area's SmartLA 2028 initiative suggests renovating the city's transportation systems, among other technological changes, to make the city greener — but the plan does not involve mass demolition or rebuilding.
This conspiracy also gained traction after the wildfires in Maui, when a video of Hawaii's governor was clipped, taken out of context and shared to bolster the false claim the state was aiming to create a "smart city" on scorched land. And similar theories were debunked after wildfires in Canada and Spain's Canary Islands.

联合国的全球减排议程包括使城市更具可持续性。洛杉矶地区的SmartLA 2028计划建议对城市的交通系统进行翻新,并进行其他技术改革,以使城市更加环保——但该计划并不涉及大规模的拆迁或重建。

Celebrity crime cover-up conspiracy

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Some posts that reached millions of people on TikTok falsely claim the wildfires were sparked to destroy evidence in the sex trafficking case against Sean "Diddy" Combs — falsely claiming his mansion was consumed in flames.
In reality, Combs' mansion remains intact and outside the evacuation zone as of Jan. 16.
His home was raided in March by federal agents who seized evidence on the property, and People reported the home was listed for sale in September.
False claims about celebrity homes also spread after the Maui wildfire, with some users sharing baseless claims that Oprah Winfrey helped start those fires.


Addressing the spread of conspiracies


By coincidence, on the day the wildfires started, Facebook announced it was ending its third party fact checking program and loosening its automated systems that police policy violations, instead relying more on users to report issues before they take action. The platform is adopting a crowdsourced "community notes" system, similar to Elon Musk's ***.
Dancy said conspiracy theorists are "benefitting from the information revolution" we live in. "It's an attention economy, and conspiracy theories get attention," Dancy said.
He advocates for regulating social media algorithms that prioritize sensational content.
Richards, who wrote a thesis about climate conspiracy theories circulating on TikTok, agreed.
"You're fighting against algorithms that are designed for profit and not for creating a well-informed and healthy society," she said.



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